Beispiel #1
        public static WTPFile Create(string filepath)
            string baseFileName      = filepath.Substring(filepath.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1);
            string baseFileNameLower = baseFileName.ToLower();

            string directory = "";

            if (filepath.IndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) != -1)
                directory = filepath.Substring(0, filepath.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            if (baseFileNameLower.EndsWith(".wtp"))
                baseFileName = baseFileName.Substring(0, baseFileName.Length - 4);
            else if (baseFileNameLower.EndsWith(".tga"))
                if (baseFileNameLower.EndsWith("_primary.tga"))
                    baseFileName = baseFileName.Substring(0, baseFileName.Length - 12);
                else if (baseFileNameLower.EndsWith("_secondary.tga"))
                    baseFileName = baseFileName.Substring(0, baseFileName.Length - 14);
                else if (baseFileNameLower.EndsWith("_weapon.tga") || baseFileNameLower.EndsWith("_banner.tga"))
                    baseFileName = baseFileName.Substring(0, baseFileName.Length - 11);
                else if (baseFileNameLower.EndsWith("_badge.tga"))
                    baseFileName = baseFileName.Substring(0, baseFileName.Length - 10);
                else if (baseFileNameLower.EndsWith("_eyes.tga") || baseFileNameLower.EndsWith("_trim.tga") || baseFileNameLower.EndsWith("_dirt.tga"))
                    baseFileName = baseFileName.Substring(0, baseFileName.Length - 9);
                    baseFileName = baseFileName.Substring(0, baseFileName.Length - 4);
                throw new InvalidFileException("File path specified is not valid for a WTP file or one of its components");

            string skinName = baseFileName.Substring(baseFileName.LastIndexOf('_') + 1);          //make it forwards compatible on the off-chance Relic introduce multiple textures

            ChunkyDataDATA defaultData = null;
            ChunkyData     attr        = null;
            FileStream     fs          = null;
            BinaryReader   br          = null;
            FileInfo       file        = null;

            byte [] data;

            int width  = 0;
            int height = 0;

            if (File.Exists(directory + baseFileName + ".tga"))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + ".tga");
                file = new FileInfo(directory + baseFileName + ".tga");
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                width  = br.ReadInt16();
                height = br.ReadInt16();
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                defaultData = ChunkyDataDATAIMAG.CreateFromTGA(2, "", data);

                data = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, (byte)width, (byte)(width >> 8), (byte)(width >> 16), (byte)(width >> 24), (byte)(height), (byte)(height >> 8), (byte)(height >> 16), (byte)(height >> 24), 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 };
                attr = new ChunkyDataUnknown("ATTR", 2, "", data);
                throw new RelicTools.Exceptions.FileNotFoundException("WTP files must have a 32bit layer e.g. _default.tga layer");

            string dirt_name = directory + baseFileName + "_Dirt.tga";

            ChunkyFolder defaultFolder = new ChunkyFolder("IMAG", 1, "TOOL:" + dirt_name);


            ChunkyDataPTLD primary       = null;
            ChunkyDataPTLD secondary     = null;
            ChunkyDataPTLD trim          = null;
            ChunkyDataPTLD weapon        = null;
            ChunkyDataPTLD eyes          = null;
            ChunkyDataPTLD dirt          = null;
            ChunkyDataPTBD badge         = null;
            ChunkyDataPTBN banner        = null;
            string         primaryname   = directory + baseFileName + "_Primary.tga";
            string         secondaryname = directory + baseFileName + "_Secondary.tga";
            string         trimname      = directory + baseFileName + "_Trim.tga";
            string         weaponname    = directory + baseFileName + "_Weapon.tga";
            string         eyesname      = directory + baseFileName + "_Eyes.tga";
            string         badgename     = directory + baseFileName + "_Badge.tga";
            string         bannername    = directory + baseFileName + "_Banner.tga";

            //int byteRead = width*height+18;//length of TGA data plus header

            if (File.Exists(dirt_name))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + "_Dirt.tga");
                file = new FileInfo(dirt_name);
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                dirt = ChunkyDataPTLD.CreateFromTGA(PTLD_Layers.Dirt, 1, "", data);
                throw new RelicTools.Exceptions.FileNotFoundException("WTP Files must contain a dirt layer");

            data    = new byte[8];
            data[0] = (byte)(width);
            data[1] = (byte)(width >> 8);
            data[2] = (byte)(width >> 16);
            data[3] = (byte)(width >> 24);
            data[4] = (byte)(height);
            data[5] = (byte)(height >> 8);
            data[6] = (byte)(height >> 16);
            data[7] = (byte)(height >> 24);

