Beispiel #1
        public double calcLeafTemperature(PhotosynthesisModel PM, int layer, double _leafTemp)
            EnvironmentModel EM     = PM.envModel;
            LeafCanopy       canopy = PM.canopy;

            double airTemp = EM.getTemp(PM.time);

            s[layer] = (es[layer] - canopy.es_Ta) / (leafTemp[layer] - EM.maxT);

            gs[layer] = gs_CO2[layer] / canopy.ra;

            rs_H2O[layer] = (1 / gs[layer] - 1.3 * canopy.rb_H_LAIs[layer] - canopy.rts[layer]) / 1.6;

            Sn[layer] = canopy.energyConvRatio * absorbedIrradiance[layer];

            R_[layer] = canopy.Bz * Math.Pow((leafTemp[layer] + 273), 4) * canopy.fvap * canopy.fclear * LAIS[layer] / canopy.LAIs.Sum();

            Rn[layer] = Sn[layer] - R_[layer];

            lE[layer] = (s[layer] * Rn[layer] + canopy.airDensity * canopy.cp * VPD[layer] / (canopy.rb_H_LAIs[layer] + canopy.rts[layer])) /
                        (s[layer] + canopy.g * ((canopy.rb_H2O_LAIs[layer] + canopy.rts[layer] + rs_H2O[layer]) / (canopy.rb_H_LAIs[layer] + canopy.rts[layer])));

            double calcLeafTemp = airTemp + (canopy.rb_H_LAIs[layer] + canopy.rts[layer]) * (Rn[layer] - lE[layer]) / (canopy.airDensity * canopy.cp);

            //return Math.Pow(1 - _leafTemp / calcLeafTemp, 2);
            return(Math.Pow(_leafTemp - calcLeafTemp, 2));
Beispiel #2
        void CalcConductanceResistance(PhotosynthesisModel PM)
            for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
                //Intercepted radiation

                //Saturated vapour pressure
                ES  = PM.EnvModel.CalcSVP(PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time));
                ES1 = PM.EnvModel.CalcSVP(PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + 1);
                S   = (ES1 - ES) / ((PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + 1) - PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time));

                //Wind speed
                //us[i] = u0 * Math.Exp(-ku * (i + 1));
                Us[i] = U0;

                Rair = PM.EnvModel.ATM * 100000 / (287 * (PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + 273)) * 1000 / 28.966;

                Gbh[i] = 0.01 * Math.Pow((Us[i] / LeafWidth), 0.5) *
                         (1 - Math.Exp(-0.5 * Ku * LAI)) / (0.5 * Ku);

                //Boundary layer
                //rb_Hs[i] = 100 * Math.Pow((leafWidths[i] / us[i]), 0.5);
                //rb_H2Os[i] = 0.93 * rb_Hs[i];

                //rb_CO2s[i] = 1.37 * rb_H2Os[i];

                //rts[i] = 0.74 * Math.Pow(Math.Log(2 - 0.7 * Height) / (0.1 * Height), 2) / (0.16 * us[i]) / LAIs[i];
                //rb_H_LAIs[i] = rb_Hs[i] / LAIs[i];
                //rb_H2O_LAIs[i] = rb_H2Os[i] / LAIs[i];
Beispiel #3
 public void CalcRdActivity25(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy sunlit, PhotosynthesisModel PM)
     for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
         Rd25[i] = canopy.Rd25[i] - sunlit.Rd25[i];
Beispiel #4
 public void CalcPRate25(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy sunlit, PhotosynthesisModel PM)
     for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
         VpMax25[i] = canopy.VpMax25[i] - sunlit.VpMax25[i];
Beispiel #5
 public virtual void run(int nlayers, PhotosynthesisModel PM, SunlitShadedCanopy counterpart)
     _nLayers = nlayers;
     calcIncidentRadiation(PM.envModel, PM.canopy, counterpart);
     calcAbsorbedRadiation(PM.envModel, PM.canopy, counterpart);
     calcMaxRates(PM.canopy, counterpart, PM);
Beispiel #6

        public void run(PhotosynthesisModel PM, EnvironmentModel EM)
            calcLeafTemperature(PM, EM);
Beispiel #7
        void CalcLeafNitrogenDistribution(PhotosynthesisModel PM)
            //-------------This is only when coupled with Apsim----------------------------------------
            //-------------Otherwise use parameters----------------------------------------------------
            if (PM.nitrogenModel == PhotosynthesisModel.NitrogenModel.APSIM)
                SLNTop = PM.Canopy.CPath.SLNAv * PM.Canopy.CPath.SLNRatioTop;

