Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes reserve table with reserve words and token codes
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Reserve table with reserve words and token codes</returns>
        static ReserveTable InitializeReserveWordTable()
            ReserveTable reserveWords = new ReserveTable();

            // Token Codes
            reserveWords.Add("GOTO", 0);
            reserveWords.Add("INTEGER", 1);
            reserveWords.Add("TO", 2);
            reserveWords.Add("DO", 3);
            reserveWords.Add("IF", 4);
            reserveWords.Add("THEN", 5);
            reserveWords.Add("ELSE", 6);
            reserveWords.Add("FOR", 7);
            reserveWords.Add("OF", 8);
            reserveWords.Add("WRITELN", 9);
            reserveWords.Add("READLN", 10);
            reserveWords.Add("BEGIN", 11);
            reserveWords.Add("END", 12);
            reserveWords.Add("VAR", 13);
            reserveWords.Add("WHILE", 14);
            reserveWords.Add("UNIT", 15);
            reserveWords.Add("LABEL", 16);
            reserveWords.Add("REPEAT", 17);
            reserveWords.Add("UNTIL", 18);
            reserveWords.Add("PROCEDURE", 19);
            reserveWords.Add("DOWNTO", 20);
            reserveWords.Add("FUNCTION", 21);
            reserveWords.Add("RETURN", 22);
            reserveWords.Add("REAL", 23);
            reserveWords.Add("STRING", 24);
            reserveWords.Add("ARRAY", 25);

            // Other Tokens
            reserveWords.Add("/", 30);
            reserveWords.Add("*", 31);
            reserveWords.Add("+", 32);
            reserveWords.Add("-", 33);
            reserveWords.Add("(", 34);
            reserveWords.Add(")", 35);
            reserveWords.Add(";", 36);
            reserveWords.Add(":=", 37);
            reserveWords.Add(">", 38);
            reserveWords.Add("<", 39);
            reserveWords.Add(">=", 40);
            reserveWords.Add("<=", 41);
            reserveWords.Add("=", 42);
            reserveWords.Add("<>", 43);
            reserveWords.Add(",", 44);
            reserveWords.Add("[", 45);
            reserveWords.Add("]", 46);
            reserveWords.Add(":", 47);
            reserveWords.Add(".", 48);

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the Lexical Analyzer to a baseline state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileText">The source text as a string array</param>
 /// <param name="symbolTable">The table that will hold all symbols found</param>
 /// <param name="reserveTable">The table containing the reserve words for the langauge</param>
 public void Initialize(string[] fileText, SymbolTable symbolTable, ReserveTable reserveTable)
     SymbolTable      = symbolTable;
     ReserveTable     = reserveTable;
     EndOfFile        = false;
     EchoOn           = false;
     FileText         = fileText;
     CurrentLineIndex = 0;
     CurrentCharIndex = 0;
     CurrentLine      = FileText[CurrentLineIndex];
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries the Reserve Table to determine if the current token is a reserve word.
        /// If it is then the proper token code is returned from the table.
        /// If it is not a reserve word it is given the identifier token code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int GetIdentifierCode()
            int code = ReserveTable.LookupName(NextToken.ToUpper());

            if (code == -1)

Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // My test file
            //string inputFilePath = @"C:\projects\CS4100_Compiler_Design\TestInput\program.txt";

            // My test file
            //string inputFilePath = @"C:\projects\CS4100_Compiler_Design\TestInput\GetNextCharTest.txt";

            // Provided test file
            string inputFilePath = @"C:\projects\CS4100_Compiler_Design\TestInput\LexicalTestF20.txt";

            // Initialize structures
            ReserveTable reserveWords = InitializeReserveWordTable();
            ReserveTable tokenCodes   = InitializeTokenCodeTable();
            SymbolTable  symbolTable  = new SymbolTable();

                // Initialize input file
                string[] fileText = InitializeInputFile(inputFilePath);

                // Initialize the Lexical Analyzer (Scanner)
                LexicalAnalyzer scanner = new LexicalAnalyzer();
                scanner.Initialize(fileText, symbolTable, reserveWords);
                bool echoOn = true;

                while (!scanner.EndOfFile)
                    if (!scanner.EndOfFile)
                        PrintToken(scanner.NextToken, scanner.TokenCode, tokenCodes, symbolTable);

            catch (Exception e)
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds and prints the hard coded Reserve Table and Quad Table to run the summation algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Quad Table</returns>
        static QuadTable BuildQuadsForSummation()
            ReserveTable reserveTable = new ReserveTable();


            QuadTable quadTable = new QuadTable(reserveTable);

            quadTable.AddQuad(5, 4, 0, 0);
            quadTable.AddQuad(5, 5, 0, 1);
            quadTable.AddQuad(5, 5, 0, 2);
            quadTable.AddQuad(3, 0, 2, 6);
            quadTable.AddQuad(13, 6, 0, 8);
            quadTable.AddQuad(4, 1, 2, 1);
            quadTable.AddQuad(4, 2, 5, 2);
            quadTable.AddQuad(14, 0, 0, 3);
            quadTable.AddQuad(5, 1, 0, 3);
            quadTable.AddQuad(16, 3, 0, 0);
            quadTable.AddQuad(0, 0, 0, 0);

