/// <summary>
        /// Checks if a newer database exists on OneDrive compared to the locally opened version and syncs them if so
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localKeePassDatabasePath">Full path to where the KeePass database resides locally</param>
        /// <param name="updateStatus">Method to call to update the status</param>
        /// <param name="forceSync">If True, no attempts will be made to validate if the local copy differs from the remote copy and it will always sync. If False, it will try to validate if there are any changes and not sync if there are no changes.</param>
        public static async Task SyncDatabase(string localKeePassDatabasePath, Action <string> updateStatus, bool forceSync)
            // Retrieve the KeePassOneDriveSync settings
            var databaseConfig = Configuration.GetPasswordDatabaseConfiguration(localKeePassDatabasePath);

            // Check if this database explicitly does not allow to be synced with OneDrive and if syncing is enabled on this database
            if (databaseConfig.DoNotSync || !databaseConfig.SyncingEnabled)

            // Check if the current database is synced with OneDrive
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath))
                // Current database is not being syned with OneDrive, ask if it should be synced
                var oneDriveAskToStartSyncingForm = new OneDriveAskToStartSyncingDialog(databaseConfig);
                if (oneDriveAskToStartSyncingForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                // Ask which cloud service to connect to
                var oneDriveCloudTypeForm = new OneDriveCloudTypeForm(databaseConfig);
                if (oneDriveCloudTypeForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            // Connect to OneDrive
            var oneDriveApi = await Utilities.GetOneDriveApi(databaseConfig);

            if (oneDriveApi == null)
                updateStatus("Failed to connect to OneDrive");

            // Save the RefreshToken in the configuration so we can use it again next time
            databaseConfig.RefreshToken = oneDriveApi.AccessToken.RefreshToken;

            // Verify if we already have retrieved the name of this OneDrive
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseConfig.OneDriveName))
                // Fetch details about this OneDrive account
                var oneDriveAccount = await oneDriveApi.GetDrive();

                databaseConfig.OneDriveName = oneDriveAccount.Owner.User.DisplayName;

            // Check if we have a location on OneDrive to sync with
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath))
                // Have the user enter a location for the database on OneDrive
                var oneDriveRemoteLocationForm = new OneDriveRemoteLocationDialog(databaseConfig);
                var result = oneDriveRemoteLocationForm.ShowDialog();
                if (result != DialogResult.OK || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oneDriveRemoteLocationForm.OneDriveRemotePathTextBox.Text))
                databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath = oneDriveRemoteLocationForm.OneDriveRemotePathTextBox.Text.Replace('\\', '/').TrimStart('/');

            // Retrieve the KeePass database from OneDrive
            var oneDriveItem = await oneDriveApi.GetItem(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath);

            if (oneDriveItem == null)
                // KeePass database not found on OneDrive
                updateStatus("Database does not exist yet on OneDrive, uploading it now");

                // Create or retrieve the folder in which to store the database on OneDrive
                var oneDriveFolder = databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.Contains("/") ? await oneDriveApi.GetFolderOrCreate(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.Remove(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))) : await oneDriveApi.GetDriveRoot();

                if (oneDriveFolder == null)
                    updateStatus("Unable to upload database to OneDrive. Remote path is invalid.");

                // Upload the database to OneDrive
                var fileName = databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.Contains("/") ? databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.Remove(0, databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) : databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath;

                var newUploadResult = await oneDriveApi.UploadFileAs(localKeePassDatabasePath, fileName, oneDriveFolder);

                updateStatus(newUploadResult == null ? "Failed to upload the KeePass database" : "Successfully uploaded the new KeePass database to OneDrive");

                databaseConfig.LocalFileHash = Utilities.GetDatabaseFileHash(localKeePassDatabasePath);
                if (newUploadResult != null)
                    databaseConfig.LastCheckedAt = DateTime.Now;
                    databaseConfig.LastSyncedAt  = DateTime.Now;
                    databaseConfig.ETag          = newUploadResult.ETag;

            // Use the ETag from the OneDrive item to compare it against the local database config etag to see if the content has changed
            if (!forceSync && oneDriveItem.ETag == databaseConfig.ETag)
                updateStatus("Databases are in sync");

                databaseConfig.LastCheckedAt = DateTime.Now;