                LeafNTopCanopy = SLNTop * 1000 / 14;

                NcAv = PM.Canopy.CPath.SLNAv * 1000 / 14;

                NAllocationCoeff = -1 * Math.Log((NcAv - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) / (LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN)) * 2;
            //-------------This is only when coupled with Apsim----------------------------------------
                SLNTop = LeafNTopCanopy / 1000 * 14;

                NcAv = (LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) * Math.Exp(-0.5 * NAllocationCoeff) + PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN;

                PM.Canopy.CPath.SLNAv = NcAv / 1000 * 14;

                PM.Canopy.CPath.SLNRatioTop = SLNTop / PM.Canopy.CPath.SLNAv;

            for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
                LeafNs[i] = CalcSLN(LAIAccums[i], PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN);

                VcMax25[i] = LAI * CPath.PsiVc * (LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) * (
                    (i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i - 1] / LAI)) -
                    Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i] / LAI)) / NAllocationCoeff;

                //J2Max25[i] = LAI * CPath.PsiJ2 * (LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) * (
                //    (i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i - 1] / LAI)) -
                //    Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i] / LAI)) / NAllocationCoeff;

                JMax25[i] = LAI * CPath.PsiJ * (LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) * (
                    (i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i - 1] / LAI)) -
                    Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i] / LAI)) / NAllocationCoeff;

                Rd25[i] = LAI * CPath.PsiRd * (LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) * (
                    (i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i - 1] / LAI)) -
                    Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i] / LAI)) / NAllocationCoeff;

                VpMax25[i] = LAI * CPath.PsiVp * (LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) * (
                    (i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i - 1] / LAI)) -
                    Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i] / LAI)) / NAllocationCoeff;

                //Gm25[i] = CPath.PsiGm * (NcAv - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) + CPath.CGm;
                Gm25[i] = LAI * CPath.PsiGm * (LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) * (
                    (i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i - 1] / LAI)) -
                    Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff * LAIAccums[i] / LAI)) / NAllocationCoeff;
Beispiel #8
 public void calcPRate25(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy shaded, PhotosynthesisModel PM)
     for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
         VpMax25[i] = canopy.LAI * canopy.CPath.psiVp * (canopy.leafNTopCanopy - canopy.CPath.structuralN) *
                      ((i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-(canopy.beamExtCoeffs[i] + canopy.NAllocationCoeff / canopy.LAI) * canopy.LAIAccums[i - 1])) -
                       Math.Exp(-(canopy.beamExtCoeffs[i] + canopy.NAllocationCoeff / canopy.LAI) * canopy.LAIAccums[i])) /
                      (canopy.NAllocationCoeff + canopy.beamExtCoeffs[i] * canopy.LAI);
Beispiel #9
        public void Run(PhotosynthesisModel PM, EnvironmentModel EM)

            CalcLeafTemperature(PM, EM);
Beispiel #10
 public void CalcRdActivity25(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy shaded, PhotosynthesisModel PM)
     for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
         Rd25[i] = canopy.LAI * canopy.CPath.PsiRd * (canopy.LeafNTopCanopy - canopy.CPath.StructuralN) *
                   ((i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-(canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] + canopy.NAllocationCoeff / canopy.LAI) * canopy.LAIAccums[i - 1])) -
                    Math.Exp(-(canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] + canopy.NAllocationCoeff / canopy.LAI) * canopy.LAIAccums[i])) /
                   (canopy.NAllocationCoeff + canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] * canopy.LAI);
Beispiel #11
        public override void CalcConductanceResistance(PhotosynthesisModel PM, LeafCanopy canopy)
            for (int i = 0; i < canopy.NLayers; i++)
                Gbh[i] = 0.01 * Math.Pow((canopy.Us[i] / canopy.LeafWidth), 0.5) *
                         (1 - Math.Exp(-1 * (0.5 * canopy.Ku + canopy.Kb) * canopy.LAI)) / (0.5 * canopy.Ku + canopy.Kb);

