public override void FindReferences(string fileContents, string guid, ILookup <string, YamlSearch.LocalFileReferenceResult> localFileIds)
            var scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByPath(assetPath);

            if (scene.IsValid())
                var gameObjects = scene.GetRootGameObjects();
                foreach (var gameObject in gameObjects)
                    var components = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Component>(true);
                    references.AddRange(components.Where(c => c != null && (localFileIds.Contains(c.GetLocalIdentifier().ToString()) || assetObject.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType()))));
                foreach (var kp in localFileIds)
                    var doc = YamlSearch.ExtractInstanceDetails(fileContents, kp.Key);
                    if (doc.TryGetValue("m_Script", out var scriptRaw))
                        var match = YamlSearch.GUIDRegex.Match(scriptRaw);
                        if (match.Success)
                            var objAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(match.Value);
                            var obj          = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(objAssetPath, typeof(Object));
        /// <summary>
        /// Counts occurances of every asset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">Search Filter</param>
        /// <param name="incremental">Should it yield between each subfile it searched</param>
        /// <param name="results">Map between GUID and their counts</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerator CountAssetsEnumerator(SearchType filter, bool incremental, Dictionary <string, CountResult> results)
            //Find the assets
            var assets = FindAssets(filter);

            foreach (var asset in assets)
                //If wea re not on the list yet, then add ourselves
                if (!results.ContainsKey(asset.guid))
                    results.Add(asset.guid, new CountResult(asset.guid));

                //Skip asset types that are large and cannot have references.
                if (asset.assetType == typeof(LightingDataAsset))
                if (asset.assetType == typeof(AudioClip))
                if (asset.assetType == typeof(VideoClip))
                if (asset.assetType == typeof(Texture2D))

                //Set the search asset and yield so the GUI has time to update the dispaly
                LastSearchedAsset = asset.assetPath;
                yield return(null);

                //Count all the seperate GUID in this file
                var enumerator = YamlSearch.CountReferences(asset.assetPath, results);
                int iteration  = 0;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    if (incremental || ++iteration > MaxSearchIteration)
                        iteration = 0;
                        yield return(null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the contents of the assets and attempts to find references to the searching object. For efficicency, it will return null for invalid results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchingObject"></param>
        /// <param name="types"></param>
        public static IEnumerator FindAssetsEnumerator(Object searchingObject, SearchType types, List <AssetResult> results, long fileSizeLimit = 10000000, bool withProgressBar = false)
            if (searchingObject == null)
                yield break;

            //Get the GUID and search type
            string guid;
            long   instanceId;

            System.Type searchType = searchingObject is MonoScript monoScript?monoScript.GetClass() : AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(searchingObject));

            bool canSearchComponents = typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(searchType);

            if (!AssetDatabase.TryGetGUIDAndLocalFileIdentifier(searchingObject, out guid, out instanceId))
                Debug.LogError("Failed to get GUID");
                yield break;

            var unloadedResults = FindAssets(types);
            var totalProgress   = unloadedResults.Count();
            List <AssetResult> loadedResults = new List <AssetResult>(totalProgress);

            var               progress = 0;
            string            fileContents;
            List <Component>  loadedComponents = new List <Component>(10);
            List <GameObject> rootGameObjects  = new List <GameObject>(10);

            var orderedUnloadedResults = unloadedResults.OrderBy(r => new FileInfo(r.assetPath).Length).Where(r => new FileInfo(r.assetPath).Length < fileSizeLimit);

            foreach (var foundResult in orderedUnloadedResults)
                //Update the progress bar
                if (withProgressBar)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Searching File", foundResult.assetPath, progress++ / (float)totalProgress);

                //We dont care about these
                if (foundResult.assetType == typeof(LightingDataAsset))
                if (foundResult.assetType == typeof(AudioClip))
                if (foundResult.assetType == typeof(VideoClip))
                if (foundResult.assetType == typeof(Texture2D))

                //Read the file contents
                LastSearchedAsset = foundResult.assetPath;
                fileContents      = File.ReadAllText(foundResult.assetPath);
                if (!fileContents.Contains(guid))
                    //Skip if the total read bytes is a great amount.
                    yield return(null);
                    //Dupe the result
                    var result = foundResult;

                    //Load the asset and find all sub components
                    result.assetObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(foundResult.assetPath, foundResult.assetType);
                    if (result is ComponentResult componentResult)
                        var localFileReferences = YamlSearch.FindLocalFileReferences(fileContents, guid).ToLookup(k => k.fileId);
                        componentResult.FindReferences(fileContents, guid, localFileReferences);

                    //Add an item
                    yield return(null);

            //Clear the progress bar
            if (withProgressBar)