internal IDataSetStore GetDataset(IDataflowObject df, IDataStructureObject kf, List <DataCriteria> Criterias, ref Dictionary <string, List <DataChacheObject> > DataCache, bool useAttr)
            // if it is not time series then assume it is cross
            SDMXWSFunction op    = SDMXWSFunction.GetCompactData;
            bool           cross = (DataObjConfiguration._TypeEndpoint == EndpointType.V21 || DataObjConfiguration._TypeEndpoint == EndpointType.REST)
                          ? NsiClientHelper.DataflowDsdIsCrossSectional(kf) : !Utils.IsTimeSeries(kf);

            if (cross)
                op = SDMXWSFunction.GetCrossSectionalData;

            var ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            ser.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;
                //commentato vecchio codice
                //IGetSDMX GetSDMXObject = WebServiceSelector.GetSdmxImplementation(DataObjConfiguration);
                //GetSDMXObject.ExecuteQuery(CreateQueryBean(df, kf, Criterias), op, FileTmpData);

                 #region Connessione e Creazione DB SQLLite
                 * string table = Path.Combine(Utils.GetAppPath(), string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}-{1}.sqlite", Utils.MakeKey(df).Replace("+", "_").Replace(".", ""), Guid.NewGuid()));
                 * string ConnectionString = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Constants.FileDBSettingsFormat, table);
                 * var info = new DBInfo(ConnectionString);
                 * string tempTable = "table_" + Utils.MakeKey(df).Replace("+", "_").Replace(".", "");
                 * IDataSetStore store = new DataSetStoreDB(info, tempTable, kf, true, useAttr);
                 * fine vecchio codice*/

                //Salvo in Session

                 * if (DataCache == null)
                 *  DataCache = new Dictionary<string, List<DataChacheObject>>();
                 * if (!DataCache.ContainsKey(Utils.MakeKey(df)))
                 *  DataCache[Utils.MakeKey(df)] = new List<DataChacheObject>();
                //string table=null;
                //FABIO NEW
                //IDataSetStore store = FindDataCacheChart(df, kf, Criterias, ref DataCache, useAttr,out table);

                //if (store == null) store = GetDataset(df, kf, Criterias, ref DataCache, useAttr);
                #region Connessione e Creazione DB SQLLite FABIO se nullo lo istanzio
//                if (store == null)
//                {
                string   table         = null;
                IGetSDMX GetSDMXObject = WebServiceSelector.GetSdmxImplementation(DataObjConfiguration);
                GetSDMXObject.ExecuteQuery(CreateQueryBean(df, kf, Criterias), op, FileTmpData);

                #region Connessione e Creazione DB SQLLite
                table = Path.Combine(Utils.GetAppPath(), string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}-{1}.sqlite", Utils.MakeKey(df).Replace("+", "_").Replace(".", ""), Guid.NewGuid()));
                string        ConnectionString = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Constants.FileDBSettingsFormat, table);
                var           info             = new DBInfo(ConnectionString);
                string        tempTable        = "table_" + Utils.MakeKey(df).Replace("+", "_").Replace(".", "");
                IDataSetStore store            = new DataSetStoreDB(info, tempTable, kf, true, useAttr);

                using (var dataLocation = new FileReadableDataLocation(FileTmpData))
                    switch (op)
                    case SDMXWSFunction.GetCompactData:
                        var compact       = new CompactDataReaderEngine(dataLocation, df, kf);
                        var readerCompact = new SdmxDataReader(kf, store);

                    case SDMXWSFunction.GetCrossSectionalData:
                        var dsdCrossSectional = (ICrossSectionalDataStructureObject)kf;
                        var crossSectional    = new CrossSectionalDataReaderEngine(dataLocation, dsdCrossSectional, df);
                        var reader            = new SdmxDataReader(kf, store);

                        throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ExceptionUnsupported_operation + op.ToString(), "operation");

