Beispiel #1
        public static List <SDM_Contact> Find_Contact(int SID,
                                                      string UserID      = "",
                                                      string Last_Name   = "",
                                                      string First_Name  = "",
                                                      string Email       = "",
                                                      string Access_Type = "",
                                                      bool Only_Active   = true)
            SDMWS.USD_WebServiceSoapClient ws_client = WebServiceSoapClient();

            int inactiveFlag = new int();

            if (Only_Active)
                inactiveFlag = 0;
                inactiveFlag = -999;

            XDocument ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(ws_client.findContacts(SID, UserID, Last_Name, First_Name, Email, Access_Type, inactiveFlag));

            List <SDM_Contact> results = new List <SDM_Contact>();

            foreach (var contact in ReturnedXml.Descendants("UDSObject"))
                SDM_Contact nextContact = new SDM_Contact();

                results.Add(Find_Contact_By_Handle(SID, contact.Element("Handle").Value));

Beispiel #2
        public static string Get_Site(int SID, string UserId)
            SDMWS.USD_WebServiceSoapClient ws_client = WebServiceSoapClient();

            List <SDM_Contact> contactList = Find_Contact(SID, UserId);
            SDM_Contact        contact     = new SDM_Contact();

            if (contactList.Count() != 1)
                throw new Exception();
                contact = contactList[0];

            var rawXml = ws_client.getContact(SID, contact.Id.ToString());

            XDocument ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

            string loc = String.Empty;

            foreach (var attribute in ReturnedXml.Descendants("Attribute"))
                if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "location")
                    loc = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;

            rawXml = ws_client.doSelect(SID, "loc", "id=U'" + loc + "'", -1, new string[] { "site" });

            ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

            string siteNum = String.Empty;

            foreach (var attribute in ReturnedXml.Descendants("Attribute"))
                if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "site")
                    siteNum = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;

            rawXml = ws_client.doSelect(SID, "site", "id=" + siteNum, -1, new string[] { "name" });

            ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

            string siteName = String.Empty;

            foreach (var attribute in ReturnedXml.Descendants("Attribute"))
                if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "name")
                    siteName = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;

Beispiel #3
        public static List <SDM_Contact> Get_VIPContacts(int SID)
            SDMWS.USD_WebServiceSoapClient ws_client = WebServiceSoapClient();

            var rawXml = ws_client.doSelect(SID, "special_handling", @"description LIKE '%VIP'", -1, new string[] { "persistent_id" });

            XDocument ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

            string persistentId = "";

            foreach (var attribute in ReturnedXml.Descendants("Attribute"))
                if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "persistent_id")
                    persistentId = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;

            SDMWS.ListResult getList = ws_client.getRelatedList(SID, persistentId, "cnthandling_list");

            int listHandle = getList.listHandle;

            rawXml = ws_client.getListValues(SID, listHandle, 1, -1, new string[] { "contact" });

            ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

            List <SDM_Contact> vipList = new List <SDM_Contact>();

            foreach (var attributeSet in ReturnedXml.Descendants("Attributes"))
                SDM_Contact nextVip = new SDM_Contact();

                foreach (var attribute in attributeSet.Descendants("Attribute"))
                    if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "contact")
                        string contactHandle = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value.Trim();

                        nextVip = Find_Contact_By_Handle(SID, contactHandle);


Beispiel #4
        private static SDM_Contact Find_Contact_By_Handle(int SID, string Handle)
            SDMWS.USD_WebServiceSoapClient ws_client = WebServiceSoapClient();

            SDM_Contact contact = new SDM_Contact();

            contact.Handle = Handle.Replace("cnt:", "");

            var rawXml = ws_client.getContact(SID, contact.Handle);

            XDocument ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

            foreach (var attributes in ReturnedXml.Descendants("UDSObject"))
                foreach (var attribute in attributes.Descendants("Attribute"))
                    if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "first_name")
                        contact.First_Name = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;
                    if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "last_name")
                        contact.Last_Name = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;
                    if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "email_address")
                        contact.Email = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;
                    if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "userid")
                        contact.UserId = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;
                    if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "access_type")
                        contact.AccessType = Int32.Parse(attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value);
                    if (attribute.Element("AttrName").Value == "id")
                        contact.Id = attribute.Element("AttrValue").Value;

