Beispiel #1
        public static void TestDeterminant()
            Matrix m1 = Matrix.Parse("6 0 \n 0 1");
            Matrix m2 = Matrix.Parse("3.0 2.0 \n 1.5 3.0");
            Matrix m3 = Matrix.Parse("0.7493 0.5074\n -0.004 -0.4204");
            Matrix m4 = PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(4);

            // expect 6
            Console.WriteLine("m1 det: {0}", m1.Determinant());
            // expect 6
            Console.WriteLine("m2 det: {0}", m2.Determinant());
            // expect -0.313
            Console.WriteLine("m3 det: {0}", m3.Determinant());
            Console.WriteLine("m4 det: {0}", m4.Determinant());
            // expect 6
            Console.WriteLine("m1 my det: {0}", MatrixUtils.Determinant(m1));
            // expect 6
            Console.WriteLine("m2 my det: {0}", MatrixUtils.Determinant(m2));
            // expect -0.313
            Console.WriteLine("m3 my det: {0}", MatrixUtils.Determinant(m3));
            Console.WriteLine("m4 my det: {0}", MatrixUtils.Determinant(m4));

            // Use MathNet
            MNMatrix m5 = MNMatrix.Build.Dense(2, 2, new double[] { 6, 0, 0, 1 });

            Console.WriteLine("m5 det: {0}", m5.Determinant());
Beispiel #2
        public static void TestBlkDiag()
            Matrix m1  = Matrix.Parse("1 2\n 3 4");
            Matrix m2  = Matrix.Parse("5 6 7\n 8 9 10 ");
            Matrix m3  = Matrix.Parse("11\n12");
            Matrix m4  = Matrix.Parse("13 14");
            Matrix big = MatrixUtils.BlkDiag(m1, m2, m3, m4);

Beispiel #3
        public static void TestMathNetInverse()
            // inverse is
//			ans =
//				0.5000   -0.3333
//				-0.2500    0.5000

            Matrix inferMat = Matrix.Parse("3 2 \n 1.5 3");

            Matrix inv = MatrixUtils.Inverse(inferMat);

            Console.WriteLine("Inverse: ");
Beispiel #4
        public void LoadDataFromMat(string filePath, out Vector[] X, out bool[] Y)
            // Expect X (dxn) and Y (1xn) in the mat file
            Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(filePath);
            Matrix xmat = (Matrix)dict["X"];

            X = MatrixUtils.SplitColumns(xmat);
            int n = X.Length;
            // Y is actually a 1xn vector
            Matrix ymat = (Matrix)dict["Y"];

            double[,] yarr = ymat.ToArray();
            if (yarr.GetLength(1) != n)
                throw new ArgumentException("length of X and Y do not match.");
            Y = new bool[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                // expect 0, 1
                Y[i] = yarr[0, i] > 0.5;
Beispiel #5
        public void RunOnlineKEPSampling()
            // Kernel EP with importance sampling.

             * Only one W just like in Ali's paper.
             * In practice, we typically observe multiple sets of observations
             * where we want to do inference on the same model with the same
             * parameter.
            Vector w = Vector.Zero(d);

            Rand.Normal(Vector.Zero(d), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(d), w);

            List <LogisticOpRecords> allRecs = new List <LogisticOpRecords>();

            // Create the Logistic operator instance only one because we want to use the same
            // one after a new problem (new seed).
            // stopwatch for measuring inference time for each problem
            Stopwatch watch         = new Stopwatch();
            var       logisticOpIns = new KEPOnlineISLogisticOpIns(
                new LogisticOpRecords(), watch, -8.5);

            logisticOpIns.IsRecordMessages       = true;
            logisticOpIns.IsPrintTrueWhenCertain = false;
            /** Use mixture or not ...*/
            logisticOpIns.isGaussianOp.useMixtureProposal = false;
            logisticOpIns.SetFeatures(new int[] { 300, 500 });

            OpControl.Set(typeof(KEPOnlineLogisticOp), logisticOpIns);
            Type logisticOp = typeof(KEPOnlineLogisticOp);

            List <long> allInferTimes       = new List <long>();
            var         allPosteriors       = new List <VectorGaussian>();
            var         allDotNetPosteriors = new List <VectorGaussian>();

            LogisticOp2.IsCollectLogisticMessages = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectProjMsgs         = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectXMessages        = false;
            for (int seed = seed_from; seed <= seed_to; seed++)
                double b = 0;
                // combine the bias term into W
                Vector[] X;
                bool[]   Y;
                LogisticRegression.GenData(n, w, b, out X, out Y, seed);

                Console.Write("Y: ");