            base.CalcConductanceResistance(PM, canopy);
Beispiel #12
        public void calcPhotosynthesis(PhotosynthesisModel PM, int layer)
            LeafCanopy canopy = PM.canopy;

            leafTemp[layer] = PM.envModel.getTemp(PM.time);

            double vpd = PM.envModel.getVPD(PM.time);

            canopy.CPath.CiCaRatio = canopy.CPath.CiCaRatioSlope * vpd + canopy.CPath.CiCaRatioIntercept;

            VcMaxT[layer] = TempFunctionExp.val(leafTemp[layer], VcMax25[layer], canopy.CPath.VcMax_c, canopy.CPath.VcMax_b);
            RdT[layer]    = TempFunctionExp.val(leafTemp[layer], Rd25[layer], canopy.CPath.Rd_c, canopy.CPath.Rd_b);
            JMaxT[layer]  = TempFunction.val(leafTemp[layer], JMax25[layer], canopy.CPath.JMax_TOpt, canopy.CPath.JMax_Omega);
            VpMaxT[layer] = TempFunctionExp.val(leafTemp[layer], VpMax25[layer], canopy.CPath.VpMax_c, canopy.CPath.VpMax_b);

            Vpr[layer] = canopy.Vpr_l * LAIS[layer];

            //TODO: I2 = canopy.ja * absorbedIrradiance[layer]
            canopy.ja = (1 - canopy.f) / 2;

            J[layer] = (canopy.ja * absorbedIrradiance[layer] + JMaxT[layer] - Math.Pow(Math.Pow(canopy.ja * absorbedIrradiance[layer] + JMaxT[layer], 2) -
                                                                                        4 * canopy.θ * JMaxT[layer] * canopy.ja * absorbedIrradiance[layer], 0.5)) / (2 * canopy.θ);

            Kc[layer]   = TempFunctionExp.val(leafTemp[layer], canopy.CPath.Kc_P25, canopy.CPath.Kc_c, canopy.CPath.Kc_b);
            Ko[layer]   = TempFunctionExp.val(leafTemp[layer], canopy.CPath.Ko_P25, canopy.CPath.Ko_c, canopy.CPath.Ko_b);
            VcVo[layer] = TempFunctionExp.val(leafTemp[layer], canopy.CPath.VcMax_VoMax_P25, canopy.CPath.VcMax_VoMax_c, canopy.CPath.VcMax_VoMax_b);

            ScO[layer] = Ko[layer] / Kc[layer] * VcVo[layer];

            g_[layer] = 0.5 / ScO[layer];

            canopy.Sco = ScO[layer]; //For reporting ???

            K_[layer] = Kc[layer] * (1 + canopy.oxygenPartialPressure / Ko[layer]);

            es[layer] = 5.637E-7 * Math.Pow(leafTemp[layer], 4) + 1.728E-5 * Math.Pow(leafTemp[layer], 3) + 1.534E-3 *
                        Math.Pow(leafTemp[layer], 2) + 4.424E-2 * leafTemp[layer] + 6.095E-1;

            canopy.airDensity = 1.295 * Math.Exp(-3.6E-3 * PM.envModel.getTemp(PM.time));

            canopy.ra = canopy.airDensity * 1000.0 / 28.966;

            VPD[layer] = PM.envModel.getVPD(PM.time);

            fVPD[layer] = canopy.a / (1 + VPD[layer] / canopy.Do);

            gs[layer] = fVPD[layer];

            gm_CO2T[layer] = LAIS[layer] * TempFunction.val(leafTemp[layer], canopy.CPath.gm_P25, canopy.CPath.gm_TOpt, canopy.CPath.gm_Omega);

            gb_CO2[layer] = 1 / canopy.rb_CO2s[layer] * LAIS[layer] * canopy.ra;
Beispiel #13
        public void CalcLeafTemperature(PhotosynthesisModel PM, EnvironmentModel EM)
            //double airTemp = EM.getTemp(PM.time);

            //fvap = 0.56 - 0.079 * Math.Pow(10 * Vair, 0.5);

