Beispiel #1
        //It deletes the Appointment
        private void buttonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (listViewAppointments.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                DialogResult clientDecision = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete that Appointment?", "Appointment Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                switch (clientDecision)
                case DialogResult.Yes:
                    var myDate       = listViewAppointments.SelectedItems[0].Text;
                    var myTime       = listViewAppointments.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text;
                    var myInstructor = listViewAppointments.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text;
                    //It updates the DB freing the client
                    freeClientAppointment(myDate, myTime, myInstructor);
                    //It loads the Appointments for the Client
                    clientAppointments = getClientAppointments(userName, DateTime.Today);
                    //It refreshes the Appointments ListView
                    //It refreshes the Appointment Selection ListView
                    MessageBox.Show("Appointment deleted successfully.");

                case DialogResult.No:
                MessageBox.Show("Please select an Appointment first.");
Beispiel #2
        //********************************************* Event Methods  *****************************************************************

        //It creates the ListView for the instructor to create his Schedule
        private void dateTimePickerWeek_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            listViewWeek.Visible = true;
            //It loads the Times of the selected Date
            timesOfDate = DBData.getTimesOfDay(dateTimePickerWeek.Value);
            //It creates the Day ListView
        public AdminConsole()

            instructorsUserNames = DBData.getInstructorsUsernames();
            ControlFunctions.populateCombo(comboBoxInstructor, instructorsUserNames);
            listViewDay.Visible          = false;
            listViewWeek.Visible         = false;
            listViewCarsAssigned.Visible = false;
        private void listViewDay_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            var info = listViewDay.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);

            if (info.Item != null)
                var row = info.Item.Index;
                var col = info.Item.SubItems.IndexOf(info.SubItem);
                if (info.SubItem != null)
                    var value = info.Item.SubItems[col].Text;
                    if (col > 0 && col < instructorsUserNames.Count + 1 && row < timesOfDate.Count)
                        if (value == "0")
                            if (DBData.checkExistingsStlots(DateTime.Parse(labelDate.Text), listViewDay.Items[row].Text))
                                int weekHours    = DBData.getHoursAssignedPerWeek(firstDayOfWeek, lastDayOfWeek, listViewDay.Columns[col].Text);
                                int DayHours     = DBData.getHoursAssignedPerDay(DateTime.Parse(labelDate.Text), listViewDay.Columns[col].Text);
                                int newDayHours  = int.Parse(listViewDay.Items[listViewDay.Items.Count - 1].SubItems[col].Text) + 1;
                                int newWeekHours = weekHours - DayHours + newDayHours;
                                if (int.Parse(listViewDay.Items[listViewDay.Items.Count - 1].SubItems[col].Text) < 8 && newWeekHours <= 40)
                                    ControlFunctions.changeListViewSubItemValue(listViewDay, row, col, "1");
                                    ControlFunctions.recalculateTotal(listViewDay, row, col, 1);
                                    MessageBox.Show("You cannot assign more than 8hours/day and 40hours/week.");
                                MessageBox.Show("There are no slots available for that Date and Time. Please select another one.");
                            if (DBData.checkAppointmentOccupiedByClient(labelDate.Text, listViewDay.Items[row].Text, instructorsUserNames[col - 1]))
                                ControlFunctions.changeListViewSubItemValue(listViewDay, row, col, "0");
                                ControlFunctions.recalculateTotal(listViewDay, row, col, 0);
                                MessageBox.Show("That Slot cannot be changed because there is already an Appointment with a Client.");
Beispiel #5
        //It obtains the slot clicked and activates or desactivates it
        private void listViewWeek_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            var info = listViewWeek.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);

