/// <summary>
        /// used to swap the values between 2 node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X">node 1</param>
        /// <param name="Y">node 2</param>
        public void swap(ref HeapNode X, ref HeapNode Y) // -> O(1)
            HeapNode temp = X;                           // -> O(1)

            X = Y;                                       // -> O(1)
            Y = temp;                                    // -> O(1)
            public void swap(int a, int b)
                HeapNode temp = mH[a];

                mH[a] = mH[b];
                mH[b] = temp;
Beispiel #3
        private void Swape(int index1, int index2)
            HeapNode node = NodeList[index1];

            NodeList[index1] = NodeList[index2];
            NodeList[index2] = node;
Beispiel #4
            public virtual void bubbleUp(int pos)
                int parentIdx = pos / 2;

                int currentIdx = pos;

                while (currentIdx > 0 && mH[parentIdx].key > mH[currentIdx].key)
                    HeapNode currentNode = mH[currentIdx];

                    HeapNode parentNode = mH[parentIdx];

                    //swap the positions

                    indexes[currentNode.vertex] = parentIdx;

                    indexes[parentNode.vertex] = currentIdx;

                    swap(currentIdx, parentIdx);

                    currentIdx = parentIdx;

                    parentIdx = parentIdx / 2;
        public void Insert(int v, double c)
            HeapNode neww = new HeapNode();

            neww.cost   = c;
            neww.key    = v;
            neww.degree = 0;
            neww.parent = null;
            neww.child  = null;
            neww.left   = neww;
            neww.right  = neww;
            neww.can    = false;
            neww.mark   = false;
            pos[v]      = neww;
            if (head != null)
                neww.left       = head;
                neww.right      = head.right;
                head.right      = neww;
                neww.right.left = neww;
                pos[v]          = neww;
                if (neww.cost < head.cost)
                    head = neww;
                head = neww;
 public MinHeap(RGBPixel[] G)
     this.capacity = G.Length;
     mH            = new HeapNode[capacity + 1];
     mH[0]         = new HeapNode();
     mH[0].key     = double.MinValue;
     indexes       = new int[G.Length];
     Size          = 0;
        public static void decreaseKey(MinHeap minHeap, double newKey, int vertex)
            int index = minHeap.indexes[vertex];

            HeapNode node = minHeap.mH[index];

            node.key = newKey;
            public void insert(HeapNode x)
                int idx = Size;

                mH[idx]           = x;
                indexes[x.vertex] = idx;
 public bool mark;       // -> O(1)
 /// <summary>
 /// constractor used to intialize the node
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">unique number refers to node</param>
 /// <param name="value">the value of node </param>
 public HeapNode(int key, double value) // -> O(1)
     this.key    = key;                 // -> O(1)
     this.weight = value;               // -> O(1)
     this.degree = 0;                   // -> O(1)
     this.parent = null;                // -> O(1)
     this.child  = null;                // -> O(1)
     this.left   = this;                // -> O(1)
     this.right  = this;                // -> O(1)
     this.mark   = false;               // -> O(1)
Beispiel #10
            public virtual void insert(HeapNode x)

                int idx = currentSize;

                mH[idx] = x;

                indexes[x.vertex] = idx;

            public HeapNode extractMin()
                HeapNode min      = mH[1];
                HeapNode lastNode = mH[Size];

                indexes[lastNode.vertex] = 1;
                mH[1]    = lastNode;
                mH[Size] = null;
Beispiel #12
        public HeapNode ExtractMinNode()
            HeapNode min = NodeList[0];

            NodeList[0] = NodeList[NodeList.Count - 1];
            NodeList.RemoveAt(NodeList.Count - 1);

            if (NodeList.Count > 0)
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Finding the minimum spanning tree in the
        /// quantization process in which we need to find the minimum costs
        /// between the colors to be able to group them after that.
        /// <returns>min cost of MST</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static double MinimumSpanningTree() // [O(V) * O(E *Log V)] ->> O(E Log V)
            parent      = new int[Distinct_Colors_List.Count];                    // -> O(1)
            weight      = new double[Distinct_Colors_List.Count];                 // -> O(1)
            visitedHeap = new bool[Distinct_Colors_List.Count];                   // -> O(1)
            FibbonacciHeap heap = new FibbonacciHeap(Distinct_Colors_List.Count); // -> O(1)

