Beispiel #1
        public static double ParseBuildRateFormula(KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType type, int index, KCT_KSC KSC, bool UpgradedRates = false)
            //N = num upgrades, I = rate index, L = VAB/SPH upgrade level, R = R&D level
            int level = 0, upgrades = 0;
            Dictionary<string, string> variables = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.VAB)
                level = KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.VehicleAssemblyBuilding);
                if (KSC.VABUpgrades.Count > index)
                    upgrades = KSC.VABUpgrades[index];
            else if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.SPH)
                level = KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.SpaceplaneHangar);
                if (KSC.SPHUpgrades.Count > index)
                    upgrades = KSC.SPHUpgrades[index];
            if (UpgradedRates)
            variables.Add("L", level.ToString());
            variables.Add("N", upgrades.ToString());
            variables.Add("I", index.ToString());
            variables.Add("R", KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.ResearchAndDevelopment).ToString());

            return GetStandardFormulaValue("BuildRate", variables);
Beispiel #2
        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
#if KSP1_4
            // 1.4 Addition
            if (KCT_Utilities.CurrentGameIsMission())
            KCTDebug.Log("Reading from persistence.");
            KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC = null;
            KCT_GameStates.TechUpgradesTotal = 0;
            KCT_GameStates.SciPointsTotal    = -1;

            KCT_DataStorage kctVS = new KCT_DataStorage();
            ConfigNode      CN    = node.GetNode(kctVS.GetType().Name);
            if (CN != null)
                ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(kctVS, CN);

            foreach (ConfigNode ksc in node.GetNodes("KSC"))
                string  name       = ksc.GetValue("KSCName");
                KCT_KSC loaded_KSC = new KCT_KSC(name);
                if (loaded_KSC != null && loaded_KSC.KSCName != null && loaded_KSC.KSCName.Length > 0)
                    loaded_KSC.RDUpgrades[1] = KCT_GameStates.TechUpgradesTotal;
                    if (KCT_GameStates.KSCs.Find(k => k.KSCName == loaded_KSC.KSCName) == null)

            ConfigNode tmp = node.GetNode("TechList");
            if (tmp != null)
                foreach (ConfigNode techNode in tmp.GetNodes("Tech"))
                    KCT_TechStorageItem techStorageItem = new KCT_TechStorageItem();
                    ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(techStorageItem, techNode);
                    KCT_TechItem techItem = techStorageItem.ToTechItem();
                    techItem.protoNode = new ProtoTechNode(techNode.GetNode("ProtoNode"));

Beispiel #3
        public static double CalculateBuildTime(double cost, KCT_KSC KSC = null)
            double bp        = CalculateBP(cost);
            double rateTotal = KCT_Utilities.GetBothBuildRateSum(KSC ?? KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC);

            return(bp / rateTotal);
Beispiel #4
        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
            KCTDebug.Log("Reading from persistence.");
            KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC = null;
            KCT_GameStates.TechUpgradesTotal = 0;

            KCT_DataStorage kctVS = new KCT_DataStorage();
            ConfigNode      CN    = node.GetNode(kctVS.GetType().Name);

            if (CN != null)
                ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(kctVS, CN);

            foreach (ConfigNode ksc in node.GetNodes("KSC"))
                string  name       = ksc.GetValue("KSCName");
                KCT_KSC loaded_KSC = new KCT_KSC(name);
                if (loaded_KSC != null && loaded_KSC.KSCName != null && loaded_KSC.KSCName.Length > 0)
                    loaded_KSC.RDUpgrades[1] = KCT_GameStates.TechUpgradesTotal;
                    if (KCT_GameStates.KSCs.Find(k => k.KSCName == loaded_KSC.KSCName) == null)

            ConfigNode tmp = node.GetNode("TechList");

            if (tmp != null)
                foreach (ConfigNode techNode in tmp.GetNodes("Tech"))
                    KCT_TechStorageItem techStorageItem = new KCT_TechStorageItem();
                    ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(techStorageItem, techNode);
                    KCT_TechItem techItem = techStorageItem.ToTechItem();
                    techItem.protoNode = new ProtoTechNode(techNode.GetNode("ProtoNode"));
            //KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC.AsConfigNode().Save(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/KSC.node");

