private void Awake()
            _text              = GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
            _camera            = Camera.main;
            _canvasGroup       = GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();
            _canvasGroup.alpha = 1;

            //DieSides component is required, but Die component is optional
            if (_dieSides != null)
                _die = _dieSides.GetComponent <Die>();
                if (_die != null)
                    _die.OnRollBegin += onDieRollBegin;
                    _die.OnRollEnd   += onDieRollEnd;
                Debug.Log("Please connect this script to an instance of DieSides.");
Beispiel #2
         * Show the UI that allows you to trigger the side finding algorithm.
        private void showCalculateSidesUI()
                "There is no side info available for this object, "+
                "press the 'Calculate sides' to fix this.", 

            _areaCutOffMultiplier = EditorGUILayout.Slider(
                new GUIContent(
                    "Cut off value:",
                    "All areas with a size that falls below " + (_areaCutOffMultiplier * 100) + "% of the maximum area size will be ignored."

            if (GUILayout.Button("Calculate sides"))
                //find all die sides through our findDieSides algorithm
                DieSides dieSides = target as DieSides;
                Mesh mesh = null;

                //if we have a collider, use the collider for the normals, otherwise our regular mesh
                MeshCollider meshCollider = dieSides.GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
                if (meshCollider != null)
                    mesh = meshCollider.sharedMesh;
                } else
                    MeshFilter meshFilter = dieSides.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
                    mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;

                List<DieAreaFinder.DieArea> foundSides = DieAreaFinder.FindDieAreas(mesh, _areaCutOffMultiplier);
				//show any debug data that was generated during this process
                _generationDebugData = DieAreaFinder.LogContents();
				_showGenerationDebugData = true;

				if (foundSides.Count == 0) return;

				_matchType.enumValueIndex = (foundSides.Count == 4) ? 1 : 0;

				//initialize our serialized properties with values based on the found die sides
				_dieSides.arraySize = foundSides.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < foundSides.Count; i++)
                    DieAreaFinder.DieArea foundSide = foundSides[i];
                    SerializedProperty dieSide = _dieSides.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
                    dieSide.FindPropertyRelative("_normal").vector3Value = foundSide.normal;
                    dieSide.FindPropertyRelative("_centerPoint").vector3Value = foundSide.centerPoint;
				//make sure all data values are initialized for each dieside

				//save properties then align
				dieSides.transform.rotation = dieSides.GetWorldRotationFor(0);