Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Connection     conn              = new Connection("Main");
            Vessel         vessel            = conn.SpaceCenter().ActiveVessel;
            ReferenceFrame surfaceBodyHybrid = RefFrames.SurfaceBodyHybrid(conn);
            ReferenceFrame padRef            = RefFrames.CreateLaunchPadRef(conn);
            ReferenceFrame hybridFrame       = RefFrames.CreateHybrid(conn);
            ReferenceFrame bodyFrame         = RefFrames.BodyFrame(conn);
            ReferenceFrame surfFrame         = vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame;
            ReferenceFrame surfVelFrame      = vessel.SurfaceVelocityReferenceFrame;
            //padRef = vessel.Orbit.Body.ReferenceFrame;
            //var launchPad = RefFrames.LaunchPad;
            ReferenceFrame currentFrame = bodyFrame;
            Tuple <double, double, double> launchPadPos = vessel.Position(bodyFrame);            //saves the position of the vessel on the latic aunchpad
            Stream <double> velVStream = conn.AddStream(() => vessel.Flight(currentFrame).VerticalSpeed);
            Stream <double> altStream  = conn.AddStream(() => vessel.Flight(currentFrame).MeanAltitude);
            Stream <Tuple <double, double, double> > posStream = conn.AddStream(() => vessel.Position(currentFrame));
            Stream <double> surfElevation = conn.AddStream(() => vessel.Flight(currentFrame).Elevation);

            Stream <Tuple <double, double, double> > velStream  = conn.AddStream(() => vessel.Flight(currentFrame).Velocity);
            Stream <Tuple <double, double, double> > dragStream = conn.AddStream(() => vessel.Flight(surfVelFrame).Drag);
            Stream <float> mass   = conn.AddStream(() => vessel.Mass);
            Stream <float> thrust = conn.AddStream(() => vessel.AvailableThrust);
            CelestialBody  body   = vessel.Orbit.Body;

            launchPadPos = RefFrames.LaunchPad;

            //PID section

            //altPID pID = new altPID(0.411, 0.469714286, 0.08990625,1,0);
            PID.KP       = 0.728;
            PID.KI       = 1.093;
            PID.KD       = 0.0323;
            PID.SetPoint = -500;
            PID.Enabled  = false;

            //Control section
            var     zero            = Tuple.Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            Vector3 up              = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            var     groundVelVec    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            var     groundDistVec   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            var     vecDifference   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 anticipatedDist = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 sideSteering    = Vector3.Zero;

            vessel.Control.SAS = false;
            vessel.Control.RCS = false;
            vessel.AutoPilot.ReferenceFrame  = vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame;
            vessel.AutoPilot.TargetDirection = VectorMath.VectorToTuple(Vector3.UnitX);
            Tuple <double, double, double> steeringDir = Tuple.Create(.0, .0, .0);

            //vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitchAndHeading(45, 270);
            //vessel.Control.Throttle = 1;

            //vessel.AutoPilot.TargetDirection = VectorMath.VectorToTuple(Vector3.UnitX);
            //vessel.Control.Throttle = 0;

            PID.RunInNewThread(thrust, mass, velVStream, vessel);

            PID.Enabled = true;

            //PID.SetPoint = -3;
            DoLanding(conn, vessel, surfVelFrame);
            while (vessel.Situation.ToString() != "Landed")
                var velocity = velStream.Get();
                //Manage steering
                steeringDir = HoverslamSteering(conn, vessel, surfVelFrame);
                vessel.AutoPilot.TargetDirection = steeringDir;
                //Define position variables
                var position     = posStream.Get();
                var predictedPos = Physics.FuturePosition(position, velocity, Radar.ImpactTime());
                var surfaceNormal = Radar.SurfaceNormal(predictedPos);
                var slope         = Radar.Slope(surfaceNormal, position);
                //Visualize landing spot
                Vector3 norm = Radar.MSLNormal(position);
                Tuple <double, double> predictedLatLon = Tuple.Create(body.LatitudeAtPosition(predictedPos, bodyFrame), body.LongitudeAtPosition(predictedPos, bodyFrame));
                Vector3 landingSpot = VectorMath.TupleToVector(body.SurfacePosition(predictedLatLon.Item1, predictedLatLon.Item2, bodyFrame));
                Tuple <double, double> currentLatLon = Tuple.Create(body.LatitudeAtPosition(position, bodyFrame), body.LongitudeAtPosition(position, bodyFrame));
                VectorMath.Visualize(conn, landingSpot, landingSpot + 50 * norm, bodyFrame);
                Output.Print(slope, 1);
                //Save fuel and run hoverslam again if the first time was an overshoot.
                if (Radar.RealAltitude() > 75 && VectorMath.Length(velocity) < 6)
                    PID.SetPoint = -35;
                    PID.Enabled  = false;
                    goto Start;
            PID.SetPoint            = -20;
            PID.Enabled             = false;
            vessel.Control.Throttle = 0;
Beispiel #2
 private static void DoLanding(Connection conn, Vessel vessel, ReferenceFrame surfVelFrame)
     //Land using last second burn
     Radar.OnDecision += DoHoverSlam;