GetValue() public method

public GetValue ( LSharp.Symbol symbol ) : object
symbol LSharp.Symbol
return object
Beispiel #1
        public static object ReadString(string expression, Environment environment)
            ReadTable readTable = (ReadTable)environment.GetValue(Symbol.FromName("*readtable*"));
            object    input     = Reader.Read(new StringReader(expression), readTable);

Beispiel #2
        public static Object ReadString(Cons args, Environment environment)
            ReadTable readTable = (ReadTable)environment.GetValue(Symbol.FromName("*readtable*"));

            TextReader textReader = new StringReader((string)args.First());

            return(Reader.Read(textReader, readTable));
Beispiel #3
        public object GetValue(Symbol symbol)
            object o = hashtable[symbol];

            if ((o == null) && (previousEnvironment != null))
                o = previousEnvironment.GetValue(symbol);

Beispiel #4
        public object GetValue(Symbol symbol)
            if (hashtable.ContainsKey(symbol))

            if (previousEnvironment != null)

            throw new LSharpException("Reference to undefined identifier: " + symbol.Name, this);
Beispiel #5
        public static Object Read(Cons args, Environment environment)
            ReadTable readTable = (ReadTable)environment.GetValue(Symbol.FromName("*readtable*"));

            TextReader textReader = args.First() as TextReader;

            object eofValue = Reader.EOFVALUE;

            if (args.Length() > 1)
                eofValue = args.Second();

            return(Reader.Read(textReader, readTable, eofValue));
Beispiel #6
        public static Object To(Cons args, Environment environment)
            Environment localEnvironment = new Environment(environment);

            localEnvironment.AssignLocal((Symbol)args.First(), 0);
            int endStop = int.Parse(Runtime.Eval(args.Second(), localEnvironment).ToString());

            while ((int)localEnvironment.GetValue((Symbol)args.First()) < endStop)
                foreach (object item in (Cons)args.Cddr())
                    Runtime.Eval(item, localEnvironment);
                localEnvironment.AssignLocal((Symbol)args.First(), ((int)Runtime.Eval(args.First(), localEnvironment)) + 1);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// (read TextReader [eof])
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <param name="environment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Object Read(Cons args, Environment environment)
            ReadTable readTable = (ReadTable)environment.GetValue(Symbol.FromName("*readtable*"));

            TextReader textReader = (TextReader)args.First();
            object eofValue = null;
            if (args.Length() > 1)
                eofValue = args.Second();
            return Reader.Read(textReader, readTable, eofValue);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates an expression in a given lexical environment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression"></param>
        /// <param name="environment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Object Eval(Object expression, Environment environment)

            if (expression == null)
                return profiler.TraceReturn(null);

            // The expression is either an atom or a list
            if (Primitives.IsAtom(expression))
                // Number
                if (expression.GetType() == typeof(Double))
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(expression);

                if (expression.GetType() == typeof(int))
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(expression);

                // Character
                if (expression.GetType() == typeof(char))
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(expression);

                // String
                if (expression.GetType() == typeof(string))
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(expression);

                if (((Symbol)expression) == Symbol.TRUE)
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(true);

                if (((Symbol)expression) == Symbol.FALSE)
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(false);

                if (((Symbol)expression) == Symbol.NULL)
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(null);

                // If the symbol is bound to a value in this lexical environment
                if (environment.Contains((Symbol)expression))
                    // Then it's a variable so return it's value
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(environment.GetValue((Symbol)expression));
                    // Otherwise symbols evaluate to themselves
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(expression);
                // The expression must be a list
                Cons cons = (Cons)expression;

                // Lists are assumed to be of the form (function arguments)
                object function = null;

                // However, we need to check to see if the function is actually a cons
                // that evaluates to a function first, as in:
                // (= foo (fn () "bar"))
                // (= dispatch (new system.collections.hashtable))
                // (set_item dispatch "foo" foo)
                // ((item dispatch "foo"))
                if (cons.First() is Cons)
                    // if the first arg is a Cons, try to evaluate it to a function
                    function = Eval(cons.First(), environment);
                else if (cons.First() is Symbol)
                    // See if there is a binding to a function, clsoure, macro or special form
                    // in this lexical environment
                    function = environment.GetValue((Symbol)cons.First());

                    if (function == null)
                        function = cons.First();
                else if (cons.First() == null)
                    string msg = "Expected a function as the first argument in a list but received null";
                    throw new System.ArgumentNullException(msg);
                    string msg = "Expected a function as the first argument in a list but received type '";
                    msg += cons.First().GetType().ToString() + "'";
                    throw new System.ArgumentException(msg);