                VectorGaussian wPost;

                LogisticOpRecords recorder = new LogisticOpRecords();
                // Set a new recorder for a new problem seed
                //			Type logisticOp = typeof(LogisticOp2);

                // start the watch
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out wPost, epIter, logisticOp);
                // stop the watch
                long inferenceTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                recorder.inferenceTimes = new List <long>();

                recorder.postW = MatrixUtils.ToList(wPost);

                Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
                Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
                int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);
                Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);
                Console.WriteLine("True bias: {0}", b);
                //			Vector meanW = wPost.GetMean();

                Console.WriteLine("True w: {0}", w);
                Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");

                // Run's operator on the same data
                VectorGaussian dotNetPostW;
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out dotNetPostW,
                                                           epIter, typeof(LogisticOp2));
                recorder.dotNetPostW = MatrixUtils.ToList <VectorGaussian>(dotNetPostW);
                // write the records to a file
                string fname = string.Format("rec_onlinekep_is{0}_n{1}_logistic_iter{2}_s{3}.mat",
                                             importanceSamplingSize, n, epIter, seed);
                string recordPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(fname);
                var    extra      = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                // MatlabWriter cannot write int
                extra.Add("d", (double)d);
                extra.Add("n", (double)n);
                extra.Add("epIter", (double)epIter);
                extra.Add("trueW", w);
                extra.Add("X", MatrixUtils.StackColumns(X));
                extra.Add("Y", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(Y));
                recorder.WriteRecords(recordPath, extra);
            // merge all records and write
            LogisticOpRecords merged = LogisticOpRecords.Merge(allRecs.ToArray());

            merged.inferenceTimes = allInferTimes;
            merged.dotNetPostW    = allDotNetPosteriors;
            merged.postW          = allPosteriors;

            string fnameM = string.Format("rec_onlinekep_is{0}_n{1}_logistic_iter{2}_sf{3}_st{4}.mat",
                                          importanceSamplingSize, n, epIter, seed_from, seed_to);
            string recordPathM = Config.PathToSavedFile(fnameM);

Beispiel #6
        public void RecordInferNETTime()
            /**Records time by*/

             * Only one W just like in Ali's paper.
             * In practice, we typically observe multiple sets of observations
             * where we want to do inference on the same model with the same
             * parameter.
            Vector w = Vector.Zero(d);

            Rand.Normal(Vector.Zero(d), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(d), w);

            // Create the Logistic operator instance only one because we want to use the same
            // one after a new problem (new seed).
            // stopwatch for measuring inference time for each problem
            Stopwatch watch      = new Stopwatch();
            Type      logisticOp = typeof(LogisticOp2);

            LogisticOp2.Watch = watch;
            List <long> allInferTimes = new List <long>();
            var         allPosteriors = new List <VectorGaussian>();

            LogisticOp2.IsCollectLogisticMessages = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectProjMsgs         = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectXMessages        = false;
            for (int seed = seed_from; seed <= seed_to; seed++)
                double b = 0;
                // combine the bias term into W
                Vector[] X;
                bool[]   Y;
                LogisticRegression.GenData(n, w, b, out X, out Y, seed);

                Console.Write("Y: ");

                VectorGaussian wPost;

                // start the watch
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out wPost, epIter, logisticOp);
                // stop the watch
                long inferenceTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;


                Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
                Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
                int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);
                Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);
                Console.WriteLine("True bias: {0}", b);
                //			Vector meanW = wPost.GetMean();

                Console.WriteLine("True w: {0}", w);
                Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");
            string fnameM = string.Format("rec_dnet_n{0}_logistic_iter{1}_sf{2}_st{3}.mat",
                                          n, epIter, seed_from, seed_to);
            string       recordPathM = Config.PathToSavedFile(fnameM);
            MatlabWriter writer      = new MatlabWriter(recordPathM);

            writer.Write("allInferTimes", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(allInferTimes));
            Vector[] postMeans = allPosteriors.Select(vg => vg.GetMean()).ToArray();
            Matrix[] postCovs  = allPosteriors.Select(vg => vg.GetVariance()).ToArray();
            writer.Write("postMeans", postMeans);
            writer.Write("postCovs", postCovs);
            writer.Write("dim", d);
            writer.Write("n", n);
            writer.Write("epIter", epIter);
            writer.Write("seed_from", seed_from);
            writer.Write("seed_to", seed_to);
            writer.Write("init_fixed_seed", init_fixed_seed);
Beispiel #7
        /**Run KJIT with an importance sampler as the oracle on a number of
         * UCI real datasets.*/
        public void RunRealOnlineKEPSampling()

