AddType() public method

public AddType ( IType type, string shortType ) : ICompletionData
type IType
shortType string
return ICompletionData
		IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateTypeAndNamespaceCompletionData(TextLocation location, ResolveResult resolveResult, AstNode resolvedNode, CSharpResolver state)
			if (resolveResult == null || resolveResult.IsError) {
				return null;
			var exprParent = resolvedNode.GetParent<Expression>();
			var unit = exprParent != null ? exprParent.GetParent<SyntaxTree>() : null;

			var astResolver = unit != null ? CompletionContextProvider.GetResolver(state, unit) : null;
			IType hintType = exprParent != null && astResolver != null ? 
			                 TypeGuessing.GetValidTypes(astResolver, exprParent).FirstOrDefault() :
			var result = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
			var lookup = new MemberLookup(
			if (resolveResult is NamespaceResolveResult) {
				var nr = (NamespaceResolveResult)resolveResult;
				if (!(resolvedNode.Parent is UsingDeclaration || resolvedNode.Parent != null && resolvedNode.Parent.Parent is UsingDeclaration)) {
					foreach (var cl in nr.Namespace.Types) {
						if (hintType != null && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array && cl.Kind == TypeKind.Interface) {
						if (!lookup.IsAccessible(cl, false))
						result.AddType(cl, false, IsAttributeContext(resolvedNode));
				foreach (var ns in nr.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
					result.AddNamespace(lookup, ns);
			} else if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult) {
				var type = resolveResult.Type;
				foreach (var nested in type.GetNestedTypes ()) {
					if (hintType != null && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array && nested.Kind == TypeKind.Interface) {
					var def = nested.GetDefinition();
					if (def != null && !lookup.IsAccessible(def, false))
					result.AddType(nested, false);
			return result.Result;
		IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateCompletionData(TextLocation location, ResolveResult resolveResult, AstNode resolvedNode, CSharpResolver state, Func<IType, IType> typePred = null)
			if (resolveResult == null /*			|| resolveResult.IsError*/) {
				return null;

			var lookup = new MemberLookup(

			if (resolveResult is NamespaceResolveResult) {
				var nr = (NamespaceResolveResult)resolveResult;
				var namespaceContents = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);

				foreach (var cl in nr.Namespace.Types) {
					if (!lookup.IsAccessible(cl, false))
					IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(cl) : cl;
					if (addType != null)
						namespaceContents.AddType(addType, false);

				foreach (var ns in nr.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
					namespaceContents.AddNamespace(lookup, ns);
				return namespaceContents.Result;
			IType type = resolveResult.Type;

			if (type.Namespace == "System" && type.Name == "Void")
				return null;

			if (resolvedNode.Parent is PointerReferenceExpression && (type is PointerType)) {
				resolveResult = new OperatorResolveResult(((PointerType)type).ElementType, System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.Extension, resolveResult);

			//var typeDef = resolveResult.Type.GetDefinition();
			var result = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
			bool includeStaticMembers = false;

			if (resolveResult is LocalResolveResult) {
				if (resolvedNode is IdentifierExpression) {
					var mrr = (LocalResolveResult)resolveResult;
					includeStaticMembers = mrr.Variable.Name == mrr.Type.Name;
			if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult && type.Kind == TypeKind.Enum) {
				foreach (var field in type.GetFields ()) {
					if (!lookup.IsAccessible(field, false))
				return result.Result;

			bool isProtectedAllowed = resolveResult is ThisResolveResult ? true : lookup.IsProtectedAccessAllowed(type);
			bool skipNonStaticMembers = (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult);

			if (resolveResult is MemberResolveResult && resolvedNode is IdentifierExpression) {
				var mrr = (MemberResolveResult)resolveResult;
				includeStaticMembers = mrr.Member.Name == mrr.Type.Name;

				TypeResolveResult trr;
				if (state.IsVariableReferenceWithSameType(
					out trr
				)) {
					if (currentMember != null && mrr.Member.IsStatic ^ currentMember.IsStatic) {
						skipNonStaticMembers = true;

						if (trr.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Enum) {
							foreach (var field in trr.Type.GetFields ()) {
								if (lookup.IsAccessible(field, false))
							return result.Result;
				// ADD Aliases
				var scope = ctx.CurrentUsingScope;

				for (var n = scope; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
					foreach (var pair in n.UsingAliases) {
						if (pair.Key == mrr.Member.Name) {
							foreach (var r in CreateCompletionData (location, pair.Value, resolvedNode, state)) {
								if (r is IEntityCompletionData && ((IEntityCompletionData)r).Entity is IMember) {
								} else {

			if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult && (resolvedNode is IdentifierExpression || resolvedNode is MemberReferenceExpression)) {
				includeStaticMembers = true;

