Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Entity greenslime = new Monster("Green Slime", 80, 20, 10, 30);

            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + greenslime.Health);

            SpellBook spellbook = new SpellBook(3);                              // (number) = amount of spells

            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + greenslime.Health);
            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + greenslime.Health);

            spellbook.Page1 = SpellBook.Flare;
            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + greenslime.Health);

            // Assign Page2 to a static method
            spellbook.Page2 = SpellBook.Healing;

            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + greenslime.Health);

            // Added Healing to Page 1
            spellbook.Page1 += SpellBook.Healing;
            spellbook.Page1 += SpellBook.Healing;
            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + greenslime.Health);

  [0] = SpellBook.Flare;                                      // Sets Page 1 of book[] as Flare
  [1] = SpellBook.Healing;                                    // Sets Page 2 of book[] as Healing
            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + greenslime.Health);



            // Created a Bunch of Monsters  (Name, Health, Damage, Defense, Exp gained if killed)
            Entity    slime    = new Monster("Slime", 80, 20, 10, 30);
            Entity    rat      = new Monster("Rat", 45, 10, 5, 10);
            Entity    zombie   = new Monster("Zombie", 60, 30, 10, 250);
            Entity    skeleton = new Monster("Skeleton", 65, 20, 15, 600);
            Character myself   = new Knight("PLAYER", "Knight");                                          // Knight already has its own stats, so don't make one.
            Character OiBoi    = new Hunter("Oi Boi", "Hunter");
            Character Yeetman  = new Wizard("Yeetman", "Wizard");

            // Create two arrays and place the monsters into them
            Entity[] players     = { myself, OiBoi, Yeetman };
            Entity[] monsterTeam = { zombie, skeleton, rat, slime };
            Entity[] nothingTeam = { };

            // 0: Courtyard                          Start                            North: Castle Gate          South: Village            East: *None*            West: Graveyard
            // 1: Castle Gate                                                         North: *None*               South: Courtyard          East: *None*            West: *None*
            // 2: Graveyard                                                           North: *None*               South: *None*             East: Courtyard         West: *None*
            // 3: Village                                                             North: Courtyard            South: *None*             East: *None*            West: *None*

            //                                              N   S   E   W
            Scene courtyard  = new Scene("Courtyard", 1, 3, -1, 2, nothingTeam, "The hub area intersecting between three main areas of the town. It has a fountain at the center of it and its very open and wide with a paved road covering the ground.\nThere is way North, South, and West of here.");
            Scene castleGate = new Scene("Castle Gate", -1, 0, -1, -1, monsterTeam, "You approach a large gate which acts as the entry way to the castle, fortifed with steel bars and a couple of guards hanging around the sides.\nThere is an exit to the south.");
            Scene graveyard  = new Scene("Graveyard", -1, -1, 0, -1, monsterTeam, "Upon entering, you feel a chill going down your spine, an uneasy feeling wells up inside you. You see in front of you several graves, mostly of previous kings and queens, and some formally well known knights and soliders who laid their life of the country. Nonetheless, you pay respects.\nThere is an exit to the east.");
            Scene village    = new Scene("Village", 0, -1, -1, -1, monsterTeam, "You spot a small village as you walk by, further inspection show its a fairly small community mostly made up of shopkeepers and blacksmiths, and couple of shops located nearby.\nThere is an exit North.");

            // Has to be placed in an order within the array if you want it to work correctly (ORDER MATTERS)
            Scene[] scenes = { courtyard, castleGate, graveyard, village };
            Map     map    = new Map(0, scenes, players);

             * map.PrintCurrentScene();
             * map.CurrentSceneID = 1;
             * map.PrintCurrentScene();
             * map.CurrentSceneID = 2;
             * map.PrintCurrentScene();
             * map.CurrentSceneID = 3;
             * map.PrintCurrentScene();




             *          int totalDamage = + Name.GetDamage();
             *          Console.Write("You do a total for: " + Name.GetDamage());
             *          Console.ReadKey();


