Beispiel #1
        public IMessage SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)
            if (msg == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("msg");

            DateTime timeBeforeTest = DateTime.Now;
            IMessage returnMessage  = _nextSink.SyncProcessMessage(msg);
            DateTime timeAfterTest  = DateTime.Now;

            //Need to get the SpiraTestCase attribute associated with the test method
            SpiraTestCaseAttribute testMethodAttribute = GetAttribute(msg);

            if (testMethodAttribute != null)
                //See if we have a custom SpiraTest configuration attribute also specified
                SpiraTestConfigurationAttribute testConfigAttribute = (SpiraTestConfigurationAttribute)GetAttribute(msg, typeof(SpiraTestConfigurationAttribute));

                // Get the TestCaseId
                this.testCaseId = testMethodAttribute.TestCaseId;
                TestCaseResult result    = new TestCaseResult();
                ReturnMessage  returnMsg = returnMessage as ReturnMessage;

                // Get the Test Results
                result.Name           = GetMethodName(msg);
                result.testCaseName   = GetMethodName(msg);
                result.testMethodName = GetMethodName(msg);
                if (returnMsg != null)
                    result.Message   = returnMsg.Exception.Message;
                    result.Executed  = true;
                    result.IsFailure = true;
                    result.IsSuccess = false;
                    //result.StackTrace = returnMsg.Exception.StackTrace;
                    result.StackTrace = returnMsg.Exception.ToString();
                    result.Message    = "Passed";
                    result.Executed   = true;
                    result.IsFailure  = false;
                    result.IsSuccess  = true;
                    result.StackTrace = null;
                result.AssertCount = 0;
                result.Time        = (timeAfterTest - timeBeforeTest).TotalSeconds;

                // Log the results in SpiraTest
                bool recordTestRun = Properties.Settings.Default.RecordTestRun;
                if (recordTestRun)
                    Run(testConfigAttribute, result);

Beispiel #2
        public void Run(SpiraTestConfigurationAttribute testConfigAttribute, TestCaseResult result)
            const string METHOD_NAME = "Run: ";

                //Get the DefaultConfigPrefix from the config file
                string defaultConfigPrefix = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DefaultConfigPrefix"];

                //Get the URL, Login, Password and ProjectId from the
                // config file
                string         url       = Properties.Settings.Default.Url;
                string         login     = Properties.Settings.Default.Login;
                string         password  = Properties.Settings.Default.Password;
                int            projectId = Properties.Settings.Default.ProjectId;
                Nullable <int> releaseId = null;
                int            tempReleaseId;
                if (Int32.TryParse(Properties.Settings.Default.ReleaseId, out tempReleaseId))
                    releaseId = tempReleaseId;
                Nullable <int> testSetId = null;
                int            tempTestSetId;
                if (Int32.TryParse(Properties.Settings.Default.TestSetId, out tempTestSetId))
                    testSetId = tempTestSetId;

                //See if we need to override the default configuration settings
                if (testConfigAttribute != null)
                    url       = testConfigAttribute.Url;
                    login     = testConfigAttribute.Login;
                    password  = testConfigAttribute.Password;
                    projectId = testConfigAttribute.ProjectId;
                    releaseId = testConfigAttribute.ReleaseId;
                    testSetId = testConfigAttribute.TestSetId;

                //Now we need to extract the result information
                int executionStatusId = -1;
                if (!result.Executed)
                    //Set status to 'Not Run'
                    executionStatusId = 3;
                    if (result.IsFailure)
                        //Set status to 'Failed'
                        executionStatusId = 1;
                    if (result.IsSuccess)
                        //Set status to 'Passed'
                        executionStatusId = 2;

                //Extract the other information
                string   testCaseName = result.Name;
                string   message      = result.Message;
                string   stackTrace   = result.StackTrace;
                int      assertCount  = result.AssertCount;
                DateTime startDate    = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-result.Time);
                DateTime endDate      = DateTime.Now;

                //Instantiate the web-service proxy class and set the URL from the text box
                bool success = false;
                SpiraImportExport.ImportExport spiraTestExecuteProxy = new SpiraImportExport.ImportExport();
                spiraTestExecuteProxy.Url = url + TEST_EXECUTE_WEB_SERVICES_URL;

                //Create a new cookie container to hold the session handle
                CookieContainer cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                spiraTestExecuteProxy.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;

                //Attempt to authenticate the user
                success = spiraTestExecuteProxy.Connection_Authenticate(login, password);
                if (!success)
                    throw new Exception(
                              "Cannot authenticate with SpiraTest, check the URL, login and password");

                //Now connect to the specified project
                success = spiraTestExecuteProxy.Connection_ConnectToProject(projectId);
                if (!success)
                    throw new Exception(
                              "Cannot connect to the specified project, check permissions of user!");

                //Now actually record the test run itself
                SpiraImportExport.RemoteTestRun remoteTestRun = new SpiraImportExport.RemoteTestRun();
                remoteTestRun.TestCaseId        = testCaseId;
                remoteTestRun.ReleaseId         = releaseId;
                remoteTestRun.TestSetId         = testSetId;
                remoteTestRun.StartDate         = startDate;
                remoteTestRun.EndDate           = endDate;
                remoteTestRun.ExecutionStatusId = executionStatusId;
                remoteTestRun.RunnerName        = TEST_RUNNER_NAME;
                remoteTestRun.RunnerTestName    = testCaseName;
                remoteTestRun.RunnerAssertCount = assertCount;
                remoteTestRun.RunnerMessage     = message;
                remoteTestRun.RunnerStackTrace  = stackTrace;

                //Close the SpiraTest connection
            catch (Exception exception)
                //Log error then rethrow
                    CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exception.Message,
                throw exception;