public override void Apply(LanguageData language, Construction.LRItem owner)
            //Create custom action and put it into state.Actions table
            var state  = owner.State;
            var action = new CustomParserAction(language, state, _executeMethod);

            if (_previewMethod != null)
            if (!state.BuilderData.IsInadequate) // adequate state, with a single possible action which is DefaultAction
                state.DefaultAction = action;
            else if (owner.Core.Current != null) //shift action
                state.Actions[owner.Core.Current] = action;
                foreach (var lkh in owner.Lookaheads)
                    state.Actions[lkh] = action;
            //We consider all conflicts handled by the action
        } //method
 public override void Apply(LanguageData language, Construction.LRItem owner) {
   //Create custom action and put it into state.Actions table
   var state = owner.State;
   var action = new CustomParserAction(language, state, _executeMethod);
   if (_previewMethod != null)
   if (!state.BuilderData.IsInadequate) // adequate state, with a single possible action which is DefaultAction
     state.DefaultAction = action;
   else if (owner.Core.Current != null) //shift action
     state.Actions[owner.Core.Current] = action;
   else foreach (var lkh in owner.Lookaheads)
       state.Actions[lkh] = action;
   //We consider all conflicts handled by the action
Beispiel #3
        // Only parse a literal array if we're not inside a pameter list. We check the context sensitivity by
        // using implict beginParamList and endParamList symbols
        void ResolveLiteralArrayConflict(ParsingContext context, CustomParserAction customAction)
            // First check for a comma term. Any other is not a list, so it must be a reduction to unary_expression
            if (context.CurrentParserInput.Term.Name != ",")
            // if there is no possibility to reduce, just do a shift
            var firstCorrectShiftAction = customAction.ShiftActions.First(a => a.Term.Name == ",");
            if (customAction.ReduceActions.Count < 1)
            // so we can shift or reduce. Let's look if we're in a paramBlock
            // we do this be iterating over the read tokens backwards and checking for a marker token which marks
            // the beginning and end of a parameter list
            var tokens = context.CurrentParseTree.Tokens;
            var isParamList = false;
            for (int i = tokens.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var tk = tokens[i];
                if (tk.Terminal == _begin_paramlist_marker)
                    isParamList = true; // yes, inside a param block
                else if (tk.Terminal == _end_paramlist_marker)
                    break; // we're outside a param block

            // if we're inside a parameter list, reduce (so not array literal is parsed)
            if (isParamList)
            // otherwise just shift to parse the array literal
Beispiel #4
        /* The shift-reduce conflict for "<" symbol is the problem of deciding what is "<" symbol in the input - is it
         * opening brace for generic reference, or logical operator. The following is a printout of parser state that has a conflict
         * The handling code needs to run ahead and decide a proper action: if we see ">", then it is a generic bracket and we do shift;
         * otherwise, it is an operator and we make Reduce
        State S188 (Inadequate)
          Shift items:
        member_access_segments_opt -> member_access_segments_opt ·member_access_segment
        member_access_segment -> ·. Identifier
        member_access_segment -> ·array_indexer
        array_indexer -> ·[ expression_list ]
        member_access_segment -> ·argument_list_par
        argument_list_par -> ·( argument_list_opt )
        member_access_segment -> ·type_argument_list
        type_argument_list -> ·_<_ type_ref_list >
        _<_ -> ·<
          Reduce items:
        member_access -> identifier_ext member_access_segments_opt · [? , ) : ; } ] Identifier ++ -- || && | ^ & == != > <= >= << >> + - * / % = += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= is as ?? <]
          Shifts: member_access_segment->S220, .->S221, array_indexer->S222, [->S223, argument_list_par->S224, (->S225, type_argument_list->S226, _<_->S59,

        //Here is an elaborate generic declaration which can be used as a good test. Perfectly legal, uncomment it to check that c#
        // accepts it:
        // List<Dictionary<string, object[,]>> genericVar;
        private void ResolveLessThanConflict(ParsingContext context, CustomParserAction customAction)
            var scanner = context.Parser.Scanner;
              string previewSym = null;
              if (context.CurrentParserInput.Term.Name == "<") {
            int ltCount = 0;
            while(true) {
              //Find first token ahead (using preview mode) that is either end of generic parameter (">") or something else
              Token preview;
              do {
            preview = scanner.GetToken();
              } while (_skipTokensInPreview.Contains(preview.Terminal) && preview.Terminal != base.Eof);
              //See what did we find
              previewSym = preview.Terminal.Name;
              if (previewSym == "<")
              else if (previewSym == ">" && ltCount > 0) {
              } else
            scanner.EndPreview(true); //keep previewed tokens; important to keep ">>" matched to two ">" symbols, not one combined symbol (see method below)
              //if we see ">", then it is type argument, not operator
              ParserAction action;
              if (previewSym == ">")
            action = customAction.ShiftActions.First(a => a.Term.Name == "<");
            action = customAction.ReduceActions.First();
              // Actually execute action
 private void ResolveConflicts(ParsingContext context, CustomParserAction action) { 