private void ShowTrainModelButton()
            // Only run button logic when rapidlib reference not null and training examples are not null
            if (m_IMLConfigNode.Model != null && m_IMLConfigNode.TotalNumTrainingData > 0)
                string nameButton = "";

                if (m_IMLConfigNode.Training)
                    nameButton = "STOP Training Model";
                    nameButton = "Train Model";

                // Disable button if model is Running OR Trainig
                if (m_IMLConfigNode.Running || m_IMLConfigNode.Training)
                    GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUILayout.Button(nameButton))
                // Always enable it back at the end
                GUI.enabled = true;
            // If rapidlib reference is null we draw a disabled button
                GUI.enabled = false;
                if (m_IMLConfigNode.TotalNumTrainingData == 0)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no training examples", MessageType.Error);
                if (GUILayout.Button("Train Model"))
                //GUI.enabled = true;
        private void ShowTrainModelButton()
            // Only run button logic when rapidlib reference not null
            if (m_IMLConfigNode.Model != null)
                string nameButton = "";

                if (m_IMLConfigNode.Training)
                    nameButton = "STOP Training Model";
                    nameButton = "Train Model";

                // Disable button if model is Running OR Trainig
                if (m_IMLConfigNode.Running || m_IMLConfigNode.Training)
                    GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUILayout.Button(nameButton))
                // Always enable it back at the end
                GUI.enabled = true;
            // If rapidlib reference is null we draw a disabled button
                GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUILayout.Button("Train Model"))
                GUI.enabled = true;