            //fclear = 0.1 + 0.9 * Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, (EM.atmTransmissionRatio - 0.2) / 0.5));

            //g = (cp * Math.Pow(10, -6)) * p / (l * mwRatio);

            //es_Ta = 5.637E-7 * Math.Pow(airTemp, 4) + 1.728E-5 * Math.Pow(airTemp, 3) + 1.534E-3 *
            //    Math.Pow(airTemp, 2) + 4.424E-2 * airTemp + 6.095E-1;

            //a2 = CPath.F2 * (1 - CPath.fcyc) / (CPath.F2 / CPath.F1 + (1 - CPath.fcyc));
Beispiel #14
        public void CalcCanopyBiomassAccumulation(PhotosynthesisModel PM)
            //for (int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++)
            //    //TODO -- Rename / refactor variables to reflect units and time
            //    //TODO -- calculate biomass using B after daily A has ben summed (ie 1 calculation per day)
            //    //TODO -- check that we are only calculating between dawn and dusk
            //    //TODO -- use floor and cieling on dusk and dawn to calculate assimilation times

            //    Ac[i] = (PM.sunlit.A[i] + PM.shaded.A[i]) * 3600; // Rename (Acan, hour)  (umolCo2/m2/s)

            //    // Acgross[i] = Ac[i] * Math.Pow(10, -6) * 44; // (gCo2/m2/s)

            //    biomassC[i] = Ac[i] * 44 * B * Math.Pow(10, -6); // Hourly Biomass
            //totalBiomassC = biomassC.Sum();
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PM"></param>
        /// <param name="canopy"></param>
        public virtual void CalcConductanceResistance(PhotosynthesisModel PM, LeafCanopy canopy)
            for (int i = 0; i < canopy.NLayers; i++)
                //gbh[i] = 0.01 * Math.Pow(([i] / canopy.leafWidth), 0.5) *
                //    (1 - Math.Exp(-1 * (0.5 * canopy.ku + canopy.kb) * canopy.LAI)) / (0.5 * canopy.ku + canopy.kb);

                Gbw[i] = Gbh[i] / 0.92; //This 0.92 changed from 0.93 29/06

                Rbh[i] = 1 / Gbh[i];

                Rbw[i] = 1 / Gbw[i];

                Gbw_m[i] = PM.EnvModel.ATM * PM.Canopy.Rair * Gbw[i];

                GbCO2[i] = Gbw_m[i] / 1.37;
Beispiel #16
        public PhotoLayerSolverC3(PhotosynthesisModel PM, int layer) :
            base(PM, layer)

Beispiel #17
 public void CalcElectronTransportRate25(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy sunlit, PhotosynthesisModel PM)
     for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
         //J2Max25[i] = canopy.J2Max25[i] - sunlit.J2Max25[i];
         JMax25[i] = canopy.JMax25[i] - sunlit.JMax25[i];
Beispiel #18

        public override void CalcMaxRates(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy counterpart, PhotosynthesisModel PM)
            CalcRubiscoActivity25(canopy, counterpart, PM);
            CalcElectronTransportRate25(canopy, counterpart, PM);
            CalcRdActivity25(canopy, counterpart, PM);
            CalcPRate25(canopy, counterpart, PM);
            CalcGmRate25(canopy, counterpart, PM);
Beispiel #19
 public abstract double calcPhotosynthesis(PhotosynthesisModel PM, SunlitShadedCanopy s, int layer, double _Cc);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PM"></param>
        /// <param name="canopy"></param>
        public virtual void DoWaterInteraction(PhotosynthesisModel PM, LeafCanopy canopy, TranspirationMode mode)
            for (int i = 0; i < canopy.NLayers; i++)
                Rn[i] = AbsorbedIrradiancePAR[i] + AbsorbedIrradianceNIR[i];

                double BnUp     = 8 * canopy.Sigma * Math.Pow((PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + PM.EnvModel.AbsoluteTemperature), 3) * (LeafTemp__[i] - PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time)); //This should be: HEnergyBalance - * (LeafTemp__[i]-PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time));
                double VPTLeaf  = 0.61365 * Math.Exp(17.502 * LeafTemp__[i] / (240.97 + LeafTemp__[i]));
                double VPTAir   = 0.61365 * Math.Exp(17.502 * PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) / (240.97 + PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time)));
                double VPTAir_1 = 0.61365 * Math.Exp(17.502 * (PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + 1) / (240.97 + (PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + 1)));
                double VPTMin   = 0.61365 * Math.Exp(17.502 * PM.EnvModel.MinT / (240.97 + PM.EnvModel.MinT));