            parent[0] = 0;                                                        // -> O(1)
            weight[0] = 0;                                                        // -> O(1)
            heap.Insert(new HeapNode(0, 0));                                      // -> O(1)
            for (int i = 1; i < Distinct_Colors_List.Count; i++)                  // -> O(V)
                parent[i] = -1;                                                   // -> O(1)
                weight[i] = 1e9;                                                  // -> O(1)
                heap.Insert(new HeapNode(i, weight[i]));                          // -> O(1)
            while (heap.size != 0)                                                // [O(E) * O(Log V)] ->> O(E Log V)
                HeapNode extractedHeap = heap.Extract_min();                      // -> O(Log V)
                visitedHeap[extractedHeap.key] = true;                            // -> O(1)
                for (int i = 0; i < Distinct_Colors_List.Count; i++)              // -> O(Log E) * O(1)
                    if (visitedHeap[i] || i == extractedHeap.key)                 // -> O(1)
                    double R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;                                                        // -> O(1)
                    R = Distinct_Colors_List[extractedHeap.key].red - Distinct_Colors_List[i].red;     // -> O(1)
                    G = Distinct_Colors_List[extractedHeap.key].green - Distinct_Colors_List[i].green; // -> O(1)
                    B = Distinct_Colors_List[extractedHeap.key].blue - Distinct_Colors_List[i].blue;   // -> O(1)
                    double distance = R * R + G * G + B * B;                                           // -> O(1)
                    distance = Math.Sqrt(distance);                                                    // -> O(1)
                    if (distance < weight[i])                                                          // -> O(1)
                        parent[i] = extractedHeap.key;                                                 // -> O(1)
                        weight[i] = distance;                                                          // -> O(1)
                        heap.decrease_key(i, distance);                                                // -> O(1)
            double MSTsum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Distinct_Colors_List.Count; i++) // -> O(V)
                MSTsum += weight[i];                             // -> O(1)
                edges.Add(new Edge(i, parent[i], weight[i]));    // -> O(1)
            return(MSTsum);                                      // -> O(1)
Beispiel #14
            public virtual void decreaseKey(MinHeap minHeap, double newKey, int vertex)
                //get the index which key's needs a decrease;

                int index = minHeap.indexes[vertex];

                //get the node and update its value

                HeapNode node = minHeap.mH[index];

                node.key = newKey;

Beispiel #15
            internal int[] indexes; //will be used to decrease the key

            public MinHeap(int capacity)
                this.capacity = capacity;

                mH = new HeapNode[capacity + 1];

                indexes = new int[capacity];

                mH[0] = new HeapNode();

                mH[0].key = int.MinValue;

                mH[0].vertex = -1;

                currentSize = 0;
        public void Cascase_cut(HeapNode y)
            HeapNode z = y.parent;

            if (z != null)
                if (y.mark == false)
                    y.mark = true;
                    Cut(y, z);
        /// <summary>
        /// used to change th all parent node in levels (used in decrease_key())
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        public void Cascase_cut(HeapNode node) // -> O(Log V)
            HeapNode parent = node.parent;     // -> O(1)

            if (parent != null)                // -> O(1)
                if (node.mark == false)        // -> O(1)
                    node.mark = true;          // -> O(1)
                    Cut(node, parent);   // -> O(1)
                    Cascase_cut(parent); // -> O(Log Node(V))
        public void decrease_key(int v, double c)
            HeapNode y;
            HeapNode ptr = pos[v];

            ptr.cost = c;
            y        = ptr.parent;
            if (y != null && ptr.cost < y.cost)
                Cut(ptr, y);
            if (ptr.cost < head.cost)
                head = ptr;
        /// <summary>
        /// decrease node from tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indx">the key of node</param>
        /// <param name="value">the value of node</param>
        public void decrease_key(int indx, double value)              // -> O(1)
            HeapNode updatednode = HeapList[indx];                    // -> O(1)

            updatednode.weight = value;                               // -> O(1)
            HeapNode parent = updatednode.parent;                     // -> O(1)

