public List<Brand> GetBrandList(string keyWords, int pageSize, int pageIndex, ref int totalCount, ref int pageCount, string clientID)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataSet ds = dal.GetBrandList(keyWords, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalCount, ref pageCount, clientID);

            List<Brand> list = new List<Brand>();
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                Brand model = new Brand();
                model.City = CommonBusiness.Citys.Where(c => c.CityCode == model.CityCode).FirstOrDefault();
            return list;
 public bool DeleteUnit(string unitid, string operateip, string operateid)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     bool bl = dal.UpdateUnitStatus(unitid, (int)EnumStatus.Delete);
     if (bl)
         var model = GetUnitByID(unitid);
     return bl;
        public string AddProduct(string productCode, string productName, string generalName, bool iscombineproduct, string prodiverid, string brandid, string bigunitid, string smallunitid, int bigSmallMultiple,
                                 string categoryid, int status, int ispublic, string attrlist, string valuelist, string attrvaluelist, decimal commonprice, decimal price, decimal weight, bool isnew,
                                 bool isRecommend, int isallow, int isautosend, int effectiveDays, decimal discountValue, string productImg, string shapeCode, string description, List<ProductDetail> details, string operateid, string agentid, string clientid)
            lock (SingleLock)
                var dal = new ProductsDAL();
                string pid = dal.AddProduct(productCode, productName, generalName, iscombineproduct, prodiverid, brandid, bigunitid, smallunitid, bigSmallMultiple, categoryid, status, ispublic, attrlist,
                                        valuelist, attrvaluelist, commonprice, price, weight, isnew, isRecommend, isallow, isautosend, effectiveDays, discountValue, productImg, shapeCode, description, operateid, clientid);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pid))
                    LogBusiness.AddActionLog(IntFactoryEnum.EnumSystemType.Client, IntFactoryEnum.EnumLogObjectType.Product, EnumLogType.Create, "", operateid, agentid, clientid);

                    foreach (var model in details) 
                        dal.AddProductDetails(pid, model.DetailsCode, model.ShapeCode, model.SaleAttr, model.AttrValue, model.SaleAttrValue, model.Price, model.Weight, model.BigPrice, model.ImgS, model.Description, model.Remark, operateid, clientid);
                return pid;
        public Products GetProductByIDForDetails(string productid, string clientid)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataSet ds = dal.GetProductByIDForDetails(productid, clientid);
            Products model = new Products();
            if (ds.Tables.Contains("Product") && ds.Tables["Product"].Rows.Count > 0)

                model.SmallUnit = GetUnitByID(model.SmallUnitID);

                model.AttrLists = new List<ProductAttr>();
                model.SaleAttrs = new List<ProductAttr>();

                model.Providers = new ProvidersEntity();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ProdiverID))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Providers.CityCode))
                        var city = CommonBusiness.GetCityByCode(model.Providers.CityCode);
                        model.Providers.Address = city.Description + model.Providers.Address;

                foreach (DataRow attrtr in ds.Tables["Attrs"].Rows)
                    ProductAttr attrModel = new ProductAttr();
                    attrModel.AttrValues = new List<AttrValue>();

                    if (attrModel.Type == (int)EnumAttrType.Parameter)
                        foreach (DataRow valuetr in ds.Tables["Values"].Select("AttrID='" + attrModel.AttrID + "'"))
                            AttrValue valueModel = new AttrValue();
                            if (model.AttrValueList.IndexOf(valueModel.ValueID) >= 0)

                model.ProductDetails = new List<ProductDetail>();
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables["Details"].Rows)
                    ProductDetail detail = new ProductDetail();

            return model;
        public Products GetProductByID(string productid, string clientid)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataSet ds = dal.GetProductByID(productid);