            //     Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
            //     inventory.Menu();

 *                      string name = "";
 *                      string choice = "";
 *                      Console.Write("Enter the name of Party Member 1: ");
 *                      name = Console.ReadLine();
 *                      while (choice != "1" && choice != "2" && choice != "3")
 *                      {
 *                          Console.WriteLine("Choose a Job");
 *                          Console.WriteLine("---------------");
 *                          Console.WriteLine("1.) Knight");
 *                          Console.WriteLine("2.) Hunter");
 *                          Console.WriteLine("3.) Wizard");
 *                          choice = Console.ReadLine();
 *                          Console.WriteLine();
 *                      }
 *                      Character player;
 *                      if (choice == "1")
 *                      {
 *                          player = new Knight(name);                                                    // This will pass the string Knight from Character Class.
 *                      }
 *                      else if (choice == "2")
 *                      {
 *                          player = new Hunter(name);                                                    // This will pass the string Hunter from Character Class.
 *                      }
 *                      else if (choice == "3")
 *                      {
 *                          player = new Wizard(name);                                                    // This will pass the string Wizard from Character Class.
 *                      }
 *                      else
 *                      {
 *                          player = new Character(name);
 *                      }
 *                      Knight yeetman = new Knight("Yeetman");
 *                      Wizard justyes = new Wizard("Yes");
 *                      choice = "";
 *                      while (choice != "0")
 *                      {
 *                          Console.WriteLine("Whose inventory?");
 *                          Console.WriteLine("---------------");
 *                          Console.WriteLine("1.) " + player.GetName());
 *                          Console.WriteLine("2.) " + justyes.GetName());
 *                          Console.WriteLine("3.) " + yeetman.GetName());
 *                          Console.WriteLine("0.) Exit");
 *                          choice = Console.ReadLine();
 *                          Console.WriteLine();
 *                          if (choice == "1")
 *                          {
 *                              player.Print();
 *                              player.openInventory();
 *                          }
 *                          else if (choice == "2")
 *                          {
 *                              justyes.Print();
 *                              justyes.openInventory();
 *                          }
 *                          else if (choice == "3")
 *                          {
 *                              yeetman.Print();
 *                              yeetman.openInventory();
 *                          }
 *                      }
 *                      player.Experience = 25;
 *                      player.Experience = player.Experience + 250;                                             // Examples of the different ways to add Experience.
 *                      player.Experience += 75;
 *                      player.Experience += 150;
 *                      player.Experience += 150;
 *                      player.Experience += 150;
 *                      player.Experience += 150;
 *                      player.Experience += 150;
 *                      player.Experience += 150;
 *                      int[] testArray = new int[4];                                                           // Arrays start at 0(slot)
 *                      testArray[0] = 1;                                                                       // Refers to whatever slot 0 is.   (So Slot 0 = 1)
 *                      testArray[1] = 3;                                                                       // Slot 1  =  3
 *                      testArray[2] = 5;                                                                       // Slot 2  =  5
 *                      testArray[3] = 7;                                                                       // Slot 3  =  7
 *                      int[] testArray2 = { 2, 4, 6, 8 };                                                      // Set array size by naming variable.
 *                      string[] stringArray = new string[3];
 *                      Character[] party = { player, justyes, yeetman, new Character("Memer") };               // Memer can only be used through an array.
 *                      Console.ReadKey();
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Creature Orge = new Monster("Sherk", 100, 20, 20);

            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + Orge.Health);

            Spellbook spellbook = new Spellbook(2);

            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + Orge.Health);
            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + Orge.Health);
            //create a method and assign it to Page1
            void Flame(Creature target)
                target.Health -= 25;

            void Heal(Creature target)
                target.Health += 25;

            spellbook.Page1 = Flame;
            spellbook.Page2 = Heal;
            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + Orge.Health);
            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + Orge.Health);

  [0] = Flame;
  [1] = Heal;
            Console.WriteLine("Health: " + Orge.Health);


