Beispiel #1
        public override void ProcessCommand()
            logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_MALDownloadStatusFromMAL");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Password))

                // find the latest eps to update
                AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

                myanimelist mal = MALHelper.GetMALAnimeList();
                if (mal == null) return;
                if (mal.anime == null) return;

                CrossRef_AniDB_MALRepository repCrossRef = new CrossRef_AniDB_MALRepository();
                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEp = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();

                // find the anidb user
                JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();
                List<JMMUser> aniDBUsers = repUsers.GetAniDBUsers();
                if (aniDBUsers.Count == 0) return;

                JMMUser user = aniDBUsers[0];

                foreach (myanimelistAnime malAnime in mal.anime)
                    // look up the anime
                    CrossRef_AniDB_MAL xref = repCrossRef.GetByMALID(malAnime.series_animedb_id);
                    if (xref == null) continue;

                    if (malAnime.series_animedb_id == 8107 || malAnime.series_animedb_id == 10737)

                    // check if this anime has any other links
                    List<CrossRef_AniDB_MAL> allXrefs = repCrossRef.GetByAnimeID(xref.AnimeID);
                    if (allXrefs.Count == 0) continue;

                    // find the range of watched episodes that this applies to
                    int startEpNumber = xref.StartEpisodeNumber;
                    int endEpNumber = GetUpperEpisodeLimit(allXrefs, xref);

                    List<AniDB_Episode> aniEps = repAniEps.GetByAnimeID(xref.AnimeID);
                    foreach (AniDB_Episode aniep in aniEps)
                        if (aniep.EpisodeType != xref.StartEpisodeType) continue;

                        AnimeEpisode ep = repEp.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(aniep.EpisodeID);
                        if (ep == null) continue;

                        int adjustedWatchedEps = malAnime.my_watched_episodes + xref.StartEpisodeNumber - 1;
                        int epNum = aniep.EpisodeNumber;

                        if (epNum < startEpNumber || epNum > endEpNumber) continue;

                        AnimeEpisode_User usrRec = ep.GetUserRecord(user.JMMUserID);

                        if (epNum <= adjustedWatchedEps)
                            // update if the user doesn't have a record (means not watched)
                            // or it is currently un-watched
                            bool update = false;
                            if (usrRec == null) update = true;
                                if (!usrRec.WatchedDate.HasValue) update = true;

                            if (update) ep.ToggleWatchedStatus(true, true, DateTime.Now, user.JMMUserID, false);
                            bool update = false;
                            if (usrRec != null)
                                if (usrRec.WatchedDate.HasValue) update = true;

                            if (update) ep.ToggleWatchedStatus(false, true, DateTime.Now, user.JMMUserID, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_MALDownloadStatusFromMAL: {0}", ex.ToString());
Beispiel #2
		void workerMyAnime2_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
			MA2Progress ma2Progress = new MA2Progress();
			ma2Progress.CurrentFile = 0;
			ma2Progress.ErrorMessage = "";
			ma2Progress.MigratedFiles = 0;
			ma2Progress.TotalFiles = 0;

				string databasePath = e.Argument as string;

				string connString = string.Format(@"data source={0};useutf16encoding=True", databasePath);
				SQLiteConnection myConn = new SQLiteConnection(connString);

				// get a list of unlinked files
				VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
				AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
				AniDB_AnimeRepository repAniAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();
				AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
				AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();

				List<VideoLocal> vids = repVids.GetVideosWithoutEpisode();
				ma2Progress.TotalFiles = vids.Count;

				foreach (VideoLocal vid in vids)
					ma2Progress.CurrentFile = ma2Progress.CurrentFile + 1;
					workerMyAnime2.ReportProgress(0, ma2Progress);

					// search for this file in the XrossRef table in MA2
					string sql = string.Format("SELECT AniDB_EpisodeID from CrossRef_Episode_FileHash WHERE Hash = '{0}' AND FileSize = {1}", vid.ED2KHash, vid.FileSize);
					SQLiteCommand sqCommand = new SQLiteCommand(sql);
					sqCommand.Connection = myConn;

					SQLiteDataReader myReader = sqCommand.ExecuteReader();
					while (myReader.Read())
						int episodeID = 0;
						if (!int.TryParse(myReader.GetValue(0).ToString(), out episodeID)) continue;
						if (episodeID <= 0) continue;

						sql = string.Format("SELECT AnimeID from AniDB_Episode WHERE EpisodeID = {0}", episodeID);
						sqCommand = new SQLiteCommand(sql);
						sqCommand.Connection = myConn;

						SQLiteDataReader myReader2 = sqCommand.ExecuteReader();
						while (myReader2.Read())
							int animeID = myReader2.GetInt32(0);

							// so now we have all the needed details we can link the file to the episode
							// as long as wehave the details in JMM
							AniDB_Anime anime = null;
							AniDB_Episode ep = repAniEps.GetByEpisodeID(episodeID);
							if (ep == null)
								logger.Debug("Getting Anime record from AniDB....");
								anime = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetAnimeInfoHTTP(animeID, true, ServerSettings.AutoGroupSeries);
								anime = repAniAnime.GetByAnimeID(animeID);

