Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses LineStrings
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inNode">The node containing LineStrings</param>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer to add the resulting lines to</param>
		/// <param name="KmlPath">The path to the KML file that is being loaded</param>
		private void ParseLineStrings(XmlNode inNode, RIcons layer)
			// Parse all Placemarks that have a name and LineString
			XmlNodeList lineStrings = inNode.SelectNodes("Placemark[name and LineString]");
			foreach (XmlNode node in lineStrings)
				// Extract the name from this node
				XmlNode nameNode = node.SelectSingleNode("name");
				string name = nameNode.InnerText;
				Style style = null;

				// get StyleUrl
				XmlNode styleUrlNode = node.SelectSingleNode("styleUrl");
				if(styleUrlNode != null)
					string styleUrlKey = styleUrlNode.InnerText.Trim();
						styleUrlKey = styleUrlKey.Substring(1, styleUrlKey.Length - 1);

					style = (Style)iconStyles[styleUrlKey];
					XmlNode styleNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Style");
					if(styleNode != null)
						style = GetStyle( styleNode, new Style(), "");

				if(style == null)
					style = new Style();
				if(style.LineStyle == null)
					style.LineStyle = new LineStyle();

				if(style.PolyStyle == null)
					style.PolyStyle = new PolyStyle();

				// See if this LineString has to be extruded to the ground
				bool extrude = false;
				XmlNode extrudeNode = node.SelectSingleNode("LineString/extrude");
				if (extrudeNode != null)
					extrude = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(extrudeNode.InnerText));

				//Parse Coordinates
				XmlNode outerRingNode = node.SelectSingleNode("LineString/coordinates");
				if(outerRingNode != null)
					// Parse the list of line coordinates
					Point3d[] points = ParseCoordinates(outerRingNode);
                    LineFeature line = new LineFeature(name, m_world, points, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(style.LineStyle.Color.Color));
                    XmlNode altitudeModeNode = node.SelectSingleNode("LineString/altitudeMode");
                    line.AltitudeMode = GetAltitudeMode(altitudeModeNode);
                    line.LineWidth = (float)style.LineStyle.Width.Value;

                    if (extrude)
						line.Extrude = true;

						if(style.PolyStyle.Color != null)
							line.PolygonColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(style.PolyStyle.Color.Color);

					XmlNode visibilityNode = node.SelectSingleNode("visibility");
					if(visibilityNode != null)
						line.IsOn = (visibilityNode.InnerText == "1" ? true : false);
Beispiel #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses Multi Polygons
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inNode">The node containing Polygons</param>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer to add the resulting Polygons to</param>
		private void ParseMultiGeometry(XmlNode inNode, RIcons layer)
			// Parse all Placemarks that have a name and Polygon
			XmlNodeList placemarkNodes = inNode.SelectNodes("Placemark[name and MultiGeometry]");
			Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

			foreach(XmlNode placemarkNode in placemarkNodes)
				XmlNode nameNode = placemarkNode.SelectSingleNode("name");
				string name = nameNode.InnerText;

				// change this to something that unifies the geometry into a single object instead of a user-accessible list
				RIcons multiGeometryList = new RIcons(name);

				Style style = null;

				// get StyleUrl
				XmlNode styleUrlNode = placemarkNode.SelectSingleNode("styleUrl");
				if(styleUrlNode != null)
					string styleUrlKey = styleUrlNode.InnerText.Trim();
						styleUrlKey = styleUrlKey.Substring(1, styleUrlKey.Length - 1);

					style = (Style)iconStyles[styleUrlKey];
					XmlNode styleNode = placemarkNode.SelectSingleNode("Style");
					if(styleNode != null)
						style = GetStyle( styleNode, new Style(), "");

				if(style == null)
					style = new Style();
				if(style.LineStyle == null)
					style.LineStyle = new LineStyle();

				if(style.PolyStyle == null)
					style.PolyStyle = new PolyStyle();