                double s = VPTAir_1 - VPTAir;
                VPD_la[i] = VPTLeaf - VPTMin;

                double Wl = VPTLeaf / (PM.EnvModel.ATM * 100) * 1000;
                double Wa = VPTMin / (PM.EnvModel.ATM * 100) * 1000;

                if (mode == TranspirationMode.unlimited)
                    double a_var_gsCO2  = 1 / GbCO2[i];
                    double d_var_gsCO2  = (Wl - Wa) / (1000 - (Wl + Wa) / 2) * (canopy.Ca + Ci[i]) / 2;
                    double e_var_gsCO2  = A[i];
                    double f_var_gsCO2  = canopy.Ca - Ci[i];
                    double m_var_gsCO2  = 1.37; //Constant
                    double n_var_gsCO2  = 1.6;  //Constant
                    double a_lump_gsCO2 = e_var_gsCO2 * a_var_gsCO2 * m_var_gsCO2 + e_var_gsCO2 * a_var_gsCO2 * n_var_gsCO2 + d_var_gsCO2 * m_var_gsCO2 * n_var_gsCO2 - f_var_gsCO2 * m_var_gsCO2;
                    double b_lump_gsCO2 = e_var_gsCO2 * m_var_gsCO2 * (e_var_gsCO2 * Math.Pow(a_var_gsCO2, 2) * n_var_gsCO2 + a_var_gsCO2 * d_var_gsCO2 * m_var_gsCO2 * n_var_gsCO2 - a_var_gsCO2 * f_var_gsCO2 * n_var_gsCO2);
                    double c_lump_gsCO2 = -a_lump_gsCO2;
                    double d_lump_gsCO2 = m_var_gsCO2 * A[i];

                    GsCO2[i] = 2 * d_lump_gsCO2 / (Math.Pow((Math.Pow(a_lump_gsCO2, 2) - 4 * b_lump_gsCO2), 0.5) - a_lump_gsCO2);
                    double Gtw   = 1 / (1 / (1.37 * GbCO2[i]) + 1 / (1.6 * GsCO2[i])); //Are these the same constansts shown above
                    double GtCO2 = 1 / (1 / GbCO2[i] + 1 / GsCO2[i]);

                    //double EMolsPerSecond = Gtw * (Wl - Wa) / (1000 - (Wl + Wa) / 2);
                    //double EMmPerHour = EMolsPerSecond * 18 / 1000 * 3600;

                    //double LambdaEEnergyBalance = 44100 * EMolsPerSecond; //44100 should be a parameter..discuss with AW
                    //double HEnergyBalance = 8 * canopy.Sigma * Math.Pow((PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + PM.EnvModel.AbsoluteTemperature), 3);

                    //TDelta[i] = (Rn[i] - LambdaEEnergyBalance) / (HEnergyBalance + canopy.Rcp / Rbh[i]);

                    double rtw = canopy.Rair / Gtw * PM.EnvModel.ATM;

                    double a_lump_lambdaE = s * (Rn[i] - BnUp) + VPD_la[i] * canopy.Rcp / Rbh[i];
                    double b_lump_lambdaE = s + canopy.G * (rtw) / Rbh[i];
                    double lambdaE        = a_lump_lambdaE / b_lump_lambdaE;
                    double EKgPerSecond   = lambdaE / canopy.Lambda;
                    WaterUseMolsSecond[i] = EKgPerSecond / 18 * 1000;
                    WaterUse[i]           = EKgPerSecond * 3600;

                    double a_lump_deltaT = canopy.G * (Rn[i] - BnUp) * rtw / canopy.Rcp - VPD_la[i];
                    double d_lump_deltaT = s + canopy.G * rtw / Rbh[i];
                    TDelta[i] = a_lump_deltaT / d_lump_deltaT;

