        // Constructor: MainGame
        // Author: nholmes
        // Summary: Default constructor
        public MainGame(Game game, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
            : base(game, controllingPlayer)
            // store reference to global ContentManager
            content = new ContentManager(game.Services, @"Content\");

            // Create gameObjectManager
            gameObjectManager = new GameObject2DManager(game, content);

            // set the world position to 0,0 - this game doesnt scroll so this will never change :)
            worldPosition.X = 0;
            worldPosition.Y = 0;
        // Constructor: Enemy
        // Author: Neil Holmes & Andrew Green
        // Summary: Constructor - prepares the player for use
        public Enemy(Game game, GameObject2DManager gameObjectManager, DisplayManager displayManager, Vector2 position, ShadowSystem shadowSystem, Random random)
            : base(game, gameObjectManager, displayManager, position, properties)
            // store a reference to the shadow system
            this.shadowSystem = shadowSystem;

            // create a random number generator
            this.random = random;

            // create the player's state manager
            stateManager = new GameObjectStateManager(game);

            // set direction to right
            Velocity = new Vector2(4, 0);
 // Constructor: GreenBug
 // Author: Neil Holmes & Andrew Green
 // Summary: Constructor - prepares the player for use
 public GreenBug(Game game, GameObject2DManager gameObjectManager, DisplayManager displayManager, Vector2 position, ShadowSystem shadowSystem, Random random)
     : base(game, gameObjectManager, displayManager, position, shadowSystem, random)
     // nothing special to do here :)
        // Constructor: GameObject2D
        // Author: Neil Holmes & Andrew Green
        // Summary: default constructor - initialises a 2D game object ready for use
        public GameObject2D(Game game, GameObject2DManager gameObjectManager, DisplayManager displayManager, Vector2 position, GameObject2DProperties properties)
            // Store reference to parent game system object
            this.game = game;

            // Store reference to owning gameObjectManager
            this.gameObjectManager = gameObjectManager;

            // store reference to the display manager
            this.displayManager = displayManager;

            // get the game input manager service
            inputManager = (InputManager)game.Services.GetService(typeof(InputManager));

            // get the game input manager service
            timerSystem = (TimerSystem)game.Services.GetService(typeof(TimerSystem));

            // set the type of this game object
            type = properties.type;

            // store whether the object should always be updated
            alwaysUpdate = properties.alwaysUpdate;

            // store the update range for this object
            updateRange = properties.updateRange;

            // store the position
            this.position = position;

            // set initial velocity to zero
            velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);

            // create the master list for the animation frames
            animationFrames = new List<List<Texture2D>>();

            // set some default values for current animation frame and animation speed
            defaultAnimationSpeed = 10;
            animationSpeed = 0;

            // default to showing no animation at all
            currentAnimation = -1;

            // set the current animation frame index to zero
            currentAnimFrame = 0;

            // set the texture frame flip X and & to false by default
            textureFrameFlipX = false;
            textureFrameFlipY = false;

            // set the texture frame rotation to zero by defaul
            textureFrameRotation = 0;

            // store the display offset and size
            displayOffset = properties.displayOffset;
            displaySize = properties.displaySize;

            // set the rotation offset based on the display size
            rotationOffset = displaySize * 0.5f;

            // store the collision offset and size
            collisionOffset = properties.collisionOffset;
            collisionSize = properties.collisionSize;