            ChunkyData info = new ChunkyDataUnknown("INFO", 1, "", data);

            if (File.Exists(primaryname))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + "_Primary.tga");
                file = new FileInfo(primaryname);
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                primary = ChunkyDataPTLD.CreateFromTGA(PTLD_Layers.Primary, 1, "", data);

                if (primary == null)
                    CompilationEvent("Skipped " + baseFileName + "_Primary.tga - no team colour data");

            if (File.Exists(secondaryname))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + "_Secondary.tga");
                file = new FileInfo(secondaryname);
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                secondary = ChunkyDataPTLD.CreateFromTGA(PTLD_Layers.Secondary, 1, "", data);

                if (secondary == null)
                    CompilationEvent("Skipped " + baseFileName + "_Secondary.tga - no team colour data");

            if (File.Exists(trimname))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + "_Trim.tga");
                file = new FileInfo(trimname);
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                trim = ChunkyDataPTLD.CreateFromTGA(PTLD_Layers.Trim, 1, "", data);

                if (trim == null)
                    CompilationEvent("Skipped " + baseFileName + "_Trim.tga - no team colour data");

            if (File.Exists(weaponname))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + "_Weapon.tga");
                file = new FileInfo(weaponname);
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                weapon = ChunkyDataPTLD.CreateFromTGA(PTLD_Layers.Weapon, 1, "", data);

                if (weapon == null)
                    CompilationEvent("Skipped " + baseFileName + "_Weapon.tga - no team colour data");

            if (File.Exists(eyesname))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + "_Eyes.tga");
                file = new FileInfo(eyesname);
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                eyes = ChunkyDataPTLD.CreateFromTGA(PTLD_Layers.Eyes, 1, "", data);

                if (eyes == null)
                    CompilationEvent("Skipped " + baseFileName + "_Eyes.tga - no team colour data");

            if (File.Exists(badgename))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + "_Badge.tga");
                file = new FileInfo(badgename);
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                badge = ChunkyDataPTBD.CreateFromTGA(1, "", data);

            if (File.Exists(bannername))
                CompilationEvent("Reading " + baseFileName + "_Banner.tga");
                file = new FileInfo(bannername);
                fs   = file.OpenRead();
                br   = new BinaryReader(fs);
                br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                data = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length);

                banner = ChunkyDataPTBN.CreateFromTGA(1, "", data);

            if (badge != null && banner != null)
                if (((badge.Pos_x <= banner.Pos_x && (badge.Pos_x + badge.Width) >= banner.Pos_x) ||
                     (badge.Pos_x <= (banner.Pos_x + banner.Width) && (badge.Pos_x + badge.Width) >= (banner.Pos_x + banner.Width))) &&
                    ((badge.Pos_y <= banner.Pos_y && (badge.Pos_y + badge.Height) >= banner.Pos_y) ||
                     (badge.Pos_y <= (banner.Pos_y + banner.Height) && (badge.Pos_y + badge.Height) >= (banner.Pos_y + banner.Height))))
                    throw new InvalidFileException("Badge and banner position overlap");

            CompilationEvent("Compiling WTP File");
            ChunkyFolder tpat = new ChunkyFolder("TPAT", 3, skinName);


            return(new WTPFile(baseFileName + ".wtp", tpat));

            //RelicChunkyFile.SaveChunky(directory+baseFileName+".wtp", tpat.GetBytes());
Beispiel #2
        public byte[] CreateCompositeTGABytes(LayerCollection colours, string badgePath, string bannerPath)
            if (colours[PTLD_Layers.Dirt].Length != 3)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("LayerCollection 'colours' must contain RGB colour data in a 3-byte array");

            FileInfo     file = null;
            BinaryReader br   = null;

            byte[] badge  = new byte[64 * 64 * 4];
            byte[] banner = new byte[64 * 96 * 4];
            byte[] temp;

            CompilationEvent("Loading badge");
            if (File.Exists(badgePath))
                file = new FileInfo(badgePath);
                br   = new BinaryReader(file.OpenRead());
                temp = br.ReadBytes((int)file.Length);

                if ((temp[12] + (temp[13] << 8)) != 64 || (temp[14] + (temp[15] << 8)) != 64)
                    CompilationEvent("Invalid badge image - badge must be a 64x64 pixel 24/32-bit TGA image", true);
                else if (!((temp[16] == 32 || temp[16] == 24) && temp[2] == 2))
                    CompilationEvent("Invalid badge image - badge must be a 64x64 pixel 24/32-bit TGA image", true);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(ImageConverter.TGAto32bitTGA(temp), 18, badge, 0, badge.Length);
                CompilationEvent("Invalid badge path - file must exist. Using blank badge.", true);

