Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 仓库工作量统计,退单数量统计
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadStoreWorkReport(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"select PickingName as 姓名,COUNT(orderid) as 拣货订单数量, 
SUM(Summoney) as 拣货总金额,SUM(RowNum) as 拣货行数,SUM(PackageNum) as 拣货件数 
from View_OrderPicking
where BranchId={0} and StoreFinishTime>='{1}' and StoreFinishTime<'{2}'", option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());

            if (option.SalesId != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and PickingUserId = {0}", option.SalesId);
            sql += string.Format("group by PickingName order by 姓名 desc;");
            sql += string.Format(@"select PackageName as 打包员,COUNT(orderid) as 打包订单数量, 
SUM(Summoney) as 打包总金额,SUM(RowNum) as 打包行数,SUM(PackageNum) as 打包件数 
from View_OrderPicking
where BranchId={0} and StoreFinishTime>='{1}' and StoreFinishTime<'{2}'
", option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());
            if (option.SalesId != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and PackageUserId = {0}", option.SalesId);
            sql += ("group by PackageName order by 打包员 desc;");

            sql += string.Format(@"select COUNT(OrderId) as 退单数量, SUM(SumMoney) as 退货金额 from View_Order 
        where SumMoney<0 and BranchId={0} and StoreFinishTime>='{1}' and StoreFinishTime<'{2}' ;
", option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取待盘点报表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadStoreDetailInventory(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"select Id as '库存ID',StoreId as '仓库',StoreZone as '货架编号',GoodsId as '商品编号',TypeName as '商品类别',DisplayName as '商品名称',Num as '当前库存量',Unit as '单位',0 as'盘点数量'  from View_GoodsStore where BranchId={0} and StoreZone<>'收货区'", option.BranchId);

            if (option.StoreId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and StoreId={0} ", option.StoreId);
            if (option.TypeId > 0)
                GoodsType gt = new GoodsType();
                gt.Id = option.TypeId;
                sql += string.Format(" and Code like '{0}%'  ", gt.Code);
            if (option.KeyWords != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and DisplayName like '%{0}%' ", option.KeyWords);
            if (option.SalesId != 0)//重用了该字段:只显示库存不为零的商品
                sql += " and Num <> 0 ";
            sql += " order by StoreZone desc ";

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 应收账款报表--区间数据 2014-10-10 lihailong  效率较低,待改进
        /// ERP FAR.cs 中调用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadARReport(ReportOption option)
            //--QC	起初总数=qichuxiaoshou-qichushouhui	    XS销售qijianxiaoshou		SH收款       QJXZ期间销账      QM期末金额=QC-qijianxiaoshou+SH
            //QC期初数	XS销售	SH收回	QM期末余额
            string sql = string.Format(@" select ComId,Name,SalesId, SalesName,ServiceId, ServiceName, 0 as QC,
(select SUM(SumMoney) from dbo.View_Order o
    where  o.ComId=c.ComId and  IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and o.StoreFinishTime  >='2014-01-01' and StoreFinishTime<'{1}' ) as 'qichuxiaoshou'
,(select SUM(chargeoff) from View_OrderReceiveMoney  rm 
    where ComId=c.ComId and ReceiveDate >='2014-01-01' and ReceiveDate<'{1}' and BranchId={0} and PayStatus <> '' ) as 'qichuxiaozhang'
,(select SUM(SumMoney) from View_Order o 
    where o.ComId=c.ComId and  IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0   and StoreFinishTime >='{1}' and StoreFinishTime<'{2}' and BranchId={0} ) as 'qijianxiaoshou'
,(select SUM(chargeoff) from View_OrderReceiveMoney rm 
    where rm.ComId=c.ComId and ReceiveDate >='{1}' and ReceiveDate<'{2}' and BranchId={0} ) as 'qijianxiaozhang'
,(select SUM(ReceiveMoney) from View_OrderReceiveMoney rm 
    where rm.ComId=c.ComId and ReceiveDate >='{1}' and ReceiveDate<'{2}' and BranchId={0} ) as 'qijianshoukuan'
,(select SUM(Chargeoff) from View_OrderReceiveMoney  rm 
    where rm.ComId=c.ComId and ReceiveDate >='{1}' and ReceiveDate<'{2}' and BranchId={0} ) as 'QJXZ'
(select SUM(InvoiceMoney) from OrderStatement where ComId = c.ComId and  PayStatus <> '已付款') InvoiceMoney ,
(select SUM(NeedToInvoice) from OrderStatement where ComId = c.ComId and  PayStatus <> '已付款') NeedToInvoice 
from view_company c
    where c.ComId in
select distinct ComId from View_Order where 1=1  and  IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and  StoreFinishTime<'{2}'   and BranchId={0}
union all
select distinct comId from View_OrderReceiveMoney where BranchId={0} and ReceiveDate <'{2}'
    ) order by  qichuxiaoshou desc;", option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());