            if (info.Item != null)
                var row = info.Item.Index;
                var col = info.Item.SubItems.IndexOf(info.SubItem);
                if (info.SubItem != null)
                    var value = info.Item.SubItems[col].Text;
                    if (col > 0 && col < daysOfWeek + 1 && row < timesOfDate.Count - 1)
                        if (value == "0")
                            //It checks that there are Slots available for the Instructor to assign his availability
                            if (DBData.checkExistingsStlots(DateTime.Parse(listViewWeek.Columns[col].Text), listViewWeek.Items[row].Text))
                                //It checks that the Instructor has not selected more than 8 hours per Day and 40 per Week
                                if (int.Parse(listViewWeek.Items[listViewWeek.Items.Count - 1].SubItems[col].Text) < 8 && int.Parse(listViewWeek.Items[listViewWeek.Items.Count - 1].SubItems[listViewWeek.Columns.Count - 1].Text) < 40)
                                    ControlFunctions.changeListViewSubItemValue(listViewWeek, row, col, "1");
                                    ControlFunctions.recalculateTotal(listViewWeek, row, col, 1);
                                    MessageBox.Show("You cannot assign more than 8hours/day and 40hours/week.");
                                MessageBox.Show("There are no slots available for that Date and Time. Please select another one.");
                            //It checks if the Appointment is already booked by a Client
                            if (DBData.checkAppointmentConfirmedByAdmin(listViewWeek.Columns[col].Text, listViewWeek.Items[row].Text, instructorUserName))
                                ControlFunctions.changeListViewSubItemValue(listViewWeek, row, col, "0");
                                ControlFunctions.recalculateTotal(listViewWeek, row, col, 0);
                                MessageBox.Show("That Slot cannot be changed because it was confirmed by the Administrator.");
 private void listViewWeek_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (listViewWeek.SelectedIndices.Count != 0)
         var myIndex      = listViewWeek.SelectedIndices[0];
         var dateSelected = listViewWeek.Items[myIndex].Text;
         if (myIndex < daysOfWeek)
             labelDate.Text = dateSelected;
        //It creates the ListView Report for the Week
        private void createListViewWeekReport()
            //It creates the columns of the ListView
            ControlFunctions.createListViewColumns(listViewWeek, "Date", instructorsUserNames, "", 80, 68, 0);
            //It calculates the first and last date of the week
            int dayOfWeekSelected = (int)dateTimePickerWeek.Value.DayOfWeek;

            firstDayOfWeek = dateTimePickerWeek.Value.Date.AddDays(-dayOfWeekSelected + 1);
            lastDayOfWeek  = firstDayOfWeek.Date.AddDays(daysOfWeek - 1);

            //It creates a list of the dates of the week
            List <String> datesList = new List <string>();

            for (int j = 0; j < daysOfWeek; j++)
            //It adds the total per Instructor
            //It creates the items of the ListView
            ControlFunctions.createListViewItems(listViewWeek, datesList);

            //It creates the array of arrays of hours scheduled per day and instructor and one more for the totals
            string[][] hoursScheduledMatrix = new string[daysOfWeek + 1][];
            for (int j = 0; j < daysOfWeek + 1; j++)
                hoursScheduledMatrix[j] = new string[instructorsUserNames.Count];
            //It fills in the arrays
            for (int i = 0; i < daysOfWeek; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < instructorsUserNames.Count; j++)
                    //It obtains the list of hours scheduled for the Instructors and Dates
                    hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j] = DBData.getInstructorHoursScheduledForDate(instructorsUserNames[j], firstDayOfWeek.AddDays(i));
            //It adds the total per Instructor and week summing all the days
            for (int j = 0; j < instructorsUserNames.Count; j++)
                hoursScheduledMatrix[daysOfWeek][j] = "0";
                for (int i = 0; i < daysOfWeek; i++)
                    hoursScheduledMatrix[daysOfWeek][j] = (int.Parse(hoursScheduledMatrix[daysOfWeek][j]) + int.Parse(hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j])).ToString();
            //It copies all the data to the listView creating the Subitems
            ControlFunctions.createListViewSubitems(listViewWeek, hoursScheduledMatrix);
 private void buttonSaveSchedule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (listViewWeek.Items.Count > 0)
         string[][] LVData = ControlFunctions.obtainDataFromListView(listViewDay);
         insertNewSchedules(labelDate.Text, LVData);
         MessageBox.Show("Please select first a date and plan a Schedule.");
Beispiel #9
        //********************************************* Event Methods  *****************************************************************

        private void dateTimePickerDate_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //It loads the Times of the selected Date
            selectedDate = dateTimePickerDate.Value;
            timesOfDate  = DBData.getTimesOfDay(selectedDate);

            //It makes the ListViews visibles
            listViewAppointmentSelection.Visible = true;
            listViewAppointments.Visible         = true;
            //It creates the Appointment Selection ListView