            if (parent != null && updatednode.weight < parent.weight) // -> O(1)
                Cut(updatednode, parent);                             // -> O(1)
                Cascase_cut(parent);                                  // -> O(d) ->> O(1)
                // Rule: -->> phase(Heap) = tree(Heap)"#roots" + 2 * Root(Max Marked Node).
            if (updatednode.weight < minHeap.weight) // -> O(1)
                minHeap = updatednode;               // -> O(1)
 /// <summary>
 /// function used in decrease_key() to change the values of node
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">the current node</param>
 /// <param name="parent">the parent of node</param>
 public void Cut(HeapNode node, HeapNode parent) // -> O(1)
     (node.left).right = node.right;             // -> O(1)
     (node.right).left = node.left;              // -> O(1)
     parent.degree--;                            // -> O(1)
     if (node == parent.child)                   // -> O(1)
         parent.child = node.right;              // -> O(1)
     if (parent.degree == 0)                     // -> O(1)
         parent.child = null;                    // -> O(1)
     node.left       = minHeap;                  // -> O(1)
     node.right      = minHeap.right;            // -> O(1)
     minHeap.right   = node;                     // -> O(1)
     node.right.left = node;                     // -> O(1)
     node.parent     = null;                     // -> O(1)
     node.mark       = false;                    // -> O(1)
 /// <summary>
 /// insert new node into tree
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="NewNode">the new node </param>
 public void Insert(HeapNode NewNode)         // -> O(1)
     if (minHeap != null)                     // -> O(1)
         NewNode.left       = minHeap;        // -> O(1)
         NewNode.right      = minHeap.right;  // -> O(1)
         minHeap.right      = NewNode;        // -> O(1)
         NewNode.right.left = NewNode;        // -> O(1)
         if (NewNode.weight < minHeap.weight) // -> O(1)
             minHeap = NewNode;               // -> O(1)
         minHeap = NewNode;           // -> O(1)
     HeapList[NewNode.key] = NewNode; // -> O(1)
     size++;                          // -> O(1)
 public void Cut(HeapNode x, HeapNode y)
     (x.left).right = x.right;
     (x.right).left = x.left;
     if (x == y.child)
         y.child = x.right;
     if (y.degree == 0)
         y.child = null;
     x.left       = head;
     x.right      = head.right;
     head.right   = x;
     x.right.left = x;
     x.parent     = null;
     x.mark       = false;
Beispiel #23
            public virtual HeapNode extractMin()
                HeapNode min = mH[1];

                HeapNode lastNode = mH[currentSize];

                //            update the indexes[] and move the last node to the top

                indexes[lastNode.vertex] = 1;

                mH[1] = lastNode;

                mH[currentSize] = null;



 /// <summary>
 /// to merge trees
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="max">max node</param>
 /// <param name="min">min node</param>
 public void mergeTrees(HeapNode max, HeapNode min) // -> O(1)
     max.left.right = max.right;                    // -> O(1)
     max.right.left = max.left;                     // -> O(1)
     max.parent     = min;                          // -> O(1)
     if (min.child == null)                         // -> O(1)
         min.child = max;                           // -> O(1)
         max.right = max;                           // -> O(1)
         max.left  = max;                           // -> O(1)
         max.left        = min.child;       // -> O(1)
         max.right       = min.child.right; // -> O(1)
         min.child.right = max;             // -> O(1)
         max.right.left  = max;             // -> O(1)
     min.degree++;                          // -> O(1)
     max.mark = false;                      // -> O(1)
        public HeapNode Extract_min()
            HeapNode ptr = head;

            if (ptr != null)
                int      kids     = ptr.degree;
                HeapNode oldchild = ptr.child;
                while (kids > 0)
                    HeapNode tmp = oldchild.right;
                    oldchild.left.right = oldchild.right;
                    oldchild.right.left = oldchild.left;

                    oldchild.left       = head;
                    oldchild.right      = head.right;
                    head.right          = oldchild;
                    oldchild.right.left = oldchild;

                    oldchild.parent = null;
                    oldchild        = tmp;
            ptr.left.right = ptr.right;
            ptr.right.left = ptr.left;

            if (ptr == ptr.right)
                head = null;
                head = ptr.right;
        public void fibb_link(HeapNode y, HeapNode z)
            y.left.right = y.right;
            y.right.left = y.left;

            y.parent = z;

            if (z.child == null)
                z.child = y;
                y.right = y;
                y.left  = y;
                y.left        = z.child;
                y.right       = z.child.right;
                z.child.right = y;
                y.right.left  = y;
            y.mark = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// extract the min node from tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>min node</returns>
        public HeapNode Extract_min()                       // O(log V + d) ->> O(Log V)
            HeapNode min = minHeap;                         // -> O(1)