Beispiel #4
        public DataSet ReadPurchaseReport(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"
                select purchaseType as 采购类型, Sum(SumMoney) as '金额',COUNT(summoney) as 次数,COUNT(distinct Company) as 供应商家数 
            from view_purchase where BranchId={0} and  PurchaseDate >='{1}' and PurchaseDate <'{2}' and SupplierId <> 94 and SupplierId <> 322
            group by PurchaseType order by 金额 desc;
                select PurchaseUserName as 采购员, SUM(summoney) as 金额,COUNT(summoney) as 次数 
            from View_Purchase where BranchId={0} and  PurchaseDate >='{1}' and PurchaseDate <'{2}' and SupplierId <> 94 and SupplierId <> 322  and PurchaseType like '现金%'
            group by PurchaseUserName order by 金额 desc;
                select SupplierId as 供应商编号,Company as 供应商名称,ShortName as 供应商简称,Sum(SumMoney) as 采购金额
            from view_Purchase 
            where BranchId={0} and  PurchaseDate >='{1}' and PurchaseDate <'{2}'  and SupplierId <>94 and SupplierId<>322
            group by SupplierId,Company,ShortName order by 采购金额 desc;
                select Company,SUM(summoney) as 金额,COUNT(summoney) as 次数 
            from View_Purchase where BranchId={0} and  PurchaseDate >='{1}' and PurchaseDate <'{2}' and Company like '%信用卡%'
            group by Company order by 金额 desc;
                select gt.TypeName as 商品类型,gt.Code,0 as 金额 from GoodsType gt where gt.Level=1 order by gt.Code;
                select ID as 供应商编号,Company as 供应商名称,ShortName as 供应商简称,AddTime as 添加时间,Major as 主营业务
            from Supplier where  BranchId={0} and AddTime >='{1}' and AddTime <'{2}' and Company not like '%信用卡%' order by ID;
                select count(distinct GoodsId) as 新品数量 from View_PurchaseDetail
            where GoodsId in ( select Id from Goods where goods.AddTime >='{1}' and goods.AddTime <'{2}');
                select left(code,2) as code,SUM(Amount) as 金额 from View_PurchaseDetail vpd  
            where BranchId={0} and  PurchaseDate >='{1}' and PurchaseDate <'{2}' group by LEFT(code,2);", option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 应收账款汇总表--余额
        /// ERP FAR.cs 中调用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadAR(ReportOption option)
            List <DateTime> dates = new List <DateTime>();

            DateTime firstStart = new DateTime(option.EndDate.Year, option.EndDate.Month, 1);

            string sql = string.Format(@" select ComId as '客户ID',Name as '客户名称', SalesName as '销售员',ServiceName as '客服',StatementManName as '对账负责人', 
(select SUM(summoney-chargeoff) from View_Order where IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and PayStatus <> '已付款'
and StoreFinishTime>'2014-1-1' and StoreFinishTime <'{0}' and ComId=View_Company.ComId) as 应收总额,
(select SUM(summoney-chargeoff) from View_Order where IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and  PayStatus <> '已付款'
and StoreFinishTime>='{1}'and StoreFinishTime <'{0}' and ComId=View_Company.ComId) as '{5}',
(select SUM(summoney-chargeoff) from View_Order where IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and  PayStatus <> '已付款'
and StoreFinishTime>='{2}'and StoreFinishTime <'{1}' and ComId=View_Company.ComId) as '{6}',
(select SUM(summoney-chargeoff) from View_Order where IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and  PayStatus <> '已付款'
and StoreFinishTime>='{3}'and StoreFinishTime <'{2}' and ComId=View_Company.ComId) as '{7}',
(select SUM(summoney-chargeoff) from View_Order where IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and  PayStatus <> '已付款'
and StoreFinishTime>='{4}'and StoreFinishTime <'{3}' and ComId=View_Company.ComId) as '{8}',
(select SUM(summoney-chargeoff) from View_Order where IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and  PayStatus <> '已付款'
and StoreFinishTime>'2014-1-1'and StoreFinishTime <'{4}' and ComId=View_Company.ComId) as '更久',
CreditDays as '账期天数'
from View_Company where ComId in (
select distinct ComId from View_Order where BranchId={9} and IsDelete=0 and RawOrderId=0 and summoney <>0 and  PayStatus <> '已付款'
and StoreFinishTime>'2014-1-1' and StoreFinishTime <'{0}') 
    order by 应收总额 desc",
                                       dates[0].ToShortDateString(), dates[1].ToShortDateString(), dates[2].ToShortDateString(), dates[3].ToShortDateString(), dates[4].ToShortDateString(),
                                       dates[1].Month, dates[2].Month, dates[3].Month, dates[4].Month, option.BranchId);