                // If it's a special form
                if (function.GetType() == typeof(SpecialForm))
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(((SpecialForm)function)((Cons)cons.Cdr(), environment));

                // If its a macro application
                if (function.GetType() == typeof(Macro))
                    object expansion = ((Macro)function).Expand((Cons)cons.Cdr());
                    return profiler.TraceReturn(Runtime.Eval(expansion, environment));

                // It must be a function, closure or method invocation,
                // so call apply
                Object arguments = EvalList((Cons)cons.Cdr(), environment);
                return profiler.TraceReturn(Runtime.Apply(function, arguments, environment));

Beispiel #9
		public static object EvalString (string expression, Environment environment) 
			ReadTable readTable = (ReadTable) environment.GetValue(Symbol.FromName("*readtable*"));
			object input = Reader.Read(new StringReader(expression), readTable);
			object output = Runtime.Eval(input, environment);

			return output;	
Beispiel #10
		/// <summary>
		/// (to variable limit expression)
		/// Starting at 0, assigns variable to succesive integers upto and 
		/// including limit. Executes expression on each iteration. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="args"></param>
		/// <param name="environment"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static Object To(Cons args, Environment environment) 
			Environment localEnvironment = new Environment(environment);
			localEnvironment.AssignLocal((Symbol) args.First(), 0);
			int endStop = int.Parse(Runtime.Eval(args.Second(),localEnvironment).ToString());
			while ((int)localEnvironment.GetValue((Symbol) args.First()) < endStop)
				foreach (object item in (Cons)args.Cddr()) 
					Runtime.Eval(item, localEnvironment);
				localEnvironment.AssignLocal((Symbol) args.First(), ((int)Runtime.Eval(args.First(), localEnvironment)) + 1);
			return null;
Beispiel #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a dynamic class
		/// (defclass "classname" "inheritsfrom" [defmethod]) 
		/// e.g. (defclass "class1" "Object" DefinedMethods*)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="args"></param>
		/// <param name="environment"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static Object DefClass(Cons args, Environment environment) 
			string className = args.First().ToString();
			string superClass = args.Second().ToString();
			DefinedMethod[] methods = new DefinedMethod[args.Length() - 2];
			for (int i = 2; i < args.Length(); i++) 
				try {
					Symbol toFind = (Symbol) args.Nth(i);
					object foundMethod =  environment.GetValue(toFind);
					methods[i - 2] = (DefinedMethod) foundMethod;
				} catch (Exception e ) {
					Console.WriteLine("DEFCLASS ERROR: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);
			return ClassBuilder.CreateClass(className, superClass, "", methods);
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the value that symbol is bound to in the
 /// given environment
 /// </summary>
 public static object VarRef(Symbol symbol, Environment environment)
     object value = environment.GetValue(symbol);
     return value;
Beispiel #13
        public static object MacroExpand(object expression, bool once, Environment environment)
            if (expression is Pair)
                Pair args = (Pair)expression;

                if (args.First() is Symbol)
                    object value = environment.GetValue((Symbol)args.First());

                    if (value is Macro)
                        // If its a Macro then invoke it to get the expansion
                        object expansion = ((Macro)value).Call(Runtime.AsArray(((Pair)args).Rest()));

                        // The expansion itself may be a call to a macro - expand that?
                        if (!once)
                            expansion = MacroExpand(expansion, false, environment);

                        return expansion;


            return expression;
Beispiel #14
        public static Expression Compile1(Object s, Environment environment)
            // Literals are constants
            if (Runtime.IsLiteral(s))
                return Expression.Constant(s);

            // Special Syntax gets expanded and compiled
            if (Runtime.IsSsyntax(s))
                return Compile1(Runtime.ExpandSSyntax(s),environment);

            // Symbols are variable references
            if (s is Symbol)
                return CompileVarRef((Symbol)s);

            // Special Syntax gets expanded and compiled
            if (Runtime.IsSsyntax(Runtime.Car(s)))
                object expansion = Runtime.ExpandSSyntax(((Pair)s).First());
                return Compile1(new Pair(expansion, (Pair)s),environment);

            if (s is Pair)
                object f = ((Pair)s).First();

                // Special Forms

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("if"))
                    return Compiler.CompileIf(((Pair)s).Rest(), environment);

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("quote"))
                    return Compiler.CompileQuote(((Pair)s).Rest(), environment);

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("call-clr"))
                    return Compiler.CompileCall((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment);

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("call-instance"))
                    return Compiler.CompileInstanceCall((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment);

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("fn"))
                    return Compiler.CompileFn((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment);

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("macro"))
                    return Compiler.CompileMac((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment);

