Beispiel #1
        public override bool Track(List <AbstractTrackPoint> _previousPoints, Bitmap _CurrentImage, long _t, out AbstractTrackPoint _currentPoint)
            // The input informations we have at hand are:
            // - The current bitmap we have to find the point into.
            // - The coordinates of all the previous points tracked.
            // - Previous tracking infos, stored in the TrackPoints tracked so far.

            bool bMatched = false;

            TrackPointSURF lastTrackPoint = (TrackPointSURF)_previousPoints[_previousPoints.Count - 1];

            // Create a point centered on last match.
            // This will find and register all the SURF features located in the search zone.

            // Test with grayscale image.
            Bitmap grayCurrentImage = Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms.BT709.Apply(_CurrentImage);

            _currentPoint = CreateTrackPoint(false, lastTrackPoint.X, lastTrackPoint.Y, 1.0f, _t, grayCurrentImage, _previousPoints);

            if (_currentPoint == null)
                // Untrackable area.
                if (((TrackPointSURF)_currentPoint).FoundFeatures.Count > 0)
                    // Feature matching.
                    // Look for the nearest neighbour to the previous match, in the list of newly found features.
                    Match m = null;
                    COpenSURF.MatchPoint(lastTrackPoint.MatchedFeature, ((TrackPointSURF)_currentPoint).FoundFeatures, out m);

                    // Also look for a match of the first feature, to compensate for occlusion and drift).
                    Match          m2 = null;
                    TrackPointSURF firstTrackPoint = (TrackPointSURF)_previousPoints[0];
                    COpenSURF.MatchPoint(firstTrackPoint.MatchedFeature, ((TrackPointSURF)_currentPoint).FoundFeatures, out m2);

                    // Take the best match out of the two.
                    Match matchedFeature = (m.Distance2 < m2.Distance2) ? m : m2;

                    // TODO:
                    // check if distance (match similarity) is over a given threshold.

                    // 3. Store the new matched feature with associated data.
                    ((TrackPointSURF)_currentPoint).MatchedFeature = matchedFeature.Ipt2;

                    _currentPoint.X = ((TrackPointSURF)_currentPoint).SearchWindow.X + (int)matchedFeature.Ipt2.x;
                    _currentPoint.Y = ((TrackPointSURF)_currentPoint).SearchWindow.Y + (int)matchedFeature.Ipt2.y;

                    log.Debug(String.Format("Tracking result: [{0};{1}]", _currentPoint.X, _currentPoint.Y));
                    bMatched = true;

                if (m_bMonitoring)

                // Problems:
                // The user did not choose a feature, so we have extra work to do to keep the correspondance between
                // the feature saved in the track point and the actual coordinates the user is looking for.
                // Currently we just discard the user's point entirely and try to track the closest feature.
Beispiel #2
        public override AbstractTrackPoint CreateTrackPoint(bool _manual, int _x, int _y, double _fSimilarity, long _t, Bitmap _CurrentImage, List <AbstractTrackPoint> _previousPoints)
            // Creates a TrackPoint from the input image at the given coordinates.
            // Find features in the search window.

            // Scale-space image of the search window.
            int       searchLeft  = _x - (m_SearchWindowSize.Width / 2);
            int       searchTop   = _y - (m_SearchWindowSize.Height / 2);
            Rectangle searchZone  = new Rectangle(searchLeft, searchTop, m_SearchWindowSize.Width, m_SearchWindowSize.Height);
            Bitmap    searchImage = new Bitmap(m_SearchWindowSize.Width, m_SearchWindowSize.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            Graphics  g           = Graphics.FromImage(searchImage);
            Rectangle rDst        = new Rectangle(0, 0, m_SearchWindowSize.Width, m_SearchWindowSize.Height);

            g.DrawImage(_CurrentImage, rDst, searchZone, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            IplImage pIplImage = IplImage.LoadImage(searchImage);

            pIplImage = pIplImage.BuildIntegral(null);

            List <Ipoint> ipts          = new List <Ipoint>();
            CFastHessian  pCFastHessian = new CFastHessian(pIplImage, ref ipts, m_iOctaves, m_iIntervals, m_iInitSample, m_fThreshold, m_iInterpolationSteps);

            // Fill the scale-space image with actual data and finds the local extrema.

            // Fill the descriptor field, orientation and laplacian of the feature.
            Surf pSurf = new Surf(pIplImage, ipts);


            // Save algorithm-related data in the point.
            TrackPointSURF tps = new TrackPointSURF(_x, _y, _t);

            tps.FoundFeatures = ipts;

            tps.SearchWindow = new Point(searchLeft, searchTop);

            if (_previousPoints.Count == 0 || _manual)
                // Find the closest point from the user's point.
                int    iClosest      = -1;
                double fBestDistance = double.MaxValue;
                if (ipts.Count > 0)
                    Point userPoint = new Point(_x, _y);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ipts.Count; i++)
                        double fDistance = CalibrationHelper.PixelDistance(new PointF((float)_x, (float)_y), new PointF(ipts[i].x + searchLeft, ipts[i].y + searchTop));
                        if (fDistance < fBestDistance)
                            fBestDistance = fDistance;
                            iClosest      = i;

                    tps.MatchedFeature = tps.FoundFeatures[iClosest];
                    tps.X = (int)(tps.MatchedFeature.x + searchLeft);
                    tps.Y = (int)(tps.MatchedFeature.y + searchTop);

                    log.Debug(String.Format("Initializing of the tracking. Closest feature to user's point : {0:0.00}", fBestDistance));
                    log.Debug(String.Format("Tracking result (init): [{0};{1}], user selection was: [{2};{3}]", tps.X, tps.Y, _x, _y));
                    // Ouch! The point selected by the user is in a no-feature zone.
                    tps = null;
                    log.Debug(String.Format("Tracking impossible from this point. Selected point is in No-feature zone."));
