Beispiel #1
        public void Zero()
            SIMDProcessor.Zero16(p, size);
            Array.Clear(p, 0, size);
Beispiel #2
        public void Zero(int length)
            SIMDProcessor.Zero16(p, length);
            Array.Clear(p, 0, size);
        bool padded;             // set to true if the rows of the initial matrix are 16 byte padded

        bool FactorClamped()
            clampedChangeStart = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numClamped; i++)
                Array.Copy(clamped[i], rowPtrs[i], numClamped);
            return(SIMDProcessor.MatX_LDLTFactor(clamped, diagonal, numClamped));
 void SolveClamped(ref idVecX x, float[] b)
     // solve L
     SIMDProcessor.MatX_LowerTriangularSolve(clamped, solveCache1.ToArray(), b, numClamped, clampedChangeStart);
     // solve D
     SIMDProcessor.Mul(solveCache2.ToArray(), solveCache1.ToArray(), diagonal.ToArray(), numClamped);
     // solve Lt
     SIMDProcessor.MatX_LowerTriangularSolveTranspose(clamped, x.ToArray(), solveCache2.ToArray(), numClamped);
     clampedChangeStart = numClamped;
 // modifies this->delta_a and uses this->delta_f
 void CalcAccelDelta(int d)
     // only the not clamped variables, including the current variable, can have a change in acceleration
     for (int j = numClamped; j <= d; j++)
         // only the clamped variables and the current variable have a force delta unequal zero
         float dot;
         SIMDProcessor.Dot(out dot, rowPtrs[j], delta_f.ToArray(), numClamped);
         delta_a[j] = dot + rowPtrs[j][d] * delta_f[d];
Beispiel #6
        public void Negate()
            SIMDProcessor.Negate16(p, size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                p[i] = -p[i];
Beispiel #7
        public idVecX opMul(float a)
            SIMDProcessor.MulAssign16(p, a, size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                p[i] *= a;
Beispiel #8
        public idVecX opAdd(idVecX a)
            Debug.Assert(size == a.size);
            SIMDProcessor.AddAssign16(p, a.p, size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                p[i] += a.p[i];
            tempIndex = 0;
Beispiel #9
        public static idVecX operator *(idVecX a, float b)
            idVecX m = new idVecX();

            SIMDProcessor.Mul16(m.p, p, a, size);
            for (int i = 0; i < a.size; i++)
                m.p[i] = a.p[i] * b;
Beispiel #10
        public static idVecX operator +(idVecX a, idVecX b)
            Debug.Assert(a.size == b.size);
            idVecX m = new idVecX();

            SIMDProcessor.Add16(m.p, a.p, b.p, a.size);
            for (int i = 0; i < a.size; i++)
                m.p[i] = a.p[i] + b.p[i];
        void AddClamped(int r, bool useSolveCache)
            Debug.Assert(r >= numClamped);
            if (numClamped < clampedChangeStart)
                clampedChangeStart = numClamped;
            // add a row at the bottom and a column at the right of the factored matrix for the clamped variables
            Swap(numClamped, r);
            // solve for v in L * v = rowPtr[numClamped]
            float dot = 0;

            if (useSolveCache)
                // the lower triangular solve was cached in SolveClamped called by CalcForceDelta
                Array.Copy(clamped[numClamped], solveCache2.ToArray(), numClamped);
                // calculate row dot product
                SIMDProcessor.Dot(out dot, solveCache2.ToArray(), solveCache1.ToArray(), numClamped);
                float[] v = new float[numClamped];
                SIMDProcessor.MatX_LowerTriangularSolve(clamped, v, rowPtrs[numClamped], numClamped);
                // add bottom row to L
                SIMDProcessor.Mul(clamped[numClamped], v, diagonal.ToArray(), numClamped);
                // calculate row dot product
                SIMDProcessor.Dot(out dot, clamped[numClamped], v, numClamped);
            // update diagonal[numClamped]
            float d = rowPtrs[numClamped][numClamped] - dot;

            if (d == 0.0f)
                idLib.common.Printf("AddClamped: updating factorization failed\n"); numClamped++; return;
            clamped[numClamped][numClamped] = d;
            diagonal[numClamped]            = 1.0f / d;
        public override bool Solve(ref idMatX o_m, ref idVecX o_x, ref idVecX o_b, ref idVecX o_lo, ref idVecX o_hi, int[] o_boxIndex)
            // true when the matrix rows are 16 byte padded
            padded = (((o_m.GetNumRows() + 3) & ~3) == o_m.GetNumColumns());
            Debug.Assert(padded || o_m.GetNumRows() == o_m.GetNumColumns());
            Debug.Assert(o_x.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows());
            Debug.Assert(o_b.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows());
            Debug.Assert(o_lo.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows());
            Debug.Assert(o_hi.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows());

