/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override ActivityExecutionStatus DoExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            List<string> errpara = new List<string>();

            IList<IProduct> prodList = CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.ProdList) as IList<IProduct>;
            IList<DeliveryCarton> bindDNList = (IList<DeliveryCarton>)CurrentSession.GetValue(ExtendSession.SessionKeys.BindDNList);
            Pallet curPallet = (Pallet)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Pallet);

            IProductRepository productRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IProductRepository, IProduct>();
            IDeliveryRepository deliveryRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IDeliveryRepository, Delivery>();
            IPalletRepository palletRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IPalletRepository, Pallet>();
            ICartonRepository cartonRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<ICartonRepository, Carton>();

            Carton carton = (Carton)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Carton);
            Delivery curDelivery =(Delivery) CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Delivery);

            // g.下文描述的是针对不同的情况,如何获取需要提示用户的信息 
            //a)	取Delivery 的PalletQty (IMES_PAK..DeliveryInfo.InfoValue,Condition: InfoType = 'PalletQty')属性值,
            //并取其整数部分保存到@paletqty 变量中;如果该属性不存在,则令@paletqty = 60
            string paletqty = (string)curDelivery.GetExtendedProperty("PalletQty");
            string regId = (string)curDelivery.GetExtendedProperty("RegId");
            if (regId != null && regId.Length == 3)
                    regId = regId.Substring(1, 2); 
                    regId = ""; 
            string shipWay = (string)curDelivery.GetExtendedProperty("ShipWay");
            string carrier = (string)curDelivery.GetExtendedProperty("Carrier");
            string flag = (string)curDelivery.GetExtendedProperty("Flag");

            string model = prodList[0].Model;
            string pdline = prodList[0].ProId.Substring(0, 1);
            string ucc = curPallet.UCC;

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paletqty))
            //    paletqty = "60";
            string palletLayer = (string)curDelivery.GetExtendedProperty("PalletLayer");
            string locWC = "";

            #region CQ 棧板類型
            string emeastr = string.Empty;
            string pclor = string.Empty;
            IList<PalletType> lstPalletType = IMES.Infrastructure.Utility.Common.CommonUti.GetPalletType(curPallet.PalletNo, curDelivery.DeliveryNo);
            if (lstPalletType.Count == 0)
                pclor = "";
                emeastr = "Other";
                pclor = lstPalletType[0].Code.Trim();
                emeastr = lstPalletType[0].Type.Trim();

            int pqty = deliveryRep.GetSumDeliveryQtyOfACertainPallet(curPallet.PalletNo);


            #region for CQ 不使用 PalletyQty欄位來判斷棧板類型,所以disable Code
            ////b)	使用如下方法,取得变量@pqty
            ////SELECT @pqty = sum(DeliveryQty) FROM Delivery_Pallet NOLOCK WHERE PalletNo = @Plt
            //int pqty = deliveryRep.GetSumDeliveryQtyOfACertainPallet(curPallet.PalletNo);

            ////c)	使用如下方法,取得变量@pqty2
            ////SELECT @pqty2=TierQty FROM PalletStandard WHERE FullQty=@paletqty
            //int pqty2 = palletRep.GetTierQtyFromPalletQtyInfo(paletqty);

            ////d)	如果@pqty>=@pqty2,则令@emeastr='海运,满一层请使用大的木头栈板'
            //string emeastr = string.Empty;
            //string pclor = string.Empty;

            //if (pqty > pqty2)
            //    emeastr = "海运,满一层请使用大的木头栈板";
            ////e)	如果(@Region='SNE' or @Region='SCE' ) and @shipway<>'T002'时
            ////i.	如果@pqty>=@pqty2 and @pqty2>0,则令@emeastr='满一层请使用chep栈板';@pclor=' H';
            ////否则令@emeastr=' ';@pclor=''
            //if ((regId == "NE" || regId == "CE") && (shipWay != "T002"))
            //    if (pqty > pqty2 && pqty2 > 0)
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "满一层请使用chep栈板";
            //        pclor = " H";
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "";
            //        pclor = "";
            //    }
            //else if ((regId == "NL") && (shipWay != "T002"))
            //{   //f)	不满足上一步的条件时,如果@Region='SNL' and @shipway<>'T002' 时
            //    //i.	如果@pqty>=@pqty2 and @pqty2>0,则令@emeastr='请使用绿色塑料栈板';@pclor=' P';
            //    //否则令@emeastr=' ';@pclor=''
            //    if (pqty > pqty2 && pqty2 > 0)
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "请使用蓝色塑料栈板";
            //        pclor = " A";
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "";
            //        pclor = "";
            //    }

