public static int verifyMessage(byte[] data, int len, bool verbose)
            long calced_cksum = 0;

            if (len < MINIMUM_VERIFIABLE_MSG_LEN)
                return(-1); // too small to be a verifiable msg
            calced_cksum = VerifiableMessage.inet_cksum(data, len);

            if (verbose)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Calculated cksum = " + calced_cksum);

            if (calced_cksum == 0)
                return(1); // success
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (data[i + 2] != MAGIC_NUMBER[i])
                    return(-1); // no magic number found, not a verifiable message - failed

            return(0); // magic number found, but bad checksum - failed
        public static byte[] constructVerifiableMessage(int len)
            // bytes 0 and 1 are for the checksum
            // bytes 2 through 5 are for the 4 byte magic number
            // remaining bytes are generated randomly
            byte[] message = new byte[len];
            long   cksum;

            Array.Copy(MAGIC_NUMBER, 0, message, 2, 4);

            for (int i = 6; i < len; i++)
                message[i] = (byte)(GENERATOR.Next() & 0xff);

            cksum = VerifiableMessage.inet_cksum(message, len);

            message[0] = (byte)((cksum >> 8) & 0xff);
            message[1] = (byte)(cksum & 0xff);
