public virtual double[] Execute(double [] register_values)
            for (int i = 0; i < mRegisterSet.RegisterCount; ++i)
                mRegisterSet.FindRegisterByIndex(i).Value = register_values[i % register_values.Length];

            LGPOperator.OperatorExecutionStatus command  = LGPOperator.OperatorExecutionStatus.LGP_EXECUTE_NEXT_INSTRUCTION;
            LGPInstruction current_effective_instruction = null;
            LGPInstruction prev_effective_instruction    = null;

            foreach (LGPInstruction instruction in mInstructions)
                if (instruction.IsStructuralIntron)
                prev_effective_instruction    = current_effective_instruction;
                current_effective_instruction = instruction;
                if (command == LGPOperator.OperatorExecutionStatus.LGP_EXECUTE_NEXT_INSTRUCTION)
                    command = current_effective_instruction.Execute();
                    // CSChen says:
                    // as suggested in Linear Genetic Programming
                    // the condictional construct is restricted to single condictional construct
                    // an example of single conditional construct would be
                    // line 1: if(register[a])
                    // line 2: <action1>
                    // line 3: <action2>
                    // if register[a]==true, then <action1> and <action2> are executed
                    // if register[a]==false, then <action1> is skipped and <action2> is executed
                    // <action1> and <action2> are restricted to effective instruction
                    if (prev_effective_instruction.IsConditionalConstruct)
                        command = LGPOperator.OperatorExecutionStatus.LGP_EXECUTE_NEXT_INSTRUCTION;

            double[] outputs = new double[mRegisterSet.RegisterCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; ++i)
                outputs[i] = mRegisterSet.FindRegisterByIndex(i).Value;
        protected void ExecuteOnFitnessCase(LGPFitnessCase fitness_case)
            mPop.InitializeProgramRegisters(this, fitness_case);

            LGPOperator.OperatorExecutionStatus command  = LGPOperator.OperatorExecutionStatus.LGP_EXECUTE_NEXT_INSTRUCTION;
            LGPInstruction current_effective_instruction = null;
            LGPInstruction prev_effective_instruction    = null;

            foreach (LGPInstruction instruction in mInstructions)
                if (instruction.IsStructuralIntron)
                prev_effective_instruction    = current_effective_instruction;
                current_effective_instruction = instruction;
                if (command == LGPOperator.OperatorExecutionStatus.LGP_EXECUTE_NEXT_INSTRUCTION)
                    command = current_effective_instruction.Execute();
                    fitness_case.ReportProgress(instruction.Operator, instruction.Operand1, instruction.Operand2, instruction.DestinationRegister, RegisterSet);
                    // CSChen says:
                    // as suggested in Linear Genetic Programming
                    // the condictional construct is restricted to single condictional construct
                    // an example of single conditional construct would be
                    // line 1: if(register[a])
                    // line 2: <action1>
                    // line 3: <action2>
                    // if register[a]==true, then <action1> and <action2> are executed
                    // if register[a]==false, then <action1> is skipped and <action2> is executed
                    // <action1> and <action2> are restricted to effective instruction
                    if (prev_effective_instruction.IsConditionalConstruct)
                        command = LGPOperator.OperatorExecutionStatus.LGP_EXECUTE_NEXT_INSTRUCTION;

            double[] outputs = new double[mRegisterSet.RegisterCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; ++i)
                outputs[i] = mRegisterSet.FindRegisterByIndex(i).Value;