			//			Console.WriteLine ("type:" + type +"/"+type.GetType ());
			//			Console.WriteLine ("current:" + ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition);
			//			Console.WriteLine ("IS PROT ALLOWED:" + isProtectedAllowed + " static: "+ includeStaticMembers);
			//			Console.WriteLine (resolveResult);
			//			Console.WriteLine ("node:" + resolvedNode);
			//			Console.WriteLine (currentMember !=  null ? currentMember.IsStatic : "currentMember == null");

			if (resolvedNode.Annotation<ObjectCreateExpression>() == null) {
				//tags the created expression as part of an object create expression.
				var filteredList = new List<IMember>();
				foreach (var member in type.GetMembers ()) {
				foreach (var member in filteredList) {
					//					Console.WriteLine ("add:" + member + "/" + member.IsStatic);
				foreach (var member in lookup.GetAccessibleMembers (resolveResult)) {
					if (member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Indexer || member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Operator || member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Constructor || member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Destructor) {
					if (resolvedNode is BaseReferenceExpression && member.IsAbstract) {
					if (member is IType) {
						if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult || includeStaticMembers) {
							if (!lookup.IsAccessible(member, isProtectedAllowed))
							result.AddType((IType)member, false);
					bool memberIsStatic = member.IsStatic;
					if (!includeStaticMembers && memberIsStatic && !(resolveResult is TypeResolveResult)) {
						//						Console.WriteLine ("skip static member: " + member.FullName);

					var field = member as IField;
					if (field != null) {
						memberIsStatic |= field.IsConst;
					if (!memberIsStatic && skipNonStaticMembers) {

					if (member is IMethod && ((IMethod)member).FullName == "System.Object.Finalize") {
					if (member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Operator) {

					if (member is IMember) {

			if (!(resolveResult is TypeResolveResult || includeStaticMembers)) {
				foreach (var meths in state.GetExtensionMethods (type)) {
					foreach (var m in meths) {
						if (!lookup.IsAccessible(m, isProtectedAllowed))
						result.AddMember(new ReducedExtensionMethod(m));

			//			IEnumerable<object> objects = resolveResult.CreateResolveResult (dom, resolver != null ? resolver.CallingMember : null);
			//			CompletionDataCollector col = new CompletionDataCollector (this, dom, result, Document.CompilationUnit, resolver != null ? resolver.CallingType : null, location);
			//			col.HideExtensionParameter = !resolveResult.StaticResolve;
			//			col.NamePrefix = expressionResult.Expression;
			//			bool showOnlyTypes = expressionResult.Contexts.Any (ctx => ctx == ExpressionContext.InheritableType || ctx == ExpressionContext.Constraints);
			//			if (objects != null) {
			//				foreach (object obj in objects) {
			//					if (expressionResult.ExpressionContext != null && expressionResult.ExpressionContext.FilterEntry (obj))
			//						continue;
			//					if (expressionResult.ExpressionContext == ExpressionContext.NamespaceNameExcepted && !(obj is Namespace))
			//						continue;
			//					if (showOnlyTypes && !(obj is IType))
			//						continue;
			//					CompletionData data = col.Add (obj);
			//					if (data != null && expressionResult.ExpressionContext == ExpressionContext.Attribute && data.CompletionText != null && data.CompletionText.EndsWith ("Attribute")) {
			//						string newText = data.CompletionText.Substring (0, data.CompletionText.Length - "Attribute".Length);
			//						data.SetText (newText);
			//					}
			//				}
			//			}

			return result.Result;
		void AddTypesAndNamespaces(CompletionDataWrapper wrapper, CSharpResolver state, AstNode node, Func<IType, IType> typePred = null, Predicate<IMember> memberPred = null, Action<ICompletionData, IType> callback = null, bool onlyAddConstructors = false)
			var lookup = new MemberLookup(ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition, Compilation.MainAssembly);

			if (currentType != null) {
				for (var ct = ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition; ct != null; ct = ct.DeclaringTypeDefinition) {
					foreach (var nestedType in ct.GetNestedTypes ()) {
						if (!lookup.IsAccessible(nestedType.GetDefinition(), true))
						if (onlyAddConstructors) {
							if (!nestedType.GetConstructors().Any(c => lookup.IsAccessible(c, true)))

						if (typePred == null) {
							if (onlyAddConstructors)
								wrapper.AddConstructors(nestedType, false, IsAttributeContext(node));
								wrapper.AddType(nestedType, false, IsAttributeContext(node));

						var type = typePred(nestedType);
						if (type != null) {
							var a2 = onlyAddConstructors ? wrapper.AddConstructors(type, false, IsAttributeContext(node)) : wrapper.AddType(type, false, IsAttributeContext(node));
							if (a2 != null && callback != null) {
								callback(a2, type);

				if (this.currentMember != null && !(node is AstType)) {
					var def = ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition;
					if (def == null && currentType != null)
						def = Compilation.MainAssembly.GetTypeDefinition(currentType.FullTypeName);
					if (def != null) {
						bool isProtectedAllowed = true;

						foreach (var member in def.GetMembers (m => currentMember.IsStatic ? m.IsStatic : true)) {
							if (member is IMethod && ((IMethod)member).FullName == "System.Object.Finalize") {
							if (member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Operator) {
							if (member.IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation) {
							if (!lookup.IsAccessible(member, isProtectedAllowed)) {
							if (memberPred == null || memberPred(member)) {
						var declaring = def.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
						while (declaring != null) {
							foreach (var member in declaring.GetMembers (m => m.IsStatic)) {
								if (memberPred == null || memberPred(member)) {
							declaring = declaring.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
				if (ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition != null) {
					foreach (var p in ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition.TypeParameters) {
			var scope = ctx.CurrentUsingScope;

			for (var n = scope; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
				foreach (var pair in n.UsingAliases) {
				foreach (var alias in n.ExternAliases) {
				foreach (var u in n.Usings) {
					foreach (var type in u.Types) {
						if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))

						IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(type) : type;

						if (onlyAddConstructors && addType != null) {
							if (!addType.GetConstructors().Any(c => lookup.IsAccessible(c, true)))

						if (addType != null) {
							var a = onlyAddConstructors ? wrapper.AddConstructors(addType, false, IsAttributeContext(node)) : wrapper.AddType(addType, false, IsAttributeContext(node));
							if (a != null && callback != null) {
								callback(a, type);

				foreach (var type in n.Namespace.Types) {
					if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))
					IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(type) : type;

					if (onlyAddConstructors && addType != null) {
						if (!addType.GetConstructors().Any(c => lookup.IsAccessible(c, true)))

					if (addType != null) {
						var a2 = onlyAddConstructors ? wrapper.AddConstructors(addType, false, IsAttributeContext(node)) : wrapper.AddType(addType, false);
						if (a2 != null && callback != null) {
							callback(a2, type);

			for (var n = scope; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
				foreach (var curNs in n.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
					wrapper.AddNamespace(lookup, curNs);

			if (node is AstType && node.Parent is Constraint && IncludeKeywordsInCompletionList) {

			if (AutomaticallyAddImports) {
				state = GetState();
				ICompletionData[] importData;

				var namespaces = new List<INamespace>();
				for (var n = ctx.CurrentUsingScope; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
					foreach (var u in n.Usings)

				if (this.CompletionEngineCache != null && ListEquals(namespaces, CompletionEngineCache.namespaces)) {
					importData = CompletionEngineCache.importCompletion;
				} else {
					// flatten usings
					var importList = new List<ICompletionData>();
					var dict = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, ICompletionData>>();
					foreach (var type in Compilation.GetAllTypeDefinitions ()) {
						if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))
						if (namespaces.Any(n => n.FullName == type.Namespace))
						bool useFullName = false;
						foreach (var ns in namespaces) {
							if (ns.GetTypeDefinition(type.Name, type.TypeParameterCount) != null) {
								useFullName = true;

						if (onlyAddConstructors) {
							if (!type.GetConstructors().Any(c => lookup.IsAccessible(c, true)))
						var data = factory.CreateImportCompletionData(type, useFullName, onlyAddConstructors);
						Dictionary<string, ICompletionData> createdDict;
						if (!dict.TryGetValue(type.Name, out createdDict)) {
							createdDict = new Dictionary<string, ICompletionData>();
							dict.Add(type.Name, createdDict);
						ICompletionData oldData;
						if (!createdDict.TryGetValue(type.Namespace, out oldData)) {
							createdDict.Add(type.Namespace, data);
						} else {

					importData = importList.ToArray();
					if (CompletionEngineCache != null) {
						CompletionEngineCache.namespaces = namespaces;
						CompletionEngineCache.importCompletion = importData;
				foreach (var data in importData) {


		IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateConstructorCompletionData(IType hintType)
			var wrapper = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
			var state = GetState();
			Func<IType, IType> pred = null;
			Action<ICompletionData, IType> typeCallback = null;
			var inferredTypesCategory = new Category("Inferred Types", null);
			var derivedTypesCategory = new Category("Derived Types", null);
			if (hintType != null) {
				if (hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Unknown) {
					var lookup = new MemberLookup(
					typeCallback = (data, t) => {
						//check if type is in inheritance tree.
						if (hintType.GetDefinition() != null &&
							t.GetDefinition() != null &&
							t.GetDefinition().IsDerivedFrom(hintType.GetDefinition())) {
							data.CompletionCategory = derivedTypesCategory;
					pred = t => {
						if (t.Kind == TypeKind.Interface && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array) {
							return null;
						// check for valid constructors
						if (t.GetConstructors().Count() > 0) {
							bool isProtectedAllowed = currentType != null ? 
							                          currentType.Resolve(ctx).GetDefinition().IsDerivedFrom(t.GetDefinition()) : false;
							if (!t.GetConstructors().Any(m => lookup.IsAccessible(m, isProtectedAllowed))) {
								return null;

						// check derived types
						var typeDef = t.GetDefinition();
						var hintDef = hintType.GetDefinition();
						if (typeDef != null && hintDef != null && typeDef.IsDerivedFrom(hintDef)) {
							var newType = wrapper.AddType(t, true);
							if (newType != null) {
								newType.CompletionCategory = inferredTypesCategory;