							// create the group/series/episode records if needed
							AnimeSeries ser = null;
							if (anime == null) continue;

							logger.Debug("Creating groups, series and episodes....");
							// check if there is an AnimeSeries Record associated with this AnimeID
							ser = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
							if (ser == null)
								// create a new AnimeSeries record
								ser = anime.CreateAnimeSeriesAndGroup();


							// check if we have any group status data for this associated anime
							// if not we will download it now
							AniDB_GroupStatusRepository repStatus = new AniDB_GroupStatusRepository();
							if (repStatus.GetByAnimeID(anime.AnimeID).Count == 0)
								CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus cmdStatus = new CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus(anime.AnimeID, false);

							// update stats
							ser.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

							AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
							foreach (AnimeGroup grp in ser.AllGroupsAbove)
								grp.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

							AnimeEpisode epAnime = repEps.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(episodeID);
							if (epAnime == null)

							CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repXRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
							CrossRef_File_Episode xref = new CrossRef_File_Episode();

								xref.PopulateManually(vid, epAnime);
							catch (Exception ex)
								string msg = string.Format("Error populating XREF: {0} - {1}", vid.ToStringDetailed(), ex.ToString());



							// update stats for groups and series
							if (ser != null)
								// update all the groups above this series in the heirarchy
								ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);

							// Add this file to the users list
							if (ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_AddFiles)
								CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList cmd = new CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList(vid.ED2KHash);

							ma2Progress.MigratedFiles = ma2Progress.MigratedFiles + 1;
							workerMyAnime2.ReportProgress(0, ma2Progress);




				ma2Progress.CurrentFile = ma2Progress.CurrentFile + 1;
				workerMyAnime2.ReportProgress(0, ma2Progress);

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
				ma2Progress.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
				workerMyAnime2.ReportProgress(0, ma2Progress);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the previous episode for use int the next unwatched episode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animeSeriesID"></param>
        /// <param name="userID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Contract_AnimeEpisode GetPreviousEpisodeForUnwatched(int animeSeriesID, int userID)
                Contract_AnimeEpisode nextEp = GetNextUnwatchedEpisode(animeSeriesID, userID);
                if (nextEp == null) return null;

                int epType = nextEp.EpisodeType;
                int epNum = nextEp.EpisodeNumber - 1;

                if (epNum <= 0) return null;

                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repAnimeSer = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                AnimeSeries series = repAnimeSer.GetByID(animeSeriesID);
                if (series == null) return null;

                List<AniDB_Episode> anieps = repAniEps.GetByAnimeIDAndEpisodeTypeNumber(series.AniDB_ID, (enEpisodeType)epType, epNum);
                if (anieps.Count == 0) return null;

                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(anieps[0].EpisodeID);
                if (ep == null) return null;

                return ep.ToContract(true, userID, null);

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return null;
Beispiel #4
        public Contract_AnimeEpisode GetEpisodeByAniDBEpisodeID(int episodeID, int userID)
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(episodeID);
                if (ep == null) return null;

                return ep.ToContract(userID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return null;
Beispiel #5
		public void ToggleWatchedStatus(bool watched, bool updateOnline, DateTime? watchedDate, bool updateStats, bool updateStatsCache, int userID, 
			bool scrobbleTrakt, bool updateWatchedDate)
			VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
			AnimeEpisodeRepository repEpisodes = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
			AniDB_FileRepository repAniFile = new AniDB_FileRepository();
			CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repCross = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
			VideoLocal_UserRepository repVidUsers = new VideoLocal_UserRepository();
			JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();
			AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpisodeUsers = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();

			JMMUser user = repUsers.GetByID(userID);
			if (user == null) return;

			List<JMMUser> aniDBUsers = repUsers.GetAniDBUsers();

			// update the video file to watched
			int mywatched = watched ? 1 : 0;

			if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
				SaveWatchedStatus(watched, userID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);
				// if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
				// users to keep them in sync
				foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
					if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
						SaveWatchedStatus(watched, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);

			// now lets find all the associated AniDB_File record if there is one
			if (user.IsAniDBUser == 1)
				AniDB_File aniFile = repAniFile.GetByHash(this.Hash);
				if (aniFile != null)
					aniFile.IsWatched = mywatched;

					if (watched)
						if (watchedDate.HasValue)
							aniFile.WatchedDate = watchedDate;
							aniFile.WatchedDate = DateTime.Now;
						aniFile.WatchedDate = null;

					repAniFile.Save(aniFile, false);


				if (updateOnline)
					if ((watched && ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_SetWatched) || (!watched && ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_SetUnwatched))
						CommandRequest_UpdateMyListFileStatus cmd = new CommandRequest_UpdateMyListFileStatus(this.Hash, watched, false, 
							watchedDate.HasValue ? Utils.GetAniDBDateAsSeconds(watchedDate) : 0);

			// now find all the episode records associated with this video file
			// but we also need to check if theer are any other files attached to this episode with a watched
			// status, 