            //else if ((regId == "NU" || regId == "CU") && (shipWay != "T002"))
            //{    //g)	不满足前面的条件时,如果(@Region='SNU' or @Region='SCU' ) and @shipway<>'T002' 时
            //    //i.	如果@pqty>=@pqty2 and @pqty2>0,则令@emeastr='请使用蓝色塑料栈板';@pclor=' A';
            //    //否则令@emeastr=' ';@pclor=''
            //    if (pqty > pqty2 && pqty2 > 0)
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "请使用蓝色塑料栈板";
            //        pclor = " A";
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "";
            //        pclor = "";
            //    }
            //else if ((regId == "NE" || regId == "CE") && (shipWay == "T002"))
            //    //h)	不满足前面的条件时,如果(@Region='SNE' or @Region='SCE' ) and @shipway='T002' 时,
            //    //      则令@emeastr='EMEA海运,请使用E1栈板';@pclor=' K'
            //    emeastr = "EMEA海运,请使用E1栈板";
            //    pclor = " K";
            //else if ((regId == "AF") && (shipWay == "T001"))
            //    //i)	不满足前面的条件时,如果@shipway='T001' and @Region='SAF' 时,
            //    //i.	如果@pqty>=@pqty2 and @pqty2>0,则令@emeastr='請使用綠色塑料棧板';@pclor=' P';
            //    //否则令@emeastr=' ';@pclor=''
            //    if (pqty > pqty2 && pqty2 > 0)
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "请使用绿色塑料栈板";
            //        pclor = " P";
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "";
            //        pclor = "";
            //    }

            ////else if ((   regId == "CN") && (shipWay == "T001"))
            //else if ((ActivityCommonImpl.Instance.CheckDomesticDN(regId)) && (shipWay == "T001"))
            //    // j)	不满足前面的条件时,如果@shipway='T001' and @Region='SCN' 时,
            //    //i.	如果@pqty>=@pqty2 and @pqty2>0,则令@emeastr='满一层请使用大的木头栈板';@pclor=' ';
            //    //否则令@emeastr=' ';@pclor=''
            //    if (pqty > pqty2 && pqty2 > 0)
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "满一层请使用大的木头栈板";
            //        pclor = " ";
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        emeastr = "";
            //        pclor = "";
            //    }

            //    emeastr = "";
            //    pclor = "";

            //Model 的第10,11码是”29” 或者”39” 的产品是出货日本的产品;否则,是非出货日本的产品
            //PAK_LocMas.WC = ‘JP’ 的为日本专用库位
            //出货日本的Pallet优先分配出货日本专用库位,当出货日本专用库位用完时,出货日本的Pallet 方可使用普通库位
            if (pqty <= 6)
            { locWC = "Virtual"; }
            string jpmodel = model.Substring(9, 2);
            //bool jpflag = false;
            if (jpmodel == "29" || jpmodel == "39")
                locWC = "JP";
                //jpflag = true;

            //a)	当LEFT(@plt,2)<>'NA' and LEFT(@plt,2)<>'BA' 时,按照如下方法分配库位
            string floor = (string)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Floor);
            string loc = "";
            //Boolean addflag = true;
            if (curPallet.PalletNo.Substring(0, 2) != "NA" && curPallet.PalletNo.Substring(0, 2) != "BA")
                int palletQty = deliveryRep.GetSumDeliveryQtyOfACertainPallet(curPallet.PalletNo);
                //Vincent add Check NBO包裝方式               
                int palletLayerQty = 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(palletLayer) &&
                     int.TryParse(palletLayer, out palletLayerQty) &&
                    palletLayerQty > this.OverPalletLayer)
                    locWC = "NBO";
                //i.	取与@plt 结合的Product 数量,如果数量为1,则按照如下方法分配库位
                IList<ProductModel> modelList = productRep.GetProductListByPalletNo(curPallet.PalletNo);
                IList<PakLocMasInfo> macList;
                 // For Mantis 0000874: 6台及6台以下的栈板库位分配
               // For Mantis 0000874: 6台及6台以下的栈板库位分配

                //string pdline;
                //ProductModel newModel = new ProductModel();
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curPallet.PalletNo))
                //    foreach (ProductModel pmodel in modelList)
                //    {
                //        if (pmodel.ProductID == curProduct.ProId)
                //        {
                //            addflag = false;
                //            break;
                //        }
                //    }
                //    if (addflag)
                //    {
                //        newModel.ProductID = curProduct.ProId;
                //        newModel.Model = curProduct.Model;
                //        newModel.CustSN = curProduct.CUSTSN;
                //        modelList.Add(newModel);
                //    }

                if (modelList.Count == 0)
                    // 1.	当使用Pno=@plt and Tp='PakLoc' and FL=@floor (@floor 来自页面用户的选择)查询PAK_LocMas表存在记录时,
                    //则取该记录的SnoId 字段值保存到变量@loc 中,并更新PAK_LocMas表中满足Pno=@plt and Tp='PakLoc' 条件的
                    //记录的PdLine 字段值为Product Id 的第一位字符,Udt 为当前时间
                    //bool chkmas = palletRep.CheckExistPakLocMas(curPallet.PalletNo, "PakLoc", floor);

                    PakLocMasInfo normalconf = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    normalconf.pno = curPallet.PalletNo;
                    normalconf.tp = "PakLoc";
                    normalconf.fl = floor;
                    normalconf.wc = locWC;
                    macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf);
                    if (macList.Count == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(locWC))
                        normalconf.wc = "";
                        macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf);

                    if (macList.Count > 0)
                        loc = macList[0].snoId;
                        normalconf.pno = "";
                        normalconf.tp = "PakLoc";
                        normalconf.fl = floor;
                        normalconf.wc = locWC;

                        macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf);
                        if (macList.Count == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(locWC))
                            normalconf.wc = "";
                            macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf);

