Beispiel #1
 private void btnInterpret_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string context = txtInputText.Text;
     Parser parser = new Parser();
     Expression expression = parser.Parse(context);
     lblResult.Text = expression.Interpret().ToString();
 public void TestAppExampleOneSyntax()
     string app = "var X : int := 4 + (6 * 2);\n" +
         "print X;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     parser.Parse ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, parser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestAssignWrongTypeOfValue()
     // X is string, can't assign int value to it
     string app = "var X : string := 4 + (2 * 2);\n" +
         "print X;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestAssignWrongTypeOfValueForAlreadyDeclaredVar()
     // X is string, can't assign int value to it
     string app = "var X : int := 4;\n" +
         "X := \"ERROR\";";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestArithmeticOperationOnBoolAndInt()
     // can't do Bool * Int
     string app = "var X : int := 4 + (true * 2);\n" +
         "print X;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestIncorrectStartSymbol()
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner ("="));
     try {
         parser.Parse ();
     } catch (SyntaxError error) {
         // this is what we want
         Assert.Pass (error.Message);
     } catch (Exception e) {
         Assert.Fail ("Wrong exception " + e.Message);
 public void TestAppExampleTwoSyntax()
     string app =
         "var nTimes : int := 0;\n" +
         "print \"How many times?\";\n" +
         "read nTimes;\n" +
         "var x : int;\n" +
         "for x in 0..nTimes-1 do\n" +
         "    print x;\n" +
         "    print \" : Hello, World!\\n\";\n" +
         "end for;\n" +
         "assert (x = nTimes);\n";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     parser.Parse ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, parser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestAppExampleThreeSyntax()
     string app =
         "print \"Give a number\";\n" +
         "var n : int;\n" +
         "read n;\n" +
         "var v : int := 1;\n" +
         "var i : int;\n" +
         "for i in 1..n do\n" +
         "v := v * i;\n" +
         "end for;\n" +
         "print \"The result is: \";\n" +
         "print v;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     parser.Parse ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, parser.Errors.Count);
        public void TestAndExpressions()
            Program prog;

            string app = "var i : bool := true & false;";
            prog = new Parser (new Scanner (app)).Parse ();
            SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (prog);
            semanticAnalyser.Run ();
            Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);

            app = "var i : bool := true & 2;";
            semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (new Parser (new Scanner (app)).Parse ());

            semanticAnalyser.Run ();
            Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            StreamReader charStream;
            string filePath;

            try {
                filePath = args [0];
            } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Please give the file path as the first argument, such as ~/code.txt");

            try {
                charStream = File.OpenText (filePath);
            } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) {
                Console.WriteLine("File \"" + filePath + "\" was not found. Make sure to give a proper file path as the argument.");

            Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (charStream));
            Program program = parser.Parse ();
            SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (program);
            semanticAnalyser.Run ();
            InterpreterVisitor interpreterVisitor = new InterpreterVisitor (program);

            if (parser.Errors.Count == 0 && semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count == 0) {
                interpreterVisitor.Run ();
            } else {
                // Combine the lists of errors, sort them by row and column and print them to Console
                List<Error> errors = parser.Errors;
                errors.AddRange (semanticAnalyser.Errors);
                errors = errors.OrderBy (e => e.Row).ThenBy (e => e.Column).ToList ();

                foreach (Error e in errors) {
                    System.Console.WriteLine (e.Print ());
 public void TestParserFindsTwoSyntaxErrors()
     string app =
         "print \"Give a number\"\n" +
         "var n  int;\n" +
         "read n;\n" +
         "var v : int := 1;\n" +
         "var i : int;\n" +
         "for i in 1..n do\n" +
         "v : v * i;\n" +
         "end for;\n" +
         "print \"The result is: \";\n" +
         "print v;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     parser.Parse ();
     Assert.AreEqual (2, parser.Errors.Count);
     foreach (Exception error in parser.Errors) {
         Assert.AreEqual (typeof(SyntaxError), error.GetType ());
 public void TestTypestackEmptyAfterRead()
     string app =
         "var n : int;\n" +
         "read n;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestRelationalExpressionOnlyForIntValues()
     // if relational expression, then both of the operands must be integers
     string app = "print \"error\" < 5;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
         semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestReadVariableMustBeDeclared()
     string app =
         "read n;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestTypestackEmptyAfterDeclarations()
     string app =
         "var v : int := 1;\n" +
         "var i : int;\n";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);
 public void TestSymbolAlreadyExists()
     // can't declare other variable named X
     string app = "var X : int := 4 + (2 * 2);\n" +
         "var X : int := 4;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestTypestackEmptyAfterExpression()
     string app =
         "var X : int := 1 * 2 + 3 * 4 + 5 * 6;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
        public void TestEqualsExpressions()
            Program prog;

            string app = "var i : bool := true = false;";
            SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (new Parser (new Scanner (app)).Parse ());
            semanticAnalyser.Run ();
            Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);

            app = "var i : bool := \"a\" = \"b\";";
            semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (new Parser (new Scanner (app)).Parse ());
            semanticAnalyser.Run ();
            Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);

            app = "var i : bool := 1 = 1;";
            semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (new Parser (new Scanner (app)).Parse ());
            semanticAnalyser.Run ();
            Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);

            app = "var i : bool := \"this fails\" = true;";
            prog = new Parser (new Scanner (app)).Parse ();
            semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (prog);
            semanticAnalyser.Run ();

            Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
 public void TestTypestackEmptyAfterFor()
     string app =
         "var n : int := 3;\n" +
         "var v : int := 1;\n" +
         "var i : int;\n" +
         "for i in 1..n do\n" +
         "v := v * i;\n" +
         "end for;\n";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);
 public void TestTypestackEmptyAfterPrint()
     string app =
         "print \"Give a number\";";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
        public void TestRangeContainsString()
            // if relational expression, then both of the operands must be integers
            string app =
                "var n : string := \"SEMANTIC ERROR\";\n" +
                "var v : int := 1;\n" +
                "var i : int;\n" +
                "for i in 1..n do\n" +
                "v := v * i;\n" +
                "end for;\n";
            Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
            SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());

                semanticAnalyser.Run ();
            Assert.AreEqual (1, semanticAnalyser.Errors.Count);
Beispiel #22
 private static bool EqualLexems(Parser.Lexer.Lexem lexem1, Parser.Lexer.Lexem lexem2)
     return (lexem1.LexType == lexem2.LexType && lexem1.Value == lexem2.Value && lexem2.VarName == lexem1.VarName);
 public void TestTypestackEmptyAfterPrints()
     string app =
         "var v : int := 1;\n" +
         "print \"Give a number\";\n" +
         "print \"The result is: \";\n" +
         "print v;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);
 public void TestTypestackEmptyForExampleApp()
     string app =
         "print \"Give a number\";\n" +
         "var n : int;\n" +
         "read n;\n" +
         "var v : int := 1;\n" +
         "var i : int;\n" +
         "for i in 1..n do\n" +
         "v := v * i;\n" +
         "end for;\n" +
         "print \"The result is: \";\n" +
         "print v;";
     Parser parser = new Parser (new Scanner (app));
     SemanticAnalyser semanticAnalyser = new SemanticAnalyser (parser.Parse ());
     semanticAnalyser.Run ();
     Assert.AreEqual (0, semanticAnalyser.TypeStack.Count);
 public Interpreter()
     this.parser = new Parser ();