                    VPD_la[i] = 0.61365 * Math.Exp(17.502 * LeafTemp__[i] / (240.97 + LeafTemp__[i])) - 0.61365 * Math.Exp(17.502 * PM.EnvModel.MinT / (240.97 + PM.EnvModel.MinT));

                    LeafTemp[i] = PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + TDelta[i];

                    WaterUseMolsSecond[i] = WaterUse[i] / 18 * 1000 / 3600;
                    double EKgPerSecond = WaterUseMolsSecond[i] * 18 / 1000;

                    double rtw = (s * (Rn[i] - BnUp) + VPD_la[i] * canopy.Rcp / Rbh[i] - canopy.Lambda * EKgPerSecond * s) * Rbh[i] / (canopy.Lambda * EKgPerSecond * canopy.G);
                    Rsw[i] = rtw - Rbw[i];

                    GsCO2[i] = canopy.Rair * PM.EnvModel.ATM / Rsw[i] / 1.6;

                    double GtCO2 = 1 / (1 / GbCO2[i] + 1 / GsCO2[i]);

                    double a_lump_deltaT = canopy.G * (Rn[i] - BnUp) * rtw / canopy.Rcp - VPD_la[i];
                    double d_lump_deltaT = s + canopy.G * rtw / Rbh[i];

                    TDelta[i] = a_lump_deltaT / d_lump_deltaT;

                    //double LambdaEEnergyBalance = 44100 * EMolsPerSecond; //44100 should be a parameter..discuss with AW
                    //double HEnergyBalance = 8 * canopy.Sigma * Math.Pow((PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + PM.EnvModel.AbsoluteTemperature), 3);

                    //double Tdelta = (Rn[i] - LambdaEEnergyBalance) / (HEnergyBalance + canopy.Rcp / Rbh[i]); //This is not used anywhere

                    //double Gtw = EMolsPerSecond * (1000 - (Wl + Wa) / 2) / (Wl - Wa);

                    //GsCO2[i] = 1 / ((1 / Gtw - 1 / (1.37 * GbCO2[i])) * 1.6);

                    //GtCO2 = 1 / (1 / GbCO2[i] + 1 / GsCO2[i]);

                    LeafTemp[i] = PM.EnvModel.GetTemp(PM.Time) + TDelta[i];
Beispiel #21
        public void CalcElectronTransportRate25(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy shaded, PhotosynthesisModel PM)
            for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
                //J2Max25[i] = canopy.LAI * canopy.CPath.PsiJ2 * (canopy.LeafNTopCanopy - canopy.CPath.StructuralN) *
                //    ((i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-(canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] + canopy.NAllocationCoeff / canopy.LAI) * canopy.LAIAccums[i - 1])) -
                //    Math.Exp(-(canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] + canopy.NAllocationCoeff / canopy.LAI) * canopy.LAIAccums[i])) /
                //    (canopy.NAllocationCoeff + canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] * canopy.LAI);

                JMax25[i] = canopy.LAI * canopy.CPath.PsiJ * (canopy.LeafNTopCanopy - canopy.CPath.StructuralN) *
                            ((i == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-(canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] + canopy.NAllocationCoeff / canopy.LAI) * canopy.LAIAccums[i - 1])) -
                             Math.Exp(-(canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] + canopy.NAllocationCoeff / canopy.LAI) * canopy.LAIAccums[i])) /
                            (canopy.NAllocationCoeff + canopy.BeamExtCoeffs[i] * canopy.LAI);
Beispiel #22
 public void CalcTotalLeafNitrogen(PhotosynthesisModel PM)
     TotalLeafNitrogen = LAI * ((LeafNTopCanopy - PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN) * (1 - Math.Exp(-NAllocationCoeff)) / NAllocationCoeff + PM.Canopy.CPath.StructuralN);
Beispiel #23
        public void runDaily()
            if (!initialised)

            if (notifyStart != null)

            double modelTime = this.time;

            instants = new List <double>();
            ass      = new List <double>();

            Ios    = new List <double>();
            Idiffs = new List <double>();
            Idirs  = new List <double>();

            SunlitACs = new List <double>();
            SunlitAJs = new List <double>();
            ShadedACs = new List <double>();
            ShadedAJs = new List <double>();

            dailyBiomass    = 0;
            interceptedRadn = 0;

