Beispiel #1
        public JintEngine()
            PermissionSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
            TypeSystem = new TypeSystem();

            _runtime = new JintRuntime(this);
            public static object Constructor(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                // TODO: This looks wrong. It looks like this should be returning
                // a JsObject that has the value set to the parameter. Chrome returns
                // 'object' for typeof(new Object(7)) and typeof(Object(7)).

                if (arguments.Length > 0)
                    var argument = arguments[0];

                    var global = runtime.Global;

                    switch (argument.GetJsType())
                        case JsType.String: return global.CreateObject(argument, global.StringClass);
                        case JsType.Number: return global.CreateObject((double)argument, global.NumberClass);
                        case JsType.Boolean: return global.CreateObject(argument, global.BooleanClass);
                        default: return argument;

                var obj = runtime.Global.CreateObject(callee.Prototype);


                return obj;
            public static object Exec(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var target = (JsObject)@this;
                var manager = (RegexManager)target.Value;

                return (object)manager.Exec(runtime, JsValue.ToString(arguments[0])) ?? JsNull.Instance;
            public static object Constructor(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var target = (JsObject)@this;

                if (target == runtime.Global.GlobalScope)
                    target = runtime.Global.CreateObject(callee.Prototype);

                string pattern = null;
                string options = null;

                if (arguments.Length > 0)
                    pattern = JsValue.ToString(arguments[0]);
                    if (arguments.Length > 1)
                        options = JsValue.ToString(arguments[1]);

                var manager = new RegexManager(pattern, options);

                target.IsClr = false;
                target.Value = manager;
                target.SetProperty(Id.source, pattern);
                target.SetProperty(Id.lastIndex, (double)0);
                target.SetProperty(, BooleanBoxes.Box(manager.IsGlobal));

                return target;
            public static object Call(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (!JsValue.IsFunction(@this))
                    throw new JsException(JsErrorType.TypeError, "The target of call() must be a function");

                object target;
                if (arguments.Length >= 1 && !JsValue.IsNullOrUndefined(arguments[0]))
                    target = arguments[0];
                    target = runtime.GlobalScope;

                object[] argumentsCopy;

                if (arguments.Length >= 2 && !JsValue.IsNull(arguments[1]))
                    argumentsCopy = new object[arguments.Length - 1];
                    Array.Copy(arguments, 1, argumentsCopy, 0, argumentsCopy.Length);
                    argumentsCopy = JsValue.EmptyArray;

                // Executes the statements in 'that' and use _this as the target of the call
                return ((JsObject)@this).Execute(runtime, target, argumentsCopy);
Beispiel #6
            public static object DecodeURIComponent(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length < 1 || JsValue.IsUndefined(arguments[0]))
                    return String.Empty;

                return Uri.UnescapeDataString(JsValue.ToString(arguments[0]).Replace("+", " "));
            public static object Apply(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (!JsValue.IsFunction(@this))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The target of call() must be a function");

                object target;

                if (arguments.Length >= 1 && !JsValue.IsNullOrUndefined(arguments[0]))
                    target = arguments[0];
                    target = runtime.Global.GlobalScope;

                object[] argumentsCopy;

                if (arguments.Length >= 2)
                    var shim = new ArrayShim(arguments[1]);

                    argumentsCopy = new object[shim.Length];

                    foreach (var item in shim)
                        argumentsCopy[item.Key] = item.Value;
                    argumentsCopy = JsValue.EmptyArray;

                // Executes the statements in 'that' and use _this as the target of the call
                return ((JsObject)@this).Execute(runtime, target, argumentsCopy);
Beispiel #8
        private object GetPropertySlow(JintRuntime runtime, int index, ref DictionaryCacheSlot cacheSlot)
            if (_store != null)
                return ((JsObject)_value).GetPropertySlow(index, ref cacheSlot);

            #if TRACE_SPECULATION
            Trace.WriteLine("Dictionary cache miss");
            return runtime.GetMemberByIndex(_value, index);
Beispiel #9
        public object GetProperty(JintRuntime runtime, int index, ref DictionaryCacheSlot cacheSlot)
            if (_store != null && cacheSlot.Schema == _store.Schema)
            #if TRACE_SPECULATION
                // Trace.WriteLine("Dictionary cache hit");
                return _store.GetOwnPropertyRawUnchecked(cacheSlot.Index);

            return GetPropertySlow(runtime, index, ref cacheSlot);
            public static object GetPrototypeOf(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var @object = arguments[0] as JsObject;
                if (@object == null)
                    throw new JsException(JsErrorType.TypeError);

                var constructor = @object.GetProperty(Id.constructor) as JsObject;
                if (constructor != null)
                    return constructor.GetProperty(Id.prototype);

                return JsNull.Instance;
            public static object Concat(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();


