Beispiel #1
        private void ConnectRfcomm(BluetoothEndPoint remoteEP, UInt32 hDev,
                                   out UInt32 hConn, out byte channel, out int comPort)
            Structs.BtSdkAppExtSPPAttrStru sppAttr = new Structs.BtSdkAppExtSPPAttrStru(remoteEP);
            Debug.WriteLine("Gonna Btsdk_ConnectAppExtSPPService with: " + sppAttr.ToString());
            BtSdkError ret = _factory.Api.Btsdk_ConnectAppExtSPPService(hDev, ref sppAttr, out hConn);

                                          "ret: {0}, hConn: 0x{1:X}, with: {2}", ret, hConn, sppAttr.ToString()));
            _hDev = hDev;
            BluesoleilUtils.CheckAndThrow(ret, "Btsdk_ConnectAppExtSPPService");
            var comNumGetClientPort = _factory.Api.Btsdk_GetClientPort(hConn);

            Debug.WriteLine("comNumGetClientPort: " + comNumGetClientPort);
            if (sppAttr.rf_svr_chnl != 0)
                Debug.Assert(sppAttr.com_index != 0, "Argghhhh com_index is zero! (When rf_svr_chnl isn't).");
                channel = sppAttr.rf_svr_chnl;
                comPort = sppAttr.com_index;
                // Some profiles are handled specifically OBEX, etc etc
                // so they don't create a COM port when that
                Debug.Assert(sppAttr.com_index == 0, "Don't expect a COM port to be created in this (fail) case.");
                // Connecting to SPP 0x1101 also returns no com port in the
                // struct but a COM port is connected for it. Btsdk_GetClientPort
                // DOES return the correct port see whether we're in that case.
                if (comNumGetClientPort != 0)
                    comPort = comNumGetClientPort;
                    channel = 0; // Unknown!
                    // Highly likely an OPP/etc connection was made, and not a RFCOMM
                    // connection, and thus no COM port we can use. :-(  So fail!
                                                  "BlueSoleil seems no RFCOMM connection made, closing. (channel: {0}, COM: {1})",
                                                  sppAttr.rf_svr_chnl, sppAttr.com_index));
                    // (Note: Add a dummy record so RemoveLiveConnection works ok).
                    int liveCountB = _factory.AddConnection(hConn, NullBluesoleilConnection.Instance);
                                                  "BlueSoleilClient.Connect non-RFCOMM LiveConns count: {0}.", liveCountB));
                    var retD = _factory.Api.Btsdk_Disconnect(hConn);
                    BluesoleilUtils.Assert(retD, "Close non-RFCOMM connection");
                    throw BluesoleilUtils.ErrorConnectIsNonRfcomm();
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("BlueSoleil created port: '" + comPort + "'.");
Beispiel #2
 internal static extern BtSdkError Btsdk_ConnectAppExtSPPService(BTDEVHDL dev_hdl,
                                                                 ref Structs.BtSdkAppExtSPPAttrStru psvc, out BTCONNHDL conn_hdl);
Beispiel #3
 internal static extern BtSdkError Btsdk_SearchAppExtSPPService(BTDEVHDL dev_hdl, ref Structs.BtSdkAppExtSPPAttrStru psvc);
        internal static ServiceRecord CreateServiceRecord(ref Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru attrs, IBluesoleilApi api)
            ServiceRecordBuilder bldr = new ServiceRecordBuilder();
            Guid sc = BluetoothService.CreateBluetoothUuid(attrs.svc_class);

            string name = ParseServiceName(ref attrs);

            if (name.Length != 0)
                bldr.ServiceName = name;
            byte?port   = null;
            var  extras = new List <ServiceAttribute>();

