static IEnumerator DemoCoroutiune()
            // You can code editor coroutines exactly like you would a normal unity coroutine
            Debug.Log("Step: 0");
            yield return(null);

            // all the normal return types that work with regular Unity coroutines should work here! for example lets wait for a second
            Debug.Log("Step: 1");
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

            // We can also yeild any type that extends Unitys CustomYieldInstruction class. here we are going to use EditorStatusUpdate. this allows us to yield and update the
            // editor coroutine UI at the same time!
            yield return(new EditorStatusUpdate("coroutine is running", 0.2f));

            // We can also yield to nested coroutines
            Debug.Log("Step: 2");

            yield return(EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(DemoTwo()));

                0.35f);      // we can use the UpdateUI helper methods to update the UI whenever, without yielding a EditorStatusUpdate
            yield return
                (DemoTwo()); // it shouldnt matter how we start the nested coroutine, the editor runner can hadle it

            // we can even yield a WWW object if we want to grab data from the internets!
            Debug.Log("Step: 3");

            // for example, lets as to generate us a list of random numbers and shove it into the console
            var www = new WWW(

            yield return(www);


            EditorCoroutineRunner.UpdateUI("Half way!", 0.5f);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

            // Finally lets do a long runnig task and split its updates over many frames to keep the editor responsive
            Debug.Log("Step: 4");
            var test = 1000;

            yield return(new WaitUntil(() =>
                EditorCoroutineRunner.UpdateUI("Crunching Numbers: " + test, 0.5f + (((1000 - test) / 1000f) * 0.5f));
                return (test <= 0);

Beispiel #2
        private static IEnumerator downloadAll(List <GSPluginSettings.Sheet> sheets, string settingDir)
            float progress = 0f;
            int   i        = 0;

            foreach (var ss in sheets)
                EditorCoroutineRunner.UpdateUILabel("Downloading " + ss.targetPath);
                yield return(EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(Download(ss, settingDir)));

                progress = (float)(++i) / sheets.Count;
