public PS3RockbandControlerEvents(Form Parent)
            jst = new Joystick(Parent.Handle);

               // TimerDRUMS.Interval = DefaultDrumInterval;
            TimerDRUMS.Period = DefaultDrumInterval;
            TimerDRUMS.Mode = Multimedia.TimerMode.Periodic;
            TimerDRUMS.Tick += new EventHandler(TimerDRUMS_Tick);
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Initializing joystick
            jst = new JoystickInterface.Joystick(this.Handle);
            string[] sticks = jst.FindJoysticks();

            if (sticks.Length > 0)
                // Connect to the first found joystick device
                if (jst.AcquireJoystick(sticks[0]) == true)
                    JoyCon.Text = "Connected";

                    // Request the status of joystick in cycle.
                    timer1.Enabled = true;
                    JoyCon.Text = "Error";
                JoyCon.Text = "Disconnected";

            // Connecting to the robot controller
            CtrlConn.Text = "Connecting...";
                // Making TCP/IP v4 socket
                Sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);


                // Receiving the Hello message
                CtrlRcv.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(remdata);
                if (CtrlRcv.Text == "Hello")
                    CtrlConn.Text = "Connected";

                    // Making request
                    DtSnt.Status = true;
                    DtSnt.X      = 0;
                    DtSnt.Y      = 0;
                    DtSnt.Z      = 0;

                    TmrData.Enabled = false;
            catch (SocketException se)
                CtrlRcv.Text  = se.ErrorCode.ToString();
                CtrlConn.Text = "Error";
        public PS3RockbandControlerEvents(Form Parent, bool GetPad, RockBandDrumControler RBDC)
            jst = new Joystick(Parent.Handle);

            //TimerDRUMS.Interval = DefaultDrumInterval;
            TimerDRUMS.Period = DefaultDrumInterval;
            TimerDRUMS.Mode = Multimedia.TimerMode.Periodic;

            TimerDRUMS.Tick += new EventHandler(TimerDRUMS_Tick);

            if (GetPad)

            if (RBDC != null)
                DrumsSetControler = RBDC;