Beispiel #5
        public bool RemoveFromBuildList()
            string  typeName = "";
            bool    removed  = false;
            KCT_KSC theKSC   = this.KSC;

            if (theKSC == null)
                KCTDebug.Log("Could not find the KSC to remove vessel!");
            if (type == ListType.SPH)
                if (theKSC.SPHWarehouse.Contains(this))
                    removed = theKSC.SPHWarehouse.Remove(this);
                else if (theKSC.SPHList.Contains(this))
                    removed = theKSC.SPHList.Remove(this);
                typeName = "SPH";
            else if (type == ListType.VAB)
                if (theKSC.VABWarehouse.Contains(this))
                    removed = theKSC.VABWarehouse.Remove(this);
                else if (theKSC.VABList.Contains(this))
                    removed = theKSC.VABList.Remove(this);
                typeName = "VAB";
            KCTDebug.Log("Removing " + shipName + " from " + typeName + " storage/list.");
            if (!removed)
                KCTDebug.Log("Failed to remove ship from list! Performing direct comparison of ids...");
                foreach (KCT_BuildListVessel blv in theKSC.SPHWarehouse)
                    if ( ==
                        KCTDebug.Log("Ship found in SPH storage. Removing...");
                        removed = theKSC.SPHWarehouse.Remove(blv);
                if (!removed)
                    foreach (KCT_BuildListVessel blv in theKSC.VABWarehouse)
                        if ( ==
                            KCTDebug.Log("Ship found in VAB storage. Removing...");
                            removed = theKSC.VABWarehouse.Remove(blv);
                if (!removed)
                    foreach (KCT_BuildListVessel blv in theKSC.VABList)
                        if ( ==
                            KCTDebug.Log("Ship found in VAB List. Removing...");
                            removed = theKSC.VABList.Remove(blv);
                if (!removed)
                    foreach (KCT_BuildListVessel blv in theKSC.SPHList)
                        if ( ==
                            KCTDebug.Log("Ship found in SPH list. Removing...");
                            removed = theKSC.SPHList.Remove(blv);
            if (removed)
                KCTDebug.Log("Sucessfully removed ship from storage.");
                KCTDebug.Log("Still couldn't remove ship!");
Beispiel #6
 public static double ParseBuildRateFormula(KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType type, int index, KCT_KSC KSC, bool UpgradedRates = false)
     return(ParseBuildRateFormula(type, index, KSC, UpgradedRates ? 1 : 0));
Beispiel #7
        /* public static double ParseMath(string input, Dictionary<string, string> variables)
           // KCTDebug.Log("Input_raw: " + input);
            string raw = input;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in variables)
                if (input.Contains("[" + kvp.Key + "]"))
                    input = input.Replace("[" + kvp.Key + "]", kvp.Value);
            //KCTDebug.Log("Input_replaced: " + input);

            double currentVal = 0;
            string stack = "";
            string lastOp = "+";
            string[] ops = { "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^", "(", "e", "E" };
            string[] functions = { "min", "max", "l", "L", "abs", "sign" };
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; ++i)
                string ch = input[i].ToString();
                bool isOp = false, isFunction = false;
                //  KCTDebug.Log(ch);
                foreach (string op in ops)
                    if (op == ch)
                        isOp = true;
                if (!isOp)
                    foreach (string fun in functions)
                        if (fun[0] == input[i])
                            isFunction = true;

                if (isOp)
                    if (ch == "-" && (stack.Trim() == ""))
                        stack += ch;
                    else if (ch == "e" || ch == "E")
                        int index=i+2;
                        for (index = i+2; index < input.Length; ++index)
                            string ch2 = input[index].ToString();
                            if (ops.Contains(ch2))
                        string sub = input.Substring(i + 1, index - i - 1);
                        double exp = ParseMath(sub, variables);
                        double newVal = double.Parse(stack) * Math.Pow(10, exp);
                        currentVal = DoMath(currentVal, lastOp, newVal.ToString());
                        stack = "0";
                        lastOp = "+";
                        i = index - 1;
                    else if (ch == "(")
                        int j = FindEndParenthesis(input, i)[0];
                        string sub = input.Substring(i + 1, j - i - 1);
                        string val = ParseMath(sub, variables).ToString();
                        input = input.Substring(0, i) + val + input.Substring(j + 1);
                        currentVal = DoMath(currentVal, lastOp, stack);
                        lastOp = ch;
                        stack = "";
                else if (isFunction)
                    int subStart = input.IndexOf('(', i)+1;
                    string function = input.Substring(i, subStart - i - 1);
                    int[] parenComma = FindEndParenthesis(input, subStart-1);
                    int j = parenComma[0];
                    int comma = parenComma[1];
                    string sub = input.Substring(subStart, j - subStart);
                    KCTDebug.Log("fn: "+function+" sub: "+sub);
                    double val = 0.0;