            //It loads the Appointments for the Client
            clientAppointments = getClientAppointments(userName, DateTime.Today);
Beispiel #10
        //It obtains the desired Appointment from the ListView
        private void listViewAppointmentSelection_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            var info = listViewAppointmentSelection.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);

            if (info.Item != null)
                var row = info.Item.Index;
                var col = info.Item.SubItems.IndexOf(info.SubItem);
                if (info.SubItem != null)
                    var value = info.Item.SubItems[col].Text;
                    if (col > 0)
                        switch (value)
                        case slotAvailable:
                            appointmentTime = listViewAppointmentSelection.Items[row].Text;
                            instructor      = listViewAppointmentSelection.Columns[col].Text;
                            if (checkAppointmentDuplicity())
                                MessageBox.Show("There is already an Appointment that day at that time with another Instructor. Please delete the Appointment first.");
                                if (checkReservationDuplicity())
                                    MessageBox.Show("You cannot book two Appointments at once. Click in other reserved Appointment to free it first.");
                                    ControlFunctions.changeListViewSubItemValue(listViewAppointmentSelection, row, col, slotReserved);
                                    labelAppointmentSelected.Text = $"{selectedDate.ToString("d")} at {appointmentTime} with {instructor}";

                        case slotReserved:
                            appointmentTime = "";
                            instructor      = "";
                            ControlFunctions.changeListViewSubItemValue(listViewAppointmentSelection, row, col, slotAvailable);
                            labelAppointmentSelected.Text = "No appointment selected";
Beispiel #11
        //It creates the ListView Report for the Week
        private void createListViewAppointmentSelectionReport()
            //It gets the usernames of the Instructors and creates the columns of the ListView
            ControlFunctions.createListViewColumns(listViewAppointmentSelection, "Time", instructorsUserNames, "", 60, 65, 0);
            //It creates the ListView Items
            ControlFunctions.createListViewItems(listViewAppointmentSelection, timesOfDate);

            //It creates the array of arrays of hours scheduled per Time and Instructor
            string[][] hoursScheduledMatrix = new string[timesOfDate.Count][];
            for (int j = 0; j < timesOfDate.Count; j++)
                hoursScheduledMatrix[j] = new string[instructorsUserNames.Count];
            //It initializes the arrays to zeros
            for (int j = 0; j < instructorsUserNames.Count; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < timesOfDate.Count; i++)
                    hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j] = "";
            //It fills in the arrays
            for (int j = 0; j < instructorsUserNames.Count; j++)
                List <string> timeScheduled = new List <string>();
                //It gets the Schedule for each Instructor for the selected Date excluding already existing Appointments
                timeScheduled = DBData.getInstructorFreeScheduleForDate(instructorsUserNames[j], selectedDate);
                for (int i = 0; i < timesOfDate.Count; i++)
                    foreach (string time in timeScheduled)
                        if (timesOfDate[i] == time)
                            hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j] = "available";
                            hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j] = "";
            //It copies all the data to the listView in the Subitems
            ControlFunctions.createListViewSubitems(listViewAppointmentSelection, hoursScheduledMatrix);
Beispiel #12
 //It saves the Schedule for the Week************************************take care with the confirmed ones from the Admin, dont delete them and dont write them again
 private void buttonSaveSchedule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (listViewWeek.Items.Count > 0)
         //It obtains the new schedule from the Day ListView
         string[][] LVData = ControlFunctions.obtainDataFromListView(listViewWeek);
         //It deletes the schedules for that Date and Instructor in the DB
         DBData.deleteExistingSchedulesForInstructorAndDates(instructorUserName, firstDayOfWeek.ToString("d"), lastDayOfWeek.ToString("d"));
         //It inserts the new Schedules for that Date and instructor in the DB
         insertNewSchedulesForInstructor(instructorUserName, LVData);
         //It actualizes the Week ListView
         MessageBox.Show("Please select first a date and plan a Schedule.");
Beispiel #13
        //********************************************* Methods ************************************************************************

        //It checks if here is any other reserved in the ListView
        private bool checkReservationDuplicity()
            //It obtains the new schedule from the Day ListView
            string[][] LVData    = ControlFunctions.obtainDataFromListView(listViewAppointmentSelection);
            bool       duplicity = false;