            Products model = new Products();
            if (ds.Tables.Contains("Product") && ds.Tables["Product"].Rows.Count > 0)
                model.Category = GetCategoryDetailByID(model.CategoryID);
                model.SmallUnit = GetUnitByID(model.SmallUnitID);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ProdiverID))
                    model.Providers = ProvidersBusiness.BaseBusiness.GetProviderByID(model.ProdiverID);

                model.ProductDetails = new List<ProductDetail>();
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables["Details"].Rows)
                    ProductDetail detail = new ProductDetail();


            return model;
 public string AddCategory(string categoryCode, string categoryName, string pid, int type, int status, List<string> attrlist, List<string> saleattr, string description, string operateid)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     string guid = dal.AddCategory(categoryCode, categoryName, pid, type, status, string.Join(",", attrlist), string.Join(",", saleattr), description, operateid);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pid))
             CacheCategory.Add(new Category()
                 CategoryID = guid.ToLower(),
                 CategoryCode = categoryCode,
                 CategoryName = categoryName,
                 CategoryType = type,
                 Layers = 1,
                 PID = pid,
                 Status = status,
                 Description = description,
                 ChildCategory = new List<Category>()
             var PModel = GetCategoryByID(pid);
             var model = new Category()
                 CategoryID = guid.ToLower(),
                 CategoryCode = categoryCode,
                 CategoryName = categoryName,
                 CategoryType = type,
                 Layers = PModel.Layers + 1,
                 PID = pid,
                 Status = status,
                 Description = description
     return guid;
 public bool AddCategoryAttr(string categoryid, string attrid, int type, string operateIP, string operateID)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     return dal.AddCategoryAttr(categoryid, attrid, type, operateID);
 public string AddAttr(string attrname, string description, string categoryID, int type, string operateid)
     var attrid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower();
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     if (dal.AddAttr(attrid, attrname, description, categoryID, type, operateid))
         CacheAttrs.Add(new ProductAttr()
             AttrID = attrid,
             AttrName = attrname,
             Description = description,
             CategoryID = categoryID,
             ClientID = "",
             CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
             CreateUserID = operateid,
             Status = 1,
             AttrValues = new List<AttrValue>()
         return attrid;
     return string.Empty;
        public string AddAttrValue(string valueName, string attrid, string operateid)
            var valueid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower();
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            if (dal.AddAttrValue(valueid, valueName, attrid, operateid))
                var model = GetAttrByID(attrid);
                model.AttrValues.Add(new AttrValue()
                    ValueID = valueid,
                    ValueName = valueName,
                    Status = 1,
                    AttrID = attrid,
                    CreateTime = DateTime.Now

                return valueid;
            return string.Empty;
        public ProductAttr GetAttrByID(string attrid)
            var list = GetAttrs();

            if (list.Where(m => m.AttrID.ToLower() == attrid.ToLower()).Count() > 0)
                var cache = list.Where(m => m.AttrID.ToLower() == attrid.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                if (cache.AttrValues.Count > 0)
                    return cache;
                    DataTable dt = new ProductsDAL().GetAttrValuesByAttrID(attrid);
                    foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows)
                        AttrValue attrValue = new AttrValue();
                    return cache;
            DataSet ds = new ProductsDAL().GetAttrByID(attrid);

            ProductAttr model = new ProductAttr();
            if (ds.Tables.Contains("Attrs") && ds.Tables["Attrs"].Rows.Count > 0)
                model.AttrValues = new List<AttrValue>();
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables["Values"].Rows)
                    AttrValue attrValue = new AttrValue();

            return model;
        public ProductAttr GetTaskPlateAttrByCategoryID(string categoryid)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataSet ds = dal.GetTaskPlateAttrByCategoryID(categoryid);

            ProductAttr model = new ProductAttr();
            if (ds.Tables.Contains("Attrs") && ds.Tables["Attrs"].Rows.Count > 0)
                model.AttrValues = new List<AttrValue>();
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables["Values"].Rows)
                    AttrValue attrValue = new AttrValue();

            return model;
        public List<ProductAttr> GetAttrsByCategoryID(string categoryid)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataTable dt = dal.GetAttrsByCategoryID(categoryid);

            List<ProductAttr> list = new List<ProductAttr>();
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                ProductAttr model = new ProductAttr();
            return list;
        public List<ProductAttr> GetAttrList(string categoryid, string keyWords, int pageSize, int pageIndex, ref int totalCount, ref int pageCount)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataSet ds = dal.GetAttrList(categoryid, keyWords, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalCount, ref pageCount);