            CompilationEvent("Loading banner");
            if (File.Exists(bannerPath))
                file = new FileInfo(bannerPath);
                br   = new BinaryReader(file.OpenRead());
                temp = br.ReadBytes((int)file.Length);

                if ((temp[12] + (temp[13] << 8)) != 64 || (temp[14] + (temp[15] << 8)) != 96)
                    CompilationEvent("Invalid banner image - banner must be a 64x96 pixel 24/32-bit TGA image", true);
                else if (!((temp[16] == 32 || temp[16] == 24) && temp[2] == 2))
                    CompilationEvent("Invalid banner image - banner must be a 64x64 pixel 24/32-bit TGA image", true);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(ImageConverter.TGAto32bitTGA(temp), 18, banner, 0, banner.Length);
                CompilationEvent("Invalid banner path - file must exist. Using blank badge.", true);

            ChunkyFolder root = (ChunkyFolder)this.ChunkyStructures[0].RootChunks[0];

            ChunkyChunk        chunk       = null;
            ChunkyDataPTLD     ptld        = null;
            ChunkyDataPTBN     bannerLayer = null;
            ChunkyDataPTBD     badgeLayer  = null;
            ChunkyDataINFOTPAT info        = (ChunkyDataINFOTPAT)root.Children[0];
            LayerCollection    layers      = new LayerCollection(info.Width * info.Height);

            byte[] mainImage = new byte[info.Width * info.Height];

            int badge_bottom = int.MaxValue;
            int badge_top    = int.MaxValue;
            int badge_left   = int.MaxValue;
            int badge_right  = int.MaxValue;

            int banner_bottom = int.MaxValue;
            int banner_top    = int.MaxValue;
            int banner_left   = int.MaxValue;
            int banner_right  = int.MaxValue;

            CompilationEvent("Loading colour layers");
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Children.Count; i++)
                chunk = root.Children[i];

                if (chunk is ChunkyDataPTLD)
                    ptld = (ChunkyDataPTLD)root.Children[i];
                    layers[(int)ptld.Layer] = ptld.GetColourBytes();
                else if (chunk is ChunkyDataPTBD)
                    badgeLayer   = (ChunkyDataPTBD)chunk;
                    badge_bottom = (int)badgeLayer.Pos_y;
                    badge_top    = badge_bottom + (int)badgeLayer.Height;
                    badge_left   = (int)badgeLayer.Pos_x;
                    badge_right  = badge_left + (int)badgeLayer.Width;
                else if (chunk is ChunkyDataPTBN)
                    bannerLayer   = (ChunkyDataPTBN)chunk;
                    banner_bottom = (int)bannerLayer.Pos_y;
                    banner_top    = banner_bottom + (int)bannerLayer.Height;
                    banner_left   = (int)bannerLayer.Pos_x;
                    banner_right  = banner_left + (int)bannerLayer.Width;
                else if (chunk is ChunkyFolder)
                    mainImage = ((ChunkyData)((ChunkyFolder)chunk).Children[1]).GetDataBytes();

            int bytePos       = 0;
            int bytePos32bit  = 0;
            int bytePosBadge  = 0;
            int bytePosBanner = 0;

            byte[] badgeByte;
            byte[] bannerByte;
            double ratio;
            double ratio2;
            double ratio3;
            double ratioTC;
            double tempByte    = 0;
            double extra       = 0;
            int    badge_width = 0;

            if (badgeLayer != null)
                badge_width = (int)badgeLayer.Width;

            int banner_width = 0;

            if (bannerLayer != null)
                banner_width = (int)bannerLayer.Width;

            CompilationEvent("Compiling TGA");
            for (int i = 0; i < info.Height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < info.Width; j++)
                    bytePos      = (i * info.Width) + j;
                    bytePos32bit = bytePos * 4;
                    ratio        = layers[PTLD_Layers.Dirt][bytePos] / 255.0;

                    if (badge_left <= j && badge_right > j && badge_bottom <= i && badge_top > i)
                        bytePosBadge = ((i - badge_bottom) * badge_width + (j - badge_left)) * 4;