				XmlNodeList lineStringNodes = placemarkNode.SelectNodes("MultiGeometry/LineString");
				foreach(XmlNode lineStringNode in lineStringNodes)
					bool extrude = false;
					XmlNode extrudeNode = lineStringNode.SelectSingleNode("extrude");
					if (extrudeNode != null)
						extrude = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(extrudeNode.InnerText));

					XmlNode coordinateNode = lineStringNode.SelectSingleNode("coordinates");
					Point3d[] points = ParseCoordinates(coordinateNode);

					XmlNode altitudeModeNode = lineStringNode.SelectSingleNode("altitudeMode");
					AltitudeMode altitudeMode = GetAltitudeMode(altitudeModeNode);

					if(points != null && points.Length > 0)
						LineFeature line = new LineFeature(

						line.AltitudeMode = altitudeMode;
						if(style.PolyStyle.Color != null)
							line.PolygonColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(style.PolyStyle.Color.Color);
						line.LineWidth = (float)style.LineStyle.Width.Value;
						line.Extrude = extrude;


				XmlNodeList polygonNodes = placemarkNode.SelectNodes("MultiGeometry/Polygon");
				foreach(XmlNode polygonNode in polygonNodes)
					bool extrude = false;
					XmlNode extrudeNode = polygonNode.SelectSingleNode("extrude");
					if (extrudeNode != null)
						extrude = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(extrudeNode.InnerText));

					XmlNode altitudeModeNode = polygonNode.SelectSingleNode("altitudeMode");
					AltitudeMode altitudeMode = GetAltitudeMode(altitudeModeNode);

					LinearRing outerRing = null;
					LinearRing[] innerRings = null;

					// Parse Outer Ring
					XmlNode outerRingNode = polygonNode.SelectSingleNode("outerBoundaryIs/LinearRing/coordinates");
					if (outerRingNode != null)
						Point3d[] points = ParseCoordinates(outerRingNode);
						outerRing = new LinearRing();
						outerRing.Points = points;
					// Parse Inner Ring
					XmlNodeList innerRingNodes = polygonNode.SelectNodes("innerBoundaryIs");
					if (innerRingNodes != null)
						innerRings = new LinearRing[innerRingNodes.Count];
						for(int i = 0; i < innerRingNodes.Count; i++)
							Point3d[] points = ParseCoordinates(innerRingNodes[i]);

							innerRings[i] = new LinearRing();
							innerRings[i].Points = points;

					if(outerRing != null)
						PolygonFeature polygonFeature = new PolygonFeature(
							(style.PolyStyle.Color != null ? System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(style.PolyStyle.Color.Color) : System.Drawing.Color.Yellow)

						polygonFeature.Extrude = extrude;
						polygonFeature.AltitudeMode = altitudeMode;
						polygonFeature.Outline = style.PolyStyle.Outline;
						if(style.LineStyle.Color != null)
							polygonFeature.OutlineColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(style.LineStyle.Color.Color);


				XmlNode visibilityNode = placemarkNode.SelectSingleNode("visibility");
				if(visibilityNode != null)
					multiGeometryList.IsOn = (visibilityNode.InnerText == "1" ? true : false);

Beispiel #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses Placemarks
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inNode">The node containing Placemarks</param>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer to add the resulting icons or folders to</param>
		/// <param name="KmlPath">The path to the KML file that is being loaded</param>
		private void ParsePlacemarks(XmlNode inNode, RIcons layer, string KmlPath)
			foreach (WorldWind.Renderable.RenderableObject ro in layer.ChildObjects)
				RIcon ricon = ro as RIcon;
				if (ricon != null)
					ricon.HasBeenUpdated = false;

			// Parse all Placemarks that have a name and location
			XmlNodeList placemarks = inNode.SelectNodes("Placemark[name and Point]");
			foreach (XmlNode node in placemarks)
					string name = node.SelectSingleNode("name").InnerText;
					RIcon update = null;