						// check type inference
						var typeInference = new TypeInference(Compilation);
						typeInference.Algorithm = TypeInferenceAlgorithm.ImprovedReturnAllResults;

						var inferedType = typeInference.FindTypeInBounds(new [] { t }, new [] { hintType });
						if (inferedType != SpecialType.UnknownType) {
							var newType = wrapper.AddType(inferedType, true);
							if (newType != null) {
								newType.CompletionCategory = inferredTypesCategory;
							return null;
						return t;
					if (!(hintType.Kind == TypeKind.Interface && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array)) {
						var hint = wrapper.AddType(hintType, true);
						if (hint != null) {
							DefaultCompletionString = hint.DisplayText;
							hint.CompletionCategory = derivedTypesCategory;
					if (hintType is ParameterizedType && hintType.TypeParameterCount == 1 && hintType.FullName == "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable") {
						var arg = ((ParameterizedType)hintType).TypeArguments.FirstOrDefault();
						if (arg.Kind != TypeKind.TypeParameter) {
							var array = new ArrayType(ctx.Compilation, arg, 1);
							wrapper.AddType(array, true);
				} else {
					var hint = wrapper.AddType(hintType, true);
					if (hint != null) {
						DefaultCompletionString = hint.DisplayText;
						hint.CompletionCategory = derivedTypesCategory;
			AddTypesAndNamespaces(wrapper, state, null, pred, m => false, typeCallback, true);
			if (hintType == null || hintType == SpecialType.UnknownType) {
				AddKeywords(wrapper, primitiveTypesKeywords.Where(k => k != "void"));

			CloseOnSquareBrackets = true;
			AutoCompleteEmptyMatch = true;
			AutoCompleteEmptyMatchOnCurlyBracket = false;
			return wrapper.Result;
		IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateTypeAndNamespaceCompletionData(TextLocation location, ResolveResult resolveResult, AstNode resolvedNode, CSharpResolver state)
			if (resolveResult == null || resolveResult.IsError) {
				return null;
			var exprParent = resolvedNode.GetParent<Expression>();
			var unit = exprParent != null ? exprParent.GetParent<CompilationUnit>() : null;

			var astResolver = unit != null ? new CSharpAstResolver(
			) : null;
			IType hintType = exprParent != null && astResolver != null ? 
				CreateFieldAction.GetValidTypes(astResolver, exprParent) .FirstOrDefault() :
			var result = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
			if (resolveResult is NamespaceResolveResult) {
				var nr = (NamespaceResolveResult)resolveResult;
				if (!(resolvedNode.Parent is UsingDeclaration || resolvedNode.Parent != null && resolvedNode.Parent.Parent is UsingDeclaration)) {
					foreach (var cl in nr.Namespace.Types) {
						string name = cl.Name;
						if (hintType != null && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array && cl.Kind == TypeKind.Interface) {
						if (IsAttributeContext(resolvedNode) && name.EndsWith("Attribute") && name.Length > "Attribute".Length) {
							name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - "Attribute".Length);
						result.AddType(cl, name);
				foreach (var ns in nr.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
			} else if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult) {
				var type = resolveResult.Type;
				foreach (var nested in type.GetNestedTypes ()) {
					if (hintType != null && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array && nested.Kind == TypeKind.Interface) {
					result.AddType(nested, nested.Name);
			return result.Result;
		void AddEnumMembers(CompletionDataWrapper completionList, IType resolvedType, CSharpResolver state)
			if (resolvedType.Kind != TypeKind.Enum) {
			string typeString = GetShortType(resolvedType, state);
			if (typeString.Contains(".")) {
				completionList.AddType(resolvedType, typeString);
			foreach (var field in resolvedType.GetFields ()) {
				if (field.IsConst || field.IsStatic) {
						typeString + "." + field.Name
			DefaultCompletionString = typeString;
        void AddTypesAndNamespaces(CompletionDataWrapper wrapper, CSharpResolver state, AstNode node, Func<IType, IType> typePred = null, Predicate<IMember> memberPred = null, Action<ICompletionData, IType> callback = null, bool onlyAddConstructors = false)
            var lookup = new MemberLookup(ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition, Compilation.MainAssembly);

            if (currentType != null) {
                for (var ct = ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition; ct != null; ct = ct.DeclaringTypeDefinition) {
                    foreach (var nestedType in ct.GetNestedTypes ()) {
                        if (!lookup.IsAccessible (nestedType.GetDefinition (), true))
                        if (onlyAddConstructors) {
                            if (!nestedType.GetConstructors().Any(c => lookup.IsAccessible(c, true)))

                        if (typePred == null) {
                            if (onlyAddConstructors)
                                wrapper.AddConstructors (nestedType, false, IsAttributeContext(node));
                                wrapper.AddType(nestedType, false, IsAttributeContext(node));

                        var type = typePred(nestedType);
                        if (type != null) {
                            var a2 = onlyAddConstructors ? wrapper.AddConstructors(type, false, IsAttributeContext(node)) : wrapper.AddType(type, false, IsAttributeContext(node));
                            if (a2 != null && callback != null) {
                                callback(a2, type);

                if (this.currentMember != null && !(node is AstType)) {
                    var def = ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition;
                    if (def == null && currentType != null)
                        def = Compilation.MainAssembly.GetTypeDefinition(currentType.FullTypeName);
                    if (def != null) {
                        bool isProtectedAllowed = true;