Beispiel #5
        public static int Create_Ticket(int SID,
                                        string CreatorUserId,
                                        string AffectedUserId,
                                        string TicketType,
                                        string RequestArea,
                                        string Group,
                                        string Status          = "OP",
                                        string RequesterUserID = "",
                                        string AssigneeUserID  = "",
                                        int Priority           = 0,
                                        int Severity           = 0,
                                        int Urgency            = 2,
                                        int Impact             = 1,
                                        string Summary         = "",
                                        string Description     = "")
            SDMWS.USD_WebServiceSoapClient ws_client = WebServiceSoapClient();

            Dictionary <string, string> attrValues = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //Check that user comes back with one contact
            SDM_Contact creatorUser = new SDM_Contact();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CreatorUserId))
                List <SDM_Contact> tempUserCheck = Find_Contact(SID, CreatorUserId);

                if (tempUserCheck.Count() != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("UserId returns " + tempUserCheck.Count() + " users (Must be 1)");

                creatorUser = tempUserCheck[0];
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid creator user ID given");

            //Check that Affected User comes back with only one contact

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AffectedUserId))
                List <SDM_Contact> tempUserCheck = Find_Contact(SID, AffectedUserId);

                if (tempUserCheck.Count() != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("AffectedUserId returns " + tempUserCheck.Count() + " users (Must be 1)");

                attrValues.Add("customer", tempUserCheck[0].Handle);
                throw new ArgumentException("No valid affected user given");

            //Verify Requester comes back with one contact
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RequesterUserID))
                List <SDM_Contact> tempUserCheck = Find_Contact(SID, RequesterUserID);

                if (tempUserCheck.Count() != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("RequesterUserId returns " + tempUserCheck.Count() + " users (Must be 1)");

                attrValues.Add("requested_by", tempUserCheck[0].Handle);

            //Verify ticket type is valid and create name-value string
            if (TicketType.ToUpper() != "R" && TicketType.ToUpper() != "I")
                throw new ArgumentException("Ticket Type must be either 'I' for Incident or 'R' for Request");
                attrValues.Add("type", TicketType.ToUpper());

            //Verify Request Area and create name-value string
            var       rawXml      = ws_client.doSelect(SID, "pcat", "sym = '" + RequestArea + "'", 250, new string[] { "sym" });
            XDocument ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

            if (ReturnedXml.Descendants("UDSObjectList").Elements().Count() == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Request Area");
                foreach (var attribute in ReturnedXml.Descendants("UDSObject"))
                    attrValues.Add("category", attribute.Element("Handle").Value);

            //Verify group
            rawXml      = ws_client.doSelect(SID, "cnt", "last_name = '" + Group + "' AND type = 2308", 250, new string[] { "persistent_id" });
            ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

            if (ReturnedXml.Descendants("UDSObjectList").Elements().Count() == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Group");
                foreach (var attribute in ReturnedXml.Descendants("UDSObject"))
                    attrValues.Add("group", attribute.Element("Handle").Value);

            //Verify Status
            if (Status.ToUpper() != "OP" && Status.ToUpper() != "CL")
                throw new ArgumentException("Ticket status must be 'OP' or 'CL'");
                attrValues.Add("status", Status.ToUpper());

            //Verify proper priority
            if (Priority < 0 || Priority > 5)
                throw new ArgumentException("Priority must be between 0 and 5");
                attrValues.Add("priority", Priority.ToString());

            //Verify proper severity
            if (Severity < 0 || Severity > 5)
                throw new ArgumentException("Severity must be between 1 and 5 (or 0 for blank)");
            else if (Severity == 0)
                attrValues.Add("severity", "");
                attrValues.Add("severity", Severity.ToString());

            //Verify proper urgency
            if (Urgency < 0 || Urgency > 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("Urgency must be between 0 and 4");
                attrValues.Add("urgency", Urgency.ToString());

            //Verify proper impact
            if (Impact < 0 || Impact > 5)
                throw new ArgumentException("Severity must be between 0 and 5");
                attrValues.Add("impact", Impact.ToString());

            // ------------------Create ticket portion --------------------

            String csv = String.Join(
                attrValues.Select(d => d.Key + "," + d.Value));

            string requestHandle = "";
            string requestNumber = "";

            rawXml      = ws_client.createRequest(SID, creatorUser.Handle, csv, new string[0], "", new string[] { "persistent_id" }, ref requestHandle, ref requestNumber);
            ReturnedXml = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);