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 调用:ERP FOrderReport.cs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadAddOrderReport(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"select UserName as '客服',ordertype as '类型',COUNT(OrderId) as '下单数量',sum(RowNum) as '下单行数', Sum(SumMoney) as '下单金额'
from View_Order
where BranchId={0} and RawOrderId=0 and IsDelete=0
and OrderTime between '{1}' and '{2}'
group by UserName,ordertype order by '客服','类型' desc",
                                       option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 分类统计库存量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadStoreByType(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"select Name, Code,TypeName,sum(Num*AC  ) as Amount, sum(Num * TaxAc) as TaxAmount
        from View_GoodsStore where BranchId={0} ", option.BranchId);

            if (option.StoreId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and StoreId={0} ", option.StoreId);
            sql += " group by Name, Code,TypeName  order by Code ";
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取库存总数变化记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadStoreReport(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"select StoreDayData.*,store.BranchId,store.Name 
    from StoreDayData inner join Store on StoreDayData.StoreId=store.ID 
    where store.BranchId ={0} and StoreDayData.UpdateTime >'{1}' and StoreDayData.Updatetime <'{2}' ",
                                       option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());

            if (option.StoreId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and StoreId = {0} ", option.StoreId);
            sql += " order by StoreId,UpdateTime desc ";
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取应付账款--区间数据
        /// ERP  FAP.CS 中调用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadAPReport(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"with cte1 as(
select pd.SupplierId,SUM(SumMoney) as QCCG  from Purchase(nolock) pd  where  UpdateTime >='1900-1-1' and UpdateTime<'{1}' and BranchId={0} and PurchaseStatus='已入库'  and (PurchaseType = '签单收货' or PurchaseType = '签单退货')group by pd.SupplierId),
    cte2 as (select ps.SupplierId,SUM(PayMoney) as QCFK from PurchasePay(nolock) pp INNER JOIN PurchaseStatement(nolock) ps ON pp.PurchaseStatementId = ps.Id  where  PayDate >='1900-1-1' and PayDate<'{1}' and pp.BranchId={0} group by ps.SupplierId),
    cte3 as (SELECT p.SupplierId, sum(p.SumMoney) as QJXJCG	FROM dbo.Purchase(nolock) p LEFT JOIN dbo.Supplier(nolock) s ON p.SupplierId = s.ID where  p.UpdateTime >='{1}' and p.UpdateTime<'{2}' and p.BranchId={0} and PurchaseStatus='已入库'  and (PurchaseType = '现金采购' or PurchaseType = '现金退货') group by p.SupplierId),
    cte4 as (SELECT p.SupplierId, sum(p.SumMoney) as QJQDCG	FROM dbo.Purchase(nolock) p LEFT JOIN dbo.Supplier(nolock) s ON p.SupplierId = s.ID  where p.UpdateTime >='{1}' and p.UpdateTime<'{2}' and p.BranchId={0} and PurchaseStatus='已入库' and (PurchaseType = '签单收货' or PurchaseType = '签单退货') group by p.SupplierId),
    cte5 as (select ps.SupplierId,SUM(PayMoney) as QJFK,SUM(Chargeoff) as QJXZ from PurchasePay(nolock) pp  INNER JOIN PurchaseStatement(nolock) ps ON pp.PurchaseStatementId = ps.Id where PayDate >='{1}' and PayDate<'{2}' and pp.BranchId={0} group by ps.SupplierId),
    cte6 as (SELECT s.ID,s.Company FROM dbo.Purchase(nolock) p INNER JOIN  dbo.PurchaseDetail(nolock) ON p.Id = dbo.PurchaseDetail.PurchaseId INNER JOIN dbo.Goods(nolock) ON dbo.PurchaseDetail.GoodsId = dbo.Goods.ID INNER JOIN  dbo.Supplier(nolock) s ON p.SupplierId = s.ID  where p.BranchId={0} and PurchaseStatus='已入库' and p.UpdateTime <'{2}' group by s.ID,s.Company)
	select s.ID,s.Company,c1.QCCG,c2.QCFK,isnull(c3.QJXJCG,0) as QJXJCG,c4.QJQDCG,c5.QJFK,c5.QJXZ from cte6 s left join cte1 c1 on c1.SupplierId=s.ID   left join cte2 c2 on c2.SupplierId=s.ID	left join cte3 c3 on c3.SupplierId=s.ID	left join cte4 c4 on c4.SupplierId=s.ID left join cte5 c5 on c5.SupplierId=s.ID
", option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 客户毛利销售额统计 全年
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadSalesReportByCom(ReportOption option)
            string sql = @" select  ComId,Company,Count(OrderId) as OrderCount, OrderSalesName,OrderSalesId,ServiceName,ServiceId, 
                        SUM(SumMoney) as SumMoney,SUM(GrossProfit) as GrossProfit, convert(varchar(7),StoreFinishTime,120)as Month from View_Order where RawOrderId=0 and  IsDelete=0  ";//top 10

