Beispiel #1
 private void ReadData()
         TagData = new TagDataEntry[TagTable.TagCount];
         for (int j = 0; j < TagTable.TagCount; j++) { TagData[j] = TagDataEntry.CreateEntry(TagTable.Data[j], Header); }
     catch (Exception ex) { throw new CorruptProfileException("Profile is corrupt", ex); }
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the all entries with the specific signature
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="TagName">The signature of the entry</param>
 /// <returns>The array of data of the named entry</returns>
 public TagDataEntry[] GetAllEntries(TagSignature TagName)
     TagTableEntry[] Entries = TagTable.Data.Where(t => t.Signature == TagName).ToArray();
     if (Entries.Length != 0)
         TagDataEntry[] output = new TagDataEntry[Entries.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < Entries.Length; i++ ) { output[i] = TagData[Entries[i].Index]; }
         return output;
     else { return null; }
 private double[] PCS_Multiprocess_PCS()
     TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.DToB0Tag);
     return ((multiProcessElementsTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic);
 private static void GetCurve(int Offset, ref TagDataEntry[] data, int idx, int InputChannelCount)
     //Signature (4 bytes + 4 bytes reserved)
     TypeSignature t = (TypeSignature)Helper.GetUInt32(Offset);
     if (t != TypeSignature.curve && t != TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { throw new CorruptProfileException("lutAToBTagDataEntry"); }
     data = new TagDataEntry[InputChannelCount];
     int end = idx + Offset;
     for (int i = 0; i < InputChannelCount; i++)
         if (t == TypeSignature.curve)
             data[i] = new curveTagDataEntry(end);
             end = ((curveTagDataEntry)data[i]).end;
         else if (t == TypeSignature.parametricCurve)
             data[i] = new parametricCurveTagDataEntry(idx);
             end = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)data[i]).end;
         end += (end % 4) + 8;
        private double[] PCS_MatrixTRC_Device()
            output = new double[3];
            if (ic.Length != 3) { throw new ArgumentException("Input color has wrong number of channels"); }
            if (InModel != ColorModel.CIEXYZ) { throw new ArgumentException("Profile connection space has to be XYZ"); }
            Mr = ((XYZTagDataEntry)Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.redMatrixColumnTag)).Data[0].GetArray();
            Mg = ((XYZTagDataEntry)Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.greenMatrixColumnTag)).Data[0].GetArray();
            Mb = ((XYZTagDataEntry)Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.blueMatrixColumnTag)).Data[0].GetArray();
            M = new double[3, 3] { { Mr[0], Mg[0], Mb[0] }, { Mr[1], Mg[1], Mb[1] }, { Mr[2], Mg[2], Mb[2] } };
            t = mmath.MultiplyMatrix(mmath.InvertMatrix(M), ic);

            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.redTRCTag);
            if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.curve) { output[0] = ((curveTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValueInverted(t[0]); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { output[0] = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).Curve.InverseFunction(t[0]); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("redTRCTag has wrong type"); }

            TagEntry2 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.greenTRCTag);
            if (TagEntry2.Signature == TypeSignature.curve) { output[1] = ((curveTagDataEntry)TagEntry2).GetValueInverted(t[1]); }
            else if (TagEntry2.Signature == TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { output[1] = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)TagEntry2).Curve.InverseFunction(t[1]); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("greenTRCTag has wrong type"); }

            TagEntry3 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.blueTRCTag);
            if (TagEntry3.Signature == TypeSignature.curve) { output[2] = ((curveTagDataEntry)TagEntry3).GetValueInverted(t[2]); }
            else if (TagEntry3.Signature == TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { output[2] = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)TagEntry3).Curve.InverseFunction(t[2]); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("blueTRCTag has wrong type"); }

            return output;
        private double[] PCS_Multiprocess_Device()
            if (ic.Length != 3) { throw new ArgumentException("Input color has wrong number of channels"); }
            if (InModel != ColorModel.CIEXYZ && InModel != ColorModel.CIELab) { throw new ArgumentException("Profile connection space has to be either XYZ or Lab"); }

            if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.RelativeColorimetric) { sig = TagSignature.BToD1Tag; }
            else if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.Saturation) { sig = TagSignature.BToD2Tag; }
            else if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.AbsoluteColorimetric) { sig = TagSignature.BToD3Tag; }
            else { sig = TagSignature.BToD0Tag; }
            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(sig);
            if (TagEntry1 == null) { TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.BToD0Tag); }

            return ((multiProcessElementsTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic);
        private double[] PCS_LUT_Device()
            if (ic.Length != 3) { throw new ArgumentException("Input color has wrong number of channels"); }
            if (InModel != ColorModel.CIEXYZ && InModel != ColorModel.CIELab) { throw new ArgumentException("Profile connection space has to be either XYZ or Lab"); }

