Beispiel #1
        public CefClientApp(IntPtr processHandle, CefRenderProcessListener renderProcessListener)
            this.renderProcessListener = renderProcessListener;
            //dev note: multiprocess debuging: renderer process debugger
            //if you want to break in the renderer process
            //1. set break point after, MessageBox.Show();
            //2. call pop up message box
            //3. then, use Visual studio to find what process that own the pop up
            // ( Debug-> Attach To Process -> select process the own the pop up
            //4. select process id that is renderer process
            //5. push ok button on the pop msgbox , then debugger will break on the
            //  break point after popup
            //if (Cef3Binder.s_dbugIsRendererProcess)
            //    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Renderer", "Renderer");

            lock (sync_)
                //init once
                if (!isInitWithProcessHandle)
                    isInitWithProcessHandle = true;
                    //1. register mx callback
                    this.mxCallback = new MyCefCallback(MxCallBack);
                    Cef3Binder.RegisterManagedCallBack(this.mxCallback, 3);
                    //2. create client app
                    this.clientAppPtr = Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateClientApp(processHandle);
Beispiel #2
        public CefClientApp(IntPtr processHandle)
            //dev note: multiprocess debuging: renderer process debugger
            //if you want to break in the renderer process
            //1. set break point after, MessageBox.Show();
            //2. call pop up message box
            //3. then, use Visual studio to find what process that own the pop up
            // ( Debug-> Attach To Process -> select process the own the pop up
            //4. select process id that is renderer process
            //5. push ok button on the pop msgbox , then debugger will break on the
            //  break point after popup
            //if (Cef3Binder.s_dbugIsRendererProcess)
            //    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Renderer", "Renderer");

            lock (sync_)
                //init once
                if (!isInitWithProcessHandle)
                    isInitWithProcessHandle = true;
                    //1) register mx callback,
                    //call-back must be created first (before client app).
                    Cef3Binder.RegisterManagedCallBack(this.mxCallback = GetManagedCallbackImpl(), 3);
                    //2) create client app
                    //1 process have 1 client app instance.
                    this.clientAppPtr = Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateClientApp(processHandle);
                    //the registered callback from previous step(1) was attached to the new client app.