                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)

                return sb.ToString();
            public static object Min(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length == 0)
                    return DoubleBoxes.PositiveInfinity;

                var result = JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[0]);

                foreach (var argument in arguments)
                    result = Math.Min(JsValue.ToNumber(argument), result);

                return result;
            public static object Constructor(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var target = (JsObject)@this;
                if (target == runtime.Global.GlobalScope)
                    target = runtime.Global.CreateObject(callee.Prototype);

                target.IsClr = false;

                if (arguments.Length > 0)
                    target.SetProperty(Id.message, arguments[0]);

                return target;
            public static object Constructor(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var target = (JsObject)@this;
                if (target == runtime.Global.GlobalScope)
                    return BooleanBoxes.Box(arguments.Length > 0 && JsValue.ToBoolean(arguments[0]));

                // e.g., var foo = new Boolean(true);
                if (arguments.Length > 0)
                    target.Value = JsValue.ToBoolean(arguments[0]);
                    target.Value = false;

                return @this;
            public static object CharCodeAt(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length == 0)
                    return String.Empty;

                int pos = (int)JsValue.ToInteger(arguments[0]);
                if (pos < 0)
                    return DoubleBoxes.NaN;

                string value = JsValue.ToString(@this);
                if (pos >= value.Length)
                    return DoubleBoxes.NaN;

                return (double)value[pos];
            public static object DefineProperty(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var instance = arguments[0] as JsObject;
                if (instance == null)
                    throw new JsException(JsErrorType.TypeError);


                return instance;
            public static object CharAt(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length == 0)
                    return String.Empty;

                int pos = (int)JsValue.ToInteger(arguments[0]);
                if (pos < 0)
                    return String.Empty;

                string value = JsValue.ToString(@this);
                if (pos >= value.Length)
                    return String.Empty;

                return new String(value[pos], 1);
            public static object Constructor(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var target = (JsObject)@this;
                if (target == runtime.Global.GlobalScope)
                    // 15.7.1 - When Number is called as a function rather than as a constructor, it performs a type conversion.
                    if (arguments.Length > 0)
                        return JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[0]);

                    return (double)0;

                // 15.7.2 - When Number is called as part of a new expression, it is a constructor: it initializes the newly created object.
                target.Value = arguments.Length > 0 ? JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[0]) : 0;

                return @this;
            public static object ToExponential(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                double value = JsValue.ToNumber(@this);

                if (Double.IsInfinity(value) || Double.IsNaN(value))
                    return ((JsObject)((JsObject)@this).GetProperty(Id.toString)).Execute(runtime, @this, JsValue.EmptyArray);

                int fractions = 16;
                if (arguments.Length > 0)
                    fractions = (int)JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[0]);

                if (fractions > 20 || fractions < 0)
                    throw new JsException(JsErrorType.SyntaxError, "Fraction Digits must be greater than 0 and lesser than 20");

                string format = "#." + new String('0', fractions)+ "e+0";

                return value.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            public static object ToFixed(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                int fractions = 0;
                if (arguments.Length > 0)
                    fractions = (int)JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[0]);

                if (fractions > 20 || fractions < 0)
                    throw new JsException(JsErrorType.SyntaxError, "Fraction Digits must be greater than 0 and lesser than 20");

                double value = JsValue.ToNumber(@this);

                if (Double.IsNaN(value))
                    return JsValue.ToString(@this);

                return value.ToString(
                    "f" + fractions.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
Beispiel #21
        public object GetProperty(JintRuntime runtime, double index)
            if (_store != null)
                int intIndex = (int)index;
                if (intIndex == index)
            #if TRACE_SPECULATION
                    // Trace.WriteLine("Array cache hit");
                    return _store.GetOwnProperty(intIndex);

            #if TRACE_SPECULATION
            Trace.WriteLine("Array cache miss");
            return runtime.Operation_Member(_value, index);
Beispiel #22
        public JsGlobal(JintRuntime runtime, JintEngine engine)
            if (runtime == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("runtime");

            _runtime = runtime;