            List<ProductAttr> list = new List<ProductAttr>();
            if (ds.Tables.Contains("Attrs"))
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Attrs"].Rows)
                    ProductAttr model = new ProductAttr();

                    //List<AttrValue> valueList = new List<AttrValue>();
                    //foreach (DataRow drValue in ds.Tables["Values"].Select("AttrID='" + model.AttrID + "'"))
                    //    AttrValue valueModel = new AttrValue();
                    //    valueModel.FillData(drValue);
                    //    valueList.Add(valueModel);
                    //model.AttrValues = valueList;

            return list;
        public List<ProductAttr> GetAttrs()
            if (CacheAttrs.Count > 0)
                return CacheAttrs;

            List<ProductAttr> list = new List<ProductAttr>();
            DataTable dt = new ProductsDAL().GetAttrs();
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                ProductAttr model = new ProductAttr();
                model.AttrValues = new List<AttrValue>();
            return list;
        public Category GetCategoryByID(string categoryid)
            var cacheList = GetCategorys();
            if (cacheList.Where(m => m.CategoryID.ToLower() == categoryid.ToLower()).Count() > 0)
                return cacheList.Where(m => m.CategoryID.ToLower() == categoryid.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();

            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataTable dt = dal.GetCategoryByID(categoryid);

            Category model = new Category();
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                model.ChildCategory = new List<Category>();

            return model;
 public bool UpdateProductAttr(string attrID, string attrName, string description, string operateIP, string operateID)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     var bl = dal.UpdateProductAttr(attrID, attrName, description);
     if (bl)
         var model = GetAttrByID(attrID);
         model.AttrName = attrName;
         model.Description = description;
     return bl;
        public Category GetOrderCategoryDetailsByID(string categoryid, string orderid)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataSet ds = dal.GetOrderCategoryDetailsByID(categoryid, orderid);

            Category model = new Category();
            if (ds.Tables.Contains("Category") && ds.Tables["Category"].Rows.Count > 0)
                List<ProductAttr> salelist = new List<ProductAttr>();
                List<ProductAttr> attrlist = new List<ProductAttr>();

                foreach (DataRow attr in ds.Tables["Attrs"].Rows)

                    ProductAttr modelattr = new ProductAttr();
                    if (modelattr.Type == 1)
                    else if (modelattr.Type == 2)
                    modelattr.AttrValues = new List<AttrValue>();
                    foreach (DataRow value in ds.Tables["Values"].Select("AttrID='" + modelattr.AttrID + "'"))
                        AttrValue valuemodel = new AttrValue();

                model.SaleAttrs = salelist;
                model.AttrLists = attrlist;

            return model;
 public bool UpdateAttrValue(string valueID, string attrid, string valueName, string operateIP, string operateID)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     var bl = dal.UpdateAttrValue(valueID, valueName);
     if (bl)
         var model = GetAttrByID(attrid);
         var value = model.AttrValues.Where(m => m.ValueID == valueID).FirstOrDefault();
         value.ValueName = valueName;
     return bl;
 public bool UpdateCategory(string categoryid, string categoryName, int status, List<string> attrlist, List<string> saleattr, string description, string operateid)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     bool bl = dal.UpdateCategory(categoryid, categoryName, status, string.Join(",", attrlist), string.Join(",", saleattr), description, operateid);
     if (bl)
         var model = GetCategoryByID(categoryid);
         model.CategoryName = categoryName;
         model.Description = description;
     return bl;
 public bool UpdateProductAttrStatus(string attrid, EnumStatus status, string operateIP, string operateID)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     var bl = dal.UpdateProductAttrStatus(attrid, (int)status);
     if (bl)
         var model = GetAttrByID(attrid);
     return bl;
 public bool DeleteCategory(string categoryid, string operateid, string ip, out int result)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     bool bl = dal.DeleteCategory(categoryid, operateid, out result);
     if (bl)
         var model = GetCategoryByID(categoryid);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PID))
             var PModel = GetCategoryByID(model.PID);
             if (PModel.ChildCategory.Where(m => m.CategoryID.ToLower() == model.CategoryID.ToLower()).Count() > 0)
     return bl;
 public bool UpdateCategoryAttrStatus(string categoryid, string attrid, EnumStatus status, int type, string operateIP, string operateID)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     return dal.UpdateCategoryAttrStatus(categoryid, attrid, (int)status, type);
        public List<Products> GetProductsAll(string categoryid, string prodiverid, string beginprice, string endprice, int ispublic, string keyWords, string orderby, bool isasc, int pageSize, int pageIndex, ref int totalCount, ref int pageCount)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataSet ds = dal.GetProductsAll(categoryid, prodiverid, beginprice, endprice, ispublic, keyWords, orderby, isasc ? 1 : 0, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalCount, ref pageCount);

