Beispiel #1
        // The public instance of the object
        public Scientist(Texture2D texture, Vector2 gridPosition, Grid grid, ReachableArea reachable, FloorObject table)
            // texture & position
            this.charTex = texture;
            this.width = texture.Width / numberOfFrames;
            this.height = texture.Height / numberOfAnims;
            this.gridPosition = gridPosition;
            this.layer = 0.2f + (0.2f / (float)grid.rows) * gridPosition.Y + (0.2f / ((float)grid.columns*(float)grid.rows + 1)) * Math.Abs(gridPosition.X - (float)grid.columns/2.0f);
            this.corpsePosition = table.gridPosition + new Vector2(1, -1);

            // set path to use reachable area
            this.path = new Path(reachable);
            this.grid = grid;

            // set rectangle for animation
            rect.X = 0;
            rect.Y = 0;
            rect.Width = width;
            rect.Height = height;
Beispiel #2
        // The public instance of the object
        public Assistant(Texture2D texture, Vector2 startGridPosition, Grid grid, ReachableArea reachable,FloorObject table)
            this.charTex = texture;
            this.width = texture.Width / numberOfFrames;
            this.height = texture.Height / numberOfAnims;

            this.gridPosition = startGridPosition;
            this.defaultGridPosition = startGridPosition;
            this.layer = 0.21f + (0.2f / (float)grid.rows) * gridPosition.Y + (0.2f / ((float)grid.columns * (float)grid.rows + 1)) * Math.Abs(gridPosition.X - (float)grid.columns / 2.0f);

            this.tableLocation = table.gridPosition + new Vector2(1,-1);

            // walking path
            this.path = new Path(reachable);
            this.grid = grid;

            // Create rectangle for animation

            rect.X = 0;
            rect.Y = 0;
            rect.Width = width;
            rect.Height = height;
Beispiel #3
        public void Update(List<FloorObject> floorObjectList, List<MiniProgressBar> progBars,Scientist scientist, Assistant assistant, Build build, Graveyard graveyard,FloorObject table, Corpse corpse, NumericalCounter money,
                            Path path, List<Vector2> drawPath,Grid grid, Resurrect resurrect, NumericalCounter humanity, NumericalCounter longevity, NumericalCounter research, Random random)
            MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState();

            // Put the cursor where the mouse is constantly

            position.X = mouseState.X;
            position.Y = mouseState.Y;

            mouseOver = false;

            // check if over a progress bar, show values if so

            barMouseover = false;

            foreach (MiniProgressBar bar in progBars)

                // if menu is off, check if over an object, open menu if clicked

                if (menu == false)
                    // objects
                    if (position.X >= bar.position.X && position.X <= (bar.position.X + bar.width)
                            && position.Y >= bar.position.Y && position.Y <= (bar.position.Y + bar.height))

                        barMouseover = true; // add object mouseover text
                        menuProgBar = bar;



            // check for clicking on/mouseover build icons

            buildIconMouseover = false;

            foreach (FloorObject curitem in build.buildList)
                if (position.X >= curitem.iconPosition.X && position.X <= curitem.iconPosition.X + 60
                && position.Y >= curitem.iconPosition.Y && position.Y <= curitem.iconPosition.Y + 60)
                    if (curitem.onBuildList == true && build.buildList.IndexOf(curitem) < (build.scrollPos + build.buildScreenLength) && build.buildList.IndexOf(curitem) >= build.scrollPos)
                        // tooltip + highlighting on
                        buildIconMouseover = true;
                        menuObject = curitem;

                        // build!
                        if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                            if (click == false)
                                if (money.value >= curitem.cost)
                                    remove = curitem;
                           = false;


                        click = true;



            // remove anything that has been built from build list
            if (remove != null)
                remove = null;
            // check for clicking on objects

                // if menu is off, check if over an object, open menu if clicked & check for clicking on graveyard + tooltip

                if (menu == false && graveMenu == false && corpseMenu == false)
                    foreach (FloorObject floorObject in floorObjectList)