            List <LogisticOpRecords> allRecs = new List <LogisticOpRecords>();

            // Create the Logistic operator instance only once because we want to use the same
            // one after a new problem (new seed).
            // stopwatch for measuring inference time for each problem
            Stopwatch watch         = new Stopwatch();
            var       logisticOpIns = new KEPOnlineISLogisticOpIns(
                new LogisticOpRecords(), watch, -8.95);

            logisticOpIns.IsRecordMessages       = true;
            logisticOpIns.IsPrintTrueWhenCertain = false;

            // See BayesLinRegFM's  BatchLearn() and KEPOnlineISLogisticOpIns()
            // If using the sum kernel
            logisticOpIns.SetFeatures(new int[] { 400, 800 });

            OpControl.Set(typeof(KEPOnlineLogisticOp), logisticOpIns);
            Type logisticOp = typeof(KEPOnlineLogisticOp);

            List <long> allInferTimes       = new List <long>();
            List <long> allOraInferTimes    = new List <long>();
            var         allPosteriors       = new List <VectorGaussian>();
            var         allDotNetPosteriors = new List <VectorGaussian>();

            LogisticOp2.IsCollectLogisticMessages = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectProjMsgs         = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectXMessages        = false;
            string folder = "online_uci/";

            for (int i = 0; i < dataNames.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("----------- starting problem {0} --------------", dataAbbrv[i]);

                Vector[] X;
                bool[]   Y;
                LoadDataFromMat(dataPaths[i], out X, out Y);
                Console.Write("Y: ");

                VectorGaussian    wPost;
                LogisticOpRecords recorder = new LogisticOpRecords();
                // Set a new recorder for a new problem seed
                //			Type logisticOp = typeof(LogisticOp2);

                // start the watch
                // We do not include the bias term. So make sure the datasets
                // are standardized.
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out wPost, epIter, logisticOp);
                // stop the watch
                long inferenceTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                recorder.inferenceTimes = new List <long>();

                recorder.postW = MatrixUtils.ToList(wPost);

                Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
                Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
                int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);
                Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);

                //			Vector meanW = wPost.GetMean();

                Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");

                // Run's operator on the same data
                VectorGaussian dotNetPostW;
                Stopwatch      oraWatch = new Stopwatch();
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out dotNetPostW,
                                                           epIter, typeof(LogisticOp2));
                long oraInferTime = oraWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                recorder.dotNetPostW = MatrixUtils.ToList <VectorGaussian>(dotNetPostW);

                // write the records to a file
                string fname = string.Format("kjit_is{0}_{1}_iter{2}.mat",
                                             importanceSamplingSize, dataAbbrv[i], epIter);
                string recordPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(folder + fname);
                var    extra      = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                // MatlabWriter cannot write int
                extra.Add("d", (double)X[0].Count);
                extra.Add("n", (double)X.Length);
                extra.Add("epIter", (double)epIter);

                extra.Add("X", MatrixUtils.StackColumns(X));
                extra.Add("Y", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(Y));
                recorder.WriteRecords(recordPath, extra);
            // merge all records and write
            LogisticOpRecords merged = LogisticOpRecords.Merge(allRecs.ToArray());

            merged.inferenceTimes = allInferTimes;
            merged.dotNetPostW    = allDotNetPosteriors;
            merged.postW          = allPosteriors;

            string fnameM = string.Format("kjit_is{0}_uci{1}_iter{2}.mat",
                                          importanceSamplingSize, dataAbbrv.Length, epIter);
            string recordPathM = Config.PathToSavedFile(folder + fnameM);
            var    allExtra    = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            double[] oraInferTimesArr = allOraInferTimes.Select(t => (double)t).ToArray();
            allExtra.Add("oraInferTimes", Vector.FromArray(oraInferTimesArr));
            merged.WriteRecords(recordPathM, allExtra);
Beispiel #8
        public static void RunOnlineKEPDotNet()
            // KJIT with Infer.NET oracle

            // Compile model only once. In this model, only one message can
            // be collected from one EP problem.
            Variable <int>    dataCount = Variable.Observed(-1).Named("dataCount");
            Range             n         = new Range(dataCount).Named("N");
            Variable <double> precision = Variable <double> .Factor(CGFac.FromCompoundGamma);

            precision.AddAttribute(new TraceMessages());
            precision.AddAttribute(new MarginalPrototype(new Gamma()));
            VariableArray <double> x = Variable.Array <double>(n).Named("X");

            x[n] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(GaussMean, precision).ForEach(n);