            // allocate memory for permuted input
            f.SetData(o_m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_m.GetNumRows()));
            a.SetData(o_b.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_b.GetSize()));
            b.SetData(o_b.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_b.GetSize()));
            lo.SetData(o_lo.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_lo.GetSize()));
            hi.SetData(o_hi.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_hi.GetSize()));
            if (o_boxIndex != null)
                boxIndex = new int[o_x.GetSize()];
                Array.Copy(boxIndex, o_boxIndex, o_x.GetSize());
                boxIndex = null;
            // we override the const on o_m here but on exit the matrix is unchanged
            m.SetData(o_m.GetNumRows(), o_m.GetNumColumns(), (float[])o_m[0]);
            b  = o_b;
            lo = o_lo;
            hi = o_hi;
            // pointers to the rows of m
            rowPtrs = new float[m.GetNumRows()][];
            for (int i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++)
                rowPtrs[i] = m[i];
            // tells if a variable is at the low boundary, high boundary or inbetween
            side = new int[m.GetNumRows()];
            // index to keep track of the permutation
            permuted = new int[m.GetNumRows()];
            for (int i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++)
                permuted[i] = i;
            // permute input so all unbounded variables come first
            numUnbounded = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++)
                if (lo[i] == -float.NegativeInfinity && hi[i] == float.PositiveInfinity)
                    if (numUnbounded != i)
                        Swap(numUnbounded, i);
            // permute input so all variables using the boxIndex come last
            int boxStartIndex = m.GetNumRows();

            if (boxIndex != null)
                for (int i = m.GetNumRows() - 1; i >= numUnbounded; i--)
                    if (boxIndex[i] >= 0 && (lo[i] != float.NegativeInfinity || hi[i] != float.PositiveInfinity))
                        if (boxStartIndex != i)
                            Swap(boxStartIndex, i);
            // sub matrix for factorization
            clamped.SetData(m.GetNumRows(), m.GetNumColumns(), MATX_ALLOCA(m.GetNumRows() * m.GetNumColumns()));
            diagonal.SetData(m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA(m.GetNumRows()));
            // all unbounded variables are clamped
            numClamped = numUnbounded;
            // if there are unbounded variables
            if (numUnbounded != 0)
                // factor and solve for unbounded variables
                if (!FactorClamped())
                    idLib.common.Printf("idLCP_Square::Solve: unbounded factorization failed\n");
                SolveClamped(f, b.ToArray());
                // if there are no bounded variables we are done
                if (numUnbounded == m.GetNumRows())
                    o_x = f; // the vector is not permuted
            int numIgnored = 0;
            // allocate for delta force and delta acceleration
            delta_f.SetData(m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA(m.GetNumRows()));
            delta_a.SetData(m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA(m.GetNumRows()));
            //    // solve for bounded variables
            string failed = null;
            float  dot;
            for (int i = numUnbounded; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++)
                // once we hit the box start index we can initialize the low and high boundaries of the variables using the box index
                if (i == boxStartIndex)
                    for (int j = 0; j < boxStartIndex; j++)
                        o_x[permuted[j]] = f[j];
                    for (int j = boxStartIndex; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++)
                        float s = o_x[boxIndex[j]];
                        if (lo[j] != float.NegativeInfinity)
                            lo[j] = -idMath.Fabs(lo[j] * s);
                        if (hi[j] != float.PositiveInfinity)
                            hi[j] = idMath.Fabs(hi[j] * s);
                // calculate acceleration for current variable
                SIMDProcessor.Dot(out dot, rowPtrs[i], f.ToArray(), i);
                a[i] = dot - b[i];
                // if already at the low boundary
                if (lo[i] >= -LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && a[i] >= -LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON)
                    side[i] = -1; continue;
                // if already at the high boundary
                if (hi[i] <= LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && a[i] <= LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON)
                    side[i] = 1; continue;
                // if inside the clamped region
                if (idMath.Fabs(a[i]) <= LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON)
                    side[i] = 0; AddClamped(i); continue;
                // drive the current variable into a valid region
                int n;
                for (n = 0; n < maxIterations; n++)
                    // direction to move
                    float dir = (a[i] <= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
                    // calculate force delta
                    CalcForceDelta(i, dir);
                    // calculate acceleration delta: delta_a = m * delta_f;
                    // maximum step we can take
                    float maxStep;
                    int   limit;
                    int   limitSide;
                    GetMaxStep(i, dir, out maxStep, out limit, out limitSide);
                    if (maxStep <= 0.0f)
                        // ignore the current variable completely
                        lo[i]   = hi[i] = 0.0f;
                        f[i]    = 0.0f;
                        side[i] = -1;
                        failed = string.Format("invalid step size %.4f", maxStep);
                    // change force
                    ChangeForce(i, maxStep);
                    // change acceleration
                    ChangeAccel(i, maxStep);
                    // clamp/unclamp the variable that limited this step
                    side[limit] = limitSide;
                    switch (limitSide)
                    case 0:
                        a[limit] = 0.0f;

