// Returns a new Orderer instance for the specified orderer name
        private Orderer GetOrderer(HFClient client, string ordererName)
            Orderer orderer = null;
            Node    o       = orderers.GetOrNull(ordererName);

            if (o != null)
                orderer = client.NewOrderer(o.Name, o.Url, o.Properties);

Beispiel #2
         * Construct client for accessing Orderer server using the existing managedChannel.
        public OrdererClient(Orderer orderer, Endpoint endPoint, Properties properties)
            this.endPoint = endPoint;
            string name = orderer.Name;

            string url = orderer.Url;

            channelName = orderer.Channel.Name;
            toString    = $"OrdererClient{{id: {Config.Instance.GetNextID()}, channel: {channelName}, name: {name}, url: {url}}}";

            ordererWaitTimeMilliSecs = ORDERER_WAIT_TIME;

            if (properties != null && properties.Contains("ordererWaitTimeMilliSecs"))
                string ordererWaitTimeMilliSecsString = properties["ordererWaitTimeMilliSecs"];
                if (!long.TryParse(ordererWaitTimeMilliSecsString, out ordererWaitTimeMilliSecs))
                    logger.Warn($"Orderer {this} wait time {ordererWaitTimeMilliSecsString} not parsable.");
        // Reconstructs an existing channel
        private async Task <Channel> ReconstructChannelAsync(HFClient client, string channelName, JToken jsonChannel, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            Channel channel;

            channel = client.NewChannel(channelName);

            // orderers is an array of orderer name strings
            JArray ordererNames = jsonChannel["orderers"] as JArray;

            //out("Orderer names: " + (ordererNames == null ? "null" : ordererNames.toString()));
            if (ordererNames != null)
                foreach (JToken jsonVal in ordererNames)
                    string  ordererName = jsonVal.Value <string>();
                    Orderer orderer     = GetOrderer(client, ordererName);
                    if (orderer == null)
                        throw new NetworkConfigurationException($"Error constructing channel {channelName}. Orderer {ordererName} not defined in configuration");


            // peers is an object containing a nested object for each peer
            JToken jsonPeers = jsonChannel["peers"];
            bool   foundPeer = false;

            //out("Peers: " + (peers == null ? "null" : peers.toString()));
            if (jsonPeers != null)
                foreach (JProperty prop in jsonPeers.Children <JProperty>())
                    string peerName = prop.Name;

                    if (logger.IsTraceEnabled())
                        logger.Trace($"NetworkConfig.reconstructChannel: Processing peer {peerName}");

                    JToken jsonPeer = prop.Value;
                    if (jsonPeer == null)
                        throw new NetworkConfigurationException($"Error constructing channel {channelName}. Invalid peer entry: {peerName}");

                    Peer peer = GetPeer(client, peerName);
                    if (peer == null)
                        throw new NetworkConfigurationException($"Error constructing channel {channelName}. Peer {peerName} not defined in configuration");

                    // Set the various roles
                    PeerOptions peerOptions = PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions();
                    foreach (PeerRole peerRole in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PeerRole)))
                        SetPeerRole(peerOptions, jsonPeer, peerRole);

                    foundPeer = true;

                    // Add the event hub associated with this peer
                    EventHub eventHub = GetEventHub(client, peerName);
                    if (eventHub != null)
                        await channel.AddEventHubAsync(eventHub, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (!peerOptions.HasPeerRoles())
                            // means no roles were found but there is an event hub so define all roles but eventing.
                            peerOptions.SetPeerRoles(new List <PeerRole> {
                                PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY

                    await channel.AddPeerAsync(peer, peerOptions, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!foundPeer)
                // peers is a required field
                throw new NetworkConfigurationException($"Error constructing channel {channelName}. At least one peer must be specified");