                        if (macList.Count > 0)//(palletRep.CheckExistPakLocMas("", "PakLoc", floor))
                            loc = macList[macList.Count - 1].snoId;                           
                                                                                     macList[macList.Count - 1].id,
                            //3.当不满足前面条件时,令@loc = 'Others'
                            loc = "Others";


                    #region  disable Code Vincent 不使用負面表列方式找庫位
                    //PakLocMasInfo neqconf = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    //neqconf.wc = "JP";
                    //if (jpflag)
                    //    PakLocMasInfo conf = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    //    conf.pno = curPallet.PalletNo;
                    //    conf.tp = "PakLoc";
                    //    conf.fl = floor;
                    //    conf.wc = "JP";
                    //    macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(conf);
                    //    if (macList.Count == 0)
                    //    {
                    //        macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf, neqconf);//(curPallet.PalletNo, "PakLoc", floor);
                    //    }
                    //    macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf, neqconf);//(curPallet.PalletNo, "PakLoc", floor);
                    //if (macList.Count > 0)
                    //    loc = macList[0].snoId;
                    //    //pdline = curProduct.ProId.Substring(0, 1);
                    //    palletRep.UpdatePakLocMasForPdLineDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, pdline, curPallet.PalletNo, "PakLoc");
                    //    //2.当使用Pno=@plt and Tp='PakLoc' and FL=@floor (@floor 来自页面用户的选择)查询PAK_LocMas表不存在记录时,
                    //    //如果使用Pno='' and Tp='PakLoc' and FL=@floor (@floor 来自页面用户的选择)查询PAK_LocMas表存在记录时,
                    //    //按照SnoId 字段转为整型排序,取第一条记录的SnoId 字段值保存到变量@loc 中,
                    //    //并更新PAK_LocMas 表中满足SnoId=@loc and Tp='PakLoc' and Pno='' 条件的记录的Pno 字段值为@plt,
                    //    //PdLine 字段值为Product Id 的第一位字符,Udt 为当前时间
                    //    //分配库位时优先选择空的,再选择库位号小的

                    //    normalconf.pno = "";

                    //    if (jpflag)
                    //    {
                    //        PakLocMasInfo conf = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    //        conf.pno = "";
                    //        conf.tp = "PakLoc";
                    //        conf.fl = floor;
                    //        conf.wc = "JP";
                    //        macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(conf);
                    //        if (macList.Count == 0)
                    //        {
                    //            macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf, neqconf);//("", "PakLoc", floor);
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf, neqconf);//("", "PakLoc", floor);
                    //    }
                    //    if (macList.Count > 0)//(palletRep.CheckExistPakLocMas("", "PakLoc", floor))
                    //    {
                    //        loc = macList[macList.Count - 1].snoId;
                    //        //pdline = curProduct.ProId.Substring(0, 1);
                    //        palletRep.UpdatePakLocMasForPdLineAndPnoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, pdline, curPallet.PalletNo, "", "PakLoc", loc);
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        //3.当不满足前面条件时,令@loc = 'Others'
                    //        loc = "Others";
                    //    }
                else //ii.	如果数量不为1,则按照如下方法分配库位
                    //1.查询PAK_LocMas 表,取满足条件Tp='PakLoc' and Pno=@plt 记录的SnoId 字段值保存到变量@loc 中,
                    //如果ISNULL(@loc, '') = '',则令@loc = 'Others'
                    PakLocMasInfo normalconf = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    normalconf.pno = curPallet.PalletNo;
                    normalconf.tp = "PakLoc";
                    normalconf.wc = locWC;
                    macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf);
                    if (macList.Count == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(locWC))
                        normalconf.wc = "";
                        macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf);

                    if (macList.Count == 0)
                        loc = "";
                        loc = macList[0].snoId;
                    if (loc == "")
                        loc = "Others";

                    #region  disable Code Vincent 不使用負面表列方式找庫位
                    //PakLocMasInfo neqconf = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    //neqconf.wc = "JP";

                    //if (jpflag)
                    //    PakLocMasInfo conf = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    //    conf.pno = curPallet.PalletNo;
                    //    conf.tp = "PakLoc";
                    //    conf.wc = "JP";
                    //    macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(conf);
                    //    if (macList.Count == 0)
                    //    {
                    //        macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf, neqconf);//(curPallet.PalletNo, "PakLoc");
                    //    }
                    //    macList = palletRep.GetPakLocMasList(normalconf, neqconf);//(curPallet.PalletNo, "PakLoc");
                    //if (macList.Count == 0)
                    //    loc = "";
                    //    loc = macList[0].snoId;
                    //if (loc == "")
                    //    loc = "Others";

            else if (curPallet.PalletNo.Substring(0, 2) == "NA")
            {   //b)	当LEFT(@plt,2)='NA'时,令@loc = 'OT'
                loc = "OT";
            else if (curPallet.PalletNo.Substring(0, 2) == "BA")
            {   //c)当LEFT(@plt,2)='BA'时,令@loc=RTRIM(@carrier)
                loc = carrier.TrimEnd();

