Beispiel #1
			exec( ParamSet param_set )
				String	    schema = procInfo.getSchema();
				bool	    needEOG = true;
				AdvanRSMD    rsmd;

				msg.begin( MSG_QUERY );
				msg.write( MSG_QRY_EXP );
				if ( conn.msg_protocol_level >= MSG_PROTO_3 )
					msg.write( MSG_QP_FLAGS );
					msg.write( (short)4 );
					needEOG = false;
				if ( schema != null )
					msg.write( MSG_QP_SCHEMA_NAME );
					msg.write( schema );
				msg.write( MSG_QP_PROC_NAME );
				msg.write( procInfo.getName() );

				if ( procInfo.getParamCount() < 1 )
					msg.done( true );
					msg.done( false );

				if ( (rsmd = readResults( timeout, needEOG )) == null )
					** Procedure execute has completed and all results have
					** been returned.  Unlock the connection.
					if ( msg.moreMessages() )  readResults( timeout, true );
				else  if ( hasByRefParam )
					** BYREF parameters are treated as a result-set with 
					** exactly one row and processed as a tuple stream.  
					** The BYREF parameter result-set class loads the single
					** row, shuts the statement and unlocks the connection.
					resultRow = new RsltByref( conn, this, rsmd, 
						rslt_val_stmt, msg.moreMessages() );

					** Map output parameters to the output result-set.
					for( int i = 0, index = 0; i < opMap.Length; i++ )
						if ( opMap[ i ] >= 0 )  opMap[ i ] = index++;
					** Procedure result rows are handled like select loop
					** results and the connection will be unlocked when
					** the end of the result set is reached.
					resultSet = new RsltSlct( conn, this, rsmd, rslt_val_stmt, 
						getPreFetchSize(), msg.moreMessages() );
			catch( SqlEx ex )
				if ( trace.enabled() )  
					trace.log( title + ".execute(): error executing procedure" );
				if ( trace.enabled( 1 ) )  ex.trace( trace );
				throw ex;

		} // exec
Beispiel #2
        ** Name: exec
        ** Description:
        **	Execute a prepared statement.
        ** Input:
        **	param_set	Parameters
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void.
        ** History:
        **	19-May-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	 8-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Synchronize on DbConn.
        **	29-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Use DbConn lock()/unlock() methods for
        **	    synchronization to support BLOB streams.
        **	15-Nov-99 (gordy)
        **	    Pass max row count and column length to result set.
        **	16-Nov-99 (gordy)
        **	    Added query timeouts.
        **	13-Dec-99 (gordy)
        **	    Added fetch limit.
        **	19-Oct-00 (gordy)
        **	    Re-prepare the statement if transaction state changed.
        **	 8-Jan-01 (gordy)
        **	    Parameter set passed as parameter to support batch processing.
        **	 3-Mar-01 (gordy)
        **	    Centralize call to clearResults in exec().
        **	16-Apr-01 (gordy)
        **	    RSMD may change between prepare and execute (nasty!).  We
        **	    can't do anything about the application seeing the change,
        **	    but we must use the execute RSMD to read the result-set.
        **	10-May-01 (gordy)
        **	    Only use execute RSMD if one actually arrives.
        **	20-Jun-01 (gordy)
        **	    Pass cursor name to result-set according to spec:
        **	    NULL if READONLY and not provided by application.
        **	20-Aug-01 (gordy)
        **	    Send READONLY flag to server.  Warn if cursor mode changed
        **	    to READONLY.
        **	31-Oct-02 (gordy)
        **	    Adapted for generic GCF driver.
        **	25-Feb-03 (gordy)
        **	    Check that all contiguous parameters have been provided
        **	    (we don't know actual dynamic parameter count, so we can't
        **	    tell if sufficient parameters have been provided).
        **	 4-Aug-03 (gordy)
        **	    Created neew result-set class for updatable cursors.
        **	20-Aug-03 (gordy)
        **	    Send AUTO_CLOSE flag for query statements.
        **	 6-Oct-03 (gordy)
        **	    Fetch first block of rows for read-only cursors.
        **	 1-Nov-03 (gordy)
        **	    Implemented updatable result-sets.  ParamSet now
        **	    builds DESC/DATA messages.
        private void exec( ParamSet param_set )
            int param_cnt;