            List<Products> list = new List<Products>();
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                Products model = new Products();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SmallUnitID))
                    model.UnitName = GetUnitByID(model.SmallUnitID).UnitName;
                model.IsPublicStr = CommonBusiness.GetEnumDesc((EnumProductPublicStatus)model.IsPublic);
            return list;
 public bool UpdateAttrValueStatus(string valueid, string attrid, EnumStatus status, string operateIP, string operateID)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     bool bl = dal.UpdateAttrValueStatus(valueid, (int)status);
     if (bl)
         var model = GetAttrByID(attrid);
         var value = model.AttrValues.Where(m => m.ValueID == valueid).FirstOrDefault();
     return bl;
        public List<ProductDetail> GetFilterProducts(string categoryid, List<FilterAttr> Attrs, int doctype, string beginprice, string endprice, int ispublic, string keyWords, string orderby, bool isasc, int pageSize, int pageIndex, ref int totalCount, ref int pageCount, string clientID)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            StringBuilder attrbuild = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder salebuild = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var attr in Attrs)
                if (attr.Type == EnumAttrType.Parameter)
                    attrbuild.Append(" and p.ValueList like '%" + attr.ValueID + "%'");
                else if (attr.Type == EnumAttrType.Specification)
                    salebuild.Append(" and AttrValue like '%" + attr.ValueID + "%'");

            DataSet ds = dal.GetFilterProducts(categoryid, attrbuild.ToString(), salebuild.ToString(), doctype, beginprice, endprice, ispublic, keyWords, orderby, isasc ? 1 : 0, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalCount, ref pageCount, clientID);

            List<ProductDetail> list = new List<ProductDetail>();
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                ProductDetail model = new ProductDetail();
            return list;
        public bool UpdateAttrValueSort(string valueid, string attrid, int sort) {
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            bool bl = dal.UpdateAttrValueStatus(valueid, attrid,sort);

            if (bl)
                var model = GetAttrByID(attrid);
                model.AttrValues=new List<AttrValue>();

            return bl;
        public List<Brand> GetBrandList(string clientID)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataTable dt = dal.GetBrandList(clientID);

            List<Brand> list = new List<Brand>();
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Brand model = new Brand();
            return list;
        public List<Category> GetClientCategorysByPID(string categoryid, EnumCategoryType type, string clientid)
            var dal = new ProductsDAL();
            DataTable dt = dal.GetClientCategorysByPID(categoryid, (int)type, clientid);

            List<Category> list = new List<Category>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Category model = new Category();

            return list;
 public string AddProductDetails(string productid, string productCode, string shapeCode, string attrlist, string valuelist, string attrvaluelist, decimal price, decimal weight, decimal bigprice, string productImg, string description, string remark, string operateid, string clientid)
     lock (SingleLock)
         var dal = new ProductsDAL();
         return dal.AddProductDetails(productid, productCode, shapeCode, attrlist, valuelist, attrvaluelist, price, weight, bigprice, productImg, description, remark, operateid, clientid);
 public bool UpdateUnit(string unitid, string unitname, string desciption, string operateid)
     var dal = new ProductsDAL();
     bool bl = dal.UpdateUnit(unitid, unitname, desciption);
     if (bl)
         var model = GetUnitByID(unitid);
         model.UnitName = unitname;
     return bl;