                        foreach (var member in def.GetMembers (m => currentMember.IsStatic ? m.IsStatic : true)) {
                            if (member is IMethod && ((IMethod)member).FullName == "System.Object.Finalize") {
                            if (member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Operator) {
                            if (member.IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation) {
                            if (!lookup.IsAccessible(member, isProtectedAllowed)) {
                            if (memberPred == null || memberPred(member)) {
                        var declaring = def.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
                        while (declaring != null) {
                            foreach (var member in declaring.GetMembers (m => m.IsStatic)) {
                                if (memberPred == null || memberPred(member)) {
                            declaring = declaring.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
                if (ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition != null) {
                    foreach (var p in ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition.TypeParameters) {
            var scope = ctx.CurrentUsingScope;

            for (var n = scope; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
                foreach (var pair in n.UsingAliases) {
                foreach (var alias in n.ExternAliases) {
                foreach (var u in n.Usings) {
                    foreach (var type in u.Types) {
                        if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))

                        IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(type) : type;

                        if (onlyAddConstructors && addType != null) {
                            if (!addType.GetConstructors().Any(c => lookup.IsAccessible(c, true)))

                        if (addType != null) {
                            var a = onlyAddConstructors ? wrapper.AddConstructors(addType, false, IsAttributeContext(node)) : wrapper.AddType(addType, false, IsAttributeContext(node));
                            if (a != null && callback != null) {
                                callback(a, type);

                foreach (var type in n.Namespace.Types) {
                    if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))
                    IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(type) : type;

                    if (onlyAddConstructors && addType != null) {
                        if (!addType.GetConstructors().Any(c => lookup.IsAccessible(c, true)))

                    if (addType != null) {
                        var a2 = onlyAddConstructors ? wrapper.AddConstructors(addType, false, IsAttributeContext(node)) : wrapper.AddType(addType, false);
                        if (a2 != null && callback != null) {
                            callback(a2, type);

                foreach (var curNs in n.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
                    wrapper.AddNamespace(lookup, curNs);

            if (node is AstType && node.Parent is Constraint && IncludeKeywordsInCompletionList) {
                wrapper.AddCustom ("new()");

            if (AutomaticallyAddImports) {
                state = GetState();
                foreach (var type in Compilation.GetAllTypeDefinitions ()) {
                    if (!lookup.IsAccessible (type, false))
                    var resolveResult = state.LookupSimpleNameOrTypeName(type.Name, type.TypeArguments, NameLookupMode.Expression);
                    if (resolveResult.Type.GetDefinition () == type)

                    if (onlyAddConstructors) {
                        if (!type.GetConstructors().Any(c => lookup.IsAccessible(c, true)))

                    wrapper.AddTypeImport(type, !resolveResult.IsError, onlyAddConstructors);
		void AddTypesAndNamespaces(CompletionDataWrapper wrapper, CSharpResolver state, AstNode node, Func<IType, IType> typePred = null, Predicate<IMember> memberPred = null, Action<ICompletionData, IType> callback = null)
			var lookup = new MemberLookup(
			if (currentType != null) {
				for (var ct = currentType; ct != null; ct = ct.DeclaringTypeDefinition) {
					foreach (var nestedType in ct.NestedTypes) {
						string name = nestedType.Name;
						if (IsAttributeContext(node) && name.EndsWith("Attribute") && name.Length > "Attribute".Length) {
							name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - "Attribute".Length);

						if (typePred == null) {
							wrapper.AddType(nestedType, name);

						var type = typePred(nestedType.Resolve(ctx));
						if (type != null) {
							var a2 = wrapper.AddType(type, name);
							if (a2 != null && callback != null) {
								callback(a2, type);
				if (this.currentMember != null && !(node is AstType)) {
					var def = ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition ?? Compilation.MainAssembly.GetTypeDefinition(currentType);
					if (def != null) {
						bool isProtectedAllowed = true;
						foreach (var member in def.GetMembers ()) {
							if (member is IMethod && ((IMethod)member).FullName == "System.Object.Finalize") {
							if (member.EntityType == EntityType.Operator) {
							if (member.IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation) {
							if (!lookup.IsAccessible(member, isProtectedAllowed)) {

							if (memberPred == null || memberPred(member)) {
						var declaring = def.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
						while (declaring != null) {
							foreach (var member in declaring.GetMembers (m => m.IsStatic)) {
								if (memberPred == null || memberPred(member)) {
							declaring = declaring.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
				foreach (var p in currentType.TypeParameters) {
			var scope = CSharpParsedFile.GetUsingScope(location).Resolve(Compilation);
			for (var n = scope; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
				foreach (var pair in n.UsingAliases) {
				foreach (var u in n.Usings) {
					foreach (var type in u.Types) {
						if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))

						IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(type) : type;
						if (addType != null) {
							string name = type.Name;
							if (IsAttributeContext(node) && name.EndsWith("Attribute") && name.Length > "Attribute".Length) {
								name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - "Attribute".Length);
							var a = wrapper.AddType(addType, name);
							if (a != null && callback != null) {
								callback(a, type);
				foreach (var type in n.Namespace.Types) {
					if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))
					IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(type) : type;
					if (addType != null) {
						var a2 = wrapper.AddType(addType, addType.Name);
						if (a2 != null && callback != null) {
							callback(a2, type);
				foreach (var curNs in n.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
Beispiel #9
 IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateTypeAndNamespaceCompletionData(TextLocation location, ResolveResult resolveResult, AstNode resolvedNode, CSharpResolver state)
     if (resolveResult == null || resolveResult.IsError)
         return null;
     var result = new CompletionDataWrapper (this);
     if (resolveResult is NamespaceResolveResult) {
         var nr = (NamespaceResolveResult)resolveResult;
         foreach (var cl in nr.Namespace.Types) {
             result.AddType (cl, cl.Name);
         foreach (var ns in nr.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
             result.AddNamespace (ns.Name);
     } else if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult) {
         var type = resolveResult.Type;
         foreach (var nested in type.GetNestedTypes ()) {
             result.AddType (nested, nested.Name);
     return result.Result;
Beispiel #10
        IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateTypeCompletionData(IType hintType, AstType hintTypeAst)
            var wrapper = new CompletionDataWrapper (this);
            var state = GetState ();
            Predicate<IType> pred = null;
            if (hintType != null) {

