/// <summary>
        /// Injects Singleton, Scoped or Transient mappings based on the supplied parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="services"></param>
        /// <param name="rootNamespace">Root namespace to poll for interfaces</param>
        /// <param name="interfaceSuffixList">Suffixes for injectable interfaces</param>
        /// <param name="interfacePrefix">Prefix for injectable interfaces</param>
        /// <param name="enforceStrictNaming">If true, will only inject concrete types whos class names are {interfacePrefix}{ConcreteClassName}{InterfaceSuffix}</param>
        /// <param name="restrictImplementationsToInterfaceNamespaces">If true, will only map interfaces to concrete classes in the same root namespace</param>
        private static IServiceCollection InjectFrom(this IServiceCollection services, InjectionMode mode, string rootNamespace,
                                                     List <string> interfaceSuffixList, string interfacePrefix = "I", bool enforceStrictNaming = true,
                                                     bool restrictImplementationsToInterfaceNamespaces         = false)
            var settings = new InjectionSettings
                EnforceStrictNaming     = enforceStrictNaming,
                InjectionMode           = mode,
                InterfaceRootNamespaces = new List <string> {
                InterfacePrefix     = interfacePrefix,
                InterfaceSuffixList = interfaceSuffixList,
                RestrictImplementationsToInterfaceNamespaces = restrictImplementationsToInterfaceNamespaces

        public static IInjectionRootNamespaceConfiguration WithInjectionMode(InjectionMode mode)
            var settings = new InjectionSettings();