            //It checks the data from the matrix coming from the ListView
            for (int i = 1; i < LVData.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < LVData[0].Length; j++)
                    if (LVData[i][j] == slotReserved)
                        duplicity = true;
 private void buttonSaveCar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (comboBoxInstructor.SelectedIndex != -1 && comboBoxCar.SelectedIndex != -1)
         if (checkInstructorScheduled(comboBoxInstructor.Text))
             DBData.updateCarAssignation(comboBoxCar.Text, comboBoxInstructor.Text, firstDayOfWeek, lastDayOfWeek);
             MessageBox.Show($"You have to select a week with scheduled slots for {comboBoxInstructor.Text}.");
         MessageBox.Show("Please select an Instructor and assing a Car with the Comboboxes below.");
        private void dateTimePickerWeek_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            listViewDay.Visible          = true;
            listViewWeek.Visible         = true;
            listViewCarsAssigned.Visible = true;

            comboBoxInstructor.SelectedItem = -1;
            comboBoxInstructor.Text         = "";
            comboBoxCar.SelectedItem        = -1;
            comboBoxCar.Text = "";

            timesOfDate = DBData.getTimesOfDay(dateTimePickerWeek.Value);
            labelDate.Text = dateTimePickerWeek.Value.ToString("d");
        private void createListViewAssignedCarsReport()
            //It creates the columns of the ListView
            ControlFunctions.createListViewColumns(listViewCarsAssigned, "Instructor", instructorsUserNames, "", 80, 68, 0);
            //It creates the items of the ListView
            List <string> carsTitle = new List <string>();

            ControlFunctions.createListViewItems(listViewCarsAssigned, carsTitle);
            //It creates the Subitems of the ListView
            //It creates the array of arrays of hours scheduled per day and instructor and one more for the totals
            string[][] carsAssigned = new string[1][];
            carsAssigned[0] = new string[instructorsUserNames.Count];

            //List<string> carsAssigned = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < instructorsUserNames.Count; i++)
                carsAssigned[0][i] = getCarsAssignedToInstructor(instructorsUserNames[i], firstDayOfWeek, lastDayOfWeek);
            //It copies all the data to the listView creating the Subitems
            ControlFunctions.createListViewSubitems(listViewCarsAssigned, carsAssigned);
Beispiel #17
 //It saves the Appointment
 private void buttonConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //It updates the DB
     if (instructor != "" && appointmentTime != "")
         //It loads the Appointments for the Client
         clientAppointments = getClientAppointments(userName, DateTime.Today);
         //It refreshes the Appointments ListView
         //It refreshes the Appointment Selection ListView
         labelAppointmentSelected.Text = "No appointment selected";
         appointmentTime = "";
         MessageBox.Show("Appointment booked successfully.");
         MessageBox.Show("Please select a slot first.");
Beispiel #18
        //It deletes the existing Schedules for all the Instructors and the Date that don't have an Appointment with a Client
        public static void deleteExistingSchedulesForInstructorsAndDate(string myDate)
            var deleteQuery = $"DELETE FROM Appointments WHERE slotDate='{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(DateTime.Parse(myDate))}' AND usernameClient IS null";

Beispiel #19
 //It updates the Car assignations
 public static void updateCarAssignation(string car, string instructor, DateTime myDate1, DateTime myDate2)
         string updateQuery = $"UPDATE Appointments SET carLicense='{car}' WHERE usernameInstructor='{instructor}' AND slotDate>= '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(myDate1)}' AND slotDate<= '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(myDate2)}'";
         MessageBox.Show("Car Assignations saved successfully.");
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show($"There was a problem when updating the Car assignations: {ex}.");
Beispiel #20
        //********************************************* Methods interacting with the Database *******************************************

        //It inserts the new Schedules for the selected Date and all the Instructors
        private void insertNewSchedulesForInstructor(string instructor, string[][] schedules)
            //It checks the data from the matrix coming from the ListView
            for (int i = 1; i < schedules.Length - 1; i++)  //days
                string myDate = listViewWeek.Columns[i].Text;
                for (int j = 0; j < schedules[0].Length - 1; j++)   //hours
                    //The information to proceed with the INSERT query
                    string myTime = timesOfDate[j];
                    string value  = schedules[i][j];
                    int    slotId = 1;
                    //IT checks that value=1
                    if (value != "0")
                        if (!DBData.checkExistingAppointment(instructor, myDate, myTime))
                            var insertQuery = $"INSERT INTO Appointments (usernameInstructor, idTimeSlot, slotDate, slotTime) VALUES('{instructor}', {slotId}, '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(DateTime.Parse(myDate))}', '{myTime}')";
            MessageBox.Show("Instructors Schedules saved successfully.");
        //********************************************* Methods interacting with the Database *******************************************