                if (hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Unknown) {
                    var lookup = new MemberLookup (ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition, Compilation.MainAssembly);
                    pred = t => {
                        // check if type is in inheritance tree.
                        if (hintType.GetDefinition () != null && !t.GetDefinition ().IsDerivedFrom (hintType.GetDefinition ()))
                            return false;

                        // check for valid constructors
                        if (t.GetConstructors ().Count () == 0)
                            return true;
                        bool isProtectedAllowed = currentType != null ? currentType.Resolve (ctx).GetDefinition ().IsDerivedFrom (t.GetDefinition ()) : false;
                        return t.GetConstructors ().Any (m => lookup.IsAccessible (m, isProtectedAllowed));
                    DefaultCompletionString = GetShortType (hintType, GetState ());
                    wrapper.AddType (hintType, DefaultCompletionString);
                } else {
                    DefaultCompletionString = hintTypeAst.ToString ();
                    wrapper.AddType (hintType, DefaultCompletionString);
            AddTypesAndNamespaces (wrapper, state, null, pred, m => false);
            AddKeywords (wrapper, primitiveTypesKeywords.Where (k => k != "void"));
            CloseOnSquareBrackets = true;
            AutoCompleteEmptyMatch = true;
            return wrapper.Result;
Beispiel #11
        IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateCompletionData(TextLocation location, ResolveResult resolveResult, AstNode resolvedNode, CSharpResolver state)
            if (resolveResult == null /*|| resolveResult.IsError*/)
                return null;

            if (resolveResult is NamespaceResolveResult) {
                var nr = (NamespaceResolveResult)resolveResult;
                var namespaceContents = new CompletionDataWrapper (this);

                foreach (var cl in nr.Namespace.Types) {
                    namespaceContents.AddType (cl, cl.Name);

                foreach (var ns in nr.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
                    namespaceContents.AddNamespace (ns.Name);
                return namespaceContents.Result;

            IType type = resolveResult.Type;
            var typeDef = resolveResult.Type.GetDefinition ();
            var lookup = new MemberLookup (ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition, Compilation.MainAssembly);
            var result = new CompletionDataWrapper (this);
            bool isProtectedAllowed = false;
            bool includeStaticMembers = false;

            if (resolveResult is LocalResolveResult) {
                isProtectedAllowed = currentType != null && typeDef != null ? typeDef.GetAllBaseTypeDefinitions ().Any (bt => bt.Equals (currentType)) : false;
                if (resolvedNode is IdentifierExpression) {
                    var mrr = (LocalResolveResult)resolveResult;
                    includeStaticMembers = mrr.Variable.Name == mrr.Type.Name;
            } else {
                isProtectedAllowed = currentType != null && typeDef != null ? currentType.Resolve (ctx).GetDefinition ().GetAllBaseTypeDefinitions ().Any (bt => bt.Equals (typeDef)) : false;
            if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult && type.Kind == TypeKind.Enum) {
                foreach (var field in type.GetFields ()) {
                    result.AddMember (field);
                foreach (var m in type.GetMethods ()) {
                    if (m.Name == "TryParse")
                        result.AddMember (m);
                return result.Result;

            if (resolveResult is MemberResolveResult && resolvedNode is IdentifierExpression) {
                var mrr = (MemberResolveResult)resolveResult;
                includeStaticMembers = mrr.Member.Name == mrr.Type.Name;

            //			Console.WriteLine ("type:" + type +"/"+type.GetType ());
            //			Console.WriteLine ("IS PROT ALLOWED:" + isProtectedAllowed);
            //			Console.WriteLine (resolveResult);
            //			Console.WriteLine (currentMember !=  null ? currentMember.IsStatic : "currentMember == null");

            if (resolvedNode.Annotation<ObjectCreateExpression> () == null) { //tags the created expression as part of an object create expression.
                foreach (var member in type.GetMembers ()) {
                    if (!lookup.IsAccessible (member, isProtectedAllowed)) {
                        //					Console.WriteLine ("skip access: " + member.FullName);
                    if (resolvedNode is BaseReferenceExpression && member.IsAbstract)

                    if (!includeStaticMembers && member.IsStatic && !(resolveResult is TypeResolveResult)) {
                        //					Console.WriteLine ("skip static member: " + member.FullName);
                    if (!member.IsStatic && (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult)) {
                        //					Console.WriteLine ("skip non static member: " + member.FullName);
                    //				Console.WriteLine ("add : "+ member.FullName + " --- " + member.IsStatic);
                    result.AddMember (member);

            if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult || includeStaticMembers) {
                foreach (var nested in type.GetNestedTypes ()) {
                    result.AddType (nested, nested.Name);