                        ratio2    = (badge[bytePosBadge + 3] / 255.0);
                        badgeByte = new byte[] { badge[bytePosBadge], badge[bytePosBadge + 1], badge[bytePosBadge + 2] };
                        ratio2    = 0;
                        badgeByte = new byte[3];

                    if (banner_left <= j && banner_right > j && banner_bottom <= i && banner_top > i)
                        bytePosBanner = ((i - banner_bottom) * banner_width + (j - banner_left)) * 4;

                        ratio3     = (banner[bytePosBanner + 3] / 255.0);
                        bannerByte = new byte[] { banner[bytePosBanner], banner[bytePosBanner + 1], banner[bytePosBanner + 2] };
                        ratio3     = 0;
                        bannerByte = new byte[3];

                    ratioTC = 1 - ratio;

                    ratio2  = ratioTC * ratio2;
                    ratio3  = ratioTC * ratio3;
                    ratioTC = (ratioTC - ratio2 - ratio3) * 2;
                    extra   = 0;

                    //TGA files run in reverse - little-endian ARGB, which ends up as BGRA in the file

                    tempByte = (ratio * mainImage[bytePos32bit + 2]) + (ratioTC) * ((colours[PTLD_Layers.Primary][0] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Primary][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                    (colours[PTLD_Layers.Secondary][0] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Secondary][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                    (colours[PTLD_Layers.Weapon][0] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Weapon][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                    (colours[PTLD_Layers.Trim][0] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Trim][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                    (colours[PTLD_Layers.Eyes][0] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Eyes][bytePos] / 255.0)) + ratio2 * badgeByte[2] + ratio3 * bannerByte[2];

                    if (tempByte > byte.MaxValue)
                        //CompilationEvent("Colour overflow at X:"+j.ToString()+", Y:"+i.ToString()+". Colour will show as Magenta or other bright colour with some colour schemes.", true);
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit + 2] = byte.MaxValue;
                        extra = (tempByte - byte.MaxValue);
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit + 2] = (byte)tempByte;

                    tempByte = (ratio * mainImage[bytePos32bit + 1]) + (ratioTC) * ((colours[PTLD_Layers.Primary][1] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Primary][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                    (colours[PTLD_Layers.Secondary][1] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Secondary][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                    (colours[PTLD_Layers.Weapon][1] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Weapon][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                    (colours[PTLD_Layers.Trim][1] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Trim][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                    (colours[PTLD_Layers.Eyes][1] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Eyes][bytePos] / 255.0)) + extra + ratio2 * badgeByte[1] + ratio3 * bannerByte[1];

                    if (tempByte > byte.MaxValue)
                        //CompilationEvent("Colour overflow at X:"+j.ToString()+", Y:"+i.ToString()+". Colour will show as Magenta or other bright colour with some colour schemes.", true);
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit + 1] = byte.MaxValue;
                        extra    = extra + tempByte - byte.MaxValue;
                        tempByte = mainImage[bytePos32bit + 2] + extra;
                        if (tempByte > byte.MaxValue)
                            tempByte = byte.MaxValue;
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit + 2] = (byte)tempByte;
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit + 1] = (byte)tempByte;

                    tempByte = (ratio * mainImage[bytePos32bit]) + (ratioTC) * ((colours[PTLD_Layers.Primary][2] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Primary][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                (colours[PTLD_Layers.Secondary][2] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Secondary][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                (colours[PTLD_Layers.Weapon][2] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Weapon][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                (colours[PTLD_Layers.Trim][2] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Trim][bytePos] / 255.0) +
                                                                                (colours[PTLD_Layers.Eyes][2] * layers[PTLD_Layers.Eyes][bytePos] / 255.0)) + extra + ratio2 * badgeByte[0] + ratio3 * bannerByte[0];

                    if (tempByte > byte.MaxValue)
                        //CompilationEvent("Colour overflow at X:"+j.ToString()+", Y:"+i.ToString()+". Colour will show as Magenta or other bright colour with some colour schemes.", true);
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit] = byte.MaxValue;
                        extra    = extra + tempByte - byte.MaxValue;
                        tempByte = mainImage[bytePos32bit + 2] + extra;
                        if (tempByte > byte.MaxValue)
                            tempByte = byte.MaxValue;
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit + 2] = (byte)tempByte;
                        tempByte = mainImage[bytePos32bit + 1] + extra;
                        if (tempByte > byte.MaxValue)
                            tempByte = byte.MaxValue;
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit + 1] = (byte)tempByte;
                        mainImage[bytePos32bit] = (byte)tempByte;