					// Extract the location string for this Placemark node and split it up
					string loc = node.SelectSingleNode("Point/coordinates").InnerText.Trim();

					LLA lla = ParseCoordinate(loc);

					string desc = null;
					string uri = null;

					// Extract a description and make sure it's not too long
					XmlNode xnode = node.SelectSingleNode("description");
					if (xnode != null)
						string descRaw = xnode.InnerText;
						uri = SearchUri(descRaw);

                        // Ashish Datta - commented so that the HTML stays in the description property.
                        desc = descRaw;

						if (desc.Length > 505)
							desc = desc.Substring(0, 500) + "...";

					float rotation = 0;
					bool bRotated = false;
					string rotRaw = null;

					// Locate a node containing rotation 
					XmlNode rotNode1 = node.SelectSingleNode("Point/rotation");
					if (rotNode1 != null)
						rotRaw = rotNode1.InnerText;
						XmlNode rotNode2 = node.SelectSingleNode("IconStyle/heading");
						if (rotNode2 != null)
							rotRaw = rotNode2.InnerText;
							XmlNode rotNode3 = node.SelectSingleNode("Style/IconStyle/heading");
							if (rotNode3 != null)
								rotRaw = rotNode3.InnerText;

					// If rotation was found parse it
					if (rotRaw != null)
						rotation = Convert.ToSingle(rotRaw, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
						bRotated = true;

					// Find a style for this icon
					Style style = LocateStyle(node, KmlPath);

					// Check if this icon has to be extruded
					bool bExtrude = false;
					XmlNode extrudeNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Point/extrude");
					if (extrudeNode != null)
						if (extrudeNode.InnerText == "1")
							bExtrude = true;

					// See if this icon already exists, and store it if it does
					foreach (WorldWind.Renderable.RenderableObject ro in layer.ChildObjects)
						RIcon ricon = ro as RIcon;
						if (ricon != null)
							if ((ro.Name == name) && ((style == null) || ((ricon.NormalIcon == style.NormalIcon) && (!ricon.HasBeenUpdated))))
								update = ricon;
								update.HasBeenUpdated = true;

					// If a previous icons has been found update it's location
					if (update != null)
						update.IsRotated = bRotated;
						if (bRotated)
							update.Rotation = Angle.FromDegrees(rotation);
                        if (style != null)
                            update.Height = Double.IsNaN(style.NormalScale) ? IconSizeConstant : (int)(style.NormalScale * Math.Min(((Bitmap)bitmapCache[style.NormalIcon]).Height, IconSizeConstant));
                            update.Width = Double.IsNaN(style.NormalScale) ? IconSizeConstant : (int)(style.NormalScale * Math.Min(((Bitmap)bitmapCache[style.NormalIcon]).Width, IconSizeConstant));
                            update.Description = desc;
                            update.SetPosition(, lla.lon, lla.alt);
						// Create the icon with either the generated bitmap or the default dot
						if (style != null)
							CreateIcon(layer, name, desc, uri,, lla.lon, lla.alt, style, bRotated, rotation, bExtrude);
							// Use the default 'tack' icon if no style was found
							string pal3Path = Path.Combine(KmlDirectory, "icons/palette-3.png");
							if (File.Exists(pal3Path))
								if (!bitmapCache.Contains(pal3Path))
									bitmapCache.Add(pal3Path, (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(pal3Path));
								Style pinStyle = new Style(GetSubImage(new Style(pal3Path), 448, 64, 64, 64));

								CreateIcon(layer, name, desc, uri,, lla.lon, lla.alt, pinStyle, bRotated, rotation, bExtrude);
				catch (Exception ex)
                { Log.Write(Log.Levels.Error, "KMLImporter: " + ex.ToString()); }