            //i.如果LEFT(@plt,2)<>'NA' and LEFT(@plt,2)<>'BA'
            if (curPallet.PalletNo.Substring(0, 2) != "NA" && curPallet.PalletNo.Substring(0, 2) != "BA")
                //a)如果@pqty <= 6,则令@loc='',并更新PAK_LocMas 表中满足条件Pno=@plt and Tp='PakLoc' 记录的Pno 字段值为''
                if (pqty <= 6)
                    loc = "";
                    palletRep.UpdatePakLocMasForPnoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, "", curPallet.PalletNo, "PakLoc");

            //j.	如果@emeastr<>'',则令@loc=RTRIM(@loc)+RTRIM(@pclor)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emeastr))
                loc = loc.TrimEnd() + pclor.TrimEnd();

            //k.	准备HP EDI 数据,调用存储过程op_PackingData 实现
            //snoid char(9), --Product Id
            //@model char(12), --Product Model
            //@dn char(16), --Delivery
            //@plt char(12), --Pallet
            //@loc varchar(10),--Location
            //@pltqty int --Select Sum(DeliveryQty) from Delivery_Pallet where PalletNo = @plt
            //.CallOp_PackingData(string snoid, string model, string dn, string plt, string loc, int pltqty);
            //palletRep.CallOp_PackingData(curProduct.ProId, curProduct.Model, curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, loc, pqty);

            foreach (Product item in prodList)
                palletRep.CallOp_PackingDataDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, item.ProId, item.Model, item.DeliveryNo,
                                            item.PalletNo, loc, pqty, carton.BoxId, ucc);
            //如果Product 结合的Delivery 的Flag IMES_PAK..DeliveryInfo.InfoValue,Condition: InfoType = 'Flag' 属性为'N',
            //RegId IMES_PAK..DeliveryInfo.InfoValue,Condition: InfoType = 'RegId'属性不等于'SCN' 时,需要生成Box Ship Label Pdf Document
            //if ((flag == "N") && (regId != "SCN"))
            //UC Update 2012/03/28 不再限制RegId <> ‘SCN’ 才需要产生PDF
            if (flag == "N")
              CurrentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.DeliveryNo, curDelivery.DeliveryNo);
                /*   //Save PDF File Name
              string PdfFileName=curDelivery.DeliveryNo+ "-"+carton.CartonSN+"-[BoxShipLabel].pdf";
              carton.SetExtendedProperty("PdfFileName", PdfFileName,this.Editor);
             // var pdffilename = dn + "-" + key + "-[BoxShipLabel].pdf" */
               CurrentSession.AddValue("CreatePDF", "pdf");
                CurrentSession.AddValue("CreatePDF", "");

            //Change Delivery Status -> 88
            IList<Delivery> dnList = (IList<Delivery>)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.DeliveryList);
            if (dnList == null || dnList.Count == 0)
                dnList = new List<Delivery>();
                foreach (DeliveryCarton item in bindDNList)
                    if (curDelivery.DeliveryNo == item.DeliveryNo)
            foreach (Delivery item in dnList)
                int dvQty = productRep.GetCombinedPalletQtyByDN(item.DeliveryNo);
                var dn = (from p in bindDNList
                          where p.DeliveryNo == item.DeliveryNo
                          select p).ToList();
                if (dn.Count>0)
                        dvQty= dvQty+ dn[0].AssignQty;

                 int dnQty = item.Qty;
                string dnStatus = item.Status;                

                if (dvQty == dnQty && dnStatus != "88")
                    item.Status = "88";
                    item.Editor = CurrentSession.Editor;
                    item.Udt = DateTime.Now;
                    DeliveryLog log = new DeliveryLog(0, item.DeliveryNo, "88", CurrentSession.Station, CurrentSession.Line, CurrentSession.Editor, DateTime.Now);
                    deliveryRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);

            CurrentSession.AddValue(ExtendSession.SessionKeys.PalletLoc, loc);
            CurrentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.IsBT, 0);

            return base.DoExecute(executionContext);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override ActivityExecutionStatus DoExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            List<string> errpara = new List<string>();

            IList<IProduct> prodList = CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.ProdList) as IList<IProduct>;
            IList<DeliveryCarton> bindDNList = (IList<DeliveryCarton>)CurrentSession.GetValue(ExtendSession.SessionKeys.BindDNList);
            Pallet curPallet = (Pallet)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Pallet);          

            IProductRepository productRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IProductRepository, IProduct>();
            IDeliveryRepository deliveryRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IDeliveryRepository, Delivery>();
            IPalletRepository palletRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IPalletRepository, Pallet>();
            ICartonRepository cartonRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<ICartonRepository, Carton>();

            Carton carton = (Carton)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Carton);
            Delivery curDelivery = deliveryRep.Find(bindDNList[0].DeliveryNo);

            CurrentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.Delivery, curDelivery);

            //a.	取Delivery 的下列属性并保存到对应的变量中:
            string BoxId = "";            
            string flag = (string)curDelivery.GetExtendedProperty("Flag");
            //b.	取Pallet 的UCC 属性(IMES_PAK..Pallet.UCC),并保存到变量@ucc 中
            //IF EXISTS (SELECT *FROM ShipBoxDet NOLOCK WHERE DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT<>@plt and SnoId=@id)
            //UPDATE ShipBoxDet SET SnoId='' ,Udt=GETDATE() WHERE DeliveryNo=@dn and SnoId=@id
            string ucc = curPallet.UCC;