            if (min != null)                                // -> O(1)
                int      childs    = min.degree;            // -> O(1)
                HeapNode min_child = min.child;             // -> O(1)
                while (childs > 0)                          // - >> O(degree)
                    HeapNode tmp = min_child.right;         // -> O(1)
                    min_child.left.right = min_child.right; // -> O(1)
                    min_child.right.left = min_child.left;  // -> O(1)
                    min_child.left       = minHeap;         // -> O(1)
                    min_child.right      = minHeap.right;   // -> O(1)
                    minHeap.right        = min_child;       // -> O(1)
                    min_child.right.left = min_child;       // -> O(1)
                    min_child.parent     = null;            // -> O(1)
                    min_child            = tmp;             // -> O(1)
                    childs--;                               // -> O(1)
            min.left.right = min.right; // -> O(1)
            min.right.left = min.left;  // -> O(1)

            if (min == min.right)       // -> O(1)
                minHeap = null;         // -> O(1)
                minHeap = min.right; // -> O(1)
                Consolidate();       // O(log V + d) ->> O(Log V)
            size--;                  // -> O(1)
            return(min);             // -> O(1)
Beispiel #28
            public virtual void sinkDown(int k)
                int smallest = k;

                int leftChildIdx = 2 * k;

                int rightChildIdx = 2 * k + 1;

                if (leftChildIdx < heapSize() && mH[smallest].key > mH[leftChildIdx].key)
                    smallest = leftChildIdx;

                if (rightChildIdx < heapSize() && mH[smallest].key > mH[rightChildIdx].key)
                    smallest = rightChildIdx;

                if (smallest != k)
                    HeapNode smallestNode = mH[smallest];

                    HeapNode kNode = mH[k];

                    //swap the positions

                    indexes[smallestNode.vertex] = k;

                    indexes[kNode.vertex] = smallest;

                    swap(k, smallest);

Beispiel #29
 public void AddNode(HeapNode node)
     HeapfiyUp(NodeList.Count - 1);
Beispiel #30
            public virtual void primMST(int[] parent, double[] min_weights, int vertices, RGBPixel[] Nodes)
                bool[]   inHeap = new bool[vertices];
                double[] key    = new double[vertices];

                //create heapNode for all the vertices

                HeapNode[] heapNodes = new HeapNode[vertices];

                for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
                    heapNodes[i]        = new HeapNode(); //heapnode contains(vertex,key)
                    heapNodes[i].vertex = i;
                    heapNodes[i].key    = int.MaxValue;
                    parent[i]           = int.MaxValue;
                    min_weights[i]      = double.MaxValue;
                    inHeap[i]           = true;
                    key[i] = int.MaxValue;
                //decrease the key for the first index

                heapNodes[0].key = 0;
                //add all the vertices to the MinHeap

                MinHeap minHeap = new MinHeap(vertices);

                //add all the vertices to priority queue

                for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)

                //while minHeap is not empty
                parent[0]      = -1;
                min_weights[0] = 0;
                while (!minHeap.Empty)
                    //extract the min

                    HeapNode extractedNode = minHeap.extractMin();

                    //extracted vertex

                    int extractedVertex = extractedNode.vertex;

                    inHeap[extractedVertex] = false;  //false because it has been extracted.

                    //iterate through all the adjacent vertices

                    //LinkedList<Edge> list = adjacencylist[extractedVertex];

                    double weght;

                    for (int l = 0; l < vertices; l++)
                        weght = ((Nodes[extractedVertex].red - Nodes[l].red) * (Nodes[extractedVertex].red - Nodes[l].red)) + ((Nodes[extractedVertex].blue - Nodes[l].blue) * (Nodes[extractedVertex].blue - Nodes[l].blue)) + ((Nodes[extractedVertex].green - Nodes[l].green) * (Nodes[extractedVertex].green - Nodes[l].green));

                        //graph.addEdge(j, l, weght);
                        if (inHeap[l])
                            int destination = l;

                            double newKey = weght;

                            //check if updated key < existing key, if yes, update if

                            if (key[destination] > newKey)
                                decreaseKey(minHeap, newKey, destination);

                                //update the parent node for destination

                                parent[destination] = extractedVertex;

                                min_weights[destination] = Math.Sqrt(newKey);

                                key[destination] = newKey; //destination vertex carries the weight between it and its source u in old code
                    //Edge edge = i;

                    //only if edge destination is present in heap

                Globals.sum = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < vertices; j++)      //calculates the sum of the MST
                    Globals.sum += min_weights[j];
                Globals.sum = Math.Round(Globals.sum, 2);