        //It gets the car assigned for a Instructor in a week
        private string getCarsAssignedToInstructor(string instructor, DateTime myDate1, DateTime myDate2)
            String carsAssigned = "";

            string carAssignedQuery = $"SELECT DISTINCT carLicense FROM Appointments WHERE usernameInstructor = '{instructor}' AND slotDate >= '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(myDate1)}' AND slotDate <= '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(myDate2)}' AND carLicense IS NOT null";

            if (
                while (
                    //It saves the data into a list
                    carsAssigned =[0].ToString();
Beispiel #22
 //It cancels the Schedule for the Week and retrieves the data from the DB
 private void buttonCancelSchedule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //It actualizes the Week ListView
Beispiel #23
        //It creates the ListView Report for the Week
        private void createlistViewWeekReport(DateTime myDate)
            //It creates a list of the dates of the week
            List <String> weekDatesList = new List <string>(createDaysOfWeekList());

            //It gets the usernames of the Instructors and creates the columns of the ListView
            ControlFunctions.createListViewColumns(listViewWeek, "Time", weekDatesList, "Total", 60, 75, 55);
            //It gets the times of the day and creates the Items of the ListView
            timesOfDate = DBData.getTimesOfDay(dateTimePickerWeek.Value);
            //It adds the total per Instructor
            //It creates the ListView Items
            ControlFunctions.createListViewItems(listViewWeek, timesOfDate);

            //It creates the array of arrays of hours scheduled per Time and Instructor plus one for the Totals
            string[][] hoursScheduledMatrix = new string[timesOfDate.Count][];
            for (int j = 0; j < timesOfDate.Count; j++)
                hoursScheduledMatrix[j] = new string[weekDatesList.Count + 1];
            //It initializes the arrays to zeros
            for (int j = 0; j < weekDatesList.Count; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < timesOfDate.Count; i++)
                    hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j] = "0";
            //It fills in the arrays
            for (int j = 0; j < weekDatesList.Count - 1; j++)
                List <string> timesScheduled = new List <string>();
                //It gets the Schedule for each Instructor for the selected Date
                timesScheduled = DBData.getInstructorScheduleForDate(instructorUserName, DateTime.Parse(weekDatesList[j]));
                for (int i = 0; i < timesOfDate.Count; i++)
                    foreach (string time in timesScheduled)
                        if (timesOfDate[i] == time)
                            hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j] = "1";
                            hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j] = "0";
            //It adds the Totals per Time
            for (int i = 0; i < timesOfDate.Count; i++)
                hoursScheduledMatrix[i][weekDatesList.Count] = "0";
                for (int j = 0; j < weekDatesList.Count; j++)
                    hoursScheduledMatrix[i][weekDatesList.Count] = (int.Parse(hoursScheduledMatrix[i][weekDatesList.Count]) + int.Parse(hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j])).ToString();
            //It adds the Totals per Day
            for (int j = 0; j < weekDatesList.Count; j++)
                hoursScheduledMatrix[timesOfDate.Count - 1][j] = "0";
                for (int i = 0; i < timesOfDate.Count - 1; i++)
                    hoursScheduledMatrix[timesOfDate.Count - 1][j] = (int.Parse(hoursScheduledMatrix[timesOfDate.Count - 1][j]) + int.Parse(hoursScheduledMatrix[i][j])).ToString();
            //It adds the Total per Week
            hoursScheduledMatrix[timesOfDate.Count - 1][weekDatesList.Count] = "0";
            for (int i = 0; i < timesOfDate.Count - 1; i++)
                hoursScheduledMatrix[timesOfDate.Count - 1][weekDatesList.Count] = (int.Parse(hoursScheduledMatrix[timesOfDate.Count - 1][weekDatesList.Count]) + int.Parse(hoursScheduledMatrix[i][weekDatesList.Count])).ToString();