            Debug.Assert(attrs.status == 0, "attrs.status: 0x" + attrs.status.ToString("X"));
            if (attrs.ext_attributes != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (sc == BluetoothService.HumanInterfaceDevice)
                    var hidInfo = (Structs.BtSdkRmtHidSvcExtAttrStru_HACK)Marshal.PtrToStructure(
                        attrs.ext_attributes, typeof(Structs.BtSdkRmtHidSvcExtAttrStru_HACK));
                                 == Marshal.SizeOf(hidInfo), "SizeOf x2");
                    Debug.Assert(hidInfo.size == Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Structs.BtSdkRmtHidSvcExtAttrStru_HACK))
                                 + Structs.BtSdkRmtHidSvcExtAttrStru_HACK.StackMiscountsPaddingSize,
                                 "Different sizes!  hidInfo.size: " + hidInfo.size + ", SizeOf(): " + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Structs.BtSdkRmtHidSvcExtAttrStru_HACK)));
                    // TO-DO Human Interface (HID) record: Use "mask" field, it's undocumented, check for real life values
                    // With test SdpCreateAHumanInputDeviceRecordsAllTwoOfThree
                    // which adds two out of three of {DeviceReleaseNumber,DeviceSubclass,CountryCode}
                    // mask==0.  So mask apparently applies to other fields!
                    // So we check these three values for zero
                    // and discard them if so!
                                                  "HID.mask: {0:X}", hidInfo.mask));
                    var list = new List <ServiceAttribute>();
                    if (hidInfo.deviceReleaseNumber != 0)
                            new ServiceAttribute(HidProfileAttributeId.DeviceReleaseNumber,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.UInt16, hidInfo.deviceReleaseNumber)));
                    if (hidInfo.deviceSubclass != 0)
                            new ServiceAttribute(HidProfileAttributeId.DeviceSubclass,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.UInt8, hidInfo.deviceSubclass)));
                    if (hidInfo.countryCode != 0)
                            new ServiceAttribute(HidProfileAttributeId.CountryCode,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.UInt8, hidInfo.countryCode)));
                    // TO-DO HID other...
                else if (sc == BluetoothService.PnPInformation)
                    var deviceInfo = (Structs.BtSdkRmtDISvcExtAttrStru)Marshal.PtrToStructure(
                        attrs.ext_attributes, typeof(Structs.BtSdkRmtDISvcExtAttrStru));
                                 == Marshal.SizeOf(deviceInfo), "SizeOf x2");
                    Debug.Assert(deviceInfo.size == Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Structs.BtSdkRmtDISvcExtAttrStru))
                                 + Structs.BtSdkRmtDISvcExtAttrStru.StackMiscountsPaddingSize,
                                 "Different sizes!  deviceInfo.size: " + deviceInfo.size + ", Marshal.SizeOf: " + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Structs.BtSdkRmtDISvcExtAttrStru)));
                    // TO-DO Device Info (PnP) record: Use "mask" field, it's undocumented, check for real life values
                    //Debug.Assert(deviceInfo.mask == 0, "Is mask field in BtSdkRmtDISvcExtAttrStru ever set!!!, is here:" + deviceInfo.mask);
                                                  "PnP/DI.mask: {0:X}", deviceInfo.mask));
                    // Like above (PnP) we see mask==0 for the fields we handle
                    // here (six of).  So we check these values
                    // for zero and discard them if so!
                    var list = new List <ServiceAttribute>();
                    if (deviceInfo.spec_id != 0)
                            new ServiceAttribute(DeviceIdProfileAttributeId.SpecificationId,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.UInt16, deviceInfo.spec_id)));
                    if (deviceInfo.vendor_id != 0)
                            new ServiceAttribute(DeviceIdProfileAttributeId.VendorId,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.UInt16, deviceInfo.vendor_id)));
                    if (deviceInfo.product_id != 0)
                            new ServiceAttribute(DeviceIdProfileAttributeId.ProductId,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.UInt16, deviceInfo.product_id)));
                    if (deviceInfo.version != 0)
                            new ServiceAttribute(DeviceIdProfileAttributeId.Version,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.UInt16, deviceInfo.version)));
                    if (true /* Zero means False here!! */)
                            new ServiceAttribute(DeviceIdProfileAttributeId.PrimaryRecord,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.Boolean, deviceInfo.primary_record)));
                    if (deviceInfo.vendor_id_source != 0)
                            new ServiceAttribute(DeviceIdProfileAttributeId.VendorIdSource,
                                                 new ServiceElement(ElementType.UInt16, deviceInfo.vendor_id_source)));
                    // TO-DO URLs...
                    // On testing we see this never working!  For one device
                    // with an ImagingResponder record the size of 0x18 and
                    // not 0x8 as per definition, and the port value is wrong.
                    // And for its PhonebookAccessPse record the size is
                    // correctly 0x8, but again the port value is wrong!
                    var sppInfo = (Structs.BtSdkRmtSPPSvcExtAttrStru)Marshal.PtrToStructure(
                        attrs.ext_attributes, typeof(Structs.BtSdkRmtSPPSvcExtAttrStru));
                    Debug.Assert(sppInfo.size == Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Structs.BtSdkRmtSPPSvcExtAttrStru)),
                                 "Different sizes!");
                    port = sppInfo.server_channel;
            }//if (attrs.ext_attributes != NULL)
            // Use a different API to try and get the RFCOMM port number as
            // the previous API is quite rubbish at doing that!!
            var svcB   = new Structs.BtSdkAppExtSPPAttrStru(sc);
            var retSpp = api.Btsdk_SearchAppExtSPPService(attrs.dev_hdl, ref svcB);