            //c.如果Product 曾经结合过其它栈板,需要先解除与其他栈板的结合
            foreach (DeliveryCarton item in bindDNList)
                Boolean bindflag = deliveryRep.CheckExistShipBoxDetExceptPlt(item.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, carton.CartonSN);
                if (bindflag)
                    deliveryRep.UpdateShipBoxDetForClearSnoidDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, carton.CartonSN, item.DeliveryNo);

            IList<ShipBoxDetInfo> shipList;
            IList<string> boxIdList;
            ShipBoxDetInfo shipInfo;

            //d.当@Flag='N' or @ucc<>'' 时(所谓自动单情况),按照如下方法分配Box Id
            if ((flag == "N") || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ucc))
                //a)使用DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and SnoId=@id 查询ShipBoxDet 表存在记录时,
                shipList = deliveryRep.GetShipBoxDetList(curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo,carton.CartonSN);

                if (shipList.Count != 0)
                    //取查询到的记录的BoxId 字段值保存到变量@BoxId 中,并更新该记录的Udt 字段值为当前时间

                    shipInfo = shipList[0];
                    BoxId = shipInfo.boxId;

                    ShipBoxDetInfo setvalue = new ShipBoxDetInfo();
                    ShipBoxDetInfo conf = new ShipBoxDetInfo();
                    conf.deliveryNo = curDelivery.DeliveryNo;
                    conf.plt = curPallet.PalletNo;
                    conf.snoId = carton.CartonSN;

                    setvalue.udt = DateTime.Now;
                    deliveryRep.UpdateShipBoxDetInfoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, setvalue, conf);

                    //如果尚未结合过,则结合@BoxId,记录到IMES_FA..ProductInfo (InfoValue = @BoxId, 
                    //InfoType 当@ucc<>''and LEN(@BoxId)=20 时,记录为'UCC',否则记录为'BoxId')
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ucc) && (BoxId.Length == 20))
                        foreach (Product item in prodList)
                            item.SetExtendedProperty("UCC", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                            productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                        foreach (Product item in prodList)
                            item.SetExtendedProperty("BoxId", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                            productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);

                    ////ii.	更新Product结合的Pallet (IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo) 为@plt
                    //productRep.BindPalletDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, curProduct.PalletNo, ProductIDList);
                    carton.BoxId = BoxId;
                    //b)使用DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and SnoId=@id 查询ShipBoxDet 表不存在记录时,
                    //使用DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and SnoId='' 查询ShipBoxDet 表,
                    //取查询到的记录的BoxId 字段值保存到变量@BoxId 中
                    boxIdList = deliveryRep.GetAndUpdateShipBoxDet(curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, carton.CartonSN);
                    if (boxIdList.Count == 0)
                        errpara.Add(this.Key);//无可用Box Id,请联系FIS!
                        throw new FisException("PAK102", errpara);

                    BoxId = boxIdList[0];

                    //i.	如果ISNULL(@BoxId, '') = '',则报告错误:“无可用Box Id,请联系FIS!”
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BoxId))
                        errpara.Add(this.Key);//无可用Box Id,请联系FIS!
                        throw new FisException("PAK102", errpara);

                        //ii.	如果ISNULL(@BoxId, '') <> '', 
                        //A.	Update ShipBoxDet 记录结合Product 信息
                        //Condition: DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and BoxId=@BoxId SET:SnoId=@id,Udt=GETDATE()

                        //deliveryRep.UpdateShipBoxDetForSetSnoIdDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork,curProduct.ProId,curDelivery.DeliveryNo,curPallet.PalletNo, BoxId);

                        //B.	如果Product 已经结合过Box Id / UCC (两者只会结合一个,Box Id / UCC 存放在IMES_FA..ProductInfo.Value,
                        //Condition: InfoType = 'BoxId' 或者 'UCC'),则需要更新该记录的InfoValue = @BoxId, Editor, Udt = Getdate();
                        deliveryRep.UpdateAssignBoxIdEditorDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, carton.CartonSN);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ucc) && (BoxId.Length == 20))
                            foreach (Product item in prodList)
                                item.SetExtendedProperty("UCC", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                                productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                            foreach (Product item in prodList)
                                item.SetExtendedProperty("BoxId", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                                productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);

                        //C.	更新Product结合的Pallet (IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo) 为@plt
                        //productRep.BindPalletDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, curProduct.PalletNo, ProductIDList);
                        carton.BoxId = BoxId;
            else  //e	当@Flag<>'N' and @ucc='' 时(所谓手动单情况),按照如下方法分配Box Id
                //a)	使用DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and SnoId=@id 查询ShipBoxDet 表存在记录时,取查询到的记录的BoxId 字段值保存到变量@BoxId 中,
                //并更新该记录的Udt 字段值为当前时间
                //i.	如果Product 已经结合过Box Id / UCC (两者只会结合一个,Box Id / UCC 存放在IMES_FA..ProductInfo.Value,Condition: InfoType = 'BoxId' 或者 'UCC'),
                //则需要更新该记录的InfoValue = @BoxId, Editor, Udt = Getdate();如果尚未结合过,则结合@BoxId,记录到IMES_FA..ProductInfo (InfoValue = @BoxId,InfoType 当@ucc<>'' and LEN(@BoxId)=20 时,记录为'UCC',否则记录为'BoxId')
                //ii.	更新Product结合的Pallet (IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo) 为@plt
                shipList = deliveryRep.GetShipBoxDetList(curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, carton.CartonSN);
                if (shipList.Count > 0)
                    shipInfo = shipList[0];
                    BoxId = shipInfo.boxId;