                    if (function == "l")
                        val = ParseMath(sub, variables);
                        val = Math.Log(val);
                    else if (function == "L")
                        val = ParseMath(sub, variables);
                        val = Math.Log10(val);
                    else if (function == "max" || function == "min")
                        string[] parts = new string[2];
                        parts[0] = input.Substring(subStart, parenComma[1] - subStart);
                        parts[1] = input.Substring(parenComma[1] + 1, j - parenComma[1] - 1);
                        double sub1 = ParseMath(parts[0], variables);
                        double sub2 = ParseMath(parts[1], variables);
                        if (function == "max")
                            val = Math.Max(sub1, sub2);
                        else if (function == "min")
                            val = Math.Min(sub1, sub2);
                    else if (function == "sign")
                        val = ParseMath(sub, variables);
                        if (val >= 0)
                            val = 1;
                            val = -1;
                    else if (function == "abs")
                        val = ParseMath(sub, variables);
                        val = Math.Abs(val);

                    input = input.Substring(0, i) + val.ToString() + input.Substring(j + 1);
                    stack += ch;
            currentVal = DoMath(currentVal, lastOp, stack);
            KCTDebug.Log("(" + raw + ")=(" + input + ")=" + currentVal);
            return currentVal;

        private static int[] FindEndParenthesis(string str, int curPos)
            int depth = 0;
            int j = 0, commaPos = -1;
            for (j = curPos + 1; j < str.Length; ++j)
                if (str[j] == '(') depth++;
                if (str[j] == ')') depth--;

                if (str[j] == ',' && depth == 0)
                    commaPos = j;

                if (depth < 0)
            return new int[] {j, commaPos};

        private static double DoMath(double currentVal, string operation, string newVal)
            double newValue = 0;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newVal))
                return currentVal;
            if (!double.TryParse(newVal, out newValue))
                Debug.LogError("[KCT] Tried to parse a non-double value: " + newVal);
                return currentVal;
            switch (operation)
                case "+": currentVal += newValue; break;
                case "-": currentVal -= newValue; break;
                case "*": currentVal *= newValue; break;
                case "/": currentVal /= newValue; break;
                case "%": currentVal = currentVal % long.Parse(newVal); break;
                case "^": currentVal = Math.Pow(currentVal, newValue); break;
                default: break;

            return currentVal;
        public static double ParseBuildRateFormula(KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType type, int index, KCT_KSC KSC, bool UpgradedRates = false)
            //N = num upgrades, I = rate index, L = VAB/SPH upgrade level, R = R&D level
            int level = 0, upgrades = 0;
            Dictionary<string, string> variables = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.VAB)
                level = KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.VehicleAssemblyBuilding);
                if (KSC.VABUpgrades.Count > index)
                    upgrades = KSC.VABUpgrades[index];
            else if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.SPH)
                level = KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.SpaceplaneHangar);
                if (KSC.SPHUpgrades.Count > index)
                    upgrades = KSC.SPHUpgrades[index];
            if (UpgradedRates)
            variables.Add("L", level.ToString());
            variables.Add("N", upgrades.ToString());
            variables.Add("I", index.ToString());
            variables.Add("R", KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.ResearchAndDevelopment).ToString());
            //int numNodes = RDController.Instance != null ? RDController.Instance.nodes.FindAll(n => n.IsResearched).Count : 0;
            int numNodes = 0;
            if (ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance != null)
                numNodes = ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.snapshot.GetData().GetNodes("Tech").Length;
            variables.Add("S", numNodes.ToString());