            // Create the  operator instance only once because we want to use the same
            // one after a new problem (new seed).
            // stopwatch for measuring inference time for each problem
            Stopwatch   watch  = new Stopwatch();
            CGOpRecords record = new CGOpRecords();
            var         opIns  = new KEP_CGFacOpIns(onlineBatchSizeTrigger, record, watch, initialThreshold);

            opIns.IsPrintTrueWhenCertain = true;
            opIns.IsRecordMessages       = true;

            //---- records -----
            List <long> allInferTimes       = new List <long>();
            List <long> allOracleInferTimes = new List <long>();
//			List<Dictionary<string, object>> allExtras = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
            var allPosteriors       = new List <Gamma>();
            var allOraclePosteriors = new List <Gamma>();

            int[]           Ns         = new int[seed_to];
            double[]        trueRate2s = new double[seed_to];
            double[]        truePrecs  = new double[seed_to];
            List <double[]> allObs     = new List <double[]>();


            OpControl.Set(typeof(KEP_CGFacOp), opIns);

            // one engine means the initial model compilation is done only once
            InferenceEngine ie = NewInferenceEngine("KJIT_CG");


            // engine for the oracle
            InferenceEngine dnetIe = NewInferenceEngine("Oracle_CG");


            Random precRand = new Random(1);

            for (int seed = 1; seed <= seed_to; seed++)
                int i = seed - 1;
                // n is between 10 and 100 for. Could be different for each seed.
                int N = Rand.Int(10, 100 + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("\n    ///// New compound Gamma problem {0} of size: {1}  /////\n",
                                  seed, N);
                Ns[i] = N;
                CompoundGamma cg = new CompoundGamma();

                double   trueR2, truePrec;
                double[] obs;
                cg.GenData(N, seed, out obs, out trueR2, out truePrec);

                // Draw a number uniformly from log(1e-4)
                // to log(1e4) and exp(.) it to get the precision.
//				double logPrec = precRand.NextDouble()*(Math.Log(1e4) - Math.Log(1e-4)) + Math.Log(1e-4);
//				double truePrec = Math.Exp(logPrec);
//				double[] obs = CompoundGamma.DrawFromGaussian(GaussMean, truePrec, N);

//				trueRate2s[i] = trueR2;
                truePrecs[i] = truePrec;

                dataCount.ObservedValue = N;
                x.ObservedValue         = obs;

                //				Console.Write("observations: ");
                //				StringUtils.PrintArray(obs);
                //			ie.Compiler.UseParallelForLoops = true;
                Gamma postPrec      = ie.Infer <Gamma>(precision);
                long  inferenceTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;


//				// Run's operator on the same data
                Stopwatch dnetWatch = new Stopwatch();
                dataCount.ObservedValue = N;
                x.ObservedValue         = obs;
                Gamma dnetPost = dnetIe.Infer <Gamma>(precision);
                long  dnetTime = dnetWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                Console.WriteLine("seed: {0}", seed);
                Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", N);
//				Console.WriteLine("True r2: {0}", trueR2);
                Console.WriteLine("True precision: {0}", truePrec);
                Console.WriteLine("Inferred precision posterior: {0}", postPrec);
                Console.WriteLine("Infer.NET posterior: {0}", dnetPost);
                Console.WriteLine("Inference time: {0} ms", inferenceTime);
                Console.WriteLine("Infer.NET time: {0} ms", dnetTime);

            // MatlabWriter cannot write int
            var extra = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            extra.Add("inferTimes", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(allInferTimes));
            extra.Add("oraInferTimes", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(allOracleInferTimes));
            double[] postShapes, postRates;
            double[] oraPostShapes, oraPostRates;
            CGOpRecords.GammaListToArrays(allPosteriors, out postShapes, out postRates);
            CGOpRecords.GammaListToArrays(allOraclePosteriors, out oraPostShapes, out oraPostRates);
            extra.Add("postShapes", postShapes);
            extra.Add("postRates", postRates);
            extra.Add("oraPostShapes", oraPostShapes);
            extra.Add("oraPostRates", oraPostRates);
            extra.Add("Ns", MatrixUtils.ToDoubleArray(Ns));
            extra.Add("trueRate2s", trueRate2s);
            extra.Add("truePrecs", truePrecs);

            // MatlabWriter cannot write List<Vector> or List<double[]>. Why ?
//			List<Vector> allObsVec = allObs.Select(ob => Vector.FromArray(ob)).ToList();
//			extra.Add("allObs", allObsVec);

            // write the records to a file

            string fname = string.Format("kjit_cg_iter{0}_bt{1}_st{2}.mat",
                                         epIter, onlineBatchSizeTrigger, seed_to);
            string recordPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(fname);

            record.WriteRecords(recordPath, extra);