                    ShipBoxDetInfo setvalue = new ShipBoxDetInfo();
                    ShipBoxDetInfo conf = new ShipBoxDetInfo();
                    conf.deliveryNo = curDelivery.DeliveryNo;
                    conf.plt = curPallet.PalletNo;
                    conf.snoId = carton.CartonSN;

                    setvalue.udt = DateTime.Now;
                    deliveryRep.UpdateShipBoxDetInfoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, setvalue, conf);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ucc) && (BoxId.Length == 20))
                        foreach (Product item in prodList)
                            item.SetExtendedProperty("UCC", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                            productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                        foreach (Product item in prodList)
                            item.SetExtendedProperty("BoxId", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                            productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                    carton.BoxId = BoxId;
                {   //Mantis #0000954   
                    // a)	如果使用DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and SnoId='' 查询ShipBoxDet 表存在记录时,按照下列方法,分配Box Id
                    //i.	使用DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and SnoId='' 查询ShipBoxDet 表,取记录的BoxId 字段值保存到@BoxId 变量中
                    //ii.	Update ShipBoxDet 记录结合Product 信息 Condition: DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and BoxId=@BoxId SET:SnoId=@id,Udt=GETDATE()
                    //iii.	如果Product 已经结合过Box Id / UCC (两者只会结合一个,Box Id / UCC 存放在IMES_FA..ProductInfo.Value,Condition: InfoType = 'BoxId' 或者 'UCC'),
                    //      则需要更新该记录的InfoValue = @BoxId, Editor, Udt = Getdate();如果尚未结合过,则结合@BoxId,记录到IMES_FA..ProductInfo 
                    //      (InfoValue = @BoxId,InfoType 当@ucc<>'' and LEN(@BoxId)=20 时,记录为'UCC',否则记录为'BoxId')
                    //iv.	更新Product结合的Pallet (IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo) 为@plt
                    //shipList = deliveryRep.GetShipBoxDetList(curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, "");
                    boxIdList = deliveryRep.GetAndUpdateShipBoxDet(curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, carton.CartonSN);
                    //if (shipList.Count != 0)
                    if (boxIdList.Count != 0)
                        //shipInfo = shipList[0];
                        //BoxId = shipInfo.boxId;
                        //deliveryRep.UpdateShipBoxDetForSetSnoIdDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, curProduct.ProId, curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, BoxId);
                        deliveryRep.UpdateAssignBoxIdEditorDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, carton.CartonSN);
                        BoxId = boxIdList[0];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ucc) && (BoxId.Length == 20))
                            foreach (Product item in prodList)
                                item.SetExtendedProperty("UCC", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                                productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                            foreach (Product item in prodList)
                                item.SetExtendedProperty("BoxId", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                                productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                        carton.BoxId = BoxId;
                        //b)	如果使用DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and SnoId='' 查询ShipBoxDet 表不存在记录时,按照下列方法,分配Box Id
                        //i.	使用DeliveryNo=@dn and SnoId='' 查询ShipBoxDet 表,按照PLT, BoxId 升序排序,取TOP 1 记录的PLT / BoxId 字段值保存到@plt / @BoxId 变量中
                        //ii.	如果ISNULL(@BoxId, '') = '',则报告错误:“无可用Box Id,请联系FIS!”
                        //iii.	Update ShipBoxDet 记录结合Product 信息   Condition: DeliveryNo=@dn and PLT=@plt and BoxId=@BoxId SET:SnoId=@id,Udt=GETDATE()
                        //iv.   如果Product 已经结合过Box Id / UCC (两者只会结合一个,Box Id / UCC 存放在IMES_FA..ProductInfo.Value,Condition: InfoType = 'BoxId' 或者 'UCC'),
                        //      则需要更新该记录的InfoValue = @BoxId, Editor, Udt = Getdate();如果尚未结合过,则结合@BoxId,记录到IMES_FA..ProductInfo 
                        //      (InfoValue = @BoxId,InfoType 当@ucc<>'' and LEN(@BoxId)=20 时,记录为'UCC',否则记录为'BoxId')
                        //v.	更新Product结合的Pallet (IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo) 为@plt
                        //shipList = deliveryRep.GetShipBoxDetList(curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, "");//??
                        boxIdList = deliveryRep.GetAndUpdateShipBoxDet(curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, carton.CartonSN);
                        //if (shipList.Count == 0)
                        if (boxIdList.Count == 0)
                            errpara.Add(this.Key);//无可用Box Id,请联系FIS!
                            throw new FisException("PAK102", errpara);

