public void TestCanHandleSimpleTestWithLoadedType()
            TypeHandlerReplacementCall.AddMethod("SimpleTest", "noArg", "noArg");
            var r = CanHandle(new TypeHandlerReplacementCall(), typeof(SimpleTest));

            Assert.IsTrue(r, "everything should have been loaded");
        public void TestSameMethodsDifferentArgTypes()
            TypeHandlerReplacementCall.AddMethod("SimpleTest", "oneArg", "oneArg", new Tuple <string, string>[] { new Tuple <string, string>(typeof(float).FullName, "float") });

            var e       = Expression.Call(null, typeof(SimpleTest).GetMethod("oneArg"), new Expression[] { Expression.Constant((int)10) });
            var gc      = new GeneratedCode();
            var context = new CodeContext();
            var r       = CodeMethodCall(new TypeHandlerReplacementCall(), e, gc);
        public void TestRigthClassMethodBadArgsDefined()
            TypeHandlerReplacementCall.AddMethod("SimpleTest", "noArg", "noArg", new Tuple <string, string>[] { new Tuple <string, string>(typeof(int).FullName, "int") });

            var e       = Expression.Call(null, typeof(SimpleTest).GetMethod("noArg"));
            var gc      = new GeneratedCode();
            var context = new CodeContext();
            var r       = CodeMethodCall(new TypeHandlerReplacementCall(), e, gc);
        public void TestRigthClassMethodBadArgs()
            TypeHandlerReplacementCall.AddMethod("SimpleTest", "oneArg", "oneArg");

            var e       = Expression.Call(null, typeof(SimpleTest).GetMethod("oneArg"), new Expression[] { Expression.Constant((int)1) });
            var gc      = new GeneratedCode();
            var context = new CodeContext();
            var r       = CodeMethodCall(new TypeHandlerReplacementCall(), e, gc);
        public void TestRightClassBadMethod()
            TypeHandlerReplacementCall.AddMethod("SimpleTest", "noArgDude", "noArg");

            var e       = Expression.Call(null, typeof(SimpleTest).GetMethod("noArg"));
            var gc      = new GeneratedCode();
            var context = new CodeContext();
            var r       = CodeMethodCall(new TypeHandlerReplacementCall(), e, gc);
        public void TestCallWithArgs()
            TypeHandlerReplacementCall.AddMethod("SimpleTest", "oneArg", "oneArg", new Tuple <string, string>[] { new Tuple <string, string>(typeof(int).FullName, "int") });

            var e       = Expression.Call(null, typeof(SimpleTest).GetMethod("oneArg"), new Expression[] { Expression.Constant((int)10) });
            var gc      = new GeneratedCode();
            var context = new CodeContext();
            var r       = CodeMethodCall(new TypeHandlerReplacementCall(), e, gc);

            Assert.AreEqual("oneArg((int)10)", r.RawValue, "uncorrected coded method argument");
        public void TestIncludes()
            TypeHandlerReplacementCall.AddMethod("SimpleTest", "noArg", "noArg", null, new string[] { "cmath" });

            var e       = Expression.Call(null, typeof(SimpleTest).GetMethod("noArg"));
            var gc      = new GeneratedCode();
            var context = new CodeContext();
            var result  = CodeMethodCall(new TypeHandlerReplacementCall(), e, gc);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, gc.IncludeFiles.Count(), "# include files");
            Assert.AreEqual("cmath", gc.IncludeFiles.First(), "include filename");
        public void TestNoArg()
            TypeHandlerReplacementCall.AddMethod("SimpleTest", "noArg", "noArg");

            var e       = Expression.Call(null, typeof(SimpleTest).GetMethod("noArg"));
            var gc      = new GeneratedCode();
            var context = new CodeContext();
            var result  = CodeMethodCall(new TypeHandlerReplacementCall(), e, gc);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(double), result.Type, "the type that came back isn't right");
            Assert.AreEqual("noArg()", result.RawValue, "raw translation incorrect");