			// Cleanup icons that have not been updated
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a scaled icon on the globe
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Name">The name of the item</param>
		/// <param name="Desc">The description</param>
		/// <param name="Lat">The latitude for the icon</param>
		/// <param name="Lon">The longitude for the icon</param>
		/// <param name="Alt">The altitude to draw the icon at</param>
		/// <param name="bitmapPath">The path to the bitmap to show</param>
		private void CreateIcon(RIcons layer, string Name, string Desc, string Uri, float Lat, float Lon, float Alt, 
			Style style, bool bRotated, float rotation, bool bExtrude)
			// Create the icon and set initial settings
			RIcon ic = new RIcon(
				Name,									// name
				Lat,										// latitude
				Lon,										// longitude
				style.NormalIcon,							// helper
				Alt);									// altitude

			// Set optional icon settings
			if (Desc != null)
				ic.Description = Desc;
			if (Uri != null)
				ic.ClickableActionURL = Uri;
			if (bRotated)
				ic.Rotation = Angle.FromDegrees(rotation);
				ic.IsRotated = true;
			ic.m_drawGroundStick = bExtrude;
            if (style.NormalIcon != null && bitmapCache.Contains(style.NormalIcon))
                ic.Image = (Bitmap)bitmapCache[style.NormalIcon];
                ic.Height = Double.IsNaN(style.NormalScale) ? IconSizeConstant : (int)(style.NormalScale * Math.Min(((Bitmap)bitmapCache[style.NormalIcon]).Height, IconSizeConstant));
                ic.Width = Double.IsNaN(style.NormalScale) ? IconSizeConstant : (int)(style.NormalScale * Math.Min(((Bitmap)bitmapCache[style.NormalIcon]).Width, IconSizeConstant));

			// Add the icon to the layer
Beispiel #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Extracts a rectangular selection from a given style
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="filename">The file to extract the SubBitmap from</param>
		/// <param name="x">x</param>
		/// <param name="y">y</param>
		/// <param name="w">width</param>
		/// <param name="h">height</param>
		/// <returns>The generated bitmap</returns>
		private string GetSubImage(Style style, int x, int y, int w, int h)
			// Try using a cached version
			string key = style.NormalIcon+ "|" 
				+x.ToString("D5", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
				+y.ToString("D5", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
				+w.ToString("D5", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
				+h.ToString("D5", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			if (bitmapCache.ContainsKey(key))
				return key;

			// Create a new bitmap to draw into
			Bitmap outImage = new Bitmap(w, h);
			Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(outImage);

			// Draw a region into the newly created bitmap
			RectangleF destinationRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, w, h);
            if (style.NormalIcon != null && bitmapCache.Contains(style.NormalIcon))
                System.Drawing.Bitmap bit = ((Bitmap)bitmapCache[style.NormalIcon]);
                RectangleF sourceRect = new RectangleF(x, bit.Height - y - h, w, h);
                graphics.DrawImage((Bitmap)bitmapCache[style.NormalIcon], destinationRect, sourceRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                // Cache the generated bitmap
                bitmapCache.Add(key, outImage);

                return key;
                return null;
Beispiel #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Modifies a style with Style tags loaded from an XmlNode
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="style">The XmlNode containing override information</param>
		/// <param name="oldStyle">The style to override</param>
		/// <param name="KmlPath">The path to the KML file that is being loaded</param>
		/// <returns>The style with overridden values</returns>
		private Style GetStyle(XmlNode style, Style oldStyle, string KmlPath)
				Style overStyle = oldStyle;

				bool bPalette = false;

				// Determine the scale, if any, for this style
				XmlNode scaleNode = style.SelectSingleNode("IconStyle/scale");
				if (scaleNode != null)
					overStyle.NormalScale = Convert.ToDouble(scaleNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

