public void Paint(DocumentFrame frame, Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources)
            Point centrePoint = GetCentrePoint(frame);

            SmoothingMode oldSmoothingMode = g.SmoothingMode;
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            Rectangle drawRectangle = new Rectangle(centrePoint, new Size(0, 0));
            drawRectangle.Inflate(_radius, _radius);

            g.FillEllipse(resources.HandleBrush, drawRectangle);

            g.SmoothingMode = oldSmoothingMode;
        private void PaintLine(Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources, 
            Rectangle labelRectangle, Point labelCentre, Point lineEnd)
            const int marginAroundLabel = 5;

            Size halfLabelSize = new Size(
                labelRectangle.Width / 2 + marginAroundLabel,
                labelRectangle.Height / 2 + marginAroundLabel);

            // Form two partitions (one "divided" by y = x, the other by y = -x) and join
            // them to determine which of the four ways the line is headed:
            Size delta = new Size(lineEnd) - new Size(labelCentre);
            Size absoluteDelta = new Size(Math.Abs(delta.Width), Math.Abs(delta.Height));

            bool inTopLeftTriangle = delta.Height >= delta.Width;
            bool inTopRightTriangle = delta.Height >= -delta.Width;

            bool aboveOrBelow = (inTopLeftTriangle == inTopRightTriangle);

            // Snap the line in to purely vertical or horizontal:
            const int bandHalfWidth = 15;

            bool inHorizontalBand = absoluteDelta.Height < bandHalfWidth;
            bool inVerticalBand = absoluteDelta.Width < bandHalfWidth;

            if (inVerticalBand) delta.Width = 0;
            if (inHorizontalBand) delta.Height = 0;

            Point[] points = new Point[3];

            Size leftRightMovement = new Size(delta.Width, 0);
            Size upDownMovement = new Size(0, delta.Height);

            points[0] = labelCentre;
            points[1] = points[0] + (aboveOrBelow ? upDownMovement : leftRightMovement);
            points[2] = points[1] + (aboveOrBelow ? leftRightMovement : upDownMovement);

            if (!aboveOrBelow) points[0].X += Math.Sign(delta.Width) * halfLabelSize.Width;
            if (aboveOrBelow) points[0].Y += Math.Sign(delta.Height) * halfLabelSize.Height;

            g.DrawLines(Pens.Black, points);
        void PaintLabelText(Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources, PointF paintAt)
            // If the label is blank or we're selected, draw a background:
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_label) || resources.IsSelectedFrame)
                using (GraphicsPath roundPath = Interlace.Drawing.Utilities.CreateRoundedRectanglePath(HitBounds, 10.0f))
                    g.FillPath(resources.HandleBrush, roundPath);

            // Draw the label:
            g.DrawString(_label, resources.LabelFont, Brushes.Black, paintAt);
        public override void Paint(Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources)
            TextRenderingHint oldTextRenderingHint = g.TextRenderingHint;
            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

            SmoothingMode oldSmoothingMode = g.SmoothingMode;
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            // Update the label size:
            _lastLabelSize = Size.Ceiling(g.MeasureString(_label, resources.LabelFont));

            Rectangle paintAtRectangle = LabelBounds;
            PointF paintAt = paintAtRectangle.Location;

            PaintLabelText(g, resources, paintAt);

            PaintLine(g, resources, paintAtRectangle, _offsetInDocument, new Point(_callOutOffsetInDocument));

            g.SmoothingMode = oldSmoothingMode;

            g.TextRenderingHint = oldTextRenderingHint;
 internal void PaintHandles(Graphics graphics, DocumentPaintResources resources)
     foreach (IHandleFlyweight handle in Handles)
         handle.Paint(this, graphics, resources);
 public abstract void Paint(Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources);
        public void Paint(Rectangle objectRectangle, Point screenTopLeft, Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources)
            using (ImageAttributes attributes = new ImageAttributes())
                if (resources.IsFadedFrame)
                    ColorMatrix matrix = new ColorMatrix();
                    matrix.Matrix33 = 0.5f;


                Rectangle paintRectangle = new Rectangle(screenTopLeft, objectRectangle.Size);

                g.DrawImage(resources.ImageLinkCache.GetCachedImage(_imageLink), new Rectangle(screenTopLeft, objectRectangle.Size),
                    objectRectangle.X, objectRectangle.Y, objectRectangle.Width, objectRectangle.Height,
                    GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attributes);
        public Bitmap Render()
            Rectangle bounds = PaintBounds ?? new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);

            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image))
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), bounds.Size));

                    g.TranslateTransform(-bounds.X, -bounds.Y);

                    using (DocumentPaintResources resources = new DocumentPaintResources(_cache))
                        foreach (DocumentFrame frame in _document.Frames)
                            frame.Paint(g, resources);


            return image;
 public void Paint(DocumentFrame frame, Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources)
     // The move handle isn't painted.
Beispiel #10
        public void Paint(Rectangle objectRectangle, Point screenTopLeft, Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources)
            Rectangle paintRectangle = new Rectangle(screenTopLeft, objectRectangle.Size);

            using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(_color))
                g.FillRectangle(brush, paintRectangle);
        public void PaintBorder(Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources, Point first, Point second)
            using (Pen pen = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark, 1.0f))
                pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

                g.DrawLine(pen, first, second);
        public override void Paint(Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources)
            Point paintTopLeft = _clipBounds.Location + new Size(_offsetInDocument);

            _framedObject.Paint(_clipBounds, paintTopLeft, g, resources);

            Rectangle border = _clipBounds;

            Rectangle objectBounds = _framedObject.ObjectBounds;

            if (_enableTopCutMarks && objectBounds.Top != _clipBounds.Top) PaintBorder(g, resources, border.Location, border.Location + new Size(border.Width - 1, 0));
            if (_enableBottomCutMarks && objectBounds.Bottom != _clipBounds.Bottom) PaintBorder(g, resources, border.Location + new Size(0, border.Height - 1), border.Location + new Size(border.Width - 1, border.Height - 1));
            if (_enableLeftCutMarks && objectBounds.Left != _clipBounds.Left) PaintBorder(g, resources, border.Location, border.Location + new Size(0, border.Height - 1));
            if (_enableRightCutMarks && objectBounds.Right != _clipBounds.Right) PaintBorder(g, resources, border.Location + new Size(border.Width - 1, 0), border.Location + new Size(border.Width - 1, border.Height - 1));
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, ClientRectangle);

            using (DocumentPaintResources resources = new DocumentPaintResources(_cache))
                resources.IsFadedFrame = false;

                foreach (DocumentFrame frame in _document.Frames)
                    resources.IsSelectedFrame = (frame == _selectedFrame);
                    resources.SelectedHandleOrNull = _dragController != null ? _dragController.Handle : null;

                    frame.Paint(e.Graphics, resources);

                    if (frame == _selectedFrame)
                        frame.PaintHandles(e.Graphics, resources);

                        resources.IsFadedFrame = true;
        public void Paint(DocumentFrame frame, Graphics g, DocumentPaintResources resources)
            SmoothingMode oldSmoothingMode = g.SmoothingMode;
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            using (GraphicsPath path = Interlace.Drawing.Utilities.CreateRoundedRectanglePath(GetHandleBounds(frame), 5.0f))
                g.FillPath(resources.HandleBrush, path);

            g.SmoothingMode = oldSmoothingMode;