                    case -1:
                        f[limit] = lo[limit];
                        if (limit != i)

                    case 1:
                        f[limit] = hi[limit];
                        if (limit != i)
                    // if the current variable limited the step we can continue with the next variable
                    if (limit == i)
                if (n >= maxIterations)
                    failed = string.Format("max iterations %d", maxIterations);
                if (failed != null)

            if (numIgnored > 0)
                if (lcp_showFailures.GetBool())
                    idLib.common.Printf("idLCP_Symmetric::Solve: %d of %d bounded variables ignored\n", numIgnored, m.GetNumRows() - numUnbounded);
            // if failed clear remaining forces
            if (failed != null)
                if (lcp_showFailures.GetBool())
                    idLib.common.Printf("idLCP_Square::Solve: %s (%d of %d bounded variables ignored)\n", failed, m.GetNumRows() - i, m.GetNumRows() - numUnbounded);
                for (int j = i; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++)
                    f[j] = 0.0f;
#if _DEBUG && false
            if (failed == null)
                // test whether or not the solution satisfies the complementarity conditions
                for (int i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++)
                    a[i] = -b[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++)
                        a[i] += rowPtrs[i][j] * f[j];
                    if (f[i] == lo[i])
                        if (lo[i] != hi[i] && a[i] < -LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON)
                            int bah1 = 1;
                    else if (f[i] == hi[i])
                        if (lo[i] != hi[i] && a[i] > LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON)
                            int bah2 = 1;
                    else if (f[i] < lo[i] || f[i] > hi[i] || idMath.Fabs(a[i]) > 1.0f)
                        int bah3 = 1;
            // unpermute result
            for (int i = 0; i < f.GetSize(); i++)
                o_x[permuted[i]] = f[i];
            // unpermute original matrix
            for (int i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++)
                    if (permuted[j] == i)
                if (i != j)
                    m.SwapColumns(i, j);
                    idSwap(permuted[i], permuted[j]);
 // modifies this->a and uses this->delta_a
 void ChangeAccel(int d, float step)
     // only the not clamped variables, including the current variable, can have an acceleration unequal zero
     SIMDProcessor.MulAdd(a.ToArray() + numClamped, step, delta_a.ToArray() + numClamped, d - numClamped + 1);
 // modifies this->f and uses this->delta_f
 void ChangeForce(int d, float step)
     // only the clamped variables and current variable have a force delta unequal zero
     SIMDProcessor.MulAdd(f.ToArray(), step, delta_f.ToArray(), numClamped);
     f[d] += step * delta_f[d];
        void RemoveClamped(int r)
            double diag;