            } else {
                foreach (var meths in state.GetAllExtensionMethods (type)) {
                    foreach (var m in meths) {
                        result.AddMember (m);

            //			IEnumerable<object> objects = resolveResult.CreateResolveResult (dom, resolver != null ? resolver.CallingMember : null);
            //			CompletionDataCollector col = new CompletionDataCollector (this, dom, result, Document.CompilationUnit, resolver != null ? resolver.CallingType : null, location);
            //			col.HideExtensionParameter = !resolveResult.StaticResolve;
            //			col.NamePrefix = expressionResult.Expression;
            //			bool showOnlyTypes = expressionResult.Contexts.Any (ctx => ctx == ExpressionContext.InheritableType || ctx == ExpressionContext.Constraints);
            //			if (objects != null) {
            //				foreach (object obj in objects) {
            //					if (expressionResult.ExpressionContext != null && expressionResult.ExpressionContext.FilterEntry (obj))
            //						continue;
            //					if (expressionResult.ExpressionContext == ExpressionContext.NamespaceNameExcepted && !(obj is Namespace))
            //						continue;
            //					if (showOnlyTypes && !(obj is IType))
            //						continue;
            //					CompletionData data = col.Add (obj);
            //					if (data != null && expressionResult.ExpressionContext == ExpressionContext.Attribute && data.CompletionText != null && data.CompletionText.EndsWith ("Attribute")) {
            //						string newText = data.CompletionText.Substring (0, data.CompletionText.Length - "Attribute".Length);
            //						data.SetText (newText);
            //					}
            //				}
            //			}

            return result.Result;
Beispiel #12
        void AddTypesAndNamespaces(CompletionDataWrapper wrapper, CSharpResolver state, AstNode node, Predicate<IType> typePred = null, Predicate<IMember> memberPred = null)
            var currentMember = ctx.CurrentMember;
            if (currentType != null) {
                for (var ct = currentType; ct != null; ct = ct.DeclaringTypeDefinition) {
                    foreach (var nestedType in ct.NestedTypes) {
                        if (typePred == null || typePred (nestedType.Resolve (ctx))) {
                            string name = nestedType.Name;
                            if (node is Attribute && name.EndsWith ("Attribute") && name.Length > "Attribute".Length)
                                name = name.Substring (0, name.Length - "Attribute".Length);
                            wrapper.AddType (nestedType, name);
                if (this.currentMember != null) {
                    var def = ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition ?? Compilation.MainAssembly.GetTypeDefinition (currentType);
                    foreach (var member in def.GetMembers ()) {
                        if (memberPred == null || memberPred (member))
                            wrapper.AddMember (member);
                    var declaring = def.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
                    while (declaring != null) {
                        foreach (var member in declaring.GetMembers (m => m.IsStatic)) {
                            if (memberPred == null || memberPred (member))
                                wrapper.AddMember (member);
                        declaring = declaring.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
                foreach (var p in currentType.TypeParameters) {
                    wrapper.AddTypeParameter (p);

            for (var n = state.CurrentUsingScope; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
                foreach (var pair in n.UsingAliases) {
                    wrapper.AddNamespace (pair.Key);
                foreach (var u in n.Usings) {
                    foreach (var type in u.Types) {
                        if (typePred == null || typePred (type)) {
                            string name = type.Name;
                            if (node is Attribute && name.EndsWith ("Attribute") && name.Length > "Attribute".Length)
                                name = name.Substring (0, name.Length - "Attribute".Length);
                            wrapper.AddType (type, name);

                foreach (var type in n.Namespace.Types) {
                    if (typePred == null || typePred (type))
                        wrapper.AddType (type, type.Name);

                foreach (var curNs in n.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
                    wrapper.AddNamespace (curNs.Name);
		IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateTypeAndNamespaceCompletionData(TextLocation location, ResolveResult resolveResult, AstNode resolvedNode, CSharpResolver state)
			if (resolveResult == null || resolveResult.IsError) {
				return null;

			var hintType = GuessHintType(resolvedNode);
			var result = new CompletionDataWrapper (this);
			if (resolveResult is NamespaceResolveResult) {
				var nr = (NamespaceResolveResult)resolveResult;
				if (!(resolvedNode.Parent is UsingDeclaration || resolvedNode.Parent != null && resolvedNode.Parent.Parent is UsingDeclaration)) {
					foreach (var cl in nr.Namespace.Types) {
						string name = cl.Name;
						if (hintType != null && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array && cl.Kind == TypeKind.Interface) {
						if (IsAttributeContext(resolvedNode) && name.EndsWith("Attribute") && name.Length > "Attribute".Length) {
							name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - "Attribute".Length);
						result.AddType(cl, name);
				foreach (var ns in nr.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
			} else if (resolveResult is TypeResolveResult) {
				var type = resolveResult.Type;
				foreach (var nested in type.GetNestedTypes ()) {
					if (hintType != null && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array && nested.Kind == TypeKind.Interface) {
					result.AddType(nested, nested.Name);
			return result.Result;
        void AddTypesAndNamespaces(CompletionDataWrapper wrapper, CSharpResolver state, AstNode node, Func<IType, IType> typePred = null, Predicate<IMember> memberPred = null, Action<ICompletionData, IType> callback = null)
            var lookup = new MemberLookup(ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition, Compilation.MainAssembly);

            if (currentType != null) {
                for (var ct = ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition; ct != null; ct = ct.DeclaringTypeDefinition) {
                    foreach (var nestedType in ct.GetNestedTypes ()) {
                        if (!lookup.IsAccessible (nestedType.GetDefinition (), true))