            if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.RelativeColorimetric) { sig = TagSignature.BToA1Tag; }
            else if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.Saturation) { sig = TagSignature.BToA2Tag; }
            else { sig = TagSignature.BToA0Tag; }
            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(sig);
            if (TagEntry1 == null) { TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.BToA0Tag); }

            if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lut8) { output = ((lut8TagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lut16) { output = ((lut16TagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lutBToA) { output = ((lutBToATagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("BToATag has wrong type"); }

            return output;
        private double[] PCS_LUT_PCS()
            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.AToB0Tag);
            if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lut8) { output = ((lut8TagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lut16) { output = ((lut16TagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lutAToB) { output = ((lutAToBTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("AToBTag has wrong type"); }

            return output;
        private double[] PCS_Gray_Device()
            if (Profile.Header.PCS == ColorSpaceType.CIEXYZ) { sic = InValues[1]; }
            else if (Profile.Header.PCS == ColorSpaceType.CIELAB) { sic = InValues[0] / 100d; }
            else { throw new ArgumentException("Profile connection space is corrupt! (has to be either XYZ or Lab)"); }

            output = new double[1];
            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.grayTRCTag);
            if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.curve) { output[0] = ((curveTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValueInverted(sic); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { output[0] = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).Curve.InverseFunction(sic); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("grayTRCTag has wrong type"); }

            return output;
        private double[] Device_Multiprocess_PCS()
            if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.RelativeColorimetric) { sig = TagSignature.DToB1Tag; }
            else if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.Saturation) { sig = TagSignature.DToB2Tag; }
            else if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.AbsoluteColorimetric) { sig = TagSignature.DToB3Tag; }
            else { sig = TagSignature.DToB0Tag; }
            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(sig);
            if (TagEntry1 == null) { TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.DToB0Tag); }

            return ((multiProcessElementsTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic);
        private double[] Device_MatrixTRC_PCS()
            t = new double[3];
            if (ic.Length != 3) { throw new ArgumentException("Input color has wrong number of channels"); }

            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.redTRCTag);
            if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.curve) { t[0] = ((curveTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic[0]); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { t[0] = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).Curve.Function(ic[0]); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("redTRCTag has wrong type"); }

            TagEntry2 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.greenTRCTag);
            if (TagEntry2.Signature == TypeSignature.curve) { t[1] = ((curveTagDataEntry)TagEntry2).GetValue(ic[1]); }
            else if (TagEntry2.Signature == TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { t[1] = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)TagEntry2).Curve.Function(ic[1]); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("greenTRCTag has wrong type"); }

            TagEntry3 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.blueTRCTag);
            if (TagEntry3.Signature == TypeSignature.curve) { t[2] = ((curveTagDataEntry)TagEntry3).GetValue(ic[2]); }
            else if (TagEntry3.Signature == TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { t[2] = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)TagEntry3).Curve.Function(ic[2]); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("blueTRCTag has wrong type"); }

            Mr = ((XYZTagDataEntry)Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.redMatrixColumnTag)).Data[0].GetArray();
            Mg = ((XYZTagDataEntry)Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.greenMatrixColumnTag)).Data[0].GetArray();
            Mb = ((XYZTagDataEntry)Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.blueMatrixColumnTag)).Data[0].GetArray();
            M = new double[3, 3] { { Mr[0], Mg[0], Mb[0] }, { Mr[1], Mg[1], Mb[1] }, { Mr[2], Mg[2], Mb[2] } };

            return mmath.MultiplyMatrix(M, t);
        private double[] Device_LUT_PCS()
            if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.RelativeColorimetric) { sig = TagSignature.AToB1Tag; }
            else if (PreferredRenderingIntent == RenderingIntent.Saturation) { sig = TagSignature.AToB2Tag; }
            else { sig = TagSignature.AToB0Tag; }
            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(sig);
            if (TagEntry1 == null) { TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.AToB0Tag); }

            if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lut8) { output = ((lut8TagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lut16) { output = ((lut16TagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.lutAToB) { output = ((lutAToBTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(ic); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("AToBTag has wrong type"); }

            return output;
        private Color Device_Gray_PCS()
            TagEntry1 = Profile.GetEntry(TagSignature.grayTRCTag);
            if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.curve) { sout = ((curveTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).GetValue(InValues[0]); }
            else if (TagEntry1.Signature == TypeSignature.parametricCurve) { sout = ((parametricCurveTagDataEntry)TagEntry1).Curve.Function(InValues[0]); }
            else { throw new CorruptProfileException("grayTRCTag has wrong type"); }

            if (Profile.Header.PCS == ColorSpaceType.CIEXYZ) { return new ColorXYZ(Profile.ReferenceWhite, 0, sout, 0); }
            else if (Profile.Header.PCS == ColorSpaceType.CIELAB) { return new ColorLab(Profile.ReferenceWhite, sout * 100, 0, 0); }
            else { throw new ArgumentException("Profile connection space is corrupt! (has to be either XYZ or Lab)"); }