                        //shipInfo = shipList[0];
                        //BoxId = shipInfo.boxId;
                        BoxId = boxIdList[0];
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BoxId))
                            errpara.Add(this.Key);//无可用Box Id,请联系FIS!
                            throw new FisException("PAK102", errpara);
                            //deliveryRep.UpdateShipBoxDetForSetSnoIdDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, curProduct.ProId, curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, BoxId);
                            // ProductIDList.Add(curProduct.ProId);
                            //productRep.BindPalletDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, curProduct.PalletNo, ProductIDList);
                            deliveryRep.UpdateAssignBoxIdEditorDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, curDelivery.DeliveryNo, curPallet.PalletNo, carton.CartonSN);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ucc) && (BoxId.Length == 20))
                                foreach (Product item in prodList)
                                    item.SetExtendedProperty("UCC", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                                    productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                                foreach (Product item in prodList)
                                    item.SetExtendedProperty("BoxId", BoxId, CurrentSession.Editor);
                                    productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                            carton.BoxId = BoxId;

            //f.	当与分配的Delivery (@dn)结合的所有Product (IMES_FA..Product.DeliveryNo)数量与Delivery 定义数量(IMES_PAK..Delivery.Qty)相等,
            //并都已经结合了Pallet(IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo)时,更新Delivery 的状态为'88'

            //int combinePLTQty = (CurrentSession.GetValue("HasAssignPLTQrty") == null ? 0 : (int)CurrentSession.GetValue("HasAssignPLTQrty"));
            foreach (IProduct item in prodList)
                item.PalletNo = curPallet.PalletNo;
                productRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);                

            IList<Delivery> dnList = new List<Delivery>();
            foreach (DeliveryCarton item in bindDNList)
                //int dvQty = productRep.GetCombinedPalletQtyByDN(item.DeliveryNo) + item.AssignQty;
                int dvQty = productRep.GetCombinedQtyByDN(item.DeliveryNo) + item.AssignQty;
                int dnQty = 0;
                string dnStatus = "";
                Delivery dn;
                if (curDelivery.DeliveryNo == item.DeliveryNo)
                    dn = curDelivery;
                    dnQty = curDelivery.Qty;
                    dnStatus = curDelivery.Status;
                    dn = deliveryRep.Find(item.DeliveryNo);
                    dnQty = dn.Qty;
                    dnStatus = dn.Status;

                if (dvQty == dnQty && dnStatus!="87")
                    dn.Status = "87";
                    dn.Editor = CurrentSession.Editor;
                    dn.Udt = DateTime.Now;
                    DeliveryLog log = new DeliveryLog(0, item.DeliveryNo, "87", CurrentSession.Station, CurrentSession.Line, CurrentSession.Editor, DateTime.Now);
                    deliveryRep.Update(dn, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
            foreach (DeliveryCarton item in bindDNList)
                //item.Status = DeliveryCartonState.Assign;

            carton.Status = carton.FullQty > carton.Qty ? CartonStatusEnum.Partial : CartonStatusEnum.Full;
            cartonRep.Update(carton, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);

            CurrentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.DeliveryList, dnList);

            return base.DoExecute(executionContext);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据DeliveryNo记录DeliveryLog
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override ActivityExecutionStatus DoExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext){
            Delivery thisDelivery = (Delivery)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Delivery);
            string deliveryNo = thisDelivery.DeliveryNo;
            IDeliveryRepository currentRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IDeliveryRepository, Delivery>();

            DeliveryLog thisLog = new DeliveryLog(0, deliveryNo, thisDelivery.Status, Station, Line, Editor, DateTime.Now);

            currentRepository.Update(thisDelivery, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
            return base.DoExecute(executionContext);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override ActivityExecutionStatus DoExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            Product currentProduct = (Product)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Product);
            ICartonRepository cartonRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<ICartonRepository, Carton>();
            IProductRepository prodRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IProductRepository, IProduct>();
            IPalletRepository palletRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IPalletRepository>();
             IDeliveryRepository dnRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IDeliveryRepository, Delivery>();

            Carton carton = (Carton)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Carton);
            string dnNo = (string)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.DeliveryNo);
            IList<IProduct> prodList = (IList<IProduct>)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.ProdList);
            IList<Delivery> dnList = (IList<Delivery>)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.DeliveryList);
            IList<CartonProductInfo> cartonProdInfoList = (IList<CartonProductInfo>)CurrentSession.GetValue(ExtendSession.SessionKeys.CartonProductInfoList);

            if (UnPackCategory == UnPackEnum.Pallet && UnPackBy == UnPackByEnum.Delivery)
                throw new Exception("Not Support UnPackPalletByDN function!!"); 

            IList<string> nameList = InfoTypeList.Split(new char[] { ',', ';' }).ToList();
            var typeList = (from p in nameList
                            where string.IsNullOrEmpty(p) == false
                            select p).ToList();

            var cartonSNList = (from p in prodList
                                select p.CartonSN).Distinct().ToList();

            #region unpack by Delivery
            if (UnPackBy == UnPackByEnum.Delivery)
                //1.Upack Product
                prodRep.UnPackProductByDeliveryNoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, dnNo);
                //2.Unpack ProductInfo
                  foreach (string InfoType in typeList)
                    //Clear productInfo
                    prodRep.UnPackProductInfoByDeliveryNoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, InfoType, dnNo);
                //3. unpack EDi Packing Data                
                 palletRep.UnPackPackingDataByDeliveryNoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, dnNo);
                //4.unpack EDI ODMSessionData
                 palletRep.UnPackPakOdmSessionByDeliveryNoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, dnNo);
                 dnRep.UpdateSnoidForShipBoxDetDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, "", dnNo);
                 //6.Update DeliveryStatus below doing this action             

