Beispiel #1
        public void RestoreTransaction(SKPaymentTransaction transaction)
            // Restored Transactions always have an 'original transaction' attached
            var productId = transaction.OriginalTransaction.Payment.ProductIdentifier;

            // Record the restore
            var newPurchase = new InAppPurchase
                    OrderId = transaction.OriginalTransaction.TransactionIdentifier,
                    ProductId = transaction.OriginalTransaction.Payment.ProductIdentifier,
                    PurchaseTime = NSDateToDateTime(transaction.OriginalTransaction.TransactionDate)

            // Remove the transaction from the payment queue.
            // IMPORTANT: Let's ios know we're done

            // Send out a notification that we’ve finished the transaction
            using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool())
                NSDictionary userInfo = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(new NSObject[] { transaction }, new NSObject[] { new NSString("transaction") });
                NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName(InAppRestoreProductsNotification, this, userInfo);
 public void UpdatePayment(PaymentResponse paymentResponse)
     var simsipProductId = this.FortumoToSimsipProductId(paymentResponse.ServiceId);
     var newPurchase = new InAppPurchase
         OrderId = paymentResponse.PaymentCode,
         ProductId = simsipProductId,
         PurchaseTime = DateTime.Now
Beispiel #3
        public void Initialize()
            // A Licensing and In-App Billing public key is required before an app can communicate with
            // Google Play, however you DON'T want to store the key in plain text with the application.
            // The Unify command provides a simply way to obfuscate the key by breaking it into two or
            // or more parts, specifying the order to reassemlbe those parts and optionally providing
            // a set of key/value pairs to replace in the final string. 
            string value = Security.Unify(
                new string[] { 
                    "Insert part 0",
                    "Insert part 3",
                    "Insert part 2",
                    "Insert part 1" },
                new int[] { 0, 3, 2, 1 });

            // Create a new connection to the Google Play Service
            _serviceConnection = new InAppBillingServiceConnection(MainActivity.Instance, value);
            _serviceConnection.OnConnected += () =>
                this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.OnProductPurchased += (int response, Purchase purchase, string purchaseData, string purchaseSignature) =>
                    // Record what we purchased
                    var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                    var purchaseTime = epoch.AddMilliseconds(purchase.PurchaseTime);
                    var newPurchase = new InAppPurchase
                        OrderId = purchase.OrderId,
                        ProductId = purchase.ProductId,
                        PurchaseTime = purchaseTime

                    // Let anyone know who is interested that purchase has completed
                    if (this.OnPurchaseProduct != null)
                this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.QueryInventoryError += (int responseCode, Bundle skuDetails) =>
                    if (this.OnQueryInventoryError != null)
                        this.OnQueryInventoryError(responseCode, null);
                this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.BuyProductError += (int responseCode, string sku) =>
                    // Note, BillingResult.ItemAlreadyOwned, etc. can be used to determine error

                    if (this.OnPurchaseProductError != null)
                        this.OnPurchaseProductError(responseCode, sku);
                this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.InAppBillingProcesingError += (string message) =>
                    if (this.OnInAppBillingProcesingError != null)
                this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.OnInvalidOwnedItemsBundleReturned += (Bundle ownedItems) =>
                    if (this.OnInvalidOwnedItemsBundleReturned != null)
                this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.OnProductPurchasedError += (int responseCode, string sku) =>
                    if (this.OnPurchaseProductError != null)
                        this.OnPurchaseProductError(responseCode, sku);
                this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.OnPurchaseFailedValidation += (Purchase purchase, string purchaseData, string purchaseSignature) =>
                    if (this.OnPurchaseFailedValidation != null)
                        this.OnPurchaseFailedValidation(null, purchaseData, purchaseSignature);
                this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.OnUserCanceled += () =>
                    if (this.OnUserCanceled != null)

                this._connected = true;

                // Load inventory or available products

            /* Uncomment these if you want to be notified for these events
            _serviceConnection.OnDisconnected += () =>

            _serviceConnection.OnInAppBillingError += (error, message) =>

            // Are we connected to a network?
            ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager)MainActivity.Instance.GetSystemService(MainActivity.ConnectivityService);
            NetworkInfo activeConnection = connectivityManager.ActiveNetworkInfo;
            if ((activeConnection != null) && activeConnection.IsConnected)
                // Ok, carefully attempt to connect to the in-app service

                catch (Exception ex)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception trying to connect to in app service: " + ex);
 public void FireOnPurchaseProduct(int response, InAppPurchase purchase, string purchaseData, string purchaseSignature)
     if (this.OnPurchaseProduct != null)
Beispiel #5
        public void RestoreProducts()
            var purchases = this._serviceConnection.BillingHandler.GetPurchases(ItemType.Product);

            // Record what we restored
            foreach (var purchase in purchases)
                var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                var purchaseTime = epoch.AddMilliseconds(purchase.PurchaseTime);
                var newPurchase = new InAppPurchase
                    OrderId = purchase.OrderId,
                    ProductId = purchase.ProductId,
                    PurchaseTime = purchaseTime


            // Notifiy anyone who needs to know products were restored
            if (this.OnRestoreProducts != null)