                        // objects
                        if (position.X >= (floorObject.position.X - floorObject.offset.X) && position.X <= (floorObject.position.X - floorObject.offset.X + ((floorObject.objectTex.Width*floorObject.scale) / floorObject.frames))
                                && position.Y >= floorObject.position.Y - floorObject.offset.Y && position.Y <= (floorObject.position.Y - floorObject.offset.Y + (floorObject.objectTex.Height*floorObject.scale)))
                            if (floorObject.menuActions.Count > 0)
                                mouseOver = true; // add object mouseover text
                                menuObject = floorObject;

                                // turn on menu when object is clicked

                                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                                    if (click == false)

                                        menu = true;



                                click = true;


                    graveMouseOver = false;

                    // graveyard
                    if (position.X >= graveyard.tlcorner.X && position.X <= graveyard.brcorner.X
                            && position.Y >= graveyard.tlcorner.Y && position.Y <= graveyard.brcorner.Y)

                        graveMouseOver = true; // add object mouseover text

                        // turn on menu when object is clicked

                        if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                            if (click == false)
                                graveMenu = true;
                                graveMouseOver = false;


                        click = true;

                    corpseMouseover = false;

                    // corpse
                    if (position.X >= corpse.position.X && position.X <= corpse.position.X + corpse.width
                            && position.Y >= corpse.position.Y && position.Y <= corpse.position.Y + corpse.height && corpse.visible == true)

                        corpseMouseover = true; // add object mouseover text

                        // turn on menu when object is clicked

                        if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                            if (click == false)
                                corpseMenu = true;
                                corpseMouseover = false;


                        click = true;


                // allow clicking on actions, turn off menu when anything else is clicked (if on)

                if (menu == true)

                    if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        if (click == false)
                            if (menu == true)
                                menu = false;

                                if (menuMouseover == true)
                                    if (menuHighlightAction.scientist == true)
                                        scientist.action = menuHighlightAction;
                                        scientist.floorObject = menuObject;

                                        assistant.action = menuHighlightAction;
                                        assistant.floorObject = menuObject;


                        click = true;


                if (graveMenu == true)

                    if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        if (click == false)

                                graveMenu = false;

                                if (menuMouseover == true)
                                    if (floorObjectList.Contains(table))


                        click = true;


                if (corpseMenu == true)

                    if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        if (click == false)

                                corpseMenu = false;

                                if (menuMouseover == true)
                                        scientist.action = menuHighlightAction;
                                        scientist.corpseWork = true;
                                        //scientist.floorObject = menuObject;


                        click = true;


                // clicking on animate icon

                if (position.X >= resurrect.position.X && position.X < (resurrect.position.X + resurrect.tex.Width) && position.Y >= resurrect.position.Y && position.Y < (resurrect.position.Y + resurrect.tex.Height))
                    if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        if (click == false && resurrect.doable == true)
                            resurrect.Animate(corpse, humanity, longevity, research, random);

                        click = true;



              // clicking on build icon

            if (position.X >= build.position.X && position.X < (build.position.X + build.tex.Width) && position.Y >= build.position.Y && position.Y < (build.position.Y + build.tex.Height))
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    if (click == false)
               = true;
                        build.scrollPos = 0;

                    click = true;



                if ((mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && position.Y < build.buildPos.Y)
                    if (click == false)
               = false;

                    click = true;



            // Scrolling build menu....

            // Right
            if (position.X >= build.rightArrowPos.X - build.arrow.Width && position.X <= build.rightArrowPos.X
                                    && position.Y >= build.rightArrowPos.Y && position.Y <= build.rightArrowPos.Y + build.arrow.Height)
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    if (click == false)


                    click = true;



            // Left
            if (position.X >= build.leftArrowPos.X && position.X <= build.leftArrowPos.X + build.arrow.Width
                                    && position.Y >= build.leftArrowPos.Y - build.arrow.Height && position.Y <= build.leftArrowPos.Y)
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed | mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    if (click == false)

                    click = true;



            // turn off click flag when no longer clicking

            if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released)
                click = false;

            text = position.ToString();