            Debug.Assert(r < numClamped);
            if (r < clampedChangeStart)
                clampedChangeStart = r;
            // no need to swap and update the factored matrix when the last row and column are removed
            if (r == numClamped)
            // swap the to be removed row/column with the last row/column
            Swap(r, numClamped);
            // update the factored matrix
            float[] addSub = new float[numClamped];
            if (r == 0)
                if (numClamped == 1)
                    diag = rowPtrs[0][0];
                    if (diag == 0.0f)
                        idLib.common.Printf("RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n"); return;
                    clamped[0][0] = diag;
                    diagonal[0]   = (float)(1.0f / diag);
                // calculate the row/column to be added to the lower right sub matrix starting at (r, r)
                float[] original = rowPtrs[numClamped];
                float[] ptr      = rowPtrs[r];
                addSub[0] = ptr[0] - original[numClamped];
                for (int i = 1; i < numClamped; i++)
                    addSub[i] = ptr[i] - original[i];
                float[] v = new float[numClamped];
                // solve for v in L * v = rowPtr[r]
                SIMDProcessor.MatX_LowerTriangularSolve(clamped, v, rowPtrs[r], r);
                // update removed row
                SIMDProcessor.Mul(clamped[r], v, diagonal.ToArray(), r);
                // if the last row/column of the matrix is updated
                if (r == numClamped - 1)
                    // only calculate new diagonal
                    float dot;
                    SIMDProcessor.Dot(out dot, clamped[r], v, r);
                    diag = rowPtrs[r][r] - dot;
                    if (diag == 0.0f)
                        idLib.common.Printf("RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n"); return;
                    clamped[r][r] = diag;
                    diagonal[r]   = (float)(1.0f / diag);
                // calculate the row/column to be added to the lower right sub matrix starting at (r, r)
                for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
                    v[i] = clamped[r][i] * clamped[i][i];
                for (int i = r; i < numClamped; i++)
                    double  sum = (i == r ? clamped[r][r] : clamped[r][r] * clamped[i][r]);
                    float[] ptr = clamped[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < r; j++)
                        sum += ptr[j] * v[j];
                    addSub[i] = (float)(rowPtrs[r][i] - sum);
            // add row/column to the lower right sub matrix starting at (r, r)
            float[] v1 = new float[numClamped];
            float[] v2 = new float[numClamped];
            diag  = idMath.SQRT_1OVER2;
            v1[r] = (float)((0.5f * addSub[r] + 1.0f) * diag);
            v2[r] = (float)((0.5f * addSub[r] - 1.0f) * diag);
            for (int i = r + 1; i < numClamped; i++)
                v1[i] = v2[i] = (float)(addSub[i] * diag);
            double alpha1 = 1.0f;
            double alpha2 = -1.0f;
            // simultaneous update/downdate of the sub matrix starting at (r, r)
            int n = clamped.GetNumColumns();

            for (int i = r; i < numClamped; i++)
                diag = clamped[i][i];
                double p1      = v1[i];
                double newDiag = diag + alpha1 * p1 * p1;
                if (newDiag == 0.0f)
                    idLib.Common.Printf("RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n"); return;
                alpha1 /= newDiag;
                double beta1 = p1 * alpha1;
                alpha1 *= diag;
                diag    = newDiag;
                double p2 = v2[i];
                newDiag = diag + alpha2 * p2 * p2;
                if (newDiag == 0.0f)
                    idLib.common.Printf("RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n"); return;
                clamped[i][i] = newDiag;
                double invNewDiag;
                diagonal[i] = (float)(invNewDiag = 1.0f / newDiag);
                alpha2     *= invNewDiag;
                double beta2 = p2 * alpha2;
                alpha2 *= diag;
                // update column below diagonal (i,i)
                float[] ptr = clamped.ToArray() + i;
                for (int j = i + 1; j < numClamped - 1; j += 2)
                    float sum0 = ptr[(j + 0) * n];
                    float sum1 = ptr[(j + 1) * n];
                    v1[j + 0]       -= (float)(p1 * sum0);
                    v1[j + 1]       -= (float)(p1 * sum1);
                    sum0            += (float)(beta1 * v1[j + 0]);
                    sum1            += (float)(beta1 * v1[j + 1]);
                    v2[j + 0]       -= (float)(p2 * sum0);
                    v2[j + 1]       -= (float)(p2 * sum1);
                    sum0            += (float)(beta2 * v2[j + 0]);
                    sum1            += (float)(beta2 * v2[j + 1]);
                    ptr[(j + 0) * n] = sum0;
                    ptr[(j + 1) * n] = sum1;
                for (int j; j < numClamped; j++)
                    double sum = ptr[j * n];
                    v1[j]     -= (float)(p1 * sum);
                    sum       += beta1 * v1[j];
                    v2[j]     -= (float)(p2 * sum);
                    sum       += beta2 * v2[j];
                    ptr[j * n] = (float)sum;