            return GetStandardFormulaValue("BuildRate", variables);
Beispiel #8
 public static double GetBuildRate(int index, KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType type, KCT_KSC KSC, bool UpgradedRate = false)
     if (KSC == null) KSC = KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC;
     double ret = 0;
     if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.VAB)
         if (!UpgradedRate && KSC.VABRates.Count > index)
             return KSC.VABRates[index];
         else if (UpgradedRate && KSC.UpVABRates.Count > index)
             return KSC.UpVABRates[index];
             return 0;
     else if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.SPH)
         if (!UpgradedRate && KSC.SPHRates.Count > index)
             return KSC.SPHRates[index];
         else if (UpgradedRate && KSC.UpSPHRates.Count > index)
             return KSC.UpSPHRates[index];
             return 0;
     else if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.TechNode)
         ret = KCT_GameStates.TechList[index].BuildRate;
     return ret;
Beispiel #9
 public static List<double> BuildRatesVAB(KCT_KSC KSC)
     if (KSC == null) KSC = KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC;
     return KSC.VABRates;
Beispiel #10
 public static int TotalSpentUpgrades(KCT_KSC ksc)
     if (ksc == null) ksc = KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC;
     int spentPoints = 0;
     if (KCT_PresetManager.Instance.ActivePreset.generalSettings.SharedUpgradePool)
         foreach (KCT_KSC KSC in KCT_GameStates.KSCs)
             foreach (int i in KSC.VABUpgrades) spentPoints += i;
             foreach (int i in KSC.SPHUpgrades) spentPoints += i;
             spentPoints += KSC.RDUpgrades[0];
         spentPoints += ksc.RDUpgrades[1]; //only count this once, all KSCs share this value
         foreach (int i in ksc.VABUpgrades) spentPoints += i;
         foreach (int i in ksc.SPHUpgrades) spentPoints += i;
         foreach (int i in ksc.RDUpgrades) spentPoints += i;
     return spentPoints;
Beispiel #11
        public static bool ReconditioningActive(KCT_KSC KSC)
            if (KSC == null) KSC = KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC;

            KCT_Recon_Rollout recon = KSC.GetReconditioning();
            return (recon != null);
Beispiel #12
        public static bool ReconditioningActive(KCT_KSC KSC, string launchSite = "LaunchPad")
            if (KSC == null) KSC = KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC;

            KCT_Recon_Rollout recon = KSC.GetReconditioning(launchSite);
            return (recon != null);
Beispiel #13
        public static void MoveVesselToWarehouse(int ListIdentifier, int index, KCT_KSC KSC)
            if (KSC == null) KSC = KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC;
            if (KCT_GameStates.kctToolbarButton != null)
                KCT_GameStates.kctToolbarButton.Important = true; //Show the button if it is hidden away
                startedFlashing = DateTime.Now; //Set the time to start flashing

            StringBuilder Message = new StringBuilder();
            Message.AppendLine("The following vessel is complete:");
            KCT_BuildListVessel vessel = null;
            if (ListIdentifier == 0) //VAB list
                vessel = KSC.VABList[index];

                Message.AppendLine("Please check the VAB Storage at "+KSC.KSCName+" to launch it.");

            else if (ListIdentifier == 1)//SPH list
                vessel = KSC.SPHList[index];

                Message.AppendLine("Please check the SPH Storage at " + KSC.KSCName + " to launch it.");

            if ((KCT_GameStates.settings.ForceStopWarp || vessel == KCT_GameStates.targetedItem) && TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex != 0)
                TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true);
                KCT_GameStates.warpInitiated = false;

            //Assign science based on science rate
            double rate = KCT_MathParsing.GetStandardFormulaValue("Research", new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "N", KSC.RDUpgrades[0].ToString() }, { "R", KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.ResearchAndDevelopment).ToString() } });
            if (CurrentGameHasScience() && !vessel.cannotEarnScience && rate > 0)
                AddScienceWithMessage((float)(rate*vessel.buildPoints), TransactionReasons.None);