				// Search for style tags in location 1
				XmlNode hrefNode = style.SelectSingleNode("IconStyle/Icon/href");
				if (hrefNode != null)
					string filename = hrefNode.InnerText;
					if (filename.StartsWith("root://"))													// Use palette bitmap
						filename = Path.Combine(KmlDirectory, filename.Remove(0, 7));
						if (File.Exists(filename))
							bPalette = true;
							overStyle.NormalIcon = GetDiskImage(filename);
					else if (filename.StartsWith("http://"))											// Use bitmap from the internet
						overStyle.NormalIcon = GetWebImage(filename);
					else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(KmlPath), filename)))		// Use a file from disk
						overStyle.NormalIcon = GetDiskImage(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(KmlPath), filename));
					else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(KmlDirectory, filename)))					// Use a file from disk
						overStyle.NormalIcon = GetDiskImage(Path.Combine(KmlDirectory, filename));

				// See if we need to cut this style to a substyle
				XmlNode wNode = style.SelectSingleNode("IconStyle/Icon/w");
				XmlNode hNode = style.SelectSingleNode("IconStyle/Icon/h");
				if (wNode != null && hNode != null)
					int w = Convert.ToInt32(wNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
					int h = Convert.ToInt32(hNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

					int x = 0, y = 0;
					XmlNode xNode = style.SelectSingleNode("IconStyle/Icon/x");
					if (xNode != null)
						x = Convert.ToInt32(xNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
					XmlNode yNode = style.SelectSingleNode("IconStyle/Icon/y");
					if (yNode != null)
						y = Convert.ToInt32(yNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

					if (bPalette)
						overStyle.NormalIcon = GetSubImage(overStyle, x*2, y*2, w*2, h*2);
						overStyle.NormalIcon = GetSubImage(overStyle, x, y, w, h);

				// Search for style tags in a possible secondary location
				XmlNode iconNode = style.SelectSingleNode("icon");
				if (iconNode != null)
					string filename = iconNode.InnerText;
					if (!filename.StartsWith("http://"))
						return null;

					overStyle.NormalIcon = GetWebImage(filename);

				XmlNode balloonStyleNode = style.SelectSingleNode("BalloonStyle");
				if(balloonStyleNode != null)
					BalloonStyle balloonStyle = new BalloonStyle();
					XmlNode balloonTextNode = balloonStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("text");
					if(balloonTextNode != null)
						TextElement textElement = new TextElement();
						textElement.Text = balloonTextNode.InnerText;

						XmlNode textNodeColor = balloonTextNode.SelectSingleNode("textColor");
						if(textNodeColor != null)
							textElement.TextColor = new ColorElement(ParseColor(textNodeColor.InnerText));

						balloonStyle.Text = textElement;

					XmlNode balloonTextColorNode = balloonStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("textColor");
					if(balloonTextColorNode != null)
						balloonStyle.TextColor = new ColorElement(ParseColor(balloonTextColorNode.InnerText));

					XmlNode balloonColorNode = balloonStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("color");
					if(balloonColorNode != null)
						balloonStyle.Color = new ColorElement(ParseColor(balloonColorNode.InnerText));

					overStyle.BalloonStyle = balloonStyle;

				XmlNode iconStyleNode = style.SelectSingleNode("IconStyle");
				if(iconStyleNode != null)
					XmlNode iconElementNode = iconStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("Icon");
					IconElement iconElement = new IconElement();
					if(iconElementNode != null)
						XmlNode iconElementHrefNode = iconElementNode.SelectSingleNode("href");
						if (iconElementHrefNode != null)
							string filename = iconElementHrefNode.InnerText;
							if (filename.StartsWith("root://"))													// Use palette bitmap
								filename = Path.Combine(KmlDirectory, filename.Remove(0, 7));
								if (File.Exists(filename))
									bPalette = true;
									iconElement.href = GetDiskImage(filename);
							else if (filename.StartsWith("http://"))											// Use bitmap from the internet
								iconElement.href = GetWebImage(filename);
							else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(KmlPath), filename)))		// Use a file from disk
								iconElement.href = GetDiskImage(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(KmlPath), filename));
							else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(KmlDirectory, filename)))					// Use a file from disk
								iconElement.href = GetDiskImage(Path.Combine(KmlDirectory, filename));

