Beispiel #1
        public void Update(Seconds deltaSeconds)
            if (this is MovableEntity movableEntity)
                Meters horizontalDelta = deltaSeconds * movableEntity.Horizontal.Speed;
                Meters newXlocation    = movableEntity.Location.X + horizontalDelta;

                //if you are leaving the screen
                if (newXlocation >= movableEntity.Horizontal.UpperBound)
                    //change direction
                    movableEntity.Horizontal.Speed *= (-1);
                    //move as far as you can
                    movableEntity.Location.X = movableEntity.Horizontal.UpperBound;
                else if (newXlocation <= movableEntity.Horizontal.LowerBound)
                    //change direction
                    movableEntity.Horizontal.Speed *= (-1);
                    //move as far as you can
                    movableEntity.Location.X = movableEntity.Horizontal.LowerBound;
                    //just move
                    movableEntity.Location.X += horizontalDelta;
            if (this is MovableJumpingEntity movableJumpingEntity)
                Meters verticalDelta = deltaSeconds * movableJumpingEntity.Vertical.Speed;
                Meters newYlocation  = movableJumpingEntity.Location.Y + verticalDelta;
                //if you are tryint to fly away from the screen
                if (newYlocation >= movableJumpingEntity.Vertical.UpperBound)
                    //change direction
                    movableJumpingEntity.Vertical.Speed *= (-1);
                    //move as far as you can
                    movableJumpingEntity.Location.Y = movableJumpingEntity.Vertical.UpperBound;
                //if you reach the ground
                else if (newYlocation <= movableJumpingEntity.Vertical.LowerBound)
                    //just stop falling
                    movableJumpingEntity.Location.Y = movableJumpingEntity.Vertical.LowerBound;
                    //just move
                    movableJumpingEntity.Location.Y += verticalDelta;
Beispiel #2
        public static Meters Meters(this int value)
            Meters met = new Meters(value);