            //Add parts to the tracker
            if (!vessel.cannotEarnScience)
                List<string> trackedParts = new List<string>();
                foreach (ConfigNode p in vessel.ExtractedPartNodes)
                    if (!trackedParts.Contains(PartNameFromNode(p)+GetTweakScaleSize(p)))
                        AddPartToTracker(PartNameFromNode(p) + GetTweakScaleSize(p));
                        trackedParts.Add(PartNameFromNode(p) + GetTweakScaleSize(p));

            string stor = ListIdentifier == 0 ? "VAB" : "SPH";
            KCTDebug.Log("Moved vessel " + vessel.shipName + " to " +KSC.KSCName + "'s " + stor + " storage.");

            foreach (KCT_KSC KSC_iterator in KCT_GameStates.KSCs)
                foreach (KCT_BuildListVessel blv in KSC_iterator.VABList)
                    double newTime = KCT_Utilities.GetBuildTime(blv.ExtractedPartNodes, true, blv.InventoryParts); //Use only the parts that were originally used when recalculating
                    if (newTime < blv.buildPoints)
                        blv.buildPoints = blv.buildPoints - ((blv.buildPoints - newTime) * (100 - blv.ProgressPercent()) / 100.0); //If progress=0% then set to new build time, 100%=no change, 50%=half of difference.
                foreach (KCT_BuildListVessel blv in KSC_iterator.SPHList)
                    double newTime = KCT_Utilities.GetBuildTime(blv.ExtractedPartNodes, true, blv.InventoryParts);
                    if (newTime < blv.buildPoints)
                        blv.buildPoints = blv.buildPoints - ((blv.buildPoints - newTime) * (100 - blv.ProgressPercent()) / 100.0); //If progress=0% then set to new build time, 100%=no change, 50%=half of difference.
            if (!KCT_GameStates.settings.DisableAllMessages)
                DisplayMessage("Vessel Complete!", Message, MessageSystemButton.MessageButtonColor.GREEN, MessageSystemButton.ButtonIcons.COMPLETE);
        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
            KCTDebug.Log("Reading from persistence.");
            KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC = null;
            KCT_GameStates.TechUpgradesTotal = 0;

            KCT_DataStorage kctVS = new KCT_DataStorage();
            ConfigNode CN = node.GetNode(kctVS.GetType().Name);
            if (CN != null)
                ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(kctVS, CN);

            foreach (ConfigNode ksc in node.GetNodes("KSC"))
                string name = ksc.GetValue("KSCName");
                KCT_KSC loaded_KSC = new KCT_KSC(name);
                if (loaded_KSC != null && loaded_KSC.KSCName != null && loaded_KSC.KSCName.Length > 0)
                    loaded_KSC.RDUpgrades[1] = KCT_GameStates.TechUpgradesTotal;
                    if (KCT_GameStates.KSCs.Find(k => k.KSCName == loaded_KSC.KSCName) == null)

            ConfigNode tmp = node.GetNode("TechList");
            if (tmp != null)
                foreach (ConfigNode techNode in tmp.GetNodes("Tech"))
                    KCT_TechStorageItem techStorageItem = new KCT_TechStorageItem();
                    ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(techStorageItem, techNode);
                    KCT_TechItem techItem = techStorageItem.ToTechItem();
                    techItem.protoNode = new ProtoTechNode(techNode.GetNode("ProtoNode"));
            //KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC.AsConfigNode().Save(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/KSC.node");

Beispiel #15
        public static double ParseBuildRateFormula(KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType type, int index, KCT_KSC KSC, bool UpgradedRates = false)
            //N = num upgrades, I = rate index, L = VAB/SPH upgrade level, R = R&D level
            int level = 0, upgrades = 0;
            Dictionary <string, string> variables = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.VAB)
                level = KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.VehicleAssemblyBuilding);
                if (KSC.VABUpgrades.Count > index)
                    upgrades = KSC.VABUpgrades[index];
            else if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.SPH)
                level = KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.SpaceplaneHangar);
                if (KSC.SPHUpgrades.Count > index)
                    upgrades = KSC.SPHUpgrades[index];
            if (UpgradedRates)
            variables.Add("L", level.ToString());
            variables.Add("N", upgrades.ToString());
            variables.Add("I", index.ToString());
            variables.Add("R", KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.ResearchAndDevelopment).ToString());