//                }
                #endregion FABIO

                //using (var dataLocation = new FileReadableDataLocation(FileTmpData))
                //    switch (op)
                //    {
                //        case SDMXWSFunction.GetCompactData:
                //            var compact = new CompactDataReaderEngine(dataLocation, df, kf);
                //            var readerCompact = new SdmxDataReader(kf, store);
                //            readerCompact.ReadData(compact);
                //            break;

                //        case SDMXWSFunction.GetCrossSectionalData:
                //            var dsdCrossSectional = (ICrossSectionalDataStructureObject)kf;
                //            var crossSectional = new CrossSectionalDataReaderEngine(dataLocation, dsdCrossSectional, df);
                //            var reader = new SdmxDataReader(kf, store);
                //            reader.ReadData(crossSectional);
                //            break;

                //        default:
                //            throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ExceptionUnsupported_operation + op.ToString(), "operation");
                //    }

                 * Dictionary<string, List<string>> Criteri = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                 * Criterias.ForEach(c => Criteri.Add(c.component, c.values));
                 * DataChacheObject dco = new DataChacheObject()
                 * {
                 *  Criterias = Criteri,
                 *  DBFileName = table,
                 * };
                 * //aggiunta da fabio
                 * DataCache[Utils.MakeKey(df)].Clear();
                 * //fine aggiunta fabio
                 * DataCache[Utils.MakeKey(df)].Add(dco);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex);
                throw ex;
                //delete the temporary file
                if (File.Exists(FileTmpData))
        internal IDataSetStore GetDataset(IDataflowObject df, IDataStructureObject kf, List <DataCriteria> Criterias, ref Dictionary <string, List <DataChacheObject> > DataCache, bool useAttr, SessionQuery query)
            // if it is not time series then assume it is cross
            SDMXWSFunction op    = SDMXWSFunction.GetCompactData;
            bool           cross = (DataObjConfiguration._TypeEndpoint == EndpointType.V21 || DataObjConfiguration._TypeEndpoint == EndpointType.REST)
                          ? NsiClientHelper.DataflowDsdIsCrossSectional(kf) : !Utils.IsTimeSeries(kf);

            if (cross)
                op = SDMXWSFunction.GetCrossSectionalData;

            var ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            ser.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;
                #region Connessione e Creazione DB SQLLite FABIO se nullo lo istanzio
                string   table         = null;
                IGetSDMX GetSDMXObject = (query._IGetSDMX == null) ? WebServiceSelector.GetSdmxImplementation(DataObjConfiguration) : query._IGetSDMX;
                GetSDMXObject.ExecuteQuery(CreateQueryBean(df, kf, Criterias), op, FileTmpData);

                #region Connessione e Creazione DB SQLLite
                table = Path.Combine(Utils.GetAppPath(), string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}-{1}.sqlite", Utils.MakeKey(df).Replace("+", "_").Replace(".", ""), Guid.NewGuid()));
                string        ConnectionString = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Constants.FileDBSettingsFormat, table);
                var           info             = new DBInfo(ConnectionString);
                string        tempTable        = "table_" + Utils.MakeKey(df).Replace("+", "_").Replace(".", "");
                IDataSetStore store            = new DataSetStoreDB(info, tempTable, kf, true, useAttr);

                using (var dataLocation = new FileReadableDataLocation(FileTmpData))
                    switch (op)
                    case SDMXWSFunction.GetCompactData:
                        var compact       = new CompactDataReaderEngine(dataLocation, df, kf);
                        var readerCompact = new SdmxDataReader(kf, store);

                    case SDMXWSFunction.GetCrossSectionalData:
                        var dsdCrossSectional = (ICrossSectionalDataStructureObject)kf;
                        var crossSectional    = new CrossSectionalDataReaderEngine(dataLocation, dsdCrossSectional, df);
                        var reader            = new SdmxDataReader(kf, store);

                        throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ExceptionUnsupported_operation + op.ToString(), "operation");

                #endregion FABIO

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex);
                throw ex;
                //delete the temporary file
                if (File.Exists(FileTmpData))