            //It copies all the data to the listView in the Subitems
            ControlFunctions.createListViewSubitems(listViewWeek, hoursScheduledMatrix);
 //It inserts the new Schedules for the selected Date and all the Instructors confirming the Schedules
 private void insertNewSchedules(string myDate, string[][] schedules)
     //It checks the data from the matrix coming from the ListView
     for (int i = 1; i < schedules.Length - 1; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < schedules[0].Length - 1; j++)
             //The information to proceed with the INSERT query
             string instructor         = instructorsUserNames[i - 1];
             string carAssignedForWeek = getCarsAssignedToInstructor(instructor, firstDayOfWeek, lastDayOfWeek);
             //string carLicense = cars[i - 1];
             string myTime = timesOfDate[j];
             string value  = schedules[i][j];
             int    slotId = 1;
             //IT checks that value=1
             if (value != "0")
                 if (!DBData.checkExistingAppointment(instructor, myDate, myTime))
                     var insertQuery = "";
                     if (carAssignedForWeek == "")
                         insertQuery = $"INSERT INTO Appointments (usernameInstructor, idTimeSlot, slotDate, slotTime, confirmed) VALUES('{instructor}', {slotId}, '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(DateTime.Parse(myDate))}', '{myTime}', 1)";
                         insertQuery = $"INSERT INTO Appointments (usernameInstructor, idTimeSlot, slotDate, slotTime, carLicense, confirmed) VALUES('{instructor}', {slotId}, '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(DateTime.Parse(myDate))}', '{myTime}', '{carAssignedForWeek}', 1)";
     MessageBox.Show("Instructors Schedules saved successfully. Now assign a car to the required Instructors.");
        //It gets the available cars for the week
        private List <string> getAvailableCars(DateTime myDate1, DateTime myDate2)
            List <String> availableCarsList = new List <string>();

            //It creates the rows as per slot times
            string availableCarsQuery = $"SELECT license FROM Cars WHERE license NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT carLicense FROM Appointments WHERE slotDate >= '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(myDate1)}' AND slotDate <= '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(myDate2)}' AND carLicense IS NOT null)";

            //It gets data from database
            //It checks that there is something to write
            if (
                while (
                    //It saves the data into a list
Beispiel #26
        //It gets the Appointments of the Client from today
        private List <List <string> > getClientAppointments(string userName, DateTime myDate)
            //It creates a List for the Appointments
            List <List <string> > clientAppointmentsList = new List <List <string> >();
            //It creates three lists for each of the interesting fields to extract from the DB
            List <String> clientAppointmentDatesList       = new List <string>();
            List <String> clientAppointmentTimesList       = new List <string>();
            List <String> clientAppointmentInstructorsList = new List <string>();

            //It obtains the data from the DB
            string clientAppointmentsQuery = $"SELECT slotDate, slotTime, usernameInstructor FROM Appointments WHERE usernameClient='{userName}' AND slotDate >= '{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(myDate)}' ORDER BY slotDate, slotTime";

            //It checks that there is something to write
            if (
                while (
                    //It saves the data into a List
            //It adds the sublists to the Appointments List

Beispiel #27
        //It inserts the Appointment Data in the DB
        private void bookAppointment()
            string updateQuery = $"UPDATE Appointments SET usernameClient='{userName}' WHERE usernameInstructor='{instructor}' AND slotDate='{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(selectedDate)}' AND slotTime='{appointmentTime}'";

Beispiel #28
        //********************************************* Methods interacting with the Database *******************************************

        //It deletes an Appointment
        private void freeClientAppointment(string myDate, string myTime, string myInstructor)
            string deleteQuery = $"UPDATE Appointments SET usernameClient=NULL WHERE usernameInstructor='{myInstructor}' AND slotDate='{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(DateTime.Parse(myDate))}' AND slotTime='{myTime}'";

 private void buttonCancelSchedule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Beispiel #30
        //It deletes the existing Schedules for a Instructor and between the Dates that don't have an Appointment with a Client nor have been confirmed by Admin
        public static void deleteExistingSchedulesForInstructorAndDates(string instructor, string myDate1, string myDate2)
            var deleteQuery = $"DELETE FROM Appointments WHERE usernameInstructor='{instructor}' AND slotDate>='{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(DateTime.Parse(myDate1))}' AND slotDate<='{ControlFunctions.formatToSQLDate(DateTime.Parse(myDate2))}' AND usernameClient IS null AND confirmed is null";
