Beispiel #1
        protected void CleanFolder(CleanupWorkItem item, bool recursvie)
            //If we don't have an up-to-date folder level, we can't work..
            if (!cache.Index.GetIsValid(item.RelativePath))
                //Put this task back where it was, but with a 'populate/populaterecursive' right before it.
                //We could actually make this Populate non-recursive, since the recursive Clean would just insert Populates beforehand anyway.
                queue.InsertRange(new CleanupWorkItem[] {
                    new CleanupWorkItem(recursvie ? CleanupWorkItem.Kind.PopulateFolderRecursive : CleanupWorkItem.Kind.PopulateFolder, item.RelativePath, item.PhysicalPath),

            string baseRelative = addSlash(item.RelativePath, false);
            string basePhysical = addSlash(item.PhysicalPath, true);

            //Ok, it's valid.
            //Queue the recursive work.
            if (item.Task == CleanupWorkItem.Kind.CleanFolderRecursive)
                IList <string>         names          = cache.Index.getSubfolders(item.RelativePath);
                List <CleanupWorkItem> childWorkItems = new List <CleanupWorkItem>(names.Count);
                foreach (string n in names)
                    childWorkItems.Add(new CleanupWorkItem(CleanupWorkItem.Kind.CleanFolderRecursive, baseRelative + n, basePhysical + n));

            //Now do the local work
            int files = cache.Index.getFileCount(item.RelativePath);

            //How much are we over?
            int overMax     = Math.Max(0, files - cs.MaximumItemsPerFolder);
            int overOptimal = Math.Max(0, (files - overMax) - cs.TargetItemsPerFolder);

            if (overMax + overOptimal < 1)
                return;                            //nothing to do
            if (overMax > 0)
                lock (_timesLock) lastFoundItemsOverMax = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            //Make a linked list, like a queue of files.
            LinkedList <KeyValuePair <string, CachedFileInfo> > sortedList = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <string, CachedFileInfo> >(

            //This callback will execute (overMax) number of times
            CleanupWorkItem obsessive = new CleanupWorkItem(CleanupWorkItem.Kind.RemoveFile, delegate() {
                //Pop the next item
                KeyValuePair <string, CachedFileInfo> file;
                while (sortedList.Count > 0)
                    file = sortedList.First.Value; sortedList.RemoveFirst();
                    if (cs.ShouldRemove(baseRelative + file.Key, file.Value, true))
                        return(new CleanupWorkItem(CleanupWorkItem.Kind.RemoveFile, baseRelative + file.Key, basePhysical + file.Key));
                return(null); //No matching items left.

            CleanupWorkItem relaxed = new CleanupWorkItem(CleanupWorkItem.Kind.RemoveFile, delegate() {
                //Pop the next item
                KeyValuePair <string, CachedFileInfo> file;
                while (sortedList.Count > 0)
                    file = sortedList.First.Value; sortedList.RemoveFirst();
                    if (cs.ShouldRemove(baseRelative + file.Key, file.Value, false))
                        return(new CleanupWorkItem(CleanupWorkItem.Kind.RemoveFile, baseRelative + file.Key, basePhysical + file.Key));
                return(null); //No matching items left.

            //The 'obsessive' ones must be processed first, thus added last.
            for (int i = 0; i < overOptimal; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < overMax; i++)