						// See if we need to cut this style to a substyle
						XmlNode iconElementWNode = iconElementNode.SelectSingleNode("w");
						XmlNode iconElementHNode = iconElementNode.SelectSingleNode("h");
						if (iconElementWNode != null && iconElementHNode != null)
							int w = Convert.ToInt32(wNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
							int h = Convert.ToInt32(hNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

							int x = 0, y = 0;
							XmlNode xNode = iconElementNode.SelectSingleNode("x");
							if (xNode != null)
								x = Convert.ToInt32(xNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
							XmlNode yNode = iconElementNode.SelectSingleNode("y");
							if (yNode != null)
								y = Convert.ToInt32(yNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

							if (bPalette)
								iconElement.href = GetSubImage(overStyle, x*2, y*2, w*2, h*2);
								iconElement.href = GetSubImage(overStyle, x, y, w, h);
						IconStyle iconStyle = new IconStyle(iconElement);
						XmlNode iconStyleColorNode = iconStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("color");
						if(iconStyleColorNode != null)
							iconStyle.Color = new ColorElement(ParseColor(iconStyleColorNode.InnerText));

						XmlNode iconStyleColorModeNode = iconStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("colorMode");
						if(iconStyleColorModeNode != null)
							iconStyle.ColorMode = (iconStyleColorModeNode.InnerText.ToLower() == "random" ? ColorMode.Random : ColorMode.Normal);
						XmlNode iconStyleHeadingNode = iconStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("heading");
						if(iconStyleHeadingNode != null)
							iconStyle.Heading = new DecimalElement(double.Parse(iconStyleHeadingNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

						XmlNode iconStyleScaleNode = iconStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("scale");
						if(iconStyleScaleNode != null)
							iconStyle.Scale = new DecimalElement(double.Parse(iconStyleScaleNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

						overStyle.IconStyle = iconStyle;

				XmlNode labelStyleNode = style.SelectSingleNode("LabelStyle");
				if(labelStyleNode != null)
					LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle();
					XmlNode labelColorNode = labelStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("color");
					if(labelColorNode != null)
						labelStyle.Color = new ColorElement(ParseColor(labelColorNode.InnerText));

					XmlNode labelColorModeNode = labelStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("colorMode");
					if(labelColorModeNode != null)
						labelStyle.ColorMode = (labelColorModeNode.InnerText.ToLower() == "random" ? ColorMode.Random : ColorMode.Normal);

					XmlNode labelScaleNode = labelStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("scale");
					if(labelScaleNode != null)
						labelStyle.Scale = new DecimalElement(double.Parse(labelScaleNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

					overStyle.LabelStyle = labelStyle;

				XmlNode lineStyleNode = style.SelectSingleNode("LineStyle");
				if(lineStyleNode != null)
					LineStyle lineStyle = new LineStyle();
					XmlNode lineColorNode = lineStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("color");
					if(lineColorNode != null)
						lineStyle.Color = new ColorElement(ParseColor(lineColorNode.InnerText));

					XmlNode lineColorModeNode = lineStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("colorMode");
					if(lineColorModeNode != null)
						lineStyle.ColorMode = (lineColorModeNode.InnerText.ToLower() == "random" ? ColorMode.Random : ColorMode.Normal);

					XmlNode lineWidthNode = lineStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("width");
					if(lineWidthNode != null)
						lineStyle.Width = new DecimalElement(double.Parse(lineWidthNode.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

					overStyle.LineStyle = lineStyle;

				XmlNode polyStyleNode = style.SelectSingleNode("PolyStyle");
				if(polyStyleNode != null)
					PolyStyle polyStyle = new PolyStyle();
					XmlNode polyColorNode = polyStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("color");
					if(polyColorNode != null)
						polyStyle.Color = new ColorElement(ParseColor(polyColorNode.InnerText));