                        if (typePred == null) {
                            wrapper.AddType(nestedType, false, IsAttributeContext(node));

                        var type = typePred(nestedType);
                        if (type != null) {
                            var a2 = wrapper.AddType(type, false, IsAttributeContext(node));
                            if (a2 != null && callback != null) {
                                callback(a2, type);
                if (this.currentMember != null && !(node is AstType)) {
                    var def = ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition;
                    if (def == null && currentType != null)
                        def = Compilation.MainAssembly.GetTypeDefinition(currentType.FullTypeName);
                    if (def != null) {
                        bool isProtectedAllowed = true;

                        foreach (var member in def.GetMembers (m => currentMember.IsStatic ? m.IsStatic : true)) {
                            if (member is IMethod && ((IMethod)member).FullName == "System.Object.Finalize") {
                            if (member.EntityType == EntityType.Operator) {
                            if (member.IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation) {
                            if (!lookup.IsAccessible(member, isProtectedAllowed)) {
                            if (memberPred == null || memberPred(member)) {
                        var declaring = def.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
                        while (declaring != null) {
                            foreach (var member in declaring.GetMembers (m => m.IsStatic)) {
                                if (memberPred == null || memberPred(member)) {
                            declaring = declaring.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
                if (ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition != null) {
                    foreach (var p in ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition.TypeParameters) {
            var scope = ctx.CurrentUsingScope;

            for (var n = scope; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
                foreach (var pair in n.UsingAliases) {
                foreach (var alias in n.ExternAliases) {
                foreach (var u in n.Usings) {
                    foreach (var type in u.Types) {
                        if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))

                        IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(type) : type;
                        if (addType != null) {
                            var a = wrapper.AddType(addType, false, IsAttributeContext(node));
                            if (a != null && callback != null) {
                                callback(a, type);

                foreach (var type in n.Namespace.Types) {
                    if (!lookup.IsAccessible(type, false))
                    IType addType = typePred != null ? typePred(type) : type;
                    if (addType != null) {
                        var a2 = wrapper.AddType(addType, false);
                        if (a2 != null && callback != null) {
                            callback(a2, type);

                foreach (var curNs in n.Namespace.ChildNamespaces) {
                    wrapper.AddNamespace(lookup, curNs);

            if (node is AstType && node.Parent is Constraint) {
                wrapper.AddCustom ("new()");
		IEnumerable<ICompletionData> CreateTypeCompletionData(IType hintType, AstType hintTypeAst)
			var wrapper = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
			var state = GetState();
			Func<IType, IType> pred = null;
			if (hintType != null) {
				if (hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Unknown) {
					var lookup = new MemberLookup(ctx.CurrentTypeDefinition, Compilation.MainAssembly);
					pred = t => {
						// check if type is in inheritance tree.
						if (hintType.GetDefinition() != null && !t.GetDefinition().IsDerivedFrom(hintType.GetDefinition())) {
							return null;
						if (t.Kind == TypeKind.Interface && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array) {
							return null;
						// check for valid constructors
						if (t.GetConstructors().Count() > 0) {
							bool isProtectedAllowed = currentType != null ? currentType.Resolve(ctx).GetDefinition().IsDerivedFrom(t.GetDefinition()) : false;
							if (!t.GetConstructors().Any(m => lookup.IsAccessible(m, isProtectedAllowed)))
								return null;

						var typeInference = new TypeInference(Compilation);
						typeInference.Algorithm = TypeInferenceAlgorithm.ImprovedReturnAllResults;
						var inferedType = typeInference.FindTypeInBounds(new [] { t }, new [] { hintType });
						wrapper.AddType(inferedType, amb.ConvertType(inferedType));
						return null;
					if (!(hintType.Kind == TypeKind.Interface && hintType.Kind != TypeKind.Array)) {
						DefaultCompletionString = GetShortType(hintType, GetState());
						wrapper.AddType(hintType, DefaultCompletionString);
					if (hintType is ParameterizedType && hintType.TypeParameterCount == 1 && hintType.FullName == "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable") {
						var arg = ((ParameterizedType)hintType).TypeArguments.FirstOrDefault();
						var array = new ArrayTypeReference(arg.ToTypeReference(), 1).Resolve(ctx);
						wrapper.AddType(array, amb.ConvertType(array));
				} else {
					DefaultCompletionString = hintTypeAst.ToString();
					wrapper.AddType(hintType, DefaultCompletionString);
			AddTypesAndNamespaces(wrapper, state, null, pred, m => false);
			if (hintType == null || hintType == SpecialType.UnknownType)
				AddKeywords(wrapper, primitiveTypesKeywords.Where(k => k != "void"));
			CloseOnSquareBrackets = true;
			AutoCompleteEmptyMatch = true;
			return wrapper.Result;