            if (retSpp == BtSdkError.NO_SERVICE)   // error
            else if (retSpp != BtSdkError.OK)     // error
                Debug.WriteLine("GetSvcRcds Btsdk_SearchAppExtSPPService ret: "
                                + BluesoleilUtils.BtSdkErrorToString(retSpp));
            else     // success
                if (svcB.rf_svr_chnl != 0)
                    byte newPort = svcB.rf_svr_chnl;
                    if (port.HasValue)
                        Debug.Assert(port.Value == newPort, "port: " + port.Value + ", newPort: " + newPort);
                        port = newPort;
                if (svcB.sdp_record_handle != 0)
                    bldr.AddCustomAttribute(new ServiceAttribute(
                                                ServiceElement.CreateNumericalServiceElement(ElementType.UInt32, svcB.sdp_record_handle)));
                Debug.Assert(svcB.service_class_128 == sc, "svcSpp.service_class_128: " + svcB.service_class_128 + ", sc: " + sc);
                var snSpp = BluesoleilUtils.FromNameString(svcB.svc_name, StackConsts.BTSDK_SERVICENAME_MAXLENGTH);
                if (snSpp == null)
                    Debug.Assert(name == null || name.Length == 0, "svcSpp.svc_name: null" + ", name: " + name);
                else if (snSpp.Length == 1)
                    // SearchAppExtSPPService doesn't handle Unicode
                    // but Btsdk_BrowseRemoteServicesEx etc does.
                    Debug.Assert(snSpp[0] == name[0], "svcSpp.svc_name: " + snSpp + ", name: " + name);
                    Debug.Assert(snSpp == name, "svcSpp.svc_name: " + snSpp + ", bldr.ServiceName: " + name);
            if (port.HasValue)
                bldr.ProtocolType = BluetoothProtocolDescriptorType.None;
            if (extras.Count != 0)
            const ServiceAttributeId FakeDescr = (ServiceAttributeId)(-1);
            bldr.AddCustomAttribute(new ServiceAttribute(FakeDescr,
                                                         new ServiceElement(ElementType.TextString,
                                                                            "<partial BlueSoleil decode>")));
            ServiceRecord sr = bldr.ServiceRecord;
            if (port.HasValue)
                Debug.Assert(bldr.ProtocolType == BluetoothProtocolDescriptorType.Rfcomm,
                             "type=" + bldr.ProtocolType);
                ServiceRecordHelper.SetRfcommChannelNumber(sr, port.Value);
                bldr.ProtocolType = BluetoothProtocolDescriptorType.None;
 BtSdkError IBluesoleilApi.Btsdk_ConnectAppExtSPPService(uint dev_hdl, ref Structs.BtSdkAppExtSPPAttrStru psvc, out uint conn_hdl)
     return(NativeMethods.Btsdk_ConnectAppExtSPPService(dev_hdl, ref psvc, out conn_hdl));
        //byte Btsdk_GetAvailableExtSPPCOMPort([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool bIsForLocalSPPService);

        BtSdkError IBluesoleilApi.Btsdk_SearchAppExtSPPService(BTDEVHDL dev_hdl, ref Structs.BtSdkAppExtSPPAttrStru psvc)
            return(NativeMethods.Btsdk_SearchAppExtSPPService(dev_hdl, ref psvc));