            return(GetStandardFormulaValue("BuildRate", variables));
Beispiel #16
 public static int TotalSpentUpgrades(KCT_KSC ksc)
     if (ksc == null) ksc = KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC;
     int spentPoints = 0;
     foreach (int i in ksc.VABUpgrades) spentPoints += i;
     foreach (int i in ksc.SPHUpgrades) spentPoints += i;
     foreach (int i in ksc.RDUpgrades) spentPoints += i;
     return spentPoints;
Beispiel #17
        /* public static double ParseMath(string input, Dictionary<string, string> variables)
         * {
         *  // KCTDebug.Log("Input_raw: " + input);
         *   string raw = input;
         *   foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in variables)
         *   {
         *       if (input.Contains("[" + kvp.Key + "]"))
         *       {
         *           input = input.Replace("[" + kvp.Key + "]", kvp.Value);
         *       }
         *   }
         *   //KCTDebug.Log("Input_replaced: " + input);
         *   double currentVal = 0;
         *   string stack = "";
         *   string lastOp = "+";
         *   string[] ops = { "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^", "(", "e", "E" };
         *   string[] functions = { "min", "max", "l", "L", "abs", "sign" };
         *   for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; ++i)
         *   {
         *       string ch = input[i].ToString();
         *       bool isOp = false, isFunction = false;
         *       //  KCTDebug.Log(ch);
         *       foreach (string op in ops)
         *       {
         *           if (op == ch)
         *           {
         *               isOp = true;
         *               break;
         *           }
         *       }
         *       if (!isOp)
         *       {
         *           foreach (string fun in functions)
         *           {
         *               if (fun[0] == input[i])
         *               {
         *                   isFunction = true;
         *                   break;
         *               }
         *           }
         *       }
         *       if (isOp)
         *       {
         *           if (ch == "-" && (stack.Trim() == ""))
         *           {
         *               stack += ch;
         *           }
         *           else if (ch == "e" || ch == "E")
         *           {
         *               int index=i+2;
         *               for (index = i+2; index < input.Length; ++index)
         *               {
         *                   string ch2 = input[index].ToString();
         *                   if (ops.Contains(ch2))
         *                       break;
         *               }
         *               string sub = input.Substring(i + 1, index - i - 1);
         *               double exp = ParseMath(sub, variables);
         *               double newVal = double.Parse(stack) * Math.Pow(10, exp);
         *               currentVal = DoMath(currentVal, lastOp, newVal.ToString());
         *               stack = "0";
         *               lastOp = "+";
         *               i = index - 1;
         *           }
         *           else if (ch == "(")
         *           {
         *               int j = FindEndParenthesis(input, i)[0];
         *               string sub = input.Substring(i + 1, j - i - 1);
         *               string val = ParseMath(sub, variables).ToString();
         *               input = input.Substring(0, i) + val + input.Substring(j + 1);
         *               --i;
         *           }
         *           else
         *           {
         *               currentVal = DoMath(currentVal, lastOp, stack);
         *               lastOp = ch;
         *               stack = "";
         *           }
         *       }
         *       else if (isFunction)
         *       {
         *           int subStart = input.IndexOf('(', i)+1;
         *           string function = input.Substring(i, subStart - i - 1);
         *           //KCTDebug.Log(function);
         *           int[] parenComma = FindEndParenthesis(input, subStart-1);
         *           int j = parenComma[0];
         *           int comma = parenComma[1];
         *           string sub = input.Substring(subStart, j - subStart);
         *           KCTDebug.Log("fn: "+function+" sub: "+sub);
         *           double val = 0.0;
         *           if (function == "l")
         *           {
         *               val = ParseMath(sub, variables);
         *               val = Math.Log(val);
         *           }
         *           else if (function == "L")
         *           {
         *               val = ParseMath(sub, variables);
         *               val = Math.Log10(val);
         *           }
         *           else if (function == "max" || function == "min")
         *           {
         *               string[] parts = new string[2];
         *               parts[0] = input.Substring(subStart, parenComma[1] - subStart);
         *               parts[1] = input.Substring(parenComma[1] + 1, j - parenComma[1] - 1);
         *               double sub1 = ParseMath(parts[0], variables);
         *               double sub2 = ParseMath(parts[1], variables);
         *               if (function == "max")
         *                   val = Math.Max(sub1, sub2);
         *               else if (function == "min")
         *                   val = Math.Min(sub1, sub2);
         *           }
         *           else if (function == "sign")
         *           {
         *               val = ParseMath(sub, variables);
         *               if (val >= 0)
         *                   val = 1;
         *               else
         *                   val = -1;
         *           }
         *           else if (function == "abs")
         *           {
         *               val = ParseMath(sub, variables);
         *               val = Math.Abs(val);
         *           }
         *           input = input.Substring(0, i) + val.ToString() + input.Substring(j + 1);
         *           i--;
         *       }
         *       else
         *       {
         *           stack += ch;
         *       }
         *   }
         *   currentVal = DoMath(currentVal, lastOp, stack);
         *   KCTDebug.Log("(" + raw + ")=(" + input + ")=" + currentVal);
         *   return currentVal;
         * }
         * private static int[] FindEndParenthesis(string str, int curPos)
         * {
         *   int depth = 0;
         *   int j = 0, commaPos = -1;
         *   for (j = curPos + 1; j < str.Length; ++j)
         *   {
         *       if (str[j] == '(') depth++;
         *       if (str[j] == ')') depth--;
         *       if (str[j] == ',' && depth == 0)
         *           commaPos = j;
         *       if (depth < 0)
         *       {
         *           break;
         *       }
         *   }
         *   return new int[] {j, commaPos};
         * }
         * private static double DoMath(double currentVal, string operation, string newVal)
         * {
         *   double newValue = 0;
         *   if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newVal))
         *       return currentVal;
         *   if (!double.TryParse(newVal, out newValue))
         *   {
         *       Debug.LogError("[KCT] Tried to parse a non-double value: " + newVal);
         *       return currentVal;
         *   }
         *   switch (operation)
         *   {
         *       case "+": currentVal += newValue; break;
         *       case "-": currentVal -= newValue; break;
         *       case "*": currentVal *= newValue; break;
         *       case "/": currentVal /= newValue; break;
         *       case "%": currentVal = currentVal % long.Parse(newVal); break;
         *       case "^": currentVal = Math.Pow(currentVal, newValue); break;
         *       default: break;
         *   }
         *   return currentVal;
         * }*/