                 //7.update carton status to UnPack by DN 
                 cartonRep.unBindCartonByDnDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, dnNo,CurrentSession.Editor);

            #region unpack by Carton
            IList<string> custSNList = new List<string>();

            //1.Update Product
            foreach (Product item in prodList)
                if (UnPackCategory == UnPackEnum.Delivery)
                    //1.Clear Product 
                    item.DeliveryNo = "";
                    item.PalletNo = "";
                    item.CartonSN = "";
                    item.CartonWeight = 0;
                    item.UnitWeight = 0;
                    if (typeList.Count > 0)
                        //2.Clear productInfo
                        prodRep.RemoveProductInfosByTypeDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, item.ProId, typeList);
                    item.PalletNo = "";
               prodRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);

            if (UnPackCategory == UnPackEnum.Delivery)
                #region unpack DN
                //3.Clear EDI PackingDtaa
                if (cartonProdInfoList != null && cartonProdInfoList.Count > 0)
                    var boxIdList = (from p in cartonProdInfoList
                                     select p.BoxId).Distinct().ToList();
                    foreach (string boxId in boxIdList)
                        cartonRep.RemoveEdiPackingDataDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, boxId);               
                else if (UnPackBy== UnPackByEnum.Carton)
                    cartonRep.RemoveEdiPackingDataDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, carton.BoxId);

                if (custSNList.Count > 0)
                    //4.Clear EDI ODMSession 
                    cartonRep.RemoveEdiODMSessionDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, custSNList);

                foreach (string sn in cartonSNList)
                    if (UnPackBy == UnPackByEnum.Carton)
                        //7.update carton status to UnPack
                        cartonRep.unBindCartonDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, sn, CurrentSession.Editor);
                //6.Update DeliveryStatus
                foreach (Delivery item in dnList)
                    if (item.Status != "00")
                        item.Status = "00";
                        DeliveryLog log = new DeliveryLog(0, item.DeliveryNo, "00", CurrentSession.Station, CurrentSession.Line, CurrentSession.Editor, DateTime.Now);
                        dnRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);
                #region unpack pallet
                //Update DeliveryStatus
                foreach (Delivery item in dnList)
                    if (item.Status != "00")
                        int qty=prodRep.GetCombinedQtyByDN(item.DeliveryNo);
                        if (item.Qty > qty)
                            item.Status = "00";
                            DeliveryLog log = new DeliveryLog(0, item.DeliveryNo, "00", CurrentSession.Station, CurrentSession.Line, CurrentSession.Editor, DateTime.Now);
                            dnRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);

                        else if(item.Status != "87")
                            item.Status = "87";
                            DeliveryLog log = new DeliveryLog(0, item.DeliveryNo, "87", CurrentSession.Station, CurrentSession.Line, CurrentSession.Editor, DateTime.Now);
                            dnRep.Update(item, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);

                //Update Carton.UnpackPalletNo & clear Carton.PalletNo
                carton.UnPackPalletNo = carton.PalletNo;
                carton.PalletNo = "";
                cartonRep.Update(carton, CurrentSession.UnitOfWork);

            // update pallet location
            if (UnPackBy == UnPackByEnum.Delivery)
                IList<string> pnList = dnRep.GetPalletNoListByDeliveryNo(dnNo);
                bool isMultiDn = false;
                if (cartonProdInfoList != null && cartonProdInfoList.Count > 0)
                    isMultiDn = true;

                // need check logical 
                foreach (string pn in pnList)
                    //mantis1666: Unpack DN by DN,清除棧板庫位時若unpack 的 DN為棧板唯一的DN才能清庫位
                    //在Pallet 結合DN最後一筆時,才能清空Pallet Location 
                    IList<string> combineDnList = prodRep.GetDeliveryNoListByPalletNo(pn);
                    int palletQty=2;
                    if (isMultiDn)
                        palletQty = palletQty +(from p in cartonProdInfoList
                                                            where p.PalletNo == pn
                                                            select new { p.PalletNo, p.DeliveryNo }).Distinct().ToList().Count;
                    if (combineDnList.Count < palletQty)
                        PakLocMasInfo setVal = new PakLocMasInfo();
                        PakLocMasInfo cond = new PakLocMasInfo();
                        setVal.editor = Editor;
                        setVal.pno = "";
                        cond.pno = pn;
                        cond.tp = "PakLoc";
                        palletRep.UpdatePakLocMasInfoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, setVal, cond);
                IList<string> cartonSNList1 = cartonRep.GetCartonSNListByPalletNo(carton.PalletNo, false);
                if (cartonSNList1.Count < 2)
                    PakLocMasInfo setVal = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    PakLocMasInfo cond = new PakLocMasInfo();
                    setVal.editor = Editor;
                    setVal.pno = "";
                    cond.pno = carton.PalletNo;
                    cond.tp = "PakLoc";
                    palletRep.UpdatePakLocMasInfoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, setVal, cond);


             return base.DoExecute(executionContext);
