Beispiel #1
        public static int GetStartingIndex <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory>(ref EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> EM)
            where ChannelT : ITextChannel
            where EMHistMemory : struct, IInsideMemory <EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> >
            where EMActsMemory : struct, IInsideMemory <EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> .EmbedMenuAct>
            //Starting index would be the PageNumber * MaxElemsPerPage

            //E.x. Assuming that MaxElemsPerPage is 5, page number of 0 would mean we start from Index 0 * 5 = 0...
            //Page number of 1 would mean we start from 1 * 5 = 5
            //Such is true since Array Indexes are zero-based

            return(unchecked (EM.CurrentPageNumber * EM.MaxElemsPerPage));
Beispiel #2
        public static async Task SendMessageWithPrev <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory>(EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> Prev, EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> Current, EmbedBuilder EMB)
            where ChannelT : ITextChannel
            where EMHistMemory : struct, IInsideMemory <EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> >
            where EMActsMemory : struct, IInsideMemory <EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> .EmbedMenuAct>

            if (!EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> .IsGuildChannel)
                goto NoEdit;

            var SocketTextChannel = Unsafe.As <ChannelT, SocketTextChannel>(ref Current.Channel);

            if (!SocketTextChannel.Guild.GetUser(EMManager.Client.CurrentUser.Id).GuildPermissions.ManageMessages)
                goto NoEdit;

            Current.CurrentMsg = Prev.CurrentMsg;

            await Current.CurrentMsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = EMB.Build());


                _ = Prev.CurrentMsg.DeleteAsync();

                Current.CurrentMsg = await Current.Channel.SendMessageAsync(null, false, EMB.Build());
Beispiel #3
        public static bool CanEditMsg <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory>(DiscordSocketClient Client, ref EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> EM)
            where ChannelT : ITextChannel
            where EMHistMemory : struct, IInsideMemory <EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> >
            where EMActsMemory : struct, IInsideMemory <EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> .EmbedMenuAct>
            if (!EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> .IsGuildChannel)

            var SocketTextChannel = Unsafe.As <ChannelT, SocketTextChannel>(ref EM.Channel);

Beispiel #4
        public static int GetPageReactCount <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory>(int StartingIndex, ref EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> EM)
            where ChannelT : ITextChannel
            where EMHistMemory : struct, IInsideMemory <EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> >
            where EMActsMemory : struct, IInsideMemory <EMRaw <ChannelT, EMHistMemory, EMActsMemory> .EmbedMenuAct>
            //If count = 2, and we start from Index 1 ( Which points to the second elem ), then the react count would be 2 - 1 = 1

            var Diff = unchecked (EM.Acts.Count - StartingIndex);

            return(Diff > EM.MaxElemsPerPage ? EM.Pages : Diff);