					XmlNode polyColorModeNode = polyStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("colorMode");
					if(polyColorModeNode != null)
						polyStyle.ColorMode = (polyColorModeNode.InnerText.ToLower() == "random" ? ColorMode.Random : ColorMode.Normal);
					XmlNode polyFillNode = polyStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("fill");
					if(polyFillNode != null)
						polyStyle.Fill = (polyFillNode.InnerText == "1" ? true : false);

					XmlNode polyOutlineNode = polyStyleNode.SelectSingleNode("outline");
					if(polyOutlineNode != null)
						polyStyle.Outline = (polyOutlineNode.InnerText == "1" ? true : false);

					overStyle.PolyStyle = polyStyle;

				return overStyle;
			catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                Log.Write(Log.Levels.Error, "KMLImporter: " + ex.ToString());

			return null;
Beispiel #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses Polygons
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inNode">The node containing Polygons</param>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer to add the resulting Polygons to</param>
		private void ParsePolygons(XmlNode inNode, RIcons layer)
			// Parse all Placemarks that have a name and Polygon
			XmlNodeList polygons = inNode.SelectNodes("Placemark[name and Polygon]");
			Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

			foreach (XmlNode node in polygons)
				// Extract the name from this node
				XmlNode nameNode = node.SelectSingleNode("name");
				string name = nameNode.InnerText;
				Style style = null;

				// get StyleUrl
				XmlNode styleUrlNode = node.SelectSingleNode("styleUrl");
				if(styleUrlNode != null)
					string styleUrlKey = styleUrlNode.InnerText.Trim();
						styleUrlKey = styleUrlKey.Substring(1, styleUrlKey.Length - 1);

					style = (Style)iconStyles[styleUrlKey];
					XmlNode styleNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Style");
					if(styleNode != null)
						style = GetStyle( styleNode, new Style(), "");

				if(style == null)
					style = new Style();
				if(style.LineStyle == null)
					style.LineStyle = new LineStyle();

				if(style.PolyStyle == null)
					style.PolyStyle = new PolyStyle();

				// See if this LineString has to be extruded to the ground
				bool extrude = false;
				XmlNode extrudeNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Polygon/extrude");
				if (extrudeNode != null)
					extrude = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(extrudeNode.InnerText));

				XmlNode altitudeModeNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Polygon/altitudeMode");
				AltitudeMode altitudeMode = GetAltitudeMode(altitudeModeNode);

				LinearRing outerRing = null;
				LinearRing[] innerRings = null;

				// Parse Outer Ring
				XmlNode outerRingNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Polygon/outerBoundaryIs/LinearRing/coordinates");
				if (outerRingNode != null)
					Point3d[] points = ParseCoordinates(outerRingNode);

					outerRing = new LinearRing();
					outerRing.Points = points;

				// Parse Inner Ring
				XmlNodeList innerRingNodes = node.SelectNodes("Polygon/innerBoundaryIs");
				if (innerRingNodes != null)
					innerRings = new LinearRing[innerRingNodes.Count];
					for(int i = 0; i < innerRingNodes.Count; i++)
						Point3d[] points = ParseCoordinates(innerRingNodes[i]);
						innerRings[i] = new LinearRing();
						innerRings[i].Points = points;

				if(outerRing != null)
					PolygonFeature polygonFeature = new PolygonFeature(
						name, m_world,

					polygonFeature.Extrude = extrude;
					polygonFeature.AltitudeMode = altitudeMode;
					polygonFeature.Outline = style.PolyStyle.Outline;
					if(style.LineStyle.Color != null)
						polygonFeature.OutlineColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(style.LineStyle.Color.Color);

					XmlNode visibilityNode = node.SelectSingleNode("visibility");
					if(visibilityNode != null)
						polygonFeature.IsOn = (visibilityNode.InnerText == "1" ? true : false);