            AShadedMax = 0;
            ASunlitMax = 0;


            for (double time = minTime; time <= maxTime; time += timeStep)
                this.time = time;
                ass.Add(canopy.biomassC.Sum() * timeStep);

                Ios.Add(envModel.diffuseRadiationPAR + envModel.directRadiationPAR);

                dailyBiomass += canopy.totalBiomassC;

                double propIntRadn = canopy.propnInterceptedRadns.Sum();

                double interceptedRadnTimestep = envModel.totalIncidentRadiation * propIntRadn * timeStep * 3600;
                interceptedRadn += interceptedRadnTimestep;

                double RUEtimeStep = canopy.biomassC[0] / interceptedRadnTimestep;

                PhotosynthesisModel PM = this;

                if (ASunlitMax < sunlit.A.Max())
                    ASunlitMax = sunlit.A.Max();

                if (AShadedMax < shaded.A.Max())
                    AShadedMax = shaded.A.Max();

            dailyBiomassShoot = dailyBiomass * P_ag;

            RUE = dailyBiomassShoot / interceptedRadn;
            k   = -Math.Log(1 - interceptedRadn / envModel.radn) / canopy.LAI;

            A = instants.Sum() / 1000;

            this.time = modelTime;

            if (notifyFinish != null)


            if (notifyFinishDay != null)
Beispiel #24
 public PhotoLayerSolver(PhotosynthesisModel PM, int layer)
     _PM    = PM;
     _layer = layer;
Beispiel #25
        public override double calcPhotosynthesis(PhotosynthesisModel PM, SunlitShadedCanopy s, int layer, double _A)
            LeafCanopy canopy = PM.canopy;

            s.calcPhotosynthesis(PM, layer);

            s.Rm[layer] = s.RdT[layer] * 0.5;

            canopy.z = (2 + canopy.fQ - canopy.CPath.fcyc) / (canopy.h * (1 - canopy.CPath.fcyc));

            s.gbs[layer] = canopy.gbs_CO2 * s.LAIS[layer];

            s.Oi[layer] = canopy.oxygenPartialPressure;

            s.Om[layer] = canopy.oxygenPartialPressure;

            s.gs_CO2[layer] = canopy.gs_CO2 * s.LAIS[layer];

            s.Kp[layer] = TempFunctionExp.val(s.leafTemp[layer], canopy.CPath.Kp_P25, canopy.CPath.Kp_c, canopy.CPath.Kp_b);
            //Caculate A's
            s.Aj[layer] = calcAj(canopy, s, layer);
            s.Ac[layer] = calcAc(canopy, s, layer);

            if (s.Ac[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Ac[layer]))
                s.Ac[layer] = 0;

            if (s.Aj[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Aj[layer]))
                s.Aj[layer] = 0;

            s.A[layer] = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(s.Aj[layer], s.Ac[layer]));

            if (PM.conductanceModel == PhotosynthesisModel.ConductanceModel.DETAILED)
                s.Ci[layer] = canopy.Ca - s.A[layer] / s.gb_CO2[layer] - s.A[layer] / s.gs_CO2[layer];
                s.Ci[layer] = canopy.CPath.CiCaRatio * canopy.Ca;

            s.Cm_ac[layer] = s.Ci[layer] - s.Ac[layer] / s.gm_CO2T[layer];
            s.Cm_aj[layer] = s.Ci[layer] - s.Aj[layer] / s.gm_CO2T[layer];

            double Vp_ac = Math.Min(s.Cm_ac[layer] * s.VpMaxT[layer] / (s.Cm_ac[layer] + s.Kp[layer]), s.Vpr[layer]);
            double Vp_aj = canopy.CPath.x * s.J[layer] / 2;

            s.Oc_ac[layer] = canopy.alpha * s.Ac[layer] / (0.047 * s.gbs[layer]) + s.Om[layer];
            s.Oc_aj[layer] = canopy.alpha * s.Aj[layer] / (0.047 * s.gbs[layer]) + s.Om[layer];

            s.r_ac[layer] = s.g_[layer] * s.Oc_ac[layer];
            s.r_aj[layer] = s.g_[layer] * s.Oc_aj[layer];