        public static double ParseBuildRateFormula(KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType type, int index, KCT_KSC KSC, bool UpgradedRates = false)
            //N = num upgrades, I = rate index, L = VAB/SPH upgrade level, R = R&D level
            int level = 0, upgrades = 0;
            Dictionary <string, string> variables = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.VAB)
                level = KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.VehicleAssemblyBuilding);
                if (KSC.VABUpgrades.Count > index)
                    upgrades = KSC.VABUpgrades[index];
            else if (type == KCT_BuildListVessel.ListType.SPH)
                level = KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.SpaceplaneHangar);
                if (KSC.SPHUpgrades.Count > index)
                    upgrades = KSC.SPHUpgrades[index];
            if (UpgradedRates)
            variables.Add("L", level.ToString());
            variables.Add("N", upgrades.ToString());
            variables.Add("I", index.ToString());
            variables.Add("R", KCT_Utilities.BuildingUpgradeLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.ResearchAndDevelopment).ToString());
            //int numNodes = RDController.Instance != null ? RDController.Instance.nodes.FindAll(n => n.IsResearched).Count : 0;
            int numNodes = 0;

            if (ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance != null)
                numNodes = ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.snapshot.GetData().GetNodes("Tech").Length;
            variables.Add("S", numNodes.ToString());


            return(GetStandardFormulaValue("BuildRate", variables));
Beispiel #18
 public static void SetActiveKSC(string site)
     if (site == "") site = "Stock";
     if (KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC == null || site != KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC.KSCName)
         KCTDebug.Log("Setting active site to " + site);
         KCT_KSC setActive = KCT_GameStates.KSCs.FirstOrDefault(ksc => ksc.KSCName == site);
         if (setActive != null)
             KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC = setActive;
             setActive = new KCT_KSC(site);
             if (CurrentGameIsCareer())
                 setActive.ActiveLPInstance.level = 0;
             KCT_GameStates.ActiveKSC = setActive;
     KCT_GameStates.activeKSCName = site;