            // Download the database from OneDrive
            updateStatus("Downloading KeePass database from OneDrive");

            var temporaryKeePassDatabasePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
            var downloadSuccessful           = await oneDriveApi.DownloadItemAndSaveAs(oneDriveItem, temporaryKeePassDatabasePath);

            if (!downloadSuccessful)
                updateStatus("Failed to download the KeePass database from OneDrive");

            // Sync database
            updateStatus("KeePass database downloaded, going to sync");

            var connectionInfo = IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(temporaryKeePassDatabasePath);
            var formatter      = KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.FileFormatPool.Find("KeePass KDBX (2.x)");

            // Temporarily switch off syncing for this database to avoid the import operation, which causes a save, to create and endless loop
            databaseConfig.SyncingEnabled = false;

            // Import the current database with the downloaded database. Import causes a one way sync, syncing would try to update both ends which won't work for OneDrive.
            var importSuccessful = ImportUtil.Import(KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.Database, formatter, new[] { connectionInfo }, true, KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.MainWindow, false, KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.MainWindow);

            // Enable syncing of this database again
            databaseConfig.SyncingEnabled = true;

            // Remove the temporary database from the Most Recently Used (MRU) list in KeePass as its added automatically on the import action

            if (!importSuccessful.GetValueOrDefault(false))
                updateStatus("Failed to synchronize the KeePass databases");

            // Upload the synced database
            updateStatus("Uploading the new KeePass database to OneDrive");

            var uploadResult = await oneDriveApi.UploadFileAs(temporaryKeePassDatabasePath, new FileInfo(localKeePassDatabasePath).Name, oneDriveItem.ParentReference.Path.Equals("/drive/root:", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)?await oneDriveApi.GetDriveRoot() : await oneDriveApi.GetItem(oneDriveItem.ParentReference.Path.Remove(0, 13)));

            if (uploadResult == null)
                updateStatus("Failed to upload the KeePass database");

            // Delete the temporary database used for merging

            // Update the KeePass UI so it shows the new entries
            KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.MainWindow.UpdateUI(false, null, true, null, true, null, false);

            updateStatus("KeePass database has successfully been synchronized and uploaded");

            databaseConfig.LocalFileHash = Utilities.GetDatabaseFileHash(localKeePassDatabasePath);
            databaseConfig.ETag          = uploadResult.ETag;
            databaseConfig.LastSyncedAt  = DateTime.Now;
            databaseConfig.LastCheckedAt = DateTime.Now;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a newer database exists on OneDrive compared to the locally opened version and syncs them if so
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localKeePassDatabasePath">Full path to where the KeePass database resides locally</param>
        /// <param name="updateStatus">Method to call to update the status</param>
        public static async Task SyncDatabase(string localKeePassDatabasePath, Action<string> updateStatus)
            // Retrieve the KeePassOneDriveSync settings
            var databaseConfig = Configuration.GetPasswordDatabaseConfiguration(localKeePassDatabasePath);

            // Check if this database explicitly does not allow to be synced with OneDrive and if syncing is enabled on this database
            if (databaseConfig.DoNotSync || !databaseConfig.SyncingEnabled)

            // Check if the current database is syned with OneDrive
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath))
                // Current database is not being syned with OneDrive, ask if it should be synced
                var oneDriveAskToStartSyncingForm = new OneDriveAskToStartSyncingDialog(databaseConfig);
                var result = oneDriveAskToStartSyncingForm.ShowDialog();

                if (result != DialogResult.OK)

            // Connect to OneDrive
            var oneDriveApi = await Utilities.GetOneDriveApi(databaseConfig, KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.OneDriveClientId, KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.OneDriveClientSecret);

            if (oneDriveApi == null)
                updateStatus("Failed to connect to OneDrive");

            // Save the RefreshToken in the configuration so we can use it again next time
            databaseConfig.RefreshToken = oneDriveApi.AccessToken.RefreshToken;

            // Verify if we already have retrieved the name of this OneDrive
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseConfig.OneDriveName))
                // Fetch details about this OneDrive account
                var oneDriveAccount = await oneDriveApi.GetDrive();
                databaseConfig.OneDriveName = oneDriveAccount.Owner.User.DisplayName;