            PrototypeSink = CreatePrototypeSink();
            RootSchema = new JsSchema();
            Engine = engine;

            // The Random instance is used by Math to generate random numbers.
            Random = new Random();


            GlobalScope = CreateGlobalScope();

            Marshaller = new Marshaller(runtime, this);
            public static object Constructor(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                var target = (JsObject)@this;

                if (target == runtime.Global.GlobalScope)
                    // 15.5.1 - When String is called as a function rather than as a constructor, it performs a type conversion.
                    if (arguments.Length > 0)
                        var argument = arguments[0];
                        if (JsValue.IsString(argument))
                            return argument;
                        return JsValue.ToString(argument);

                    return String.Empty;
                    // 15.5.2 - When String is called as part of a new expression, it is a constructor: it initializes the newly created object.
                    if (arguments.Length > 0)
                        var argument = arguments[0];
                        if (JsValue.IsString(argument))
                            target.Value = argument;
                            target.Value = JsValue.ToString(argument);
                        target.Value = String.Empty;

                    return target;
 public static object ValueOf(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
     return BooleanBoxes.Box(JsValue.ToBoolean(@this));
 public static object ToString(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
     return JsConvert.ToString(JsValue.ToBoolean(@this));
Beispiel #26
            public static object EncodeURI(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length < 1 || JsValue.IsUndefined(arguments[0]))
                    return String.Empty;

                string encoded = Uri.EscapeDataString(JsValue.ToString(arguments[0]));

                foreach (char c in ReservedEncoded)
                    encoded = encoded.Replace(Uri.EscapeDataString(c.ToString()), c.ToString());

                foreach (char c in ReservedEncodedComponent)
                    encoded = encoded.Replace(Uri.EscapeDataString(c.ToString()), c.ToString());

                return encoded.ToUpper();
Beispiel #27
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            public static object ParseInt(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length < 1 || JsValue.IsUndefined(arguments[0]))
                    return JsUndefined.Instance;

                // In case of an enum, just cast it to an integer
                if (JsValue.IsClr(arguments[0]))
                    var value = JsValue.UnwrapValue(arguments[0]);
                    if (value.GetType().IsEnum)
                        return (double)((int)value);

                string number = JsValue.ToString(arguments[0]).Trim();
                int sign = 1;
                int radix = 10;

                if (number == String.Empty)
                    return DoubleBoxes.NaN;

                if (number.StartsWith("-"))
                    number = number.Substring(1);
                    sign = -1;
                else if (number.StartsWith("+"))
                    number = number.Substring(1);

                if (
                    arguments.Length >= 2 &&
                    !JsValue.IsUndefined(arguments[1]) &&
                    JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[1]) != 0
                    radix = (int)JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[1]);

                if (radix == 0)
                    radix = 10;
                else if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
                    return DoubleBoxes.NaN;

                if (number.ToLower().StartsWith("0x"))
                    radix = 16;

                    if (radix == 10)
                        // most common case
                        double result;
                        if (double.TryParse(number, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
                            // parseInt(12.42) == 42
                            return sign * Math.Floor(result);
                            return DoubleBoxes.NaN;
                        return (double)(sign * Convert.ToInt32(number, radix));
                    return DoubleBoxes.NaN;
Beispiel #28
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            public static object ParseFloat(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length < 1 || JsValue.IsUndefined(arguments[0]))
                    return JsUndefined.Instance;

                string number = JsValue.ToString(arguments[0]).Trim();
                // the parseFloat function should stop parsing when it encounters an disallowed char
                Regex regexp = new Regex(@"^[\+\-\d\.e]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                Match match = regexp.Match(number);

                double result;
                if (match.Success && double.TryParse(match.Value, NumberStyles.Float, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out result))
                    return result;
                    return DoubleBoxes.NaN;
Beispiel #29
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            public static object IsNaN(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length < 1)
                    return BooleanBoxes.Box(false);

                return BooleanBoxes.Box(double.NaN.Equals(JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[0])));
Beispiel #30
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            public static object IsFinite(JintRuntime runtime, object @this, JsObject callee, object[] arguments)
                if (arguments.Length < 1 || JsValue.IsUndefined(arguments[0]))
                    return BooleanBoxes.False;

                var value = JsValue.ToNumber(arguments[0]);

                return BooleanBoxes.Box(
                    !Double.IsNaN(value) &&
                    !Double.IsPositiveInfinity(value) &&