public void bind(string strCode, string strLocation, string strCondition)
            LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables bconsum = new LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables();
            if (strCondition.Trim().Equals(""))
                strCondition = "";
                strCondition = " and " + strCondition;
            string strWhere = " Type = '" + strCode + "'and SpaceLocation= '" + strLocation + "' and Quantity>0 " + strCondition + " order by ID desc ";
            if (strLocation.Equals("@ALL@"))
                strWhere = " Type = '" + strCode + "'and  Quantity>0 " + strCondition + " order by ID desc ";

            List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables> listmconsum = bconsum.GetModelList(strWhere);
            GridViewDic.DataSource = listmconsum;
 public bool isNumbersLegal(string strNumbers, string strType)
     LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables bconsum = new LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables();
     List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables> listmconsum
         = new List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables>();
     listmconsum = bconsum.GetModelList("Numbers='" + strNumbers + "' and Type='" + strType + "'");
     if (listmconsum.Count > 0)
         return false;
     return true;