			AnimeSeries ser = null;
			// get all files associated with this episode
			List<CrossRef_File_Episode> xrefs = repCross.GetByHash(this.Hash);
			if (watched)
				// find the total watched percentage
				// eg one file can have a % = 100
				// or if 2 files make up one episodes they will each have a % = 50

				foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in xrefs)
					// get the episode for this file
					AnimeEpisode ep = repEpisodes.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(xref.EpisodeID);
					if (ep == null) continue;

					// get all the files for this episode
					int epPercentWatched = 0;
					foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode filexref in ep.FileCrossRefs)
						VideoLocal_User vidUser = filexref.GetVideoLocalUserRecord(userID);
						if (vidUser != null)
							// if not null means it is watched
							epPercentWatched += filexref.Percentage;

						if (epPercentWatched > 95) break;

					if (epPercentWatched > 95)
						ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();

						if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
							ep.SaveWatchedStatus(true, userID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);
							// if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
							// users to keep them in sync
							foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
								if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
									ep.SaveWatchedStatus(true, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, updateWatchedDate);

						if (scrobbleTrakt && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Password))
							CommandRequest_TraktShowScrobble cmdScrobble = new CommandRequest_TraktShowScrobble(ep.AnimeEpisodeID);

						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Password))
							CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus cmdMAL = new CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus(ser.AniDB_ID);

				// if setting a file to unwatched only set the episode unwatched, if ALL the files are unwatched
				foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xrefEp in xrefs)
					AnimeEpisode ep = repEpisodes.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(xrefEp.EpisodeID);
					if (ep == null) continue;
					ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();

					// get all the files for this episode
					int epPercentWatched = 0;
					foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode filexref in ep.FileCrossRefs)
						VideoLocal_User vidUser = filexref.GetVideoLocalUserRecord(userID);
						if (vidUser != null)
							epPercentWatched += filexref.Percentage;

						if (epPercentWatched > 95) break;

					if (epPercentWatched < 95)
						if (user.IsAniDBUser == 0)
							ep.SaveWatchedStatus(false, userID, watchedDate, true);
							// if the user is AniDB user we also want to update any other AniDB
							// users to keep them in sync
							foreach (JMMUser juser in aniDBUsers)
								if (juser.IsAniDBUser == 1)
									ep.SaveWatchedStatus(false, juser.JMMUserID, watchedDate, true);

						CommandRequest_TraktShowEpisodeUnseen cmdUnseen = new CommandRequest_TraktShowEpisodeUnseen(ep.AnimeEpisodeID);

				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Password))
					CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus cmdMAL = new CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus(ser.AniDB_ID);

			// update stats for groups and series
			if (ser != null && updateStats)
				// update all the groups above this series in the heirarchy
				ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
				//ser.TopLevelAnimeGroup.UpdateStatsFromTopLevel(true, true, true);

			if (ser != null && updateStatsCache)
Beispiel #6
        private void CreateEpisodes(ISession session, List<Raw_AniDB_Episode> eps)
            if (eps == null) return;

            AniDB_EpisodeRepository repEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();

            this.EpisodeCountSpecial = 0;
            this.EpisodeCountNormal = 0;

            List<AnimeEpisode> animeEpsToDelete = new List<AnimeEpisode>();
            List<AniDB_Episode> aniDBEpsToDelete = new List<AniDB_Episode>();

            foreach (Raw_AniDB_Episode epraw in eps)
                //List<AniDB_Episode> existingEps = repEps.GetByAnimeIDAndEpisodeTypeNumber(epraw.AnimeID, (enEpisodeType)epraw.EpisodeType, epraw.EpisodeNumber);
                // we need to do this check because some times AniDB will replace an existing episode with a new episode

                var tempEps = session
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("AnimeID", epraw.AnimeID))
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("EpisodeNumber", epraw.EpisodeNumber))
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("EpisodeType", epraw.EpisodeType))

                List<AniDB_Episode> existingEps = new List<AniDB_Episode>(tempEps);

                // delete any old records
                foreach (AniDB_Episode epOld in existingEps)
                    if (epOld.EpisodeID != epraw.EpisodeID)
                        // first delete any AnimeEpisode records that point to the new anidb episode
                        AnimeEpisodeRepository repAnimeEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                        AnimeEpisode aniep = repAnimeEps.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(session, epOld.EpisodeID);
                        if (aniep != null)

            using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in animeEpsToDelete)


            using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                foreach (AniDB_Episode ep in aniDBEpsToDelete)


            List<AniDB_Episode> epsToSave = new List<AniDB_Episode>();
            foreach (Raw_AniDB_Episode epraw in eps)
                AniDB_Episode epNew = session
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("EpisodeID", epraw.EpisodeID))

                if (epNew == null) epNew = new AniDB_Episode();


                // since the HTTP api doesn't return a count of the number of specials, we will calculate it here
                if (epNew.EpisodeTypeEnum == AniDBAPI.enEpisodeType.Episode)

                if (epNew.EpisodeTypeEnum == AniDBAPI.enEpisodeType.Special)
            using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                foreach (AniDB_Episode rec in epsToSave)


            this.EpisodeCount = EpisodeCountSpecial + EpisodeCountNormal;