            switch (option.DateType.ToString())
            //下单日期 = 1, 订单日期 = 2, 采购完成 = 3, 出库日期 = 4, 送货日期
            case "出库日期":
                sql += string.Format(" and StoreFinishTime>='{0}' and StoreFinishTime<'{1}' ", option.StartDate, option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);

            case "订单日期":
                sql += string.Format(" and PlanDate>='{0}' and PlanDate<'{1}' ", option.StartDate, option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);

            case "送货日期":
                sql += string.Format(" and DeliveryFinishTime>='{0}' and DeliveryFinishTime<'{1}' ", option.StartDate, option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);

            case "下单日期":
                sql += string.Format(" and OrderTime>='{0}' and OrderTime<'{1}' ", option.StartDate, option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);

            if (option.BranchId != 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and BranchId={0}", option.BranchId);
            if (option.SalesId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and OrderSalesId={0} ", option.SalesId);
            if (option.ComId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and ComId={0} ", option.ComId);
            sql += "group by ComId,Company,OrderSalesName,OrderSalesId ,ServiceName,ServiceId ,convert(varchar(7),StoreFinishTime,120) order by SumMoney desc ";
Beispiel #11
        //ERP FAP.CS 中调用
        public DataSet ReadAP(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"with cte_Purchase as(
                                          SELECT SupplierId,s.Company,s.ShortName,
                                          Sum(SumMoney) as NeedToPayWDZ 
                                          FROM [Purchase](nolock) p
                                          left join  Supplier(nolock) s on p.SupplierId=s.Id
                                          WHERE  IsPaid='0' and PurchaseStatus='已入库'");

            if (option.EndDate != new DateTime(1900, 1, 1))
                sql += string.Format(" and UpdateTime < '{0}' ", option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);
            if (option.SalesId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and SalesId={0} ", option.SalesId);
            if (option.BranchId != 0)
                sql += string.Format(@" and p.BranchId={0}", option.BranchId);
            sql += string.Format(@"group by SupplierId,s.Company,s.ShortName),
                                   cte_ps as(
                                   SELECT SupplierId,s.Company,s.ShortName,
                                   sum(SumMoney -PaidMoney) as NeedToPayYDZ 
                                   FROM [PurchaseStatement] ps left join Supplier(nolock) s on ps.SupplierId=s.Id
                                   WHERE  PayStatus<>'已付款'");
            if (option.BranchId != 0)
                sql += string.Format(@"and ps.BranchId=1", option.BranchId);
            if (option.SalesId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and SalesId={0} ", option.SalesId);

            sql += string.Format(@"group by SupplierId,s.Company,s.ShortName)
select a.SupplierId,a.Company,a.ShortName,isnull(a.NeedToPayWDZ,0)as NeedToPayWDZ ,isnull(b.NeedToPayYDZ,0)as NeedToPayYDZ ,isnull((a.NeedToPayWDZ + b.NeedToPayYDZ),0) as NeedToPay  from cte_Purchase a left join cte_ps b on A.SupplierId=b.SupplierId 
select a.SupplierId,a.Company,a.ShortName,isnull(b.NeedToPayWDZ,0) as NeedToPayWDZ,isnull(a.NeedToPayYDZ,0) as NeedToPayYDZ,isnull((b.NeedToPayWDZ + a.NeedToPayYDZ),0) as NeedToPay from cte_ps a left join cte_Purchase b on A.SupplierId=b.SupplierId  order by NeedToPay desc");
Beispiel #12
        public DataSet ReadDeliveryWorkReport(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"
 select DeliveryUserId as 送货员编号,DeliveryName as 送货员姓名,COUNT(OrderId ) as 配送订单量,SUM(PackageNum)as 配送包裹量,SUM(SumMoney )as 配送总金额 from View_OrderDelivery where DeliveryFinishTime >='{1}' and  DeliveryFinishTime <'{2}'  and BranchId ={0} ", option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());

