internal object CallHelper(ICallerContext context, object[] args, string[] names, object instance)
            // we allow kw-arg binding to ctor's of arbitrary CLS types, but
            // NOT Python built-in types.  After the ctor succeeds we'll set the kw args as
            // arbitrary properties on the CLS type.  If this ends up being a built-in type we'll
            // do the check when we're going to set the kw-args.  This accomplishes 2 things:
            //      1. Our error messages match CPython more closely
            //      2. The attribute lookup is done lazily only if kw-args are supplied to a ctor

            CoerceArgs(context, ref args, ref instance);

            KwArgBinder kwArgBinder = new KwArgBinder(context, args, names, targets[0].IsConstructor);
            MethodBinding bestBinding = new MethodBinding();
            List<UnboundArgument> bestUnboundArgs = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) {
                object[] realArgs = kwArgBinder.DoBind(targets[i], Name);

                if (realArgs != null) {
                    MethodBinding mb = new MethodBinding();
                    mb.method = targets[i];

                    if (!CompilerHelpers.IsStatic(targets[i])) {
                        if (instance == null) {
                            if (realArgs.Length == 0) {
                                throw Ops.TypeError("bad number of arguments for function {0}", targets[0].Name);
                            mb.instance = realArgs[0];
                            mb.arguments = new object[realArgs.Length - 1];
                            Array.Copy(realArgs, mb.arguments, realArgs.Length - 1);
                        } else {
                            mb.instance = instance;
                            mb.arguments = realArgs;
                    } else {
                        mb.arguments = realArgs;

                    if (!kwArgBinder.AllowUnboundArgs) {
                        // we can have no better bindings!
                        bestBinding = mb;

                    if (bestBinding.method == null ||
                        (kwArgBinder.UnboundArgs == null ||
                        (bestUnboundArgs != null && bestUnboundArgs.Count > kwArgBinder.UnboundArgs.Count))) {
                        bestBinding = mb;
                        bestUnboundArgs = kwArgBinder.UnboundArgs;


            if (bestBinding.method != null) {
                // we've bound the arguments to a real method,
                // finally we're going to dispatch back to the
                // optimized version of the calls.
                object[] callArgs = bestBinding.arguments;

                ParameterInfo[] pis = bestBinding.method.GetParameters();
                object[] dynamicArgs = new object[pis.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < pis.Length; i++) {
                    dynamicArgs[i] = Ops.GetDynamicTypeFromType(pis[i].ParameterType);
                FastCallable fc = (FastCallable)Overloads.GetKeywordArgumentOverload(new Tuple(true, dynamicArgs));
                object ret;
                if (instance == null) ret = fc.Call(context, callArgs);
                else ret = fc.CallInstance(context, instance, callArgs);

                // any unbound arguments left over we assume the user
                // wants to do a property set with.  We'll go ahead and try
                // that - if they fail we'll throw.
                if (bestUnboundArgs != null) {
                    // if we had a constructor w/ a ref param then we'll try
                    // updating the Tuple here instead of the user's object.

                    if (targets[0].DeclaringType.IsDefined(typeof(PythonTypeAttribute), false)) {
                        // calling ctor w/ kw-args w/ zero args, let it go, don't do any sets.
                        if (args.Length == names.Length) return ret;

                        throw Ops.TypeError("'{0}' is an invalid keyword argument for this function",

                    for (int j = 0; j < bestUnboundArgs.Count; j++) {
                        Ops.SetAttr(DefaultContext.Default, ret,

                return ret;

            if (kwArgBinder.GetError() != null) {
                throw kwArgBinder.GetError();

            throw Ops.TypeError("bad number of arguments for function {0}", FriendlyName);
        public override object Call(ICallerContext context, object[] args, string[] names)
            KwArgBinder argBinder = new KwArgBinder(context, args, names);
            object[] defaults = this.Defaults;
            if (defaults.Length != ArgNames.Length) {
                // we need a 1<->1 mapping here for kwarg binder.
                object[] newDefs = new object[ArgNames.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < (nparams - defaults.Length); i++) {
                    newDefs[i] = DBNull.Value;

                Array.Copy(defaults, 0, newDefs, (nparams - defaults.Length), defaults.Length);
                defaults = newDefs;

            object[] realArgs = argBinder.DoBind(Name, ArgNames, defaults, kwDictPos, argListPos);

            if (realArgs != null) {
                if (!EnforceRecursion) return target(realArgs);
                try {
                    return target(realArgs);
                } finally {
            } else if (argBinder.GetError() != null) {
                throw argBinder.GetError();
            } else {
                throw BadArgumentError(args.Length);