            s.Ccac[layer] = s.Cm_ac[layer] + (Vp_ac - s.Ac[layer] - s.Rm[layer]) / s.gbs[layer];
            s.Ccaj[layer] = s.Cm_aj[layer] + (Vp_aj - s.Aj[layer] - s.Rm[layer]) / s.gbs[layer];

            if (s.Ccac[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Ccac[layer]))
                s.Ccac[layer] = 0;
            if (s.Ccaj[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Ccaj[layer]))
                s.Ccaj[layer] = 0;

            double F_ac = s.gbs[layer] * (s.Ccac[layer] - s.Cm_ac[layer]) / Vp_ac;
            double F_aj = s.gbs[layer] * (s.Ccaj[layer] - s.Cm_aj[layer]) / Vp_aj;

            if (s.Ac[layer] < s.Aj[layer])
                s.Vp[layer] = Vp_ac;
                s.Cc[layer] = s.Ccac[layer];
                s.Cm[layer] = s.Cm_ac[layer];
                s.Oc[layer] = s.Oc_ac[layer];
                s.r_[layer] = s.r_ac[layer];
                s.F[layer]  = F_ac;

                s.Vp[layer] = Vp_aj;
                s.Cc[layer] = s.Ccaj[layer];
                s.Cm[layer] = s.Cm_aj[layer];
                s.Oc[layer] = s.Oc_aj[layer];
                s.r_[layer] = s.r_aj[layer];
                s.F[layer]  = F_aj;

            s.CiCaRatio[layer] = s.Ci[layer] / canopy.Ca;

            //return Math.Pow(s.A[layer] - _A, 2);
Beispiel #26

        public override double calcPhotosynthesis(PhotosynthesisModel PM, SunlitShadedCanopy s, int layer, double _Cc)
            LeafCanopy canopy = PM.canopy;

            s.calcPhotosynthesis(PM, layer);

            s.Oi[layer] = canopy.oxygenPartialPressure;

            s.Oc[layer] = s.Oi[layer];

            s.r_[layer] = s.g_[layer] * s.Oc[layer];

            s.Ac[layer] = calcAc(canopy, s, layer);
            s.Aj[layer] = calcAj(canopy, s, layer);

            if (s.Ac[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Ac[layer]))
                s.Ac[layer] = 0;

            if (s.Aj[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Aj[layer]))
                s.Aj[layer] = 0;

            s.A[layer] = Math.Min(s.Aj[layer], s.Ac[layer]);

            if (PM.conductanceModel == PhotosynthesisModel.ConductanceModel.DETAILED)
                // s.Ci[layer] = canopy.Ca - s.A[layer] / s.gb_CO2[layer] - s.A[layer] / s.gs_CO2[layer];
                s.Ci[layer] = canopy.CPath.CiCaRatio * canopy.Ca;

            s.Ccac[layer] = s.Ci[layer] - s.Ac[layer] / s.gm_CO2T[layer];

            s.Ccaj[layer] = s.Ci[layer] - s.Aj[layer] / s.gm_CO2T[layer];

            if (s.Ccac[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Ccac[layer]))
                s.Ccac[layer] = 0;
            if (s.Ccaj[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Ccaj[layer]))
                s.Ccaj[layer] = 0;

            if (s.Ac[layer] < s.Aj[layer])
                s.Cc[layer] = s.Ac[layer];
                s.Cc[layer] = s.Aj[layer];

            s.Cc[layer] = s.Ci[layer] - s.A[layer] / s.gm_CO2T[layer];
            if (s.Cc[layer] < 0 || double.IsNaN(s.Cc[layer]))
                s.Cc[layer] = 0;

            s.CiCaRatio[layer] = s.Ci[layer] / canopy.Ca;

            return(Math.Pow(s.Cc[layer] - _Cc, 2));
Beispiel #27
 public virtual void calcMaxRates(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy counterpart, PhotosynthesisModel EM)
Beispiel #28
 public void calcRubiscoActivity25(LeafCanopy canopy, SunlitShadedCanopy sunlit, PhotosynthesisModel PM)
     for (int i = 0; i < _nLayers; i++)
         VcMax25[i] = canopy.VcMax25[i] - sunlit.VcMax25[i];