            if (option.SalesId != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and DeliveryUserId = {0}", option.SalesId);
            sql += string.Format("group by DeliveryUserId,DeliveryName ; ");

            sql += string.Format(@"
 select CarUserId  as 送货员编号,CarUserName as 送货员姓名,COUNT(DISTINCT (OrderId)) as 配送订单量,COUNT(OrderBoxId) as 配送包裹量,(select SUM(od.SumMoney) from [Order] od where Id in (select OrderId  from View_OrderBoxDelivery vob where vob.CarUserId=vo.CarUserId and DeliveryFinishTime>='{1}' and DeliveryFinishTime<'{2}' )) as 配送总金额
  from View_OrderBoxDelivery vo where BranchId ={0} and DeliveryFinishTime>='{1}' and DeliveryFinishTime<'{2}'  ", option.BranchId, option.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), option.EndDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());
            if (option.SalesId != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and CarUserId = {0}", option.SalesId);
            sql += string.Format("group by CarUserId ,CarUserName");
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取销售 汇总表
        ///  调用:ERP:FSalesReport.cs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadSalesReport(ReportOption option)
            string sql = @" select count(distinct ComId) as ComCount,Count(OrderId) as OrderCount, 
                            OrderSalesName , SUM(SumMoney) as SumMoney, SUM(SumMoney/(1+TaxRate)) as unTaxSumMoney,SUM(GrossProfit) as GrossProfit,SUM(TaxGrossProfit) as TaxGrossProfit
                        from View_Order where  RawOrderId=0 and  IsDelete=0  ";

            switch (option.DateType.ToString())
            //下单日期 = 1, 订单日期 = 2, 采购完成 = 3, 出库日期 = 4, 送货日期
            case "出库日期":
                sql += string.Format(" and StoreFinishTime>='{0}' and StoreFinishTime<'{1}' ", option.StartDate, option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);

            case "订单日期":
                sql += string.Format(" and PlanDate>='{0}' and PlanDate<'{1}' ", option.StartDate, option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);

            case "送货日期":
                sql += string.Format(" and DeliveryFinishTime>='{0}' and DeliveryFinishTime<'{1}' ", option.StartDate, option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);

            case "下单日期":
                sql += string.Format(" and OrderTime>='{0}' and OrderTime<'{1}' ", option.StartDate, option.EndDate.AddDays(1).Date);

            if (option.BranchId != 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and BranchId={0}", option.BranchId);
            if (option.SalesId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and OrderSalesId={0} ", option.SalesId);
            sql += "group by OrderSalesName order by SumMoney desc ";
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取库存明细
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet ReadStoreDetail(ReportOption option)
            string sql = string.Format(@"select BranchId,StoreId,TypeId,TypeName,Code,GoodsId,DisplayName,Num,Unit,AC,StoreZone  
    from View_GoodsStore where BranchId={0} and StoreZone<>'收货区'", option.BranchId);

            if (option.StoreId > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and StoreId={0} ", option.StoreId);
            if (option.TypeId > 0)
                GoodsType gt = new GoodsType();
                gt.Id = option.TypeId;
                sql += string.Format(" and Code like '{0}%'  ", gt.Code);
            if (option.KeyWords != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and DisplayName like '%{0}%' ", option.KeyWords);
            if (option.SalesId != 0)//重用了该字段:只显示库存不为零的商品
                sql += " and Num <> 0 ";
            if (option.GoodsStoreID != 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and Id={0} ", option.GoodsStoreID);
            if (option.GoodsID != 0)
                sql += string.Format(" and GoodsId={0} ", option.GoodsID);
            sql += "order by Code ";

Beispiel #15
 }                                             //add by quxiaoshan 2015-3-7 公司各部门的月采购数量
 public Report()
     reportOption = new ReportOption();
     m_dbo        = new DBOperate();