            //create a bunch of monsters
            Creature rge    = new Monster("Sherk", 100, 20, 20);
            Creature Donkey = new Monster("Donkey!!!", 100, 20, 30);
            Creature Porge  = new Monster("Fiona", 100, 30, 10);
            Creature PC     = new Monster("Prince Charming", 100, 2, 30);
            Creature Gin    = new Monster("Gingy", 100, 5, 60);
            Creature Puss   = new Monster("Puss in Boots", 100, 70, 40);
            Creature Fairy  = new Monster("Fairy Godmother", 100, 90, 100);
            Creature Pin    = new Monster("Pinocchio", 100, 30, 20);

            string name = "";

            Console.WriteLine("Enter name of party member 1:");
            name = Console.ReadLine();
            string choice = "";

            while (choice != "1" && choice != "2")
                //display menu
                Console.WriteLine("\nChoose a job:");
                Console.WriteLine("1: Knight");
                Console.WriteLine("2: Rouge");
                Console.WriteLine("3: Mage");
                choice = Console.ReadLine();
            Character player;

            if (choice == "1")
                player = new Knight(name);
            else if (choice == "2")
                player = new Rouge(name);
            else if (choice == "3")
                player = new Mage(name);
                player = new Character(name);
            //create two arrays and place the monsters into them
            Creature[] goodTeam  = { player, Orge, Porge };
            Creature[] badTeam   = { Donkey, PC };
            Creature[] babeTeam  = { Gin, Puss };
            Creature[] queenTeam = { Fairy, Pin };
            Creature[] empty     = { };

            Scene courtyard  = new Scene("Courtyard", 1, 3, -1, 2, empty, "You're in the courtyard. There's a Graveyard to the North, the Castle Gate in the South, and a village in the West.");
            Scene graveyard  = new Scene("Graveyard", -1, 0, -1, -1, badTeam, "You're in the spooky Graveyard. There's a Courtyard to the South.");
            Scene village    = new Scene("Village", -1, -1, 0, -1, babeTeam, "You're in a nice small village. There's a Courtyard to the East.");
            Scene castlegate = new Scene("Castlegate", 0, -1, -1, -1, queenTeam, "You're at the Castle Gate. The evil queen lives in there. There's a Courtyard to the North.");

            Scene[] scenes = { courtyard, graveyard, village, castlegate };
            Map     map    = new Map(0, scenes, goodTeam);



            //create an encounter from the two arrays of monsters
            Encounter encounter = new Encounter(goodTeam, badTeam);




            //string name = "";
            //string choice = "";
            //Console.WriteLine("Enter name of party member 1:");
            //name = Console.ReadLine();
            //while (choice != "1" && choice != "2")

            //    //display menu
            //    Console.WriteLine("/nChoose a job:");
            //    Console.WriteLine("1: Knight");
            //    Console.WriteLine("2: Rouge");
            //    choice = Console.ReadLine();
            //Character play;
            //if (choice == "1")
            //    player = new Knight(name);
            //else if (choice == "2")
            //    player = new Rouge(name);
            //    player = new Character(name);
            Character UwU = new Rouge("UwU");
            Character TwT = new Mage("TwT");
            Character OmO = new Knight("OmO");


            while (choice != "0")
                //display menu
                Console.WriteLine("/nWhoose inventorey?");
                Console.WriteLine("0: Exit");
                Console.WriteLine("1: " + player.GetName());
                Console.WriteLine("2: " + TwT.GetName());
                Console.WriteLine("3: " + UwU.GetName());

                choice = Console.ReadLine();

                if (choice == "1")
                else if (choice == "2")
                else if (choice == "3")

                int[] testArray = new int[4];

                testArray[0] = 1;
                testArray[1] = 3;
                testArray[2] = 5;
                testArray[3] = 7;

                int[] testArray2 = { 2, 4, 6, 8 };

                string[] stringArray = new string[3];

                Character[] party = { player, UwU, TwT, new Character("OmO") };
