/// <summary>
		/// This should return DataConnection since every query element represents exactly one connection
		/// In special cases (SPList, Soap) we defer to a subclass to mine more data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="queryElement"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private static DataConnection ParseDataConnection(XElement queryElement)
			XElement dataConnection = queryElement.Element(xsfNamespace + spListConnection);
			if (dataConnection != null)
				return SPListConnection.Parse(dataConnection);
			else if ((dataConnection = queryElement.Element(xsfNamespace + spListConnectionRW)) != null)
				return SPListConnection.Parse(dataConnection);
			else if ((dataConnection = queryElement.Element(xsfNamespace + soapConnection)) != null)
				return SoapConnection.Parse(dataConnection);
			else if ((dataConnection = queryElement.Element(xsfNamespace + xmlConnection)) != null)
				return XmlConnection.Parse(dataConnection);
			else if ((dataConnection = queryElement.Element(xsfNamespace + adoConnection)) != null)
				return AdoConnection.Parse(dataConnection);

			// else just grab the type and log that. Nothing else to do here.
			foreach (XElement x in queryElement.Elements())
				if (dataConnection != null) throw new ArgumentException("More than one adapter found under a query node");
				dataConnection = x;

			if (dataConnection == null) throw new ArgumentException("No adapter found under query node");
			DataConnection dc = new DataConnection();
			dc.ConnectionType = dataConnection.Name.LocalName;
			return dc;
		/// <summary>
		/// Self-explanatory
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dataConnection"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static SPListConnection Parse(XElement dataConnection)
			SPListConnection spl = new SPListConnection();
			spl.IsV2 = dataConnection.Name.LocalName.Equals("sharepointListAdapterRW");
			if (spl.IsV2)
				spl.SiteUrl = dataConnection.Attribute(siteURLAttribute).Value;
				spl.ListGuid = dataConnection.Attribute(listGuidAttribute).Value;
				spl.SubmitAllowed = dataConnection.Attribute(submitAllowedAttribute).Value;
				spl.RelativeListUrl = dataConnection.Attribute(relativeListUrlAttribute).Value;

				// we should also scrape out the queried column types, this shows us what types of data we consume from lists
				foreach (XElement fieldElement in dataConnection.Elements(xsfNamespace + field))
					string fieldType = fieldElement.Attribute(typeAttribute).Value;
			else // if (dataConnection.Name.LocalName.Equals("sharepointListAdapter"))
				spl.SiteUrl = dataConnection.Attribute(siteUrlAttribute).Value;
				spl.ListGuid = dataConnection.Attribute(sharepointGuidAttribute).Value;
				spl.SubmitAllowed = dataConnection.Attribute(submitAllowedAttribute).Value;

			return spl;