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("quasiquote"))
                    return Compiler.CompileQuasiQuote((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment);

                if ((f is Symbol) && (environment.Contains((Symbol)f)))
                    object value = environment.GetValue((Symbol)f);

                    // Macros get invoked at compile time, then their results are themeselves compiled
                    if (value is Macro)
                        object expansion = ((Macro)value).Call(Runtime.AsArray(((Pair)s).Rest()));
                        return Compile1(expansion,environment);


                // It must be a function call
                return CompileFunctionCall(f, ((Pair)s).Rest(),environment);


            throw new LSharpException(string.Format("Bad object in expression: ", s),environment);
Beispiel #15
    /// <summary>
    /// (to variable limit expression)
    /// </summary>
    public static Object To(Cons args, LSharp.Environment environment)
        string v = //"//(to " + Printer.ConsToString(args) + ")" + NewLine +
            "{" + NewLine;
        LSharp.Environment localEnvironment = new LSharp.Environment(environment);

        v += GenerateAssignLocal(args.First() as Symbol, 0, localEnvironment);
        v += Generate(args.Second(),environment);
        string lbl = MakeUnique("endstop");
        v += string.Format(@"
int {1} = (int)retval;
while ({0} < {1})
", localEnvironment.GetValue(args.First() as Symbol), lbl);

        foreach (object item in (Cons)args.Cddr())
            v += Generate(item, localEnvironment);

        v += localEnvironment.GetValue(args.First() as Symbol) + "++;";
        v += "}" + NewLine;
        v += string.Format(@"
retval = null;
        return v + "}" + NewLine;
Beispiel #16
        public static Expression Compile1(Object s, Environment environment)
            // Literals are constants
            if (Runtime.IsLiteral(s))

            // Special Syntax gets expanded and compiled
            if (Runtime.IsSsyntax(s))
                return(Compile1(Runtime.ExpandSSyntax(s), environment));

            // Symbols are variable references
            if (s is Symbol)

            // Special Syntax gets expanded and compiled
            if (Runtime.IsSsyntax(Runtime.Car(s)))
                object expansion = Runtime.ExpandSSyntax(((Pair)s).First());
                return(Compile1(new Pair(expansion, (Pair)s), environment));

            if (s is Pair)
                object f = ((Pair)s).First();

                // Special Forms

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("if"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileIf(((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("quote"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileQuote(((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("call-clr"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileCall((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("call-instance"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileInstanceCall((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("fn"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileFn((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("macro"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileMac((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("quasiquote"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileQuasiQuote((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if ((f is Symbol) && (environment.Contains((Symbol)f)))
                    object value = environment.GetValue((Symbol)f);

                    // Macros get invoked at compile time, then their results are themeselves compiled
                    if (value is Macro)
                        object expansion = ((Macro)value).Call(Runtime.AsArray(((Pair)s).Rest()));
                        return(Compile1(expansion, environment));

                // It must be a function call
                return(CompileFunctionCall(f, ((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

            throw new LSharpException(string.Format("Bad object in expression: ", s), environment);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates an expression in a given lexical environment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form"></param>
        /// <param name="environment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Object Eval(Object expression, Environment environment)

            if (expression == Reader.EOFVALUE)

            if (expression == null)

            // The expression is either an atom or a list
            if (Primitives.IsAtom(expression))
                // Number
                if (expression is double)

                if (expression is int)

                // Character
                if (expression is char)

                // String
                if (expression is string)

                Symbol sym = expression as Symbol;

                if (sym == Symbol.TRUE)

                if (sym == Symbol.FALSE)

                if (sym == Symbol.NULL)

                // If the symbol is bound to a value in this lexical environment
                if (environment.Contains(sym))
                    // Then it's a variable so return it's value
                    // Otherwise symbols evaluate to themselves
                // The expression must be a list
                Cons cons = (Cons)expression;

                // Lists are assumed to be of the form (function arguments)

                // See if there is a binding to a function, clsoure, macro or special form
                // in this lexical environment
                object function = environment.GetValue((Symbol)cons.First());

                // If there is no binding, then use the function name directly - it's probably
                // the name of a .NET method
                if (function == null)
                    function = cons.First();

                // If it's a special form
                if (function is SpecialForm)
                    return(profiler.TraceReturn(((SpecialForm)function)((Cons)cons.Cdr(), environment)));

                // If its a macro application
                if (function is Macro)
                    object expansion = ((Macro)function).Expand((Cons)cons.Cdr());
                    return(profiler.TraceReturn(Runtime.Eval(expansion, environment)));

                // It must be a function, closure or method invocation,
                // so call apply
                Object arguments = EvalList((Cons)cons.Cdr(), environment);
                return(profiler.TraceReturn(Runtime.Apply(function, arguments, environment)));