public object Clone()
            SoundEntryCollection sCollection = new SoundEntryCollection();

            foreach (BGMEntry sEntryBGM in _SoundEntriesBGMs)
                BGMEntry newSEntryBGM = (BGMEntry)sEntryBGM.Clone();

            foreach (SoundEntry sEntry in _SoundEntries)
                SoundEntry newSEntry = (SoundEntry)sEntry.Clone();
                newSEntry.BGMFiles = new List <SoundEntryBGM>();
                foreach (SoundEntryBGM sEntryBGM in sEntry.BGMFiles)
                    newSEntry.BGMFiles.Add(new SoundEntryBGM(sCollection, newSEntry, sEntryBGM.BGMID));
                newSEntry.SoundEntryCollection = sCollection;

            foreach (MyMusicStage myMusicStage in _MyMusicStages)
                MyMusicStage nMyMusicStage = new MyMusicStage(myMusicStage.MyMusicStageID);
                foreach (MyMusicStageBGM sMusicStageBGM in myMusicStage.BGMs)
                    MyMusicStageBGM nMyMusicStageBGM = (MyMusicStageBGM)sMusicStageBGM.Clone();
                    nMyMusicStageBGM.SoundEntryCollection = sCollection;

            foreach (SoundDBStage soundDBStage in _SoundDBStages)
                List <SoundDBStageSoundEntry> sEntries = new List <SoundDBStageSoundEntry>();
                foreach (SoundDBStageSoundEntry sSoundDBStageSoundEntry in soundDBStage.SoundEntries)
                    sEntries.Add(new SoundDBStageSoundEntry(sCollection, sSoundDBStageSoundEntry.SoundID));
                SoundDBStage nSoundDBStage = new SoundDBStage(sCollection, soundDBStage.SoundDBStageID);
                nSoundDBStage.SoundEntries = sEntries;


        public UISoundDBFile(SmashProjectManager projectManager, SoundEntryCollection sEntryCollection, string path)
            string uiSoundDBFile;

            uiSoundDBFile = PathHelper.FolderEditorMods + path;
            if (!File.Exists(uiSoundDBFile))
                uiSoundDBFile = projectManager.ExtractResource(path, PathHelper.FolderTemp);
            SoundEntryCollection = sEntryCollection;
            _Path    = path;
            _Project = projectManager;

            using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(uiSoundDBFile, FileMode.Open))
                using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                    byte[] header = b.ReadBytes(2);
                    if (header[0] != 0xff || header[1] != 0xff)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't load '{0}', the file doesn't appear to be 'ui_sound_db.bin'.", uiSoundDBFile));

                    //Keep header
                    b.BaseStream.Position = 0;
                    _Header = b.ReadBytes(HEADER_LEN);

                    //Number of elements
                    b.BaseStream.Position = HEADER_LEN;
                    int nbrStages = ReadNbrEntries(b);

                    //Offset to second table
                    int offsetUnknownSecondTable = HEADER_LEN + 0x5 + (nbrStages * 0xd2);
                    b.BaseStream.Position = offsetUnknownSecondTable;
                    int nbrUnknownSecondTableBlocs = ReadNbrEntries(b);
                    b.BaseStream.Position = offsetUnknownSecondTable;
                    _SecondBloc           = b.ReadBytes((int)(0x5 + (nbrUnknownSecondTableBlocs * 0xa)));

                    //Offset to variable/songid table
                    int offsetSongTable = offsetUnknownSecondTable + 0x5 + (nbrUnknownSecondTableBlocs * 0xa);
                    b.BaseStream.Position = offsetSongTable;
                    int nbrSoundEntries = ReadNbrEntries(b);

                    //Retrieve all sounds
                    for (int i = 0; i < nbrSoundEntries; i++)
                        int        index  = ReadInt32(b);
                        SoundEntry sEntry = ParseSoundEntry(b, index);
                        if (sEntry != null && (INCLUDE_EMPTY_SOUND || sEntry.BGMFiles.Count == 0 || sEntry.BGMFiles[0].BGMID != 0x450))

                    //Retrieve info per stage
                    for (int i = 0; i < nbrStages; i++)
                        b.BaseStream.Position = HEADER_LEN + 0x5 + (i * 0xd2);
                        int stageId   = ReadInt32(b);
                        int nbrSounds = ReadInt32(b);

                        List <SoundDBStageSoundEntry> stageSoundEntries = new List <SoundDBStageSoundEntry>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < nbrSounds; j++)
                            int sEntryIndex = ReadInt32(b);
                            stageSoundEntries.Add(new SoundDBStageSoundEntry(SoundEntryCollection, sEntryIndex));
                        SoundDBStage soundDBStage = new SoundDBStage(SoundEntryCollection, stageId);
                        soundDBStage.SoundEntries = stageSoundEntries;