            ** All dynamic parameters must be set.  We check that all
            ** contiguous parameters have been set, the DBMS will check
            ** that sufficient parameters have been provided.
            param_cnt = param_set.getCount();

            for( int param = 0; param < param_cnt; param++ )
                if ( ! param_set.isSet( param ) )
                    if ( trace.enabled( 1 ) )
                        trace.write( tr_id + ": parameter not set: " + (param + 1) );
                    throw SqlEx.get( ERR_GC4020_NO_PARAM );

            ** Is the current driver transaction ID different
            ** than the ID obtained when the query was prepared?
            ** If so, the prepared statement was lost with the
            ** change in transaction state and we need to prepare
            ** the query again.
            if ( xactID != conn.getXactID() )  prepare();

                if ( prepRSMD == null )
                    ** Non-query statement (execute).
                    msg.begin( MSG_QUERY );
                    msg.write( MSG_QRY_EXS );
                    msg.write( MSG_QP_STMT_NAME );
                    msg.write( stmt_name );
                    msg.done( (param_cnt <= 0) );

                    if ( param_cnt > 0 )

                    readResults( timeout, true );
                    ** Select statement (open a cursor).  Generate a
                    ** cursor ID if not provided by the application.
                    int		concurrency = getConcurrency( qry_concur );
                    short	flags = 0;
                    bool	needEOG = true;
                    String	stmt = stmt_name;
                    String	cursor = (crsr_name != null)
                        ? crsr_name : conn.getUniqueID( crsr_prefix );

                    ** Parser removes FOR READONLY clause because it isn't
                    ** a part of Ingres SELECT syntax.  Tell server that
                    ** cursor should be READONLY (kludge older protocol
                    ** by appending clause to statement name).
                    if ( concurrency == DrvConst.DRV_CRSR_READONLY )
                        if ( conn.msg_protocol_level < MSG_PROTO_2 )
                            stmt += " for readonly";
                        else  if ( conn.msg_protocol_level < MSG_PROTO_3 )
                            flags = (short)(flags |
                            flags = (short)(flags |
                                MSG_QF_READONLY | MSG_QF_FETCH_FIRST);
                            needEOG = false;

                    if ( conn.msg_protocol_level >= MSG_PROTO_3 )
                        flags = (short)(flags |

                    msg.begin( MSG_QUERY );
                    msg.write( MSG_QRY_OCS );

                    if ( flags != 0 )
                        msg.write( MSG_QP_FLAGS );
                        msg.write( (short)2 );
                        msg.write(  flags );

                    msg.write( MSG_QP_CRSR_NAME );
                    msg.write( cursor );
                    msg.write( MSG_QP_STMT_NAME );
                    msg.write( stmt );
                    msg.done( (param_cnt <= 0) );

                    if ( param_cnt > 0 )

                    ** Check to see if a new result-set descriptor
                    ** has been received.  If so, it may be different
                    ** than the previous descriptor and will be more
                    ** accurate (save only if present).
                    AdvanRSMD rsmd = readResults( timeout, needEOG );
                    if ( rsmd != null )  prepRSMD = rsmd;

                    ** The cursor name is passed to the result-set
                    ** for updatable cursors or if provided by the
                    ** application (2.1 API spec).
                    if ( (rslt_flags & MSG_RF_READ_ONLY) == 0 )
                        resultSet = new RsltUpd( conn, this, rsmd,
                            rslt_val_stmt, cursor );
                        if ( msg.moreMessages() )  readResults( timeout, true );
                        if ( rs_concur == DrvConst.DRV_CRSR_UPDATE )
                            warnings.Add( SqlEx.get( ERR_GC4016_RS_CHANGED ));

                        resultSet = new RsltCurs( conn, this, rsmd, rslt_val_stmt,
                            crsr_name, getPreFetchSize(),
                            msg.moreMessages() );
            catch( SqlEx ex )
                if ( trace.enabled() )
                    trace.log( title + ".execute(): error executing query" );
                if ( trace.enabled( 1 ) )  ex.trace( trace );
                throw ex;