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Prints the Lexeme, the token code, a table-looked-up 4-character mnemonic for that code,
        /// and for identifiers and literals added to the symbol table, the symbol table location index of the token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nextToken">The token most recently found</param>
        /// <param name="tokenCode">The token code of the most recently found token</param>
        /// <param name="mnemonicTable">Table containing the mnemonic associated with each token code</param>
        /// <param name="symbolTable">Table containing identifiers, numeric constants, and string constants</param>
        static void PrintToken(string nextToken, int tokenCode, ReserveTable mnemonicTable, SymbolTable symbolTable)
            string mneumonic = mnemonicTable.LookupCode(tokenCode);
            int    symbolTableIndex;

            if (tokenCode == 50)
                symbolTableIndex = symbolTable.LookupSymbol(nextToken.ToUpper());
                symbolTableIndex = symbolTable.LookupSymbol(nextToken);

            if (symbolTableIndex == -1)
                Console.WriteLine($"\t|Token: {nextToken, -40} | Token Code: {tokenCode, 2} | Mneumonic: {mneumonic, 4} | Symbol Table Index:   |");
                Console.WriteLine($"\t|Token: {nextToken, -40} | Token Code: {tokenCode, 2} | Mneumonic: {mneumonic, 4} | Symbol Table Index: {symbolTableIndex, 2}|");
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor which takes a Reserve Table object and initializes the Quad Table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reserveTable"></param>
 public QuadTable(ReserveTable reserveTable)
     ReserveTable = reserveTable;
        /// <summary>
        /// One of the predefined one or two character tokens
        /// from section 6 of the CS4100projectlangFA20-TOKENS.pdf
        /// has been detected so this method stores it in NextToken.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">The current character</param>
        private void GetOneOrTwoCharToken(char c)
            CurrentState = State.ONE_OR_TWO_CHAR_TOKEN_ACCEPT;
            switch (c)
            case '/':
            case '*':
            case '+':
            case '-':
            case '(':
            case ')':
            case ';':
            case '=':
            case ',':
            case '[':
            case ']':
            case '.':
                NextToken += CurrentChar;

            case ':':
                if (LookAhead() == '=')
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;

            case '>':
                if (LookAhead() == '=')
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;

            case '<':
                if (LookAhead() == '=' || LookAhead() == '>')
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;
                    NextToken += CurrentChar;
            AcceptToken(ReserveTable.LookupName(NextToken), State.ONE_OR_TWO_CHAR_TOKEN_ACCEPT);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the reserve table containing the token codes and mnemonics
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Reserve table containing the token codes and mnemonics</returns>
        static ReserveTable InitializeTokenCodeTable()
            ReserveTable tokenCodes = new ReserveTable();

            // Reserve Words
            tokenCodes.Add("GOTO", 0);
            tokenCodes.Add("_INT", 1);
            tokenCodes.Add("__TO", 2);
            tokenCodes.Add("__DO", 3);
            tokenCodes.Add("__IF", 4);
            tokenCodes.Add("THEN", 5);
            tokenCodes.Add("ELSE", 6);
            tokenCodes.Add("_FOR", 7);
            tokenCodes.Add("__OF", 8);
            tokenCodes.Add("WTLN", 9);
            tokenCodes.Add("RDLN", 10);
            tokenCodes.Add("_BEG", 11);
            tokenCodes.Add("_END", 12);
            tokenCodes.Add("_VAR", 13);
            tokenCodes.Add("WHIL", 14);
            tokenCodes.Add("UNIT", 15);
            tokenCodes.Add("LABL", 16);
            tokenCodes.Add("REPT", 17);
            tokenCodes.Add("UNTL", 18);
            tokenCodes.Add("PROC", 19);
            tokenCodes.Add("DOWN", 20);
            tokenCodes.Add("FUNC", 21);
            tokenCodes.Add("RTRN", 22);
            tokenCodes.Add("REAL", 23);
            tokenCodes.Add("_STR", 24);
            tokenCodes.Add("ARRY", 25);

            // Other Tokens
            tokenCodes.Add("_DIV", 30);
            tokenCodes.Add("_MUL", 31);
            tokenCodes.Add("_ADD", 32);
            tokenCodes.Add("_SUB", 33);
            tokenCodes.Add("LPAR", 34);
            tokenCodes.Add("RPAR", 35);
            tokenCodes.Add("SEMI", 36);
            tokenCodes.Add("ASGN", 37);
            tokenCodes.Add("__GT", 38);
            tokenCodes.Add("__LT", 39);
            tokenCodes.Add("GTEQ", 40);
            tokenCodes.Add("LTEQ", 41);
            tokenCodes.Add("__EQ", 42);
            tokenCodes.Add("NTEQ", 43);
            tokenCodes.Add("COMM", 44);
            tokenCodes.Add("LBRC", 45);
            tokenCodes.Add("RBRC", 46);
            tokenCodes.Add("COLN", 47);
            tokenCodes.Add("_DOT", 48);

            // Identifiers
            tokenCodes.Add("IDNT", 50);

            // Numeric Constants
            tokenCodes.Add("INTC", 51);
            tokenCodes.Add("FLTC", 52);

            // String
            tokenCodes.Add("STRC", 53);

            // Used for any other input characters which are not defined.
            tokenCodes.Add("UNDF", 99);