            // Check if we have a location on OneDrive to sync with
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath))
                // Have the user enter a location for the database on OneDrive 
                var oneDriveRemoteLocationForm = new OneDriveRemoteLocationDialog(databaseConfig);
                var result = oneDriveRemoteLocationForm.ShowDialog();
                if (result != DialogResult.OK || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oneDriveRemoteLocationForm.OneDriveRemotePathTextBox.Text))
                databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath = oneDriveRemoteLocationForm.OneDriveRemotePathTextBox.Text.Replace('\\', '/').TrimStart('/');

            // Retrieve the KeePass database from OneDrive
            var oneDriveItem = await oneDriveApi.GetItem(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath);

            if (oneDriveItem == null)
                // KeePass database not found on OneDrive
                updateStatus("Database does not exist yet on OneDrive, uploading it now");

                // Create or retrieve the folder in which to store the database on OneDrive
                var oneDriveFolder = databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.Contains("/") ? await oneDriveApi.GetFolderOrCreate(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.Remove(databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))) : await oneDriveApi.GetDriveRoot();
                if (oneDriveFolder == null)
                    updateStatus("Unable to upload database to OneDrive. Remote path is invalid.");
                // Upload the database to OneDrive
                var fileName = databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.Contains("/") ? databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.Remove(0, databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) : databaseConfig.RemoteDatabasePath;
                var newUploadResult = await oneDriveApi.UploadFileAs(localKeePassDatabasePath, fileName, oneDriveFolder);

                updateStatus(newUploadResult == null ? "Failed to upload the KeePass database" : "Successfully uploaded the new KeePass database to OneDrive");

                databaseConfig.LocalFileHash = Utilities.GetDatabaseFileHash(localKeePassDatabasePath);
                if (newUploadResult != null)
                    databaseConfig.LastCheckedAt = DateTime.Now;
                    databaseConfig.LastSyncedAt = DateTime.Now;                                       

            // Calculate the SHA1 hash of the local KeePass database
            var fileHash = Utilities.GetDatabaseFileHash(localKeePassDatabasePath);

            databaseConfig.LocalFileHash = fileHash;
            databaseConfig.LastCheckedAt = DateTime.Now;

            if (oneDriveItem.File.Hashes.Sha1.Equals(fileHash))
                updateStatus("Databases are in sync");

            // Download the database from OneDrive
            updateStatus("Downloading KeePass database from OneDrive");

            var temporaryKeePassDatabasePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
            var downloadSuccessful = await oneDriveApi.DownloadItemAndSaveAs(oneDriveItem, temporaryKeePassDatabasePath);

            if (!downloadSuccessful)
                updateStatus("Failed to download the KeePass database from OneDrive");

            // Sync database
            updateStatus("KeePass database downloaded, going to sync");

            var connectionInfo = IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(temporaryKeePassDatabasePath);
            var formatter = KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.FileFormatPool.Find("KeePass KDBX (2.x)");

            // Temporarily switch off syncing for this database to avoid the import operation, which causes a save, to create and endless loop
            databaseConfig.SyncingEnabled = false;

            // Import the current database with the downloaded database. Import causes a one way sync, syncing would try to update both ends which won't work for OneDrive.
            var importSuccessful = ImportUtil.Import(KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.Database, formatter, new[] { connectionInfo }, true, KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.MainWindow, false, KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.MainWindow);            

            // Enable syncing of this database again
            databaseConfig.SyncingEnabled = true;

            // Remove the temporary database from the Most Recently Used (MRU) list in KeePass as its added automatically on the import action

            if (!importSuccessful.GetValueOrDefault(false))
                updateStatus("Failed to synchronize the KeePass databases");

            databaseConfig.LastSyncedAt = DateTime.Now;

            // Upload the synced database
            updateStatus("Uploading the new KeePass database to OneDrive");

            var uploadResult = await oneDriveApi.UploadFileAs(temporaryKeePassDatabasePath, new FileInfo(localKeePassDatabasePath).Name, oneDriveItem.ParentReference.Path.Equals("/drive/root:", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? await oneDriveApi.GetDriveRoot() : await oneDriveApi.GetItem(oneDriveItem.ParentReference.Path.Remove(0, 13)));

            if (uploadResult == null)
                updateStatus("Failed to upload the KeePass database");

            // Delete the temporary database used for merging
            // Update the KeePass UI so it shows the new entries
            KoenZomersKeePassOneDriveSyncExt.Host.MainWindow.UpdateUI(false, null, true, null, true, null, false);